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community news briefs
Administering profound spiritual guidance, a phone consultation with mystic and spiritual master, Dr. Swamproot, lifts clients up to experience enchanting, luminous peace. Offering in-depth readings, dream interpretations, neutralization of adversaries and more, Swamproot helps to renew one’s aura/spirit/soul, or what he calls the three incandescent accordant points of man-woman. According to Swamproot, our aura is the subtle energy that circumscribes and emanates colored light from the physical body; it is the etheric energy signature of the soul. Our spirit is the vital respiration force, or the spherical body, which circumscribes the soul. And our soul is the complete-wholeness and everlasting eternal-quintessence of man-woman, which hovers behind the heart within the solar-plexus region. Shining spiritual light upon the pathways of life, Swamproot guides clients through any issue or problem (past, present and future), from the most minuscule and beyond. “We are all continually affected, one way or another, by interactions that manifest positive and negative energies which penetrate through the body’s auric field, thus nesting within the conscience and sub-conscience, profoundly affecting the senses, as well as wearing down the mind and body,” he explains. “Subsequently, it causes a life-tiring overload of stress, thrusting into prolonged, disadvantageous states, of social constraints and professional impediments of optimum performance level.” For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 888-219-LIFT[4694] or email Dr.SwamprootLiftsU@gmail.com. See ad, page 42.
Breathe Deeply at Free Group Meditation
Natural Awakenings NYC and Long Island Co-Publisher Michael Lehrman will lead this month’s free Mind, Body & Breathe virtual group meditation from 6 to 6:30 p.m., January 18, on Google Meets. Lehrman has practiced meditation for 15 years using mantras and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and created the Mind, Body & Breathe collective to share what he has learned with Natural Awakenings readers. “The benefits of breathing and sitting in meditation are appreciated even more when shared in a group dynamic,” he says. Lehrman will facilitate the session consisting of specific breathing techniques, including box breathing, 4-7-8 counts, and rhythm breathing, in combination with this month’s meditation that uses the body as an anchor point utilizing breath, a body scan, and sounds. “When the holidays clear and we return to normal routines, mid-January can feel an imbalance. This session will help you to reconnect with yourself, calm the body and mind, and integrate the natural rhythms of your breath into your everyday encounters,” says Lehrman. No experience and no expectations are necessary; participants can choose on or off-camera, and the sessions will not be recorded. Afterward, participants can stay on for an open discussion to learn more about meditation and to connect with other Natural Awakenings readers. Cost: Free. Location: Google Meets. For more information and to register, call 212-726-1420 or email Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsNY. com. See ad, page 45.