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Annual Directory Profile: Aiping Tai Chi
49 Research Dr., Milford, CT
Summary of education offered:
Aiping Tai Chi translates the ancient and esoteric teachings of tai chi and internal martial arts into a useable life manual to develop inner strength in body and mind so you can better navigate the forces of this stressful world.
What is your program’s vision and how is your education program different from that of others in your field?
We want you to experience the deeper benefits of tai chi beyond exercise and health. We introduce the internal martial arts concepts in a friendly way, so you can become a stressbender: becoming strong not hard, soft not weak.
What should students expect from working with you and your program?
Our programs are all about teaching you how to find your own center and how to maintain your center and balance through movement. Each class is an organic experience to deepen your understanding of your own center, beyond movement choreography.
Are you planning any enhancements/changes in the coming year?
We will continue to offer live instruction but will also expand our digital content geared towards beginners. Our instructional videos have already reached six continents and our social media platforms (@aipingtaichi) have over 150K followers. Follow us to learn more!
What do you most want Natural Awakenings’ readers to know about you and your program?
Discover a new dimension of tai chi at Aiping Tai Chi. Experience it not just as an exercise, but as an internal martial art, finding your center so you can stay relaxed and flow through life’s incoming and opposing forces.