2 minute read

Publisher's Letter

It is amazing to see the growth in our green living community as we continue to come out of the last few years’ cloud of uncertainty. Our amazing community is rebounding, fostering new businesses and practice expansions. I am seeing more folks around me embracing their passions and starting “second careers” doing what they love. That growth can be seen in this year’s Natural Living Directory.

As Natural Awakenings readers and holistic community members, I encourage you to peruse the 2023 profiles and directory to find local practitioners and businesses you can trust to help you along your path toward health and wellness. I have a challenge for you! Reach out to several of these community practitioners to find out more about what they do, their unique trainings and mindsets, and how you can help each other (and, of course, mention where you heard about them). Even just having a conversation is uplifting as it bolsters our energy and health mission to speak with like-minded, forward-moving, knowledgeable practitioners…at least it does for me! Make sure you keep this annual directory issue at hand yearround as a local holistic directory for you and your loved ones.

In this issue, we have two local articles: Dr. Lyndsey Maher focuses on the connection between regenerative farming practices and naturopathic medicine while Mary Albanese tackles prevention tips to avoid your pet getting lost during the summer (and all) holidays. We also have a slew of articles related to restorative farming, ties between the soil and your gut health, combating histamine issues, the microbiome connection, natural ant control, and so much more.

Keep sharing our articles with your family and friends. Keep connecting with local holistic experts. Keep up your own inspiring journey toward wellness. And keep up that curiosity to know more! Have an amazing July!

All the best, Ariana

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