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resource guide
ELIZABETH HANCOCK CPC, CSC Beyond You Coaching - Life & Spiritual 25+ yrs Meditation, Kundalini, Intuitive 650-460-4107 * Liz@BeyondYou.Coach BeyondYou.Coach – Call/Email Today!
If you're at a pivotal point in your career, relationship, or wellness journey my spiritual based approach can offer life altering changes. First session free. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
ACUPUNCTURE 4 U Dr. Qin Fu 4401 Manchester Ave., Encinitas 760-230-2490
Dr. Qin Fu is a third generation healer, trained in China, that uses a combination of acupuncture, qi gong and herbs to help his patients achieve pain relief and better overall health. See ad, page 10.
EARTH ALCHEMY HOLISTIC CARE 949-422-0988 EarthAlchemyHolisticCare.com
The caregivers at Earth Alchemy Holistic Care p r o v i d e c a n n a b i s o i l protocols, support practices, the latest nutrition research, education and ongoing dosing support. Consultation fees are based on each individual case.
DEEPAK CHARI, M.S. Chari Center of Health 4401 Manchester Ave., Ste. 201, Encinitas 760-230-2711 FastAnxietyHelp.com
Anxious, depressed or have panic attacks? Do you attract the same challenging relationships & family issues? End these patterns now! Call for a free 30 minute voice biofeedback session!
GOT HEMPSA CBD Cara Sherman, Lead Massage Therapist 619-787-1135 420MobileMassages@gmail.com GotCBDMassage.com
Experienced bodywork that infuses either full spectrum or CBD isolate from organic hemp. Cannabis infused available upon request. Home, office or our studio. We love events! Online schedule for your convenience: Bmmt.Fullslate.com.
HEALTHY LIVING CONSULTING CBD and Cannabis Compassionate Care 760-436-2343
Balance your life with all natural botanicals. Education, evaluation and delivery. Each person and each pet is unique and we safely identify your symptoms and conditions. Skin remedy, sleep and relaxation, emotional balance, neurological treatment, pain relief, inflammation, stress management, anxiety. We specialize in recommendations for seniors. Call for free consultation.

CAROLINE ANDREWS 760-487-8482 Caroline@CarolineAndrews.co CarolineAndrews.co
Over 20 years dedicated study to spirituality, relationships, yoga and personal development. I have found the keys to pleasure, health and relationships for women, especially those over 40!
BIODENTAL CARE Av. Luis Cabrera 2071, Ste. 301, Tijuana B.C. 619-754-8508 Contact@BioDentalCare.com
Our HOLISTIC Ti j u a n a d e n t i s t s practice all aspects of general, cosmetic, implant and holistic dentistry with the utmost respect for your safety, comfort and outcome of treatment.
JEFFRY S. KERBS, DDS Loma Linda University Graduate 1983 Safe Biocompatible Dentistry Digital x-rays, safe amalgam removal 760-746-3663 • Visit us! DrJKerbs.com
Bring your mouth to optimum health and beauty through nonsurgical laser gum therapy and metal-free conservative dentistry. Stress-free Spa dentistry. Ozone therapy.
PRETTY. SICK. BEAUTY. Kate Carra, owner 847-802-2129 PrettySickBeauty@gmail.com PrettySickBeauty.com
Kate Carra is a Hairdreams Certified Extension Specialist, Keratherapy Educator and fine and thinning hair specialist. Proud licensed professional providing solutions to all your hair goals. Call or text her for a free consult.

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MARCH PLANT-BASED NUTRITION ISSUE Thriving on a PlantBased Diet plus: CBD
Readers are Seeking These Providers & Services: Allergists • Cooking Schools/Classes Food Fairs • Garden Supplies Green/Vegan Restaurants CBD Products ... and this is just a partial list!

Grassroots Climate Crisis Strategies plus: Healthy Home APRIL HEALTH

PSY-TEK LABS Subtle Energy Research&Health Assessment 760-733-6000 info@Psy-Tek.com Psy-Tek.com
A state-of-thea r t f a c i l i t y with innovative tech-nology focused on subtle energy testing, measurement, research and health assessments. Thermal Imaging/Brain Mapping and more.
CARDIFF SEASIDE MARKET 2087 San Elijo Ave., Cardiff-by-the-Sea 760-753-5445 • SeasideMarket.com
CREAM OF THE CROP 2009 South Coast Hwy., Oceanside 760-433-2757 • CreamOfTheCropNatural.com
DR. ROOPA CHARI, M.D. Chari Center of Health 4401 Manchester Ave., Ste. 201, Encinitas 760-230-2711 ChariCenter.com
Natural Anti-Aging Solutions. Lose weight & belly fat, balance hormones, stop hair loss and look younger! Get results with the Latest, Proven Natural Anti-Aging Solutions. Call for a free 30 minute consultation with Dr. Chari!
SHAWNA ALLARD Intuitive Channel for Divine Wisdom 760-744-1294 Shawna@DivineKnowing.com
Channel of Divine Wisdom. Author, speaker, specialized intuitive readings help you with love, money, healing and more. I Know What You Need to Know. DivineKnowing.com.
FRAZIER FARMS 1820 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside 760-429-2092 • FrazierFarmsMarket.com
LAZY ACRES NATURAL MARKET 150 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas 760-536-4905 • LazyAcres.com
PEOPLE’S ORGANIC FOOD MARKET 4765 Voltaire St., Ocean Beach 619-224-1387 • OBPeoplesFood.coop
Autoimmune Breakthroughs plus: The Collagen Connection MAY
CONNECT WITH OUR READERS THREE-MONTH EDITORIAL CALENDAR & MARKETING PLANNER Contact us to learn about marketing opportunities and become a member of the Natural Awakenings community at:
DEBBIE LOVE Heads Up Karate & Self-Defense for Women 760-455-8562 Debbie@HeadsUpSelfDefense.com HeadsUpSelfDefense.com
As a 4th degree black belt and advocate for women’s safety, Love knows the potential dangers women & girls face every day. Using her knowledge, skill and unique experience, Love offers strategies to help you and your family make it home safely. Call today to learn what real empowerment feels like. ie to speak at your next event!
SPROUTS FARMERS MARKET 10 San Diego locations to serve you Sprouts.com
WHOLE FOODS MARKET Del Mar: 2600 Via De La Valle, Ste. 100 858-436-9800 LaJolla: 8825 Villa La Jolla Dr. 858-642-6700 Hillcrest: 711 University Ave., San Diego 619-294-2800 WholeFoodsMarket.com/stores