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global briefs
Equality Matters Scientists Confront Academic Racism Nearly 6,000 scientists signed a pledge to #ShutDownSTEM on June 10, the day of the Strike for Black Lives across higher education. (STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering and math.) They canceled lab meetings, halted research projects and actively confronted perceived racism in their institutions in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. Particles for Justice (ParticlesForJustice.org) physics collective members Brian Nord and Chanda Prescod-Weinstein helped develop the idea for the strike. They called on university science departments, national laboratories and all others engaged in scientific endeavors to stop business as usual for that one day.
The aim was educating themselves and their colleagues about the role of their own institutions in perpetuating white supremacy and creating concrete actions they could take to reduce anti-Black bias after the strike. According to the Pew Research Center, only 24 percent of college faculty members were nonwhite as of 2017, and a study published in the March edition of the journal BioScience found that Black, Latino, Native American and other underrepresented scholars account for only 9 percent of faculty members in STEM fields.
Burned Out Climate Change Impedes Wildfire Reforestation Efforts A study published in Global Ecology and Biogeography of 22 burned areas across the southern Rocky Mountains found that forests are becoming less resilient to fire, turning into grasslands and shrublands instead. The research team, led by the University of Colorado at Boulder, projects that by 2050, as little as 3.5 to 6.3 percent of Douglas fir and ponderosa pine isaac quick/Unsplash.com forests in the region will be able to recover after fires. Encompassing 710 square miles, from southern Wyoming through central and western Colorado to northern New Mexico, researchers used satellite images and ground measurements to reconstruct what the forests looked like before fires and assess how well the forests were recovering by counting juvenile trees and observing tree rings. The study shows that forest recovery declines significantly under warmer, drier conditions caused by climate change. The number of acres that have burned annually across the country has already doubled since the 1990s, so it may be better to plant seedlings in regions more likely to bounce back rather than in dry sites no longer suitable for survival.
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Overcoming the Pain of Genital and Oral Herpes and Shingles
From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…
Have you ever had chickenpox especially as a result of stress, alcohol use or eating foods high in or a cold sore? Almost everyone answers yes to this question. If you answered a protein called L-arginine, which is found in nuts and chocolate, among other foods. yes, then you have a herpes infection. Both types of viral infections are easily transferred by contact with someone with a cur- Herpes Can Be Eliminated! rent outbreak. You may have both! Treatments with antivirals can reduce outbreaks and may alleviate the severity of symptomatic episodes but will not get rid Herpes zoster (HZ), commonly known as shingles, is a viral of the infection. Medical ozone is the only medicine known to disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters in a destroy and rid the body of this horrible infection. limited area on one side of the body, often in a stripe. The initial infection causes chickenpox, which usually occurs Please don’t believe the commercials on television in children and young adults. After the chickenpox saying you can never get rid of herpes. Though is gone, the virus remains in the body and can go with no promises or guarantees, medical ozone has on to cause shingles. HZ is not the same disease been used all over the world to treat infections that as herpes simplex types 1 or 2, despite the simi- normally cannot be fixed, including herpes in all its lar name, although both HZ and herpes simplex forms. Medical ozone is a gas that, when it enters belong to the same viral family. the body intravenously, sticks to all viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts and molds and destroys or inactivates HZ becomes dormant in some of our nerve cells them so the body can remove them completely. without causing symptoms. Many years after a chickenpox infection, the virus may break out of Dr. Howard Robins Most important, medical ozone acts without the nerve cells and cause a viral infection of the skin harmful adverse reactions or side effects so typical in the area around the nerve. The virus may spread from one of pharmaceuticals. In more than 50 countries for over 70 years, nerve to another, resulting in a painful rash. Although the rash more than 45,000 physicians have used medical ozone to sucusually heals within two to four weeks, most people experience cessfully and safely treat diseases such as herpes. nerve pain for months or years, a condition called postherpetic neuralgia. In the past, outbreaks usually occurred in the elderly, but now they are common for anyone at any age who is under So don’t give up hope, and don’t wait! It is absolutely possible to eliminate herpes great stress or has a compromised immune system. from your body.
Herpes simplex 1 and 2 cause the oral and genital forms of what we commonly simply call herpes. They also spread in a way that’s similar to the HZ virus. Herpes simplex is a viral disease caused by both herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Oral herpes, the visible symptoms of which are often called cold sores or fever blisters, is an infection of the face or mouth. Oral herpes is the most common form and genital herpes is the second-most common form of infection. However, both types can be found both orally and genitally! Outbreaks may recur from time to time, More information about this amazing, safe and effective treatment is available at OzoneWithoutBorders.ngo; on my website, OzoneDoctor.net; and on my radio show, “Functional Medicine with Dr. Robins,” which is archived but live each week on VoiceAmerica. com’s Health and Wellness Channel. Still have questions? Call my office at 212-581-0101. See ad, page 3.
Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.
Diabetes: A Four-Step Approach to Treatment
by Michael Biamonte, CCN
Much has been written about diabetes, so this article will only address new data that I feel should be more broadly known by practitioners and patients. Diabetes is a disease that affects goffkein/Pexels.com the body’s mechanism for controlling blood sugar. The pancreas is the main gland that controls sugar. The pancreas produces and releases a hormone called insulin, which carries sugar to the cells and encourages its use as fuel. Insulin also carries sugar to fat cells and encourages its storage as fat. In someone with diabetes, this mechanism fails, causing blood sugar levels two to six times higher than normal. Medical treatment of diabetes generally is limited to reducing starches, sugars and total calories, along with prescribing insulin injections or oral drugs to help lower blood sugar. Insulin injections are usually reserved for more extreme cases. In clinical nutrition, many vitamins and minerals have been cited as effective in the management of diabetes. The B-complex vitamins have always been used for diabetes treatment, as they help convert food to energy. The mineral zinc is essential to pancreas function, as it is involved in insulin production. Chromium, another mineral, has long been known to boost insulin utilization by the cells. Vanadyl sulfate, a recent discovery, has been found to greatly enhance the effects of insulin and help regulate fat. There’s a lot of data available about these and many other nutrients for the management of diabetes. However, in order to better understand and try to reverse the disease, other factors need to be taken into account. Parasites, toxic minerals, mineral imbalances or deficiencies, medications, the American diet, allergies, obesity, hypothyroidism, pineal insufficiencies—all these factors can play a part in diabetes and must be identified and addressed. I explore them at length on my website (see my bio below), but I’ll summarize my solutions here.
The Four-Step Solution This is always my favorite part of an article—providing solutions. In this case, it’s a checklist for determining if a diabetic can be helped by alternative treatment. Anyone diagnosed with diabetes should be tested for every one of the above factors to see which apply. That’s what happens at my offices. We’ve had people test positive for all or none of those factors. Usually it’s most of them. We begin by having the person do a seven-to-twelve-day parasite cleanse, to make sure they don’t have Eurytrema pancreaticum. I know of very few people who wouldn’t benefit from a parasite cleanse. After the parasite cleanse, we have the person do an intestinal cleansing program. We recommend this for several reasons, the most important being that unless the body is detoxified, it can’t properly absorb the nutrients it needs. We also adjust the person’s diet to increase the intake of raw food, which tends to assist the cleansing process. At the same time we also test for toxic metals and allergies and begin treatment if necessary, and address any nutritional deficiencies that might affect blood sugar. By now, weight loss will have occurred as a natural result of increasing raw foods and implementing the intestinal cleanse. The last step involves balancing every gland and organ involved in the metabolism, along with every nutrient that the gland or organ uses. We do this based on a computer analysis of the entire body. The goal of this approach is simply to rule out every possible cause of diabetes and, in doing so, correct any causes found. By the time we finish, we will undoubtedly have a healthier body. As time passes and more possible underlying causes are found, they can be categorized within these four steps and included in this program. That means that there is hope that something other than drugs can be an effective treatment for diabetics.
Michael Biamonte is a certified clinical nutritionist and the founder of the Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition, located at 2185 34th Ave., Ste. 14D, Astoria, NY. For more information about his four-step approach to treating diabetes, visit Health-Truth.com/ diabetes-a-fourstep-approach/. See ad, page 18. 21