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We hear a lot about detoxification this time of year, when the concept is introduced as the ultimate spring cleaning. But Vanessa Galti-Drew, founder of Cleansing Concepts, says detoxification should be an ongoing process—a lifestyle, not a seasonal ritual. For more than 10 years, Cleansing Concepts has provided a variety of detoxification modalities, like colon cleansing, ion therapy, infrared sauna therapy and living clay therapy. But as an extension of her in-studio offerings across her five locations, Galti-Drew has integrated ways for her clients to experience detoxification in between appointments. “It’s critical to counterbalance the environmental toxic load we all endure daily—sometimes even before getting out of bed, let alone throughout an entire day, week, month or year,” she says. “We can’t necessarily control what’s happening around us, but we can certainly control what we’re choosing to put in our bodies.” To that end, all Cleansing Concepts locations are offering three new “beyond the studio” detox solutions to positively impact health.
The Prove It Challenge
This detox regimen is scientifically proven to transform the user’s health in 30 days or sooner, GaltiDrew says. “It begins with a 7 Day Healthy Cleanse, which acts as a digestive reset to prepare the body to receive proper nutrition beginning on day eight and thereafter,” she says. When the weeklong cleanse is complete, advanced nutrition is incorporated by replacing one daily meal with a Life Shake and taking the Vitalizer strip—customizable for men, women and those over age 50—for clinically backed vitamins, minerals and protein. “Our bodies withstand a lot, even during detox, so foundational nutrition is critical,” Galti-Drew says. “The Prove It Challenge makes achieving optimal nutrition simple.”
The Detox Lifestyle
This patent-pending personalized nutrition system assesses more than 1,000 factors in five minutes to reveal what supplements an individual needs and why. The detailed breakdown is based on Me+ology’s focus areas and how they impact one another, Galti-Drew says. “There are two plans, Essentials and Essentials Plus, based on where you are on your health journey, and everything proposed can be easily modified. Because everybody is different,” she says.
Detox Clay
According to Galti-Drew, Cleansing Concepts Detox Clay is the world’s only source for 100 percent pure, 350screen mesh, calcium bentonite clay, which absorbs excess oil and dirt from the skin and acts like a sponge to bind and eliminate nonnutritive and harmful substances from the colon. She says “living” or “active” clays like this have the ability to adsorb and absorb—similar words that mean two different things. “Adsorption describes the process by which the charged particles of other substances combine with charged particles on the outer surface of the clay molecule,” she explains. “Absorption is a slower and more complex process: Expanded clay attracts foreign substances that are absorbed and fill the spaces between the stacked layers of clay molecules. Absorbent clay absorbs positively charged ions and impurities and ignores negatively charged nutrients. And thus, we are cleansed.” All these new offerings are designed to support people on their journey to radically transform their health, Galti-Drew says. Whichever path they choose, a laser-focused approach to reducing toxic load is critically dependent on what happens before, during and after the detoxification process.
For more information, call Cleansing Concepts at 516-640-5322 (Garden City, NY); 732-741-2444 (Red Bank, NJ); or 631-656-6313 (Smithtown, NY); or visit CleansingConceptsWorld.com. See ad, page 5.
Three Steps for Facing Difficult Emotions
by Shauna Shapiro
All of us can feel the impact of these uncertain and challenging times on our hearts and in our nervous systems. While there are parts of the situation that we cannot control, that does not mean we are powerless. When we’re up against julie/AdobeStock.com change, uncertainty and stress, resilience is the key to navigate life and emerge with more happiness and satisfaction. We can cultivate resilience through the practices of mindfulness and compassion. Here are three key steps to finding greater clarity, calm and well-being. NAMING OUR EMOTIONS.The first step is to bring mindfulness to whatever we are feeling and simply name it. Research shows that acknowledging and naming our emotions allows the body to physiologically calm down. It is helpful to remember that our emotions are here for a reason, metaphorically serving as a smoke alarm to let us know about an impending fire. Ignoring or repressing our emotions can lead to bigger problems, but mindfulness teaches us a different way to manage difficult emotions—acknowledge them and name what we feel—“name it to tame it”. When we name an emotion, it puts the brakes on our reactivity, down-regulates the nervous system and allows us to see clearly. WELCOMING OUR EMOTIONS. The second step is to learn to welcome difficult emotions. Emotions have a limited time span, typically lasting for only 30 to 90 seconds. They arise, do their dance and pass away, like waves in the ocean. When we remember that this painful feeling will not last forever, it becomes more manageable. Through practice, we can learn to welcome all our emotions with an attitude of kindness and curiosity. This involves becoming interested in the emotion and the felt experience in the body. For example, we may feel sadness as a tightening in the throat or fear as a contraction in the belly. All emotions have their signature in the body. COMPASSION FOR OURSELVES AND OTHERS. The final step to managing difficult emotions is to cultivate compassion. Self-compassion involves treating ourselves as we would a dear friend that is suffering. The willingness to face the pain in ourselves and in life takes great courage. As we practice self-compassion, we learn not only to grow from our own struggles and sorrows, but to connect with the sufferings and sorrows of others. We realize that we are not alone in our fear and overwhelm, and become aware of the many others right now that are also afraid. As we recognize our common humanity, our isolation begins to lessen and we understand that we are all in this together.

Shauna Shapiro, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert in mindfulness and compassion whose most recent book is Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Practices to Rewire the Brain for Calm Clarity and Joy. For more information, visit DrShaunaShapiro.com.

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