2 minute read

Letter from the Publisher

“May is the most beautiful month of the year, a month alive in full bloom, and even the sun joins this rhapsody be emitting warmer rays.” ~ Lillian Berliner

May is a time of hope in the spring season where those of us with green thumbs have already started seedlings inside and planted cool-weather crops outside (sugar snap peas are my favorites). The warmth of summer is just a month away with the fun of beaches, outdoor swimming, full gardens, barbeques, camping and hanging out with friends. May also heralds Mother’s Day and the annual reminder to pamper, honor and recognize the mother figures in our lives. (Hopefully you appreciate them on a more frequent basis!)

Every year, our May issue is dedicated to women’s health. In this edition, you can find out about giving more sustainable gifts for Mother’s Day as well as prioritizing women’s health with thermography and nutritional tips for hormone control. Learn more by attending an amazing, online women’s wellness series from KnoWEwell or pick up movement and meditation tools to calm and center yourself. In addition, we offer information on improving skin health and limiting children’s exposure to microplastics. Make sure you check out our community resource guide for local practitioners and our calendar for upcoming May events.

June’s theme will highlight sustainability from an environmental perspective as well as a focus on sustaining our emotional, mental and physical health. In July, we are excited to publish our Annual Resource Directory, which is distributed year-round for the community to find local practitioners, businesses, services and products. If you would like to be a part of this sought-after resource, email Ads@NaturalAwakeningsNewHaven.com for more information.

As always, please reach out with your ideas, advertising collaboration needs, business news and more.

All the best, Ariana Rawls Fine

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