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business spotlight
Naturopathic Medicine Done Right
Generative Health provides services in naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and CranioSacral Therapy (CS), addressing health conditions with natural approaches that are safe and effective, including diet, genomic analysis and herbal medicine. They work on prevention, rather than patching symptoms, to find the root cause of the health problems.
Dr. Meghan Gonick holds a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and master’s degree in acupuncture. Dr. Javier Palacios holds a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and certification in CS Therapy, levels 1, 2 and 3. Both doctors passed national boards to hold Connecticut licenses to practice naturopathic medicine. Gonick also completed a residency with Dr. Peter D’Adamo in generative medicine, and is a licensed acupuncturist. During her residency, Gonick expressed a desire to bring Generative Health to Lancaster. She says, “The interest and need for well-trained naturopathic doctors and east Asian medicine providers continues to grow. Both patients and doctors are looking for more options for wellness, and that is where our clinical training and knowledge is indispensable. Additionally, we take the time for a personalized approach, which benefits our patients.” They offer naturopathic services, nutritional counseling, CS Therapy, acupuncture and nu-
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tritional supplements, herbal medicine, Opus23, personalized diets (swami), prescription supplements (Thorne, innate) and homeopathic formulas. The office carries locally grown and processed loose medical herbs, tinctures and oils for custom herbal formulas.
Palacios performs CS as a gentle form of physical medicine that corrects patients’ alignment to alleviate headaches, muscle tension and other physical manifestations of stress. Generative Health also provides individualized herbal formulas, salves and homeopathic formulations.
“We are the only naturopathic office in downtown Lancaster. Not only do we provide symptomatic relief using natural and other alternative health modalities, but we also educate the client on their condition so they understand the nature of their problems to avoid future flare-ups or unwanted events. We believe health is an investment, but does not need to be costly. Our naturopathic services are thorough, and we take into account pertinent details regarding someone’s health to provide a holistic, evidence-based and free-of-questions plan to better health,” says Palacios.
“We are successful because our clients benefit from the services we provide. We take pride in being holistic, safetyoriented and personal with each case we encounter. Compared to other naturopathic doctors, we offer affordable prices and services. One of my biggest business challenges is not accepting insurance due to the licensing nature regarding naturopathic medicine in the state of Pennsylvania,” advises Palacios. “However, a bill is in the works to pass licensing, which will provide us and the public more access to naturopathic care.” Palacios is accepting new patients for naturopathic and CranioSacral services, and Generative Health is planning to increase offerings of their proprietary topical herbal formulas direct to the public. “We are currently looking to hire another acupuncturist so we can expand our offerings,” says Gonick. Dr. Javier Palacios People can stop by on First Friday open houses to learn about their services and try delicious tea blends featuring Lancaster Farmacy’s locally grown organic herbs. Generative Health, LLC, is located at 228 E. Orange St., in Lancaster. For appointments and more information, visit www.GenerativeHealth.com or call 717-869-1524. See ads, pages 15 and 53.