5 minute read
oral health brief
brush Teeth Longer and Less Often
a british lecturer in restorative dentistry is encouraging people to brush their teeth longer but less often. writing for the Daily Mail, Dr. Josephine Hirschfeld, of the university of birmingham in england, says that brushing twice a day for four minutes at a time is the most effective way to clean the teeth. according to Hirschfeld, brushing more often can damage tooth enamel and gums, particularly if the toothbrush has stiff bristles or the toothpaste is abrasive. at the same time, a traditional brushing session isn’t long enough to eliminate harmful plaque. The Jerusalem Post picked up the story in November, writing, “Hirschfeld said that while studies show that two minutes of brushing leads to a reduction in bacterial plaque, it has been shown that brushing over time removes more. Plaque is a sticky layer, usually colorless, that develops on the teeth as a result of the accumulation of bacteria that live naturally in the mouth. If left untreated, plaque buildup can lead to tooth decay or gum disease. “‘Recent evidence suggests that spending more time brushing every time you brush leads to cleaner teeth,’ she wrote. ‘This longer brushing time means that we can clean our teeth more efficiently and get the toothbrush into places that are difficult to reach.’”
Information sourced by Jonathan Richter, DDS, FagD, owner of Cariodontal, located at 310 e. Shore Rd., Ste. 101, great Neck, NY (516-2820310 / Cariodontal.com), and Manhattan Oasis Dentistry, 525 west end ave., Ste. 1g, New York, NY (212-8742880 / ManhattanOasisDentistry. com). See ad, page 39 and back cover. Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD
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From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at Th e Healing Center in New York City…
If you suffer from an injury like an ankle sprain that can’t seem to heal, or if your knee is “bone on bone,” as the cartilage is completely gone and you’re in pain and maybe facing a knee replacement, then Prolo-Ozone therapy may be the answer. Or perhaps you suffer from sciatica, with shooting pain down your leg into your foot. Prolo-Ozone therapy may be the answer. Or you may have had a shoulder injury that just won’t stop hurting. Prolo-Ozone therapy may be the answer. Do you suffer from tendonitis from a sports injury? Did you injure your bunion joint playing tennis or doing martial arts of some kind? Are you having trouble with your golf swing because it’s uncomfortable or it just plain hurts?
Keep in mind that all these medical problems will affect how you walk and move, whether you know it or not, and can lead to the development of other painful problems in your feet, legs and back.
Prolo-Ozone therapy may be the answer! the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. This accounts for what we have seen—what I call “repairing the unrepairable and fi xing the unfi xable.”
We know that medical ozone also acts as a temporary painkiller and anti-infl ammatory. However, with Prolo-Ozone therapy, healing is promptly and amazingly stimulated, including reports of cartilage repair and replacement occurring in addition to pain often being permanently eliminated, even when every other treatment has failed. While we once believed that this manner of healing was impossible, like many other things that we believed couldn’t be done, medical ozone therapy has proven us wrong.
Recovery Possible within Weeks
What is Prolo-Ozone Th erapy?
Dr. Howard Robins December 2021 15
Prolo-Ozone therapy is a series of weekly, often painless injections. With any single injection, complete recovery may be achieved! We’ve found that noticeable improvement typically occurs by the third or fourth treatment. However, if no improvement at all is felt, it may It is said that prolo or proli in Latin means be too late to help and the therapy may not be worth to “rebuild” or “regenerate,” thus the word continuing. proliferate. If symptoms return, it may be necessary for the In the late 1990s, a published study in Europe patient to come back, promptly and periodically, for a showed that Prolo-Ozone therapy on degenerative “tune-up”—another injection or series of injections. spinal disks, using a mixture of oxygen All around the world, Prolo-Ozone therapy has and ozone gas, could help stop the pain. This study was saved many people from having to undergo shoulder, hip, knee, repeated in Canada in the early 2000s, with similar success. It back and foot surgeries. We all know there is no guarantee with was followed in Europe and here in the United States by studies any surgery. Surgery can be successful, or in some cases it can of its use on muscle, cartilage, tendon, ligament and joint pain leave you worse off than before. and injuries, with equal success. Prolo-Ozone therapy is a simple and safe way of trying to fi x Ozone gas, acting as a safe “irritant,” causes our body to your problem. If it fails, you can always have surgery. begin a healing response. It is not a surgical treatment. It has also been described as a “regenerative joint injection or non- While no moral or ethical doctor should promise or surgical ligament, cartilage, muscle and tendon reconstruction.” guarantee results, nor should any doctor with any The major benefi t of Prolo-Ozone therapy is that the gas treatment, we have seen astounding success with Prolospreads out and stimulates the healing process over the entire Ozone therapy. injection site. Unlike its precursor, Prolotherapy, which uses a It’s your choice. liquid “irritant” to cause healing, Prolo-Ozone therapy doesn’t More information about this amazing, safe and effective require a guided ultrasound to ensure that it’s applied to a treatment is available at OzoneWithoutBorders.ngo, on my precise spot. website OzoneDoctor.net, and on my radio show, Functional
Research being performed currently in Europe indicates Medicine with Dr. Robins, which is archived but live each week that the ozone gas stimulates “natural stem cell” activity in the on VoiceAmerica.com’s Health and Wellness Channel. Or call area of injury. This must be what causes the healing response, my offi ce at 212-581-0101. See ad, page 3. as the ozone is gone within 10 minutes, having turned back to oxygen. Stem cells serve as the body’s repair system; they have Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.