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Hot Baths Rejuvenate Body and Mind


by Marlaina Donato

Down to our very cells, water is the foundation of life. In the ancient Greco-Roman world, bathing in hot mineral springs and cool saltwater was a common ritual for better health, and spaces dedicated to baths were considered sacred. Stepping into a warm tub harkens back to the safety of the womb while offering abundant health benefits. Opting for a bath instead of a shower can not only help minimize headaches, insomnia, menstrual cramps, depression and chronic pain, but soothe a burnt-out nervous system. It can also enliven stagnant blood and lymphatic fluids, enabling metabolic waste to be carried out of the body through perspiration. “Hydrotherapy is used in many natural health systems for a wide variety of ailments from inflammation to nervous system dysfunction and skin conditions. Whether you have access to a bathtub or not, there are many ways you can apply these traditional practices to your own self-care routine,” says Marlene Adelmann, herbalist and founder of the Herbal Academy, in Bedford, Massachusetts. Whether we step into a full-body tub or a foot basin, water is a balm for the modern spirit bogged down by information overload and world events. “Taking time away in the sanctuary of warm water allows us to slip into a different state of mind and to release the energetic armor we defend ourselves with, as well as recuperate and heal internally,” says Kiva Rose Hardin, herbalist and co-editor of Plant Healer magazine, in New Mexico.

INSULIN SENSITIVITY, PAIN AND DEPRESSION study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows that immersion in hot water counters low-grade inflammation and increases glucose metabolism in individuals unable to exercise. Hot baths relax muscles by promoting blood circulation through the tissues and prompting the nervous system into a calming parasympathetic mode. Cold-water soaks—preferably in the morning—provide perks that include boosting immunity and increasing depressionzapping endorphins such as dopamine. A HANDFUL OF NATURE

The skin is our largest organ, and what we put into the bath affects us from the outside-in. Bentonite clay for detoxing and Dead Sea salts for pain are great choices. Studies going back to the 1990s show significant, lasting effects of Dead Sea salts on those with osteoarthritis of the knee, as well as rheumamaridavc/AdobeStock.com toid arthritis. Fortifying the bath with Epsom salts, evaporated sea salt or Himalayan pink salt is highly beneficial. “Himalayan salt has 84 valuable trace minerals, including potassium, magnesium and sodium. It draws out toxins, cleanses the skin and helps cleanse the body energetically,” says Hellen Yuan, founder of the bath product company Hellen, in Brooklyn. Adding bundles of fresh or dried herbs or snipping them into sachets can strengthen immune response and provide a welcome antidote to work-related stress. “Aromatic herbs and essential oils are inhaled through our olfactory system and make a beeline to our brains, signaling that it’s time to relax or feel energized,” says Adelmann, who emphasizes practical common sense. “Although flowers and leaves floating in the tub make for lovely social media posts, most household plumbing cannot handle big, bulky plant material. The simplest way to add herbs to a bath is by making a super-concentrated tea.” Hardin concurs, recommending fresh or dried lavender, flowering goldenrod tops, holy basil leaves (tulsi, Ocimum tenuiflorum) or calendula blossoms.

SACRED WATERS Baths are good medicine for both genders. “Men carry so much stress in their bodies and typically hold in a lot of tension. A good bath brew eases the muscles and replenishes the mind and soul,” says Yuan. Bathing can be the ultimate sacred offering to the body. From her wood-fired outdoor tub at the edge of a starlit mesa, Hardin advises, “Efforts need not be expensive or time-consuming. Just focused intent will inherently return a sufficient degree of sensuality, magic and beauty to the bath.”

Marlaina Donato is the author of Multidimensional Aromatherapy. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com. ® SKIN SPA NE W Y O R K

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Organic apple cider vinegar: 1 cup to a bath to balance skin pH levels, combat yeast infections and soothe sunburn

Himalayan salt:½ cup to bath water for acne, eczema and psoriasis

Dead Sea salts or sea salt: ½ cup to bath water for psoriasis and arthritis pain

Chamomile flowers or organic, dried

rose petals: 1 extra-strong cup to bath water for relaxation and better sleepor use herbs gathered in a muslin bag or sock and steep in the bath

Ginger:½ cup shredded fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon ginger powder to bath water for increasing the body’s chi, boosting immunity and relieving pain. Follow-up with a shower to rinse off perspiration (contraindicated in the presence of high blood pressure, diabetes or a history of heart disease)

Epsom salts:½ cup added to the bath to fortify magnesium and boost serotonin, which can increase energy and stamina, decrease irritability and adrenaline, lower blood pressure, increase concentration and improve sleeping habits

Essential oils: 5 to 7 drops mixed well into bath salts—lavender (for nervous system support), eucalyptus or tea tree (congestion, colds, flu), geranium (adrenal and reproductive hormonal support), pine or fir needle (adrenal and nervous system support)

The Inspiration Of Breath

Online Breathing Course with Jean McClelland

Reestablish your natural coordinated way of breathing. Strengthen your voice and lungs. Revitalize your body and mind.

Includes almost two hours of video presentation and exercises, written explanation with graphics, and a half hour Skype or video lesson with Jean.

$50 for Natural Awakenings Readers

For more info, visit JeanMcClellandVoice.com

Jean is a member of the faculty of the the Graduate School of the Arts at Columbia University and one of fewer than a dozen people personally chosen by Carl Stough to teach his principles of breathing coordination.


By Nanci Deutsch

We all have intuition—the ability to see, hear, feel and know beyond the five physical senses. It’s just a matter of recognizing, listening to and then using it. Inspired action refers to the steps we take when we are listening to our intuition and then acting on it. Learning how to contact it and trust ourselves enough to take inspired action is key to creating what we desire. I have developed the 3 Cs of Intuition to help people access their intuition. THE FIRST C IS CLEARING. You need to be in a calm, peaceful space to receive accurate impressions. If you’re upset,


attached to a specific outcome or expecting a particular answer, it can block you from getting a correct intuitive sense. You may need to clear the emotions, beliefs and subconscious patterns preventing you from obtaining answers. Use tools such as hypnosis, meditation, emotional release work, Emotional Freedom Technique, writing, yoga or anything else that helps you release tension, stress, emotions and beliefs to clear your energy and achieve a relaxed, peaceful state. THE SECOND C IS CONNECTION. Connection is joining with a deeper part of you, such as your soul or your Higher Self (a wise, unconditionally loving part of you); you may also connect with your angels and spirit guides. Learning to be grounded, present and in your body, and to feel peaceful in order to receive information, is another important aspect of intuition. When you connect with your angels and guides and the higher aspects of yourself, you can allow the guidance to come to you. There is so much wisdom available to you; your task is to learn to connect and listen. Using your intuition is the best way to make effective decisions. THE THIRD C IS COMMUNICATION. The Universe and the higher parts of you are always talking to you. Are you listening? You need to recognize your intuition and then listen, so you can use it. Listening is an essential part of working with your intuition, which can guide you every step of the way to create an inspired and empowered life. NY’s Intuitive Spiritual Guide, Nanci Deutsch, is a licensed clinical social worker and a certified hypnotherapist. She’s also the author of an upcoming book, The Intuition Advantage , and the host of a radio show, Inspired & Empowered Living, which streams live every Tuesday at 11 a.m. on W4HC.com and is a podcast on iHeart.com. To receive a free Intuition Activation meditation and/or updates about her upcoming events, email nanci@nancideutsch. com. She can also be reached at 1-877-HiNancy or NanciDeutsch.com.

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Dr. Jillian Finker, ND Naturopathic Doctor

There is an effective way to help prevent and effectively treat coronavirus (COVID-19)!

From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…

What if there was a medicine and a treatment that could help prevent and help treat this viral pandemic? You would have heard about it, right? What if it was now being used in 17 hospitals in Italy and in hospitals in Spain, effectively treating patients with the infection published in the news media in Europe? You would have heard about it, right?

Well, guess what? There is such a medicine, called Medical Ozone, and effective treatment, called Intravenous Ozone Therapy,and it has been blacked out by news media here. Why? A wise man will say, “Follow the money trail!”

So, why are the government officials that are responsible for protecting us and our health ignoring this information? A wise man will say, “It’s all about power and control!”

However, it’s not a conspiracy. The government is just focused on telling us to stay home and trusting in the use of pharmaceuticals, which work poorly, at best, but which pay for advertisements in the news media. It’s not a conspiracy.

Medical ozone therapy is not new. We have been using it for 30 years, with more than 350,000 intravenous treatments, in our midtown Manhattan office, proving its safety and effectiveness against a wide variety of diseases and conditions.

Ozone is triatomic oxygen (O3), the most powerful oxidant found in nature. Our bodies actually produce ozone, observed in a stunning discovery at Scripps Institute. Ozone therapy utilizes ozone and oxygen as a gas, the mixture being called “medical ozone.” Ozone therapy has been in use since the late 1800s, but is little known here. It is not patentable for profit; thus, corporate interests have no incentive to develop and disseminate it.

Long in advance of this pandemic, Dr. Rowen and I wrote and submitted our paper, which went through two peer reviews before being accepted for publication. Unfortunately, as indicated above, the news media and the government officials have ignored it, opting to try experimental pharmaceuticals.

You are welcome to get the entire paper onDr. Howard Robins line and offer it to your elected officials and local newspapers.

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Rowen and Robins. J Infect Dis Epidemiol 2020, 6:113 DOI: 10.23937/2474- 3658/1510113 Volume 6 | Issue 2

Abstract: Many viruses require reduced sulfhydryl groups for cell fusion and entry. Coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of the condition now named coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19), are rich in cysteine, which residues must be intact for viral activity. Sulfhydryl groups are vulnerable to oxidation. Ozone therapy, a very inexpensive and safe modality may safely exploit this critical vulnerability in many viruses, inclusive of SARS-CoV-2.

Conclusion: The world already has a most inexpensive, safe, and likely effective remedy for deadly viral diseases, which exploits their redox vulnerability at critical membrane cysteine/ tryptophan fusion sites. Ozone therapy could be easily deployed worldwide, even in very poor countries.

Dr. Rowen writes, “Progress in this field is hampered by unwillingness of physicians to look/consider ‘outside the box’ of conventional drug-based medicine, along with possible unjustifiable medicolegal concerns.”

When ozone enters the body, it dissolves instantly in the plasma and creates short-lived reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid oxidation products (LOPs) that have the ability to destroy all pathogens, inclusive of viruses.

The key thing to remember is Prevention!

Most people wait until they are in a crisis situation when there are few to no choices.

There are some things the media is not telling you to do but can boost your immune system and help prevent and help minimize this and any infectious disease.

The first is BE WELL-HYDRATED.

The human body is 60-70 % water. People need to drink 3 to 4 liters of water a day. All doctors know you can’t have a functional immune system unless you are well-hydrated.


Vitamin C is necessary for every healthy cellular reaction in our body, including to support and active immune system. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg of high-quality vitamin C every two hours.

Last, but very much not least, you MUST take a new, first-of-its-kind “Living, Next Generation of Smart Bacteria” probiotic drink called DOCOTRS BIOME™, available at DoctorsBiome.com (you can use my patient coupon code at checkout—“Howard35”—for a big discount of this somewhat expensive product developed for hospital and doctor use).

Why is it so important? Because everyone reading this has had an antibiotic at least once in their lifetime. This has allowed yeast to overgrow in your gut because it killed off all the good bacteria that normally would live in the wall.

Now the T-cell portion of your immune system has to chronically fight this weakening, making it unable to fight the viral infections in your body sufficiently.

This product is special for many reasons, which is discussed fully on their website. You need to take one 2-ounce shot a day (it’s delicious, so the kids will love it) and strengthen your T-cell system.

These three things as a standalone preventive or treatment are what you all need to do before or even after it’s too late.

If you have any questions or wish to set up a consultation, feel free to call my office, 212- 581-0101, to discuss your problem and see if this wonderful treatment is right for you. See ad, page 3.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach to COVID-19

By Michael Biamonte

Depending on where you live in the United States, the rise in coronavirus cases may or may not affect you. Every news outlet seems to have its own opinion, which leaves everyone feeling conflicted about how to move forward with their lives. Without getting into the politics behind the scenes, the fact remains that the virus is real. And we have to protect ourselves.

The good news is that there is a very easily defined at-risk group. Studies have shown that the main people at risk are the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been successfully addressing chronic conditions and the immune system for more than 2,000 years. When the doctors at Wei Laboratories, here in the United States, started testing COVIDinfected patients with their respiratory and immune protocols, the results were incredible. They had a success rate of more than 90 percent treating infected patients directly in Wuhan, China. Their recommendations are below.

For Viral Protection, Golden Flower Herbal Tea

Golden Flower, an herbal tea from Wei Labs, helps protect against coronavirus infection two ways. First, the ingredients work together to remove germs from the throat, respiratory tract and heart. Second, they enhance and support the immune system.

The all-natural ingredients include Flos Lonicerae, which kills germs immediately in the throat and upper airways; weeping forsythia capsule; dried tangerine peel; milkvetch root, which enhances immune function; and cassia twig.

For Viral Treatment, Silver Flower Formula

This formula from Wei Labs addresses individuals with suspected or diagnosed coronavirus who are experiencing mild, moderate or even severe symptoms. It contains 20 all-natural herbal ingredients that have been used in clinical trials all over China, including Wuhan. This formula was given to 214 coronary pneumonia patients, after which 90 percent of them experienced relief from symptoms and tested negative for coronavirus.

These products, which are intended to be taken under a doctor’s care, offer a way to stay ahead of coronavirus without exposing yourself to any risky alternatives such as a vaccine, whose long-term side effects will be impossible to determine.

Folks, we may never get to the actual truth of the disease. The very thing we need to do to protect ourselves during this crisis is the exact same thing we needed to do before the virus became our problem: We need to take responsibility for our own health. So if you’ve been struggling with any health issues, now is the time to address them. And if you’re healthy, continue taking the proper supplements that will boost your immune defense against the virus.

Michael Biamonte, CCN, is founder of the Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition, located at 2185 34th Ave., Suite 14D, Astoria, NY. To learn more, visit Health-Truth.com/coronavirus-prevention-treatment/. See ad, page 5.



Natural Awakenings Readers Exclusive FREE WEBINAR Standing Upright During Challenging Times

Natural Awakenings will host an exclusive free webinar, Staying Upright in Challenging Times, taught by Jean McClelland, at 6:30 p.m. on September 16. The 45-minute class will be offered free to the first 15 readers who enroll. The webinar will focus on using posture and breathing to counter the gravitational forces that drag us down, literally and figuratively. To Enroll: email publisher@na-newyorkcity.com. Zoom details and class materials will be sent to confirmed attendees.



Weekly Service: The Power of Spiritual Artistry

United Palace of Spiritual Arts, in Washington Heights, offers a new concept in spiritual services: a 10-minute service made available at the same time each week via live stream, Facebook and YouTube

3 pm • Wednesdays UnitedPalace.org


Digital Stress-Relief Toolkit from the New York Open Center

Designed by industry experts and offered free through donations from Open Center instructors, the New Yorkers for New York toolkit consists of savable short videos and written tutorials teaching movement, mindfulness and spiritual techniques to help frontline and essential workers, or anyone, manage stress.




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