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news briefs
eastgate acupuncture aims to empower, ease Suffering
Paul and Crystal Marks founded eastgate acupuncture with a simple mission: to reduce suffering and empower people through the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). “we want to be a resource of skill and knowledge for people to remove the obstacles in their lives that prevent self-knowledge and actualization,” Crystal says. “No person is of too high or too low a station for us to apply our compassion and empathy towards, to see as a reflection of ourselves, and to use that understanding as a means of both motivation and diagnosis.” at its two New York locations—one in Times Square and the other in Hudson—eastgate acupuncture provides comprehensive treatment for a variety of conditions, from digestive issues, allergies and asthma, and chronic fatigue to neurological disorders. “a great advantage of using TCM is that we group symptomology much differently than western medicine, so what’s a strange case for an M.D. is often a textbook case for us,” Paul says. “even after their condition is resolved, many patients continue to see us regularly to maintain their health. Prevention and early intervention are strengths of TCM.” They also offer acupuncture to effect behavioral change, such as smoking cessation and weight loss, and for facial rejuvenation. all acupuncturists at eastgate acupuncture are New York State licensed and hold master’s degrees from an accredited acupuncture and herbal program.
Manhattan location: 1560 broadway, Room 1007, New York, NY (enter on 46th and 7th). For appointments and information, call 646-719-1883, email info@eastgatemanhattan.com or visit eastgateacupuncture.com.

Shannon Coppola was introduced to salt therapy in 2014, after exhausting other therapy options for her 5-year-old son, who suffered from extreme sinus and respiratory problems. Desperate for help, she took Oliver to a salt cave. His response, she says, was “a miracle.” Oliver slept through the night and didn’t cough for days, Coppola says. “So we went back and did another session and another, and we couldn’t believe how quickly it helped him. Since the closest salt cave was in New Jersey and we live in Montauk, the only logical step was to open our own.” Montauk Salt Cave now has three locations, including one in Lower Manhattan. They offer one-on-one and group salt therapy sessions with reiki or sound meditation, as well as space for private events. Salt therapy is an alternative treatment for a wide variety of ailments and conditions, from asthma and allergies to anxiety, inflammation, skin issues and even the common cold. “The salt is naturally anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial,” Coppola says. “The treatment offers a unique, natural therapy that allows you to get a sense of peace and serenity while simply breathing.” The salt air is made up of negatively charged ionized salt particles, 84 trace elements and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, bromine, copper, selenium and iron. “These particles help clear pollens, viruses, pollutants and toxins from the lungs and nasal passageways, which in essence works to treat and prevent illness,” Coppola says. “The salt also works to heal the body as soon as its negative ions enter the nasal passageway. They then travel through the respiratory tract and into the bloodstream to be dispersed throughout the body.”

Location: 90 e. 10th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY. For more information, call 212-677-7258, email nyc@montauksaltcave.com or visit MontaukSaltCave.com.
Hope, Healing & Wellness
for the Entire Family
Chiropractic is a natural, drug-free, safe and effective method to help: • Relieve Pain • Heal Your Body • Optimize Your Health
We provide Gentle Chiropractic Care for people of all ages in a relaxing, friendly and supportive environment.

Additional services include: Reiki • Acupuncture • Therapeutic Massage
Serving the community since 1993
Center for the Alignment of Body, Mind & Spirit
2050 Wantagh Ave. | Wantagh, NY 11793 Dr. Gina Marino
516-221-3500 www.align-me.com

ORGANIZATIONS ACCEPTING DONATIONS TO HELP THE UKRAINIAN HUMANITARIAN CRISIS: uniCEF Doctors Without Borders voices of Children Sunflower of Peace international Committee of the Red Cross Save the Children un Refugee Agency (unHCR) CARE international Medical Corps
Clairvoyant Tori Quisling Offers Infertility Program
april 23 to 30 is National Infertility awareness week—a poignant reminder that one in five women of childbearing age suffers from infertility, according to the uS Centers for Disease Control. Of course men can suffer from this chronic condition too. whatever the cause, the resulting sense of loss can be uniquely devasting. That’s because having a baby is “a spiritual and emotional experience as much as it is a medical one,” says Tori Quisling, a New York-based clairvoyant and the author of Calling in Your baby: a Clairvoyant's guide to Manifesting Your Pregnancy. “The yearning to have a child is your soul’s yearning to grow, release old blocks and express your divine nature,” Quisling says. For that reason, she notes, “unexplained infertility can be solved through a heightened understanding, a shift in long-held beliefs, and a vital connection with the spirit of your baby.” She offers a fertility program that includes Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) techniques to remove blocks to conception and get to the root of unexplained infertility. The program also incorporates clairvoyant techniques to help people connect with the spirit of their baby and understand female creative energy. “Over the years I’ve helped women and couples achieve fertility results when conventional methods have failed,” she says.
For more information or to schedule a free 20-minute clarity session, call 516-423-1794 or visit ToriQuisling.com. See ad, page 13.

better Lymph Flow Means better Health, Says Manhattan Practitioner
when Tammy kohlschmidt describes the lymphatic system, what comes to mind is an Italian sports car: It’s capable of amazing things when it’s working right. “It’s so important to keep our lymphatic system flowing,” says kohlschmidt, founder of Thermography For Health NY. “It’s our detoxification highway, moving toxins through our body to be eliminated. It also houses important immune cells to protect us and help us heal. The tricky thing about lymph is that it easily stagnates and can get sticky. This can start a disease process that increases toxic load and microbial imbalance.” bodywork techniques that keep the lymph flowing are among the many wellness services and therapies offered at Thermography For Health NY. kohlschmidt—a certified clinical thermographer, licensed dental hygienist, certified body Talk practitioner, Tibetan Tones sound healer and nutritional evaluator—founded the Manhattan practice more than 10 years ago, drawing on the various treatment modalities she’d encountered throughout her career. Her focus is providing integrative approaches based on the concept of the four levels of healing: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. “Thermal imaging can reveal early signs of disease,” she says. “with these early warnings, we’ve been able to implement simple protocols to correct the body’s physiology to a healthier state,” she says. “In addition to lymphatic flow, the keys are hormonal balance, breathing patterns, proper digestion, stress management, and control and prevention of illness.”
Location: 120 east 56th St., 12th Floor, New York, NY. For appointments and information, call 212-838-8884, email hello@thermographyforhealthny.com or visit ThermographyForHealthNY.com.

‘Living the Miracle’ Teaches Freedom from emotional Suffering
emotional pain is inevitable in life—there are going to be people and things that make us feel bad—but suffering is optional, says Michael berlin. berlin has developed an online coaching program, Living the Miracle, that helps people free themselves from the fear that causes emotional suffering. “Suffering comes from concern and worry about future needs being met,” he explains. “but once we teach you how to live in the moment and meet your own needs in each moment, you begin to feel safe and capable in life, and all fear goes away.” berlin says living in the present, and knowing and living our own truth, requires mastering five skills. “These skills will teach you to resolve your past and live in communion with your deepest heart and soul, so that you can create the present and future that is truly right for you,” he says. “Things will happen and you’ll feel your normal human emotions, but you’ll simply ride the ups and downs of life because you’re always connected to your own love, truth and empowerment, for yourself and others. My unique proprietary process, which combines the teachings from many spiritual and personal-growth masters, helps people truly heal all the root causes of inner and outer stress, conflict and overwhelm. If you’re struggling—or you simply want more peace, love and passion—please call me.” Dr. Mike Berlin
For more information, call 516-780-3351 or visit www. drmikeberlin.com/livingthemiracle. See ad, page 27.

Holistic Networking events Held Fridays on Long Island
Holistic doctors and practitioners and vendors of healthy products and services are invited to join Carol Leitner’s wellness and entrepreneurs exchange and Holistic Living meet-ups, held on select Fridays on Long Island from noon to 1 p.m. “at these show-and-tell networking events, you can share information about your products and services during our Sharing Circle and hear speakers present on topics related to keeping your body, mind and spirit in optimal health,” Leitner says. To learn how to become a guest speaker at a Long Island meetups, or to learn about other holistic events and marketing opportunities, contact Carol Leitner at 516242-8270 or carolleitner1@gmail. com. See calendar, page 43.