9 minute read
Calendar of Events
Do Less and Accomplish More. 6:30-8 p.m. Learn all about the Spiritual Law of Least Effort, where acceptance, responsibility and effortlessness can bring you into the flow of life with ease. Led by Linda Bronn in person at The Liminal Studio, 696 Amity Rd., Bethany, CT. Register: LindaBronn1111@gmail.com. More info: Lauri@LauriIngram.com, LauriIngram. com/live-events.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class . Saturdays, 9-10 am. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/ drop-in, class cards also available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Crystals, Chakras and Pendulums. 10 a.m.-noon. In this experiential workshop, learn about the chakras, crystal energy and how to use a pendulum. Experience a chakra manifestation meditation, and practice crystal chakra balancing on yourself and others! Pendulums and crystal kits available for purchase. $45 for workshop, in person at Harmony Yoga, Stamford, CT. Register: Lauri@LauriIngram.com, LauriIngram.com/Live-Events.
Holistic Strategies to Reduce and Manage Your Stress. 8-9 p.m. Via Zoom with Renee Edge of Edge to Health. Holistic strategies for a clearer mind and healthier body. In this workshop, you’ll discover what stress is and how it manifests differently in each person, the key to managing stress, as well as 12 holistic stress reduction techniques. Info, RSVP: 860-681-3427, EdgetoHealth.com.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class. Tuesdays, noon-1 p.m. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/ drop-in, class cards also available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Shamanic Sound Healing Meditation. 6-7 p.m. Every other Thursday. Join Bradford Tilden for a deeply restorative and activating Sound Healing Meditation with his voice and crystal bowls. Relax, recharge and release stress and unwanted energies from your body, mind and field. Bring a blanket, chair or yoga mat. Register: tinyurl.com/BridgeSoundBrad. Walk-ins welcome. $20-$35. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. (860) 404-2578. BridgeHAC.com.
Do Less and Accomplish More. 6:30-8 p.m. Learn all about the Spiritual Law of Least Effort, where acceptance, responsibility and effortlessness can bring you into the flow of life with ease. Led by Linda Bronn in person at The Liminal Studio, 696 Amity Rd., Bethany, CT. Register: LindaBronn1111@ gmail.com. More info: Lauri@LauriIngram.com, LauriIngram.com/live-events.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class . Saturdays, 9-10 am. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/ drop-in, class cards also available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Geocaching 101. 2-3 p.m. Join ranger Dawn from Ansonia Nature Center for an introduction to geocaching. Learn the terminology, how to log caches and its history as well as a hike to find some hidden surprises. Wear appropriate foot gear and bug spray. Limited to 30 participants. Family-friendly. Free. Register: AnsNatureCtr@AnsoniaCT.org. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia, CT.
Universal White Time Gemstone Healing 1 Certification. 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Learn to heal yourself, others, animals and the environment with this rare, ancient universal knowledge. Learn 5 gemstone layouts for the physical body and chakras. Initiation, certification included. All levels of experience welcome. The Center for Higher Living. $475 includes a basic stone kit. Register: tinyurl.com/ UWTGemstone1Register. Contact Bradford: 860830-5841, Info@CrysalMusicHealing.com.
Connection Between Trauma and Malnutrition
8-9 p.m. Via Zoom with Renee Edge of Edge to Health. This workshop will explore the connection between trauma and malnutrition, and how those impact both the body and brain to alter behavior and mood. We will look at the impact of trauma on the gut and how the foods we tend to crave cause harm. Info, RSVP: 860-681-3427, EdgetoHealth.com.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class. Tuesdays, noon-1 p.m. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/ drop-in, class cards also available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Monthly White Time Healing Circle. 7-9 p.m. Round-robin style healing circle featuring White Time Energy and Gemstone healing. June featured gemstone layout is Connecting with Animals. Facilitated by Bradford Tilden. $30. The Center for Higher Living 130 Webster Square Rd., Berlin, CT. 860-830-5841, Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com, Register: tinyurl.com/WhiteTimeCircle.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class Saturdays, 9-10 am. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/drop-in, class cards also available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Crystal Grids for Everyday. 1-2:30 p.m. In this experiential workshop, learn about crystal energy, intention and how to create a crystal grid to support your intentions. Participants will have the opportunity to create a grid and receive a discount on any crystal purchases. $47 for workshop, in person at The Liminal Studio, 696 Amity Rd., Bethany, CT. Register: Lauri@LauriIngram.com, LauriIngram.com/Live-Events.
Astronomy: Star Hopping. 7:30-8:30 p.m. Star hopping is a technique that uses bright stars as a guide to find fainter objects. Join ranger Jeremy from Ansonia Nature Center for a night of relaxing under the stars. You will learn all about the different constellations in the night sky, their importance and how to use them as a tool to navigate the sky. Familyfriendly. Free. Register: AnsNatureCtr@AnsoniaCT. org. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia, CT.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class. Tuesdays, noon-1 p.m. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/ drop-in, class cards also available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Summer Solstice and Sundials. 10-11 a.m. Join Ansonia Nature Center on the longest day of the year when the sun is at the highest position in the sky to learn about the ancient way of keeping time. You will go outside and create your own human sundial in the park. Family-friendly program. Free. Register: AnsNatureCtr@AnsoniaCT.org. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia.
Sound Healing Meditation. 6-7 p.m. Every other Thursday. Join guest sound healer, Katie Cavanaugh, for a deeply restorative and activating Sound Healing Meditation. Relax, recharge and release stress and unwanted energies from your body, mind and field. Bring a blanket, chair or yoga mat. Walk-ins welcome. $20-$35. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. 860404-2578. BridgeHAC.com. Register: tinyurl.com/ BridgeSoundBrad.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class Saturdays, 9-10 am. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/drop-in, class cards also
available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Using a Map and Compass. 2-3 p.m. Join Ranger Evelyn from Ansonia Nature Center for this introductory skill–building class on interpreting maps and reading a compass. Participants will learn how to use these tools to navigate around the property. Ages 12 and up. Dress for the weather. Must register in advance at AnsNatureCtr@AnsoniaCT.org. Space is limited. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia, CT.
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class. Tuesdays, noon-1 p.m. Learn to move with more ease with Carol Meade. Class rates: $15/ drop-in, class cards also available. 15 South Elm St., Wallingford, CT. Contact: 203-415-8666, Massage2Movement.com.
Reiki Level 1/1st Degree. Learn Reiki for treatment of self and others. Ample practice time for table, chair and self treatments. Will learn benefits, precepts and history of Reiki treatment as well as receive certificate to practice Reiki upon completion of all classes. The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts Center: 605 Main St., Middletown, CT. Contact Eileen: 203-314-5401, eilande@comcast.net, ReikiWithEileenAnderson.com.
Introduction to UWT Gemstone Healing. 6:309 p.m. This introductory workshop is intended to inspire you to live with more confidence, support, happiness and joy with the help of crystals. A 12-page e-book and stone kit valued at $55 is included. $44. Online via ZOOM (link provided upon registering). Register by June 26: tinyurl.com/ UWTGHWorkshopJuly2023. Contact Bradford: 860-830-5841, Info@CrysalMusicHealing.com.
Reiki Level 1/1st Degree. Learn Reiki for treatment of self and others. Ample practice time for table, chair and self treatments. Will learn benefits, precepts and history of Reiki treatment as well as receive certificate to practice Reiki upon completion of all classes. The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts Center: 605 Main St., Middletown, CT. Contact Eileen: 203-314-5401, eilande@comcast.net, ReikiWithEileenAnderson.com.
Adirondack Canoe Trip . Five days/nights in the Adirondacks. This lake trip offers connection with nature and self, community building, fun. Time in camp for relaxation, excursions in canoes or hikes, community, quiet time. Food and equipment provided. Bring your personal sleeping bag and pad. Cost $450. Held at private New Milford island retreat center. Info, RSVP to Jody Grose: 203-731-7755, ReturntotheFire.com, HealingBear11@gmail.com.
Father & Son Adventure Weekend. This weekend provides fathers and sons (8‐16-years old) experiences to joyfully celebrate and deepen their relationship. Group challenges, games, stories around the fire, play, island theater, free time, swimming, canoeing. Cost: $325. Held at private New Milford island retreat center. Info, RSVP to Jody Grose: 203-731-7755, ReturntotheFire.com, HealingBear11@gmail.com.
Men’s Weekend - “The Invitation.” Taking the challenges you face in a culture of isolation within a community that can offer support, connection, witnessing and brotherhood. Inspire and engage men to access and integrate their authentic power while embracing freedom and self‐expression. Cost: $375. Held at private New Milford island retreat center. Info, RSVP to Jody Grose: 203-731-7755, ReturntotheFire.com, HealingBear11@gmail.com.
Father & Daughter Bonding Weekend. This weekend provides fathers and daughters (7‐16-years old) rich, playful experiences that create a bond and memories! Group challenges, games, stories around the fire, play, island theater, free time, swimming, canoeing. Held at private New Milford island retreat center. Cost: $325. Info, RSVP to Jody Grose: 203-731-7755, ReturntotheFire.com, HealingBear11@gmail.com.
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