15 minute read
news briefs
Healing Conversation Begins with 15-Minute Consult
Dr. Mike Berlin
Even fifteen minutes can make a difference in reducing the emotional stress that can trigger physical disease, says Mike Berlin, creator of Living the Miracle, an online program designed to help people transform their lives by overcoming emotional stress. That’s why he offers free 15-minute virtual consultations: to give people a taste of the healing potential of Living the Miracle. “Stress is the number-one killer in society today,” he says. “According to the CDC, 93 percent of all doctor visits are stress related—and this was before the pandemic. But emotional stress occurs nowhere but in our minds. Ultimately, it comes from us. It causes stress and conflict in our lives, and it causes all emotional pain. Stress interferes with our happiness, productivity, creativity, intimacy and health. It interferes with our freedom to be, and to express and experience the miracle of life and who we truly are.” “Dr. Mike,” who’s also a chiropractor, says he’s spent 30 years helping people transform stress from their bodies and their lives. The key is removing the interference from “the natural expression of you,” he explains. That means overcoming negative experiences like divorce; physical, emotional or sexual abuse; bad parenting; neglect; violence; a traumatic event; or just the ups and downs of life. “These experiences can leave us with unresolved hurt, guilt, anger, shame, fear, loneliness and heartbreak,” he says. “Ultimately those emotions manifest in physical symptoms, from overeating and weight issues to sleep and digestive problems.”
For more information or to schedule a free consultation, visit DrMikeBerlin.com/livingthemiracle. See ad, page 31.
NewLife Expo Comes to Long Island June 4-5
Mark Becker
NewLife Expo, the longest-running “mind-body-spirit-wellness” expo in the country, is coming to Long Island the weekend of June 4-5, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. both days, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Hauppauge. The event will feature more than 60 lecturers, exhibitors and panels on holistic health, metaphysics and alternative medicine. Entrepreneur Mark Becker, who founded the expo 32 years ago, says he brought it to Long Island by popular demand. “Long Island’s 9 million residents have been waiting for NewLife Expo for a long time,” he says. “The hotel is only one hour away, with free parking for those in Manhattan, and it’s charging less than half their regular nightly price, so the city folk can spend a lovely June weekend in Long Island and enjoy the expo and maybe take a side trip to wine country or the Hamptons.” Panel topics will include the goddesses, the multiverse, immune-boosting nutrition and UF0s. The expo exhibit hall will feature healing products and services including holistic dentistry, EMF protection, aromatherapy oils, herbal and anti-aging products, and raw food techniques. Visitors can have their aura photos taken, try farinfrared sauna and have readings with professional psychics. Lecture topics will include Total Body Healing, Chakras-NumbersPlanets, CBD, Tantra, Claiming Your Multidimensional Powers, Gut Healing, Meeting Your Soulmate, and Past-Life Therapy, among others. Cost: $15 per day ($10 in advance). Location: 1717 Motor Pkwy., Hauppauge, Long Island, NY.

For more information and a complete list of speaker, schedules and exhibitors, visit NewLifeExpo.com. See ad, page 5 and info section, pages 10-15.

Omega’s Campus Reopens May 27, Drawing Renowned Teachers
Omega Institute, a Hudson Valley destination for lifelong learning, will reopen its Rhinebeck campus on May 27 for six months of in-person workshops, conferences, retreats and professional training opportunities. Renowned teachers and social visionaries such as Pema Chödrön, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Justin Michael Williams and Kate Tellers will be traveling to Omega to lead these live classes. Additionally, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Omega has expanded its digital offerings, which have grown significantly to include access to popular workshops and many free resources, including conversations with top teachers, an award-winning podcast and the Omega Online Community. By hosting livestreams, virtual classes and self-paced courses on demand, eOmega.org is providing options to learn remotely year-round. “The arrival of spring brings with it the longed-for promise of a new campus season and opportunities to learn and practice those things that give us reason for hope–personally and together as a human family,” said Robert “Skip” Backus, chief executive officer at Omega. “Whether you join us online or in person in 2022, we invite you to explore the many ways Omega can help you expand your possibilities.”

For more information, visit eOmega. org and follow Omega on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest.See ad, page 6.
To empower individuals to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet. To educate communities on the latest in natural health and sustainability. To connect readers with local wellness resources and events, inspiring them to lead more balanced lives.
Smile Farms Launches ‘Heat with Heart’ Initiative

Smile Farms, which empowers people with different abilities by creating meaningful employment for them, has launched a line of hot sauce, Heat with Heart. One hundred percent of the proceeds will fund jobs and training for individuals with disabilities. Smile Farms partners with non- and for-profit organizations to provide people with disabilities educational, vocational and employment opportunities in agricultural and culinary settings. Its programming impacts 280 Smile Farmers, their families and their communities across five counties in New York state. Founded in 2015 by the McCann family based on a successful partnership with Independent Group Home Living Program, Smile Farms began as a single greenhouse operation. Since then it has blossomed into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with 10 campuses and counting, and has become the signature philanthropic partner of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. Smile Farms creates impactful opportunities at local farms, urban gardens and greenhouses, where hundreds of adults and youth with different abilities grow and sell flowers, plants and produce in the communities where they live. Smile Farms produce is also used in partner organizations’ kitchens and vocational programs and is donated to nonprofits serving people in need. This year, Smile Farmers have been planting, pruning, harvesting and nurturing peppers from seed to shelf. The result is Heat with Heart hot sauce, fiery red and earthy green sauces that contain no artificial flavors or artificial preservatives. According to Smile Farms, the initiative showcases the full spectrum of its farmers’ capabilities—all they can do when simply given the opportunity— and it validates the contributions people with different abilities make in their workplaces and communities. “Smile Farms’ pepper project represents this innovation,” says Smile Farms Managing Director Diana Martin. “Our farmers get to place the seeds in the ground and watch them generate all this amazing fruit—it’s so satisfying to them to know that as they’re harvesting those peppers, they’re going to be made into hot sauce to sell, which is going to create revenue for their programs. It’s more jobs for them and their peers.”
For more information or to purchase Heat with Heart hot sauce, visit SmileFarms.org/heatwithheart.
Our NYC Office Uses Digital Dentistry

3D Imaging accurately tells the width, height and depth of bone as well as mark the nerve canal for accurate implant planning and other diagnoses.
New patients receive a $200 cleaning and comprehensive exam (valued at $400)
Trauma Recovery Retreat at The Omega Institute
Brett Cotter, author of 3 Keys to Managing PTSD: The Warrior’s Guide and founder of Stress Is Gone, will lead a Trauma Recovery Retreat from May 29 to June 3 at The Omega Institute, in Rhinebeck. Participants will learn to overcome stress, anxiety, and the pain from traumatic memories, including pandemic-related PTSD, and to improve their confidence, emotional balance, mental clarity, and realignment with purpose. Certified by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Cotter helps people heal traumatic memories and overcome anxiety through classes, coaching and guided meditation. He has taught his signature method in Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, schools, nonprofits, military bases and disaster sites. “I have 20 years of hands-on experience helping individuals and families break free from the grips of their pain,” Cotter says. “My work transforms stressful family dynamics and helps create happy, loving homes.” Veronica Domingo, assistant director of programs at the Omega Institute, says previous participants in Cotter’s retreats have called the experience “profound and amazing,” adding that “it went beyond their expectations.” “I could see an obvious shift in each of the participants,” she says. “It’s teachers like Brett Cotter who truly remind me why I’m still at Omega after 18 years.” Retired Colonel Mikel Burroughs, of Warriors For Life / Victory For Veterans, says Cotter is “an amazing healer” with a gift for working with veterans and first responders and leading them through guided meditations. Antwan Martin, an army veteran who attended one of Cotter’s retreats, admits to being surprised by its immediate effectiveness. “I was shocked at how quickly he began bringing out of us what was really hurting. I've never met anyone who listens to pain as well as he does, and reflects back such empathy. The most critical part of the retreat for me was my one-onone session with Brett. He mirrored my grief, acknowledged my frustration, guided me back to my good pure heart, and helped me stand tall and proud again.”
Brett Cotter
Location: Omega Institute, 150 Lake Dr., Rhinebeck, NY. To register for the course, visitbit.ly/3pC1ymB. For more info, call 833.867.3529, email brett@stressisgone.org or visit BrettCotter.com. See ad, page 9.

Your Health and Life
online group coaching programs private coaching | retreats For more detailed information visit
Conquering Stage Fright
A Zoom workshop with Jean McClelland
Sunday, May 29, 2022, 3:00 PM
Sponsored by JazzVoice.com
Jean McClelland
Voice, Breathing and the Alexander Technique
For more information and to register, go to JeanMcClellandVoice.com
Harness Your Body's Health with PolarAid
Scientific evidence that the human body runs on electrical energy has been longrecognized. To that end, miles of authentic, compelling testimonials validate PolarAid’s ability to encourage the overall health of the body, including muscle, joint and spinal health/flexibility; weight management via healthy metabolism; bowel and digestive health; sexual health; mental calm with balanced moods; quality relaxation and sleep. The science behind PolarAid was first demonstrated by Dr. Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla. Tesla identified the existence of the cosmic energy that nourishes and supports all life yet can be diminished with life’s challenges, traumas and aging as cells of the body lose their ability to absorb. Lakhovsky, author of The Secret of Life: Electricity, Radiation and Your Body, explained that cells are small oscillatory circuits emitting ultra-short electromagnetic waves, and health is determined by the relative strength of these cellular oscillations; bacteria, cancers and other pathogens corrupt them. Enter Dr. Dino Tomic and his team who procured the original schematics of the two scientists and their inventions to perfect the PolarAid antenna—a copper-based alloy ring that works like a satellite antenna, receiving and amplifying natural energy. When applied to the body, the PolarAid disc redirects the energy to replenish the body’s [energy] flow, enhancing its capacities to heal naturally.

For more information, call 450-4867888 or visit PolarAidHealth.com. See ad, page 37.
Robin Landau Offers In-Person Marconics Trainings
Robin Landau
Robin Landau, one of two people in the United States who offer certified training in Marconics energy healing, is offering in-person practitioner trainings in all levels of the modality. According to Landau, Marconics is a new, multidimensional energy system whose purpose is to elevate humans from fear-based to love-based actions and beliefs. “Marconics arrived on the planet at the end of 2012, marking the end of the denser Piscean age and helping to usher in the Pleiadian-love Aquarian age,” she says. “Earth’s position in the photon belt, above the galactic plane, gave way to optimal planetary alignments. With this divinely orchestrated cosmic event strategically in place, a massive awakening process around the planet began to occur. Earth started to anchor a higher frequency of light into the gridlines, making it possible for us to attain higher states of consciousness.” While Marconics provides a path out of the limited belief systems and paradigms of fear that have enslaved humans in the material realm for eons, Landau says, people must be willing to take that path. “The shift is upon us, and the time is now for lightworkers to awaken from the long slumber,” she says. “This is the seventh attempt to bring humanity to light; we failed six other times because vibrationally we were not ready. The expectation was for more lightworkers to be awake. Sadly, this has not been the case. People have clung to the fear frequencies and responded to life with lower-vibrational choices.”
For more information, visit Marconics.com.See ad, page 31.

Overcoming the Pain of Genital and Oral Herpes and Shingles
From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City
Did You Have Chickenpox or a “Cold Sore”?
Most everyone answers “yes” to this question. If you answered yes, then you have a herpes infection. Both types of viral infections are easily transferred by contact with someone that has a current outbreak. You likely may have both!
Herpes zoster (HZ), commonly known as shingles, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters in a limited area on one side of the body, often in a stripe. The initial infection causes the illness chickenpox, which usually occurs in children and young adults. Once the chickenpox is gone, the virus is not eliminated from the body and can go on to cause shingles. HZ is not the same disease as herpes simplex type 1 and 2, despite the similar name, though both HZ and herpes simplex belong to the same viral family.
HZ becomes dormant in some of our nerve cells without causing any symptoms. Many years after a chickenpox infection, the virus may break out of nerve cells and cause a viral infection of the skin in the area around the nerve. The virus may spread from one nerve to another causing a painful rash. Although the rash usually heals within two to four weeks, most people experience nerve pain for months or years, a condition called “postherpetic neuralgia.” In the past, outbreaks usually occurred in the elderly, but now it is common for anyone at any age that is under great stress or has a compromised immune system.
Herpes simplex 1 and 2 cause the oral or genital forms of what we commonly simply call “herpes.” It also spreads in a way similar to the HZ virus. Herpes simplex is a viral disease caused by both herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2. Oral herpes, the visible symptoms of which are often called “cold sores” or “fever blisters,” is an infection of the face or mouth. Oral herpes is the most common form and genital herpes is the second most common form of infection. However, both types can be found both orally and genitally! Recurrent outbreaks may occur from time to time, especially in times of stress, using alcohol, or when eating foods high in a protein called L-arginine, found commonly in nuts and chocolate, among other foods.
It Can Be Eliminated!
Treatments with antivirals can reduce outbreaks and may alleviate the severity of symptomatic episodes but will not get rid of the infection. Medical ozone is the only medicine known to destroy and rid the body of this horrible infection.
Please don’t believe the commercials on television saying you can never get rid of it. Though with no promises or guarantees, medical ozone has been used all over the world to treat infections that normally cannot be fixed, i.e., herpes in all its forms. Medical ozone is a gas that when it enters the body intravenously acts like “glue” to all viruses, bacteria, fungus, yeast and mold. It destroys or inactivates them so the body can remove them completely.
Dr. Howard Robins
Most importantly, medical ozone does it without harmful adverse reactions or side effects so typical with pharmaceuticals. In more than 50 countries, over 45,000 physicians have been using it worldwide for over 70 years to successfully and safely treat diseases such as herpes.
So, don’t give up hope and don’t wait! It is absolutely possible to eliminate herpes from your body.
More information about this amazing, safe and effective treatment is available at OzoneWithoutBorders.ngo, on my website OzoneDoctor.net, and on my radio show, Functional Medicine with Dr. Robins, which is archived but live each week on VoiceAmerica.com’s Health and Wellness Channel. Or call my office at 212-581-0101.

Dr. Howard Robins to Speak at NewLife Expo
The old saying “You are what you eat” is truer than our grandmas knew, says Dr. Howard Robins, who will be
Dr. Howard Robins discussing gut health as a featured speaker at the NewLife Expo, taking place June 4-5 in Hauppauge, Long Island. “I’m excited to share the latest research studies on how to achieve a healthy gut and the benefits of ozone therapy and probiotics,” Robins says. As founder and chief medical officer of Doctor’s Biome, a probiotics company based in Hauppauge, Robins says bringing its healing formula to fruition proves another old saying: “Nothing worth having comes easy.” Robins and his lifelong friend Rich Finkelstein were having dinner together when Robins began describing how effective a probiotic would be “that can be alive inception to ingestion.” From that discussion, and the scientific expertise of Reza Kamarei, Ph.D., Doctor’s Biome was born. “It took two years of testing and tweaking and reworking the formula—many sleepless nights and frustrating days,” Robins recalls. “The development of Doctor’s Biome was certainly not easy, but coming up with a scientifically superior product is no easy task.”
For more information on gut health, visit DoctorsBiome.com. For more information on the NewLife Expo, visit NewLifeExpo.com.See ads, pages 3 and 55.