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product brief
Herpes Cream Provides Natural Relief
Lelia Cahill, founder of Royal John, is pleased to offer natural relief for those that suffer from genital herpes. Royal John’s genital Herpes Cream is comprised of allnatural ingredients including echinacea, lady slipper, purslane, golden seal, lemon balm, witch hazel, licorice, tea tree and black cumin. “Thirty-five percent of american adults have genital herpes,” says Cahill. “while there is not currently a cure, it is important to find comfort and relief from symptoms naturally with a product you can trust.” The plant-based, antioxidant-rich formula is designed to soothe sores and temporarily relieve pain and swelling due to genital herpes. This cream-based formula is chemical-free and easy to use for management of bothersome symptoms. Cahill brings more than 28 years of expertise in development and research. She has worked with the National Development and Research Institute as well as many brilliant doctors. “Statistically speaking everyone knows someone who has herpes, but not many people talk about it, a big reason is the stigma it carries. It's a normal, non-lifethreatening part of a lot of people's lives. My hope is to remove the stigma of genital herpes and give relief to the symptoms until we find a cure,” says Cahill.
For more information or to order, visit RoyalJohn.com or email info@RoyalJohn. com. also available on amazon. See ad, page 33.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Cholesterol Is Not the Cause of Arteriosclerosis
by Dr. Andres Bircher
Cholesterol plays a vital role in our health. It’s a very significant component of bile acids and sex hormones. The white matter of the central nervous system and nerves is rich in cholesterol, and it’s very important for stabilizing the cell membranes.
Only 10 percent of cholesterol comes from food, while 90 percent of it is produced in the liver and the intestinal mucosa. Since cholesterol is not water soluble, it is enveloped by lipoproteins, covered in polyunsaturated fatty acids. As LDL cholesterol, it is transported from the liver and the intestinal mucosa into the whole body. As HDL cholesterol, it is transported back to the liver.
The widespread consumption of unnatural foods in the modern diet increases levels of LDL cholesterol, creating oxidative stress. When fatty acids are oxidized, they are deposited in places with strong currents as “fatty streaks” in the inner wall of the arteries, marking the beginning of arteriosclerosis, even at a young age. Atherosclerosis is not caused by cholesterol, therefore, but by oxidative stress from a diet high in unnatural foods, which cause acidic metabolic waste products and amyloids to be stored in the intercellular substance.
Arteriosclerosis cannot be prevented with a low-cholesterol diet, but with a plant-based whole-food diet with a high proportion of raw vegetables. To learn more, read the manuals at Bircher-Benner.com/en.
Dr. Andres Bircher is the director of the Bircher-Benner Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine, in Braunwald, BIRCHER-BENNER Switzerland. See ad, page 14.
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