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health briefs
Enhancing Cellular Oscillation with PolarAid

The science behind PolarAid was first demonstrated by Dr. Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla, an electrical and mechanical engineer, inventor and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. Lakhovsky, a Russian inventor of the multiple electrode radio lamp and the multiwave oscillator, authored The Secret of Life: Electricity, Radiation and Your Body, where he explained that cells are small oscillatory circuits emitting ultra-short electromagnetic waves similar to waves radiated by stars. He demonstrated that health was determined by the relative strength of these cellular oscillations, and bacteria, cancers, and other pathogens corrupted them, causing interference with the oscillations.
Tesla identified the existence of the energy that has continued to spring from the cosmos since the creation of the universe. This powerful scalar energy supporting all vegetable, animal and human life has been referenced in cultures across the globe for thousands of years. Tesla found that scalar frequencies nourish our body just as food and water do, but as we experience life’s challenges and traumas, or as we age, the cells of the body lose the capability to absorb these vital energies.
A medical doctor practicing today in Serbia, Dr. Dino Tomic and his team was able to procure the original schematics of the two scientists and their inventions. Tomic adapted Lakhovsky and Tesla’s groundbreaking science to perfect the PolarAid antenna, a specially designed, copper-based alloy ring with a proprietary design. By reconstructing the devices and using them in a clinical setting, Tomic observed their effects and determined that the most efficient device was a polarization coil, which he used as the foundation for developing the polarization disc called PolarAid. It works like a satellite antenna, receiving and amplifying natural energy from the atmosphere. When applied to the body, the PolarAid disc redirects the energy to replenish the body’s energy flow, enhancing its capacities to heal naturally. Scientific evidence that the human body runs on electrical energy has been recognized for decades. In modern medicine diagnostic methods such as the ECG, EEG, EMG and magnetic resonance imaging are based on the measuring of electromagnetic parameters and used to assess the overall level of physical health or functioning of certain organs.
PolarAid is best used in conjunction with a healthy diet, supplements, exercise and common-sense habits. For more information, call 450-4867888 or visit PolarAidHealth.com. See ad, page 30.
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Improve Sleep with a Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets that provide a cozy, swaddled feeling have been big sellers during the trying days of the ketut-subiyanto/Pexels.compandemic, and a new study verifies that they do provide mental health benefits. Researchers from Sweden’s Karolinska University tested 120 patients with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for four weeks. They found that a weighted blanked led to better sleep and reduced fatigue, depression and anxiety, and increased levels of daytime activity. Weighted blankets are comforters with tiny pellets or metal chains woven throughout so that weight is distributed across the body; researchers recommend using a blanket that is about 10 percent of a person’s body weight.

Consider Depression Treatment to Fight Ulcers
Research from the University of Queensland, in Australia, has found that peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, along with other gut disorders, are linked to depression. The researchers analyzed health data from more than 450,000 people and found eight genetic variants that predispose people to peptic ulcers and other gut diseases, often with depression as a comorbidity. Lead author Yeda Wu says the research supports a holistic approach to identifying and caring for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, noting, “As a medical student, I noticed how some patients’ gastrointestinal symptoms improved after psychotherapy or psychiatry treatment.”
Eat Five Veggies and Fruits Daily to Live Longer
People that struggle to eat the often-recommended nine servings of fruit and vegetables each day can relax: The latest research from Harvard, based on 26 studies of 2 million people from 29 countries, found that two and three daily servings of fruit and vegetables, respectively, were linked to the most longevity. Compared to only two servings of produce per day, five servings lowered the risk of death overall by 13 percent, cardiovascular disease by 12 percent, cancer by 10 percent and respiratory disease by 35 percent. Green, leafy vegetables, including spinach, lettuce and kale, and fruit and vegetables rich in beta carotene and vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries and carrots, showed benefits.Starchy vegetables, like peas and corn, fruit juices and potatoes, did not appear to reduce the risk of death.


Cultivate Satisfaction to be Healthier and Happier
Older people with high levels of life satisfaction—a favorable attitude toward life—have healthier habits, less depression and pain, better sleep and a longer life, reports researchers from the University of British Columbia. They studied nearly 13,000 U.S. adults older than 50 for four years and found that higher life satisfaction was linked to 26 percent reduced mortality and a 46 percent lower depression rate. People that felt good about their lives had fewer chronic conditions and pain, exercised more often, were both more optimistic and likely to be living with a partner and experienced less hopelessness and loneliness. However, such posi tive feelings were not associated with fewer health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis or obesity; were not marked by less alcoholic binging or smoking; and were not affected by frequency of contact with children, family and friends.
Why I Have Candida Symptoms Although All My Tests are Normal
by Michael Biamonte, CCN

This is a very common complaint that we hear from new patients coming to us. “I have all the symptoms of Candida and my doctor did all these tests, and yet he said everything was normal!” Well, the first question would be, “Did your doctor even test you for Candida?” Most mainstream doctors don’t know anything about testing for Candida. When the average person goes to their doctor and tells them all their complaints, symptoms and says, “I must have Candida”, the doctor will do standard blood and urine tests and never explore Candida testing.
Testing for Candida is very precise and specific. Candida testing is not included in standard blood and urine tests; they must be special ordered, which requires the doctor to have some preexisting knowledge of Candida. Also it is totally normal and expected that standard lab work will look normal in the case of the Candida patient. The disruption that Candida causes in the body rarely will show in standard blood and urine tests.
If someone was to do a test for Candida and it showed negative, it could easily be because Candida is an organism that can hide and be dormant. Its metabolic rate changes depending on whether it’s being fed or not, therefore its activity changes as its rate of growth changes.
The best way to detect Candida is by a provoked or challenged test. Provoked or challenging testing is typically done when testing for toxic metals or any substance which can hide in the body. This type of test is accomplished by taking a substance (my phase 0 program is a good example of what could be used) which has the ability to disturb or dislodge the Candida and other organism from the gut lining. This will cause a release of antigens and other chemicals from the Candida cells that then can be detected. In my method, we measure these chemicals in the urine, as urine is the most accurate sample one can use. Doing a provoked test dramatically increases the chances of finding the exact level of Candida overgrowth that one has, it greatly reduces the chances on having the Candida overgrowth going undetected.
So when the doctor tells you all your tests are normal, ask, “Did you actually test for Candida, and if sok what type of test did you use?” If he says no, ask, “Why not?”
If he did test you for Candida and didn’t use something to provoke or challenge, you’re best calling our office to get the right testing done!
Michael Biamonte, CCN, is a certified clinical nutritionist and the founder of the Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition. He uses BioCybernetics “Blood Detective” software that can determine exactly where the body is imbalanced— vitamins, minerals, hormones or absorption problems—and which systems in the body are a priority to address. For more information, visit FloridasCandidaDoctor.com or Health-Truth.com. Michael See ad, page 17. Biamonte, CCN
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