Natural Awakenings December 2022 Greater Pittsburgh

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3 December 2022


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letter from publisher

The Butterfly Effect

Our December theme is Uplifting Humanity. That seems like such a big ask, but it doesn’t have to be. One small act can change everything. We may never know how, but I think we can trust that it will. We can get caught up in our own life, our own struggles and mundane tasks. We can feel like we can’t even keep up with our own stuff, let alone helping someone or uplifting all of humanity. But we can. It’s a ripple effect.

Remember the old holiday favorite movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. If you haven’t seen it, you should, and if it’s been a while, watch it again! Sometimes the mundane tasks and living an ordinary life can make a profound impact on the lives of others. Never forget that. One small kindness may impact a person and their family or children and their very future. Just listening to people and hearing them, supporting them and offering them comfort may change one small thing for them or it may impact their entire outlook and life, and ripple though countless lives.

There are so many needy people in the world. They may be poor, but they may also be rich. The truth of the matter is that we all are subject to emotional pain. None are exempt. Of course we should share some of our surplus with others if we can, whether that is money, clothing, food or time. But we can also offer someone love, support, comfort and our own humanity.

You don’t even have to be an overtly emotional person. Look at the motorcycle clubs and soldiers that organize to help others. They may look tough, but they are sharing their humanity because they are just people sharing what they can to take care of others. If you have lots to give, go for it, but even if you don’t, a hug for someone who is hurting may be worth a million dollars.

©2022 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.

Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.

We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

We are all too caught up in this commercial world. Things are nice, but really connecting with other people is so much better. I’m not sure how things changed with COVID, but when I have traveled in thirdworld countries in the recent past, I have envied them in some ways. They may be poor, but not lonely. They are out walking, going to busy markets and being really engaged in their communities. They are not isolated and lonely like we are. They are growing, eating and sharing healthy food, getting more exercise because they don’t have to jump in their cars to run errands. They just walk to the market.

In some ways, they are vastly richer than we are. Loneliness and isolation create a poverty of the soul and the first world is suffering badly from this, so even if you can’t give financially, give something of yourself. If you can’t find someone to open up your heart to, do something for the planet. That will also uplift humanity, because we all need our planet to survive and a small act of caring for our planet may uplift humanity in ways that could impact generations to come. Enjoy the celebrations of the season and lets do our best to find ways to make meaningful connections.

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


Michelle Dalnoky, RN, BA, Publisher

4 Pittsburgh,
NaturalAwakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

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5 December 2022 DEPARTMENTS 6 news briefs 8 health briefs 10 inspiration 12 healing ways 14 fit body 20 eco tip 22 conscious eating
ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS 26 natural pet 28 calendar 30 resource guide 31 classifieds Contents
healthy living magazines
10 A FEAST OF LIGHT 12 GOOD VIBRATIONS The Healing Power of Sound 14 PICKLEBALL IS BOOMING Get into a Pickle for Holiday Fitness 16 TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD Working Together for Meaningful Change 20 HOLIDAY VOLUNTEERING The Gift of Giving 22 MERRY BRUNCHING Put a Healthier Twist on Favorite Recipes 26 HOLIDAY TREATS FOR CATS AND DOGS Easy-to-Make Festive Recipes to Delight Pets 12 22 26 16
Natural Awakenings is a network of

Bravo Academy Opera Camp

Pittsburgh Opera will hold its inaugural Summer Camp, Bravo Academy, from July 10 through 21, 2023, for high school students interested in opera and other performing arts. Participants will receive invaluable hands-on experience with leading industry professionals and performers. Each instructor is a specialist in their field, selected to offer participants a broad, accurate view of the world of opera.

All participants will take fun and engaging classes, participate in exclusive workshops with Pittsburgh Opera staff, engage in master classes with industry luminaries and master teachers, and more. Space is also available for participants interested in scenic/costume design, stage direction and other creative and production-related performance elements. Bravo Academy will culminate with a final, professional showcase performance by the participants at the Bitz Opera Factory on 7 p.m., July 21, 2023.

$550 registration fee. Payment plans and financial aid are available. To register, call Rebekah Diaz at 412-281-0912, ext. 256, or visit

Rooted In Sound Relocates in Aspinwall

Rooted In Sound is moving to the Green Heiress Building at 209 Commercial Avenue, in Aspinwall, to join their community of healers. Owner Wyatt Melius is making an introductory offer of $99 for one gong class, one sound massage, one coaching assessment and one sound and light treatment.

He says, “I work with my clients to help make lifestyle changes and choose health-promoting ways that produce real and lasting results. You will develop a deeper understanding of lifestyle choices that work best for you, improving your energy, balance, health and happiness. Each session will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. We will talk about things beyond food, seeking to bring balance to important elements of your life such as love and relationships, as well as career and money. I will personally and carefully guide you to make simple, small changes that transform your life.”

For more information, call 412-609-8999, email or visit See ad, page 7.

News to share?

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Submittal deadline is the 10th of the month.

6 Pittsburgh, PA news briefs

Social Equity Sprint

The Sustainable Pitts burgh Social Equity

Sprint is a fun, free and friendly competition for businesses, organiza tions and municipalities to jumpstart progress on social equity and earn recognition for their achievements through February 2023.

These events enable organizations to compete against peers in earning points for actions that advance social equity, carbonemissions reduction or another critical topic. Any workplace from any sector and at any stage of sustainability advancement is encouraged to be part of these three- or six-month bursts. Organizations can rally employees toward quick progress, track performance against peers through Sprint leaderboards and earn recognition as sustainability leaders.

Businesses in the top 25 percent for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have bottom lines that outperform their peers. Overall, organizations with demonstrated diversity, equity and inclusion strategies foster innovation, gain an edge for top talent and see a correlation to stronger financial benefits.

Resister at

7 December 2022

Serotonin Theory of Depression Debunked

Under-Appreciating the Benefits of Solitude

The idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance specifically, a serotonin deficiency has been popular and influ ential since the 1960s, leading to the wide use of antidepressants. A recent multi-institution study led by the University of Read ing, in the UK, and pub lished in Molecular Psychiatry has debunked this theory. The researchers did a systematic review of studies on the topic and found no convincing evidence of an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations. The serotonin theory of depres sion has historically provided convincing justification for the use of antidepressants and may discourage people from discontinuing treatment, potentially leading to life long dependence on such drugs.


Getting lost in our thoughts may improve problem solving, increase creativity, enhance imagination and provide a better sense of self-worth. But in the digi tal age, with immediate and satisfying input at a finger’s tap, it is possible to be “solitude deprived,” says Cal Newport, a computer science professor at George town University and author of Digital Minimalism. In a recent study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, psychologists asked a group of more than 250 univer sity students to sit and wait in a quiet room without doing anything. Researchers found that the students underappreciated their enjoyment and engagement of “just thinking” and instead favored technology-driven distrac tions like internet news-checking. The results suggest an inherent difficulty in accurately assessing how engaging just thinking can be, and may explain why people prefer keeping themselves busy rather than taking a moment for reflection and imagination in their daily lives.


8 Pittsburgh, PA
health briefs

Kids Are Not Getting Enough Sleep

The American Academy of Pediatrics has long recommended that children between the ages of 6 and 12 years obtain nine to 12 hours of sleep per night for optimal health, yet kids are regularly getting less than this recommended amount.

In a recent study published in The Lancet, researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine investigated how insufficient sleep affects children’s behavioral problems, mental health, cognition, brain function and brain structure over a period of two years. They concluded that children that get less than nine hours of sleep per night have notable differences in brain regions that influence memory, intelligence and well-being compared to those that get more than nine hours. As kids’ schedules get busier and they spend more time in front of screens, their average sleep time has decreased. According to the researchers, such insufficiencies in early adolescence can lead to longlasting neurocognitive consequences.

9 December 2022

A Feast of Light

Despite the whirlwind of our to-do and places-to-go lists, the wheel of the year turns once more, allowing us to close another chapter of our lives with grace. If we take a breath, we might notice December’s invitation to kick off our shoes, curl up in our favorite chair and drop down into our heart space.

Whether we light scented candles for ambience, drink cocoa while sitting around a bonfire or continue time-honored spiritual customs, welcoming the light can ignite hope when we need it most. By cultivating the inner sun, that place deep within us that blazes with resilience and plenty, we not only fortify ourselves, but everyone around us. Throughout the year, many of us invest in making healthy choices, but neglect soul sustenance. Swapping trivial distractions for more face-to-face conversations, answering someone’s forgotten email or bringing a homemade pot of soup to a neighbor that is busy packing for a move creates a feast of light during all seasons.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,” wrote Gautama Buddha, and perhaps we would be astounded to see how far the smallest gesture can travel. Inviting a friend that has no family to a holiday dinner or out for coffee, spending more quality time with a child or buying a gift card for the receptionist at the dental office begets a chain reaction of small joys. When we fill our bellies with everyday magic, slow down to finish a cup of tea, turn off the news and notice the crescent moon nestled in the twilight, we become more inclined to feel blessed.

A few worthy inspirations to pass along:

 Make it a spiritual offering to choose joy today

 Close the year by letting go of a grievance or an outdated belief

 Tell someone how they bring light into your life

Share a favorite book that is inspiring  Acquire a new source of light—a lantern or salt lamp—for your favorite room  Leave an uplifting quote on a loved one’s voicemail

Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and composer. Connect at

10 Pittsburgh, PA
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11 December 2022

Good Vibrations


For centuries, humans have employed sound in an attempt to heal and cure. The ancient Greeks believed in the power of music, using flutes, lyres and zith ers to treat illness and vibrations to allevi ate mental disorders. Even today, military battalions play music to boost morale.

“Research shows that vibrations are the lan guage of the body,” says Kyle Godfrey-Ryan, the founder of TUNE, a New York-based tech system designed to recalibrate the nervous system with sounds. “When we work with sound, we’re working with vibra tions that can rebalance the nervous system and flood the body with endorphins.”

According to Susy Markoe Schieffelin, a healing practitioner at The Copper Vessel, in Los Angeles, “Sound vibrations work on a cellular level to recalibrate the body. Sound shifts vibrations in the body, both through entrainment—a process by which the vibrations of one object transform to match the higher vibration of another ob ject—and by stimulating electric signals in the brain that support healing frequencies.”

Studies suggest that sound vibrations can unlock energy blockages, release tension and create calm and focus. For this reason, sound healing is frequently prescribed to manage conditions like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Some practitioners also report anecdotal meta bolic improvements, from lower blood pressure and decreased cholesterol levels to improved sleep.

TUNE has worked with the National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic to gain scientific backing for the brand’ s devices. “Our technology reduces stress by 54 percent in 15 minutes,” Godfrey-Ryan claims. “It also has a massive impact on

12 Pittsburgh, PA
healing ways

the circadian rhythm, so we’re able to prove better sleep quality, improved metabolism and reduced stress and anxiety.”

Sound healing can take many forms, and each type has specific applications. For example, Schieffelin explains, “Gongs and Tibetan bowls are very clearing and grounding, while crystal singing bowls feel more uplifting and elevating.” It is up to the individual to find a style that works for them and their intended results.

Singing Bowls

Originating in 12th-century Tibet, these metal bowls come in different sizes, each producing a specific sound vibration that is said to work on a particular part of the brain or body. Several-sized bowls often are used together to create a holistic healing approach. They can be placed directly on parts of the body to stimulate circulation and relax muscles. Singing bowls made of pure crystal quartz are popular for their pure sounds, and are believed to offer stress reduction, chakra balancing and mental clarity.


Used in healing since about 4,000 B.C., gong baths, which combine different tones and melodies to fashion multifaceted vibrations, may positively influence the mind and body by stimulating the vagus nerve. Godfrey-Ryan advises, “Gongs are amazing for trauma release, but gong work is very heavy, so if you’ve never played with sound before, this will be really intense.”

Vocal Toning

Numerous cultures— from ancient Egyptians to Tibetan throat singers—have their distinct forms of vocal toning. Hindu mantras can be especially powerful for some people because they harness the energy of specific words and intonations. Among practitioners, seven distinct tones have been linked to specific parts of the body. It is believed that these vibrations can balance the body’s cells and open energetic healing, leading to targeted benefits.

Tuning Forks

While musicians use these devices to ensure that their instruments are set to the correct pitch, they also can be held next to specific parts of the body by individuals seeking healing vibrations, emotional balance and pain relief. “Tuning forks are fun because you can have a very strong somatic reaction within a few seconds— they’re very powerful,” notes Godfrey-Ryan.

Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies are musical tunes or sound patterns designed to stimulate the brain by syncing brain waves to specific healing frequencies. Each of the seven most popular solfeggio frequencies sets out to target a certain purpose, from improving relationships and awakening intuition to navigating change and letting go of fear.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are soundscapes that create a gap between different frequencies. For example, the tune might have a tone of 210 Hertz (Hz) in the left ear and 200 Hz in the right ear, producing an illusory tone of 10 Hz, also known as a binaural beat. Brainwaves are thought to automatically align themselves with this auditory tone, which may be useful for improving focus and reducing stress.

Sound healing is finding a permanent place in modern wellness culture as more people experience its rewards. While there are myriad ways to use sound vibrations for healing purposes, it is up to each individual to find the style that resonates with them and achieves the improvements they seek. With regular practice, they may even find relief that is cumulative and long-lasting.

Gayatri Bhaumik is a professional writer and editor. For more information, visit

13 December 2022
V. Kudryashov/ stevica
korkeng/ Microgen/ kentoh/



Forget the gherkins and dills this holiday season; there’s another pickle in town. This one offers a great way to get in shape, increase happiness and bond with family and friends. It’s pickleball: a simple-to-learn sport that requires less running than tennis and can be played both indoors and outdoors. Players use oversized ping pong-style paddles to hit a wiffle ball over a low net on a badminton-sized court.

The Economist , and other media, say pickleball is America’s fastest growing sport. While seniors are particularly drawn to it, it is also catching on with all ages. “The fastpaced games make it easier for kids to stay engaged, as well as socialize with their peers,” says Sarah Ansboury, director of pickleball at Palmetto Dunes, in South Carolina. “Many families do pickleball events for holidays and reunions. Pickleball enables people of all ages to participate.”

According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), there are 4.8 million pickleball players in America, with 51 percent between 6 and 34 years of age. At the end of 2021, there were 9,524 pickleball courts across the U.S.

In 2020, Mecklenburg County, in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area, opened the eightcourt John Stevens Pickleball Center, the eighth facility in the county where citizens can play the game. Since 2014, the number of public and private courts in the same region has soared from two to more than 100.

The SFIA says growth is happening across the country, with participation spiking 40 percent during the pandemic. In Florida, St. Lucie County unveiled four new courts at its Lakewood Regional Park in September. Even bars are getting into the act, such as Dale Z’s, in Milwaukee, which christened its pickleball court in the same month.

Being a super athlete is not a prerequisite for playing the game, according to Mac McCullough, a pickleballer in Scottsdale, Arizona. “I used to play other sports, but running and tennis got harder on my knees,” he says. “Pickleball has a lower net and a smaller court, so you aren’t running as much. Still, it gives you a good workout and it’s easier on your joints.”

A 2016 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise c onfirms that pickleball provides a good workout. According to the researchers, average heart rate and peak heart rate were higher during pickleball than when walking. Participants burned 40 percent more calories in 30 minutes of the sport than in 30 minutes of walking. Additionally, the study concludes, “Pickleball is more enjoyable than walking at a self-selected speed.”

Dr. Dennis Pena, a podiatrist from Phoenix, says the game has improved his hand-eye coordination. “The more I play pickleball, the better my balance, coordination and movement get,” he says. “It’s a good cardio workout, and I just feel better overall when I play regularly.”

A study from Western State Colorado University indicates that pickleball fosters many health benefits over a wide range of ages. The study followed 15 people between 40 to 85 that played for an hour three times

14 Pittsburgh, PA fit body

per week. All participants showed improvement in cardio fitness, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Research has confirmed that exercise boosts endorphins, which reduces stress and improves overall sense of well-being. A 2018 study from a group of researchers in the U.S. and South Korea showed that pickleball can help stave off depression, too. It reported that although depression rates are increasing in the U.S., people involved in “serious leisure” such as pickleball are less prone to depression.

It’s not just older people that can benefit from the recreational activity. Teen obesity rates have skyrocketed nationwide, much of it due to a lack of exercise. Pickleball could help combat this. It is fun, easy to learn, boosts cardio fitness and can be played just about anywhere. Some colleges are now even offering pickleball scholarships.

Holly Fitzgerald, a physical therapist from Woburn, Massachusetts, gives this advice on how to get ready to play the game:

Squats with body mass can help develop and stretch quadriceps and hamstrings, enabling the ability to compress leg muscles swiftly and consistently. This will help reduce gravitational pull to address the pickleball as it comes at us.

Large arm circles will stretch muscles and prepare them for the considerable movements that occur when striking a ball.

Exercises that develop the core, such as core twisting, are also beneficial. provides a search engine to help find a court anywhere in America. Pickleball is a great way to get family and friends together over the holidays and beyond. It is fun, helps nurture relationships and it is a lot healthier than grazing on holiday leftovers while scanning social media.

Jyl Steinback is the executive director of Shape Up US, creator of the Hip Hope Healthy Heart Program for Children, an author and a recipient of a Community Leadership Award from the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition. Reach her at

15 December 2022 Galina/

Transforming Our World


With all the chaos occurring in the world today, it is challenging to remain centered and not feel overwhelmed. Every shocking headline seems to pull the proverbial rug out from under us. Thought leader Laureen Golden explains the dilemma this way: “Psychologically, we were raised, educated and socialized in a world that no longer really exists. We have a new world that we must navigate, and we need a new psychology, a whole new way of being for that world. Reducing, compartmentalizing, separating things in order to understand them no longer works for us. It’s going to take work to get out of this paradigm.”

Drawing from her background in education and social work, Golden ponders, “How does that new psychology develop when all our institutions charged with cultivating consciousness— schools, families, religious institutions and organizations—are set in the 19th and 20th centuries? Since learning is how we go from one paradigm to another, where do we go to learn the skills and the structures we need to be successful in such a complex world? We can’t do it individually. We must learn in collectives.”

The paradigm shift envisioned by Golden offers an opportunity for us to access innovative methods of learning, discovery and connection, such as sociocracy (a self-governance system based

16 Pittsburgh, PA Tijana/

on the equality of its mem bers); systems thinking (an approach to complexity that looks at the whole and ana lyzes relationships, rather than splitting it into smaller pieces); permaculture (exploring natu ral ecosystems as a whole); circle methods (thinking things through as a group); and Indigenous wisdom (fo cusing on the interconnected ness of all things).

All of these methods focus on an ethos of collaboration and teach us how to discern wisdom, which is different than knowledge. By engaging in these conversations and explorations, we learn that if we tug on any one part of the web of life, we tug the whole web—an important analogy for our times.

A Beloved Community Co-Creating an Island of Sanity Through Collaboration

Instead of shouting, “The sky is falling, and the seas are rising,” in response to a world that is unraveling and expe riencing the growing realities of global warming, residents of St. Petersburg, Florida, are embracing resilience. To prove that the future is born in webs of human conversation, the city is counting on collective intelligence to emerge.

Among the tools city participants are employing is The World Café, developed by Juanita Brown and David Isaac, which allows people to host group conversations around thoughtful questions. The concept is designed to evoke deeper listening and give rise to solutions for today’s challenges in a more conscious, intentional and strategic way. Forty citizens have taken The World Café facilita tion course. Employing a simple and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue, this methodology enables participants to clarify the context, create hospitable space, explore questions that matter, encourage everyone’s contribution, connect diverse perspectives, listen together for patterns and insights, and share collective discoveries.

Other important work being applied is that of bestselling author and longtime community organizer Margaret Wheatley. Her training, which is designed to cultivate what she calls “Warriors of the Human Spirit,” arouses people’s inherent generosity, creativity, compassion and need for community. Known as a big-systems thinker throughout her 45-year career, Wheatley has concluded

that the only opportunity for change is at the local level. Ques tions that encourage collective learning became integral to creat ing cohesiveness in St. Petersburg this year.

Dr. Donella Meadows’ “systems thinking” has helped St. Peters burg participants understand that living systems begin as net works, shift to intentional communities of practice and evolve into powerful systems capable of influence. Also instructive has been “complexity theory”, which helped participants recognize human systems as organizations, families and communities.

“The city leaders felt conversations were important enough to invest $20,000 to cultivate a culture of conversational leadership in the neighborhoods. Another $25,000 was granted by the Com munity Foundation of Tampa Bay to research the outcomes. Now, the Florida Council of Churches, University of South Florida, Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and The Connection Partners have received a Community Vibrancy grant of $14,500 to pilot conversations in three neighborhoods, spreading the skills in creating participatory democracy. Participants will host conversations in their own neighborhoods,” says St. Petersburg resident Sharon Joy Kleitsch, founder of The Connection Partners and a longtime catalyst for applying strategic actions based on the new sciences of complexity theory, strategic thinking and quantum science.

“Those who have used World Café as a tool know that a culture of conversational leadership offers citizens the opportunity to experience a sense of oneness and connectedness. We’ve explored what happens when we share feelings of care, compassion and appreciation toward a beloved community,” says Kleitsch. “We found that group resonance, profound personal involvement and deeply engrossing, interactive conversation sup ports a City of Compassion and an International City of Peace, which St. Petersburg was chosen to be. I want to be sure that people understand that we do not have answers. Together, we are exploring pathways and listening for the answers to emerge.”

Since 2020, a thoughtfully selected group of Florida activists—including partici pants from St. Petersburg— have been holding weekly on line Zoom conversations that matter. In 2021, they were joined by participants from Ohio to study the Capra

17 December 2022

Course, which is based on The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision by bestselling author Fritjof Capra

“What we discovered after only two weeks was that we were ourselves a living system connecting to itself and be coming self-organized,” says Kleitsch. “We became aware that we were learning together. We were sharing what we were learning around subjects such as honoring Indigenous peoples, local food systems, the human right to clean water, reimaging capitalism and many more subjects. We’ve also bifurcated into a Sarasota [Florida] cohort. The key is, we were not random. We were a self-selected study group learning collaboratively, which is the best way I recommend activists study the Capra Course.”

Argerie Vasilakes, who is re searching outcomes, explains that her work is dedicated to helping teams, communities and organizations become more coherent. “I start with traditional ways of thinking about our relationships with nature that native peoples have never forgotten—humans are part of nature, not apart from nature,” she explains. “To me, human organizations, com munities, families and govern ments are also part of nature and examples of natural ecosystems. So, I naturally look at things from a living systems perspective.” Vasilakes advises, “In a group that is learning together, such as those in the St. Petersburg neighborhoods, group conversations organized around questions specifically crafted for the context and desired purpose of the World Café evoke a deeper kind of listening, the most important factor determining the success of a Café. They spark learning conversations that can produce insights and innovation for meeting the challenges they face. Through practicing shared listening and paying attention to themes, patterns and insights, partici pants begin to sense a connec tion to the larger whole.”

According to Wheatley, the important work is to foster critical connections. She believes it is not necessary to convince large numbers of people to change; instead, she suggests we connect with kin dred spirits. Through these re lationships and tools like The World Café, we can develop the new knowledge, practices and commitment that lead to broad-based change.

Wheatley sometimes opens her interviews with an ancient Hopi prophecy that reads as if it were applicable to our current times: “Here now is a river flowing very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid, who will try to hold on to the shore. They are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. The elders say, ‘Let go of the shore, push off and go into the middle of the river. Keep your heads above the water. Know the river has its destination.’ The elders say, ‘See who is in there with you and celebrate.’ At this time in history, we are to take nothing seriously; least of all, ourselves. Gather yourselves. Everything we do now must be done in a spirit of celebration, for we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Seeing who is in the river of chaos with us, we can choose to re spond with, “How can I serve with what I have, where I am?” This is what any Warrior of the Human Spirit would say because in the same river of chaos, there are also the seeds of transformation. In these turbulent times when all the old boundaries are unravelling and all the old certainties are dissolving, there is a possibility for creative transformation if we work together.

Linda Sechrist is Natural Awakenings’ senior staff writer.

n Lynn McTaggart’s books, in cluding: Living with Intention: The Science of Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World and The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous En ergies of a Small Group to Heal Others and the World

18 Pittsburgh, PA
n n New Dimensions Radio ( n n A good explanation of comple xity theory is at ComplexityTheoryExplained n InternationalFuturesForum. com n
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As we indulge in magnificent feasts and open gifts in cozy living rooms, let’s pause to express gratitude for all that we have and look for ways to help those less fortunate. The holiday season is the time for giving. One of the best ways to get into the spirit is by volunteering time and treasure to meaningful causes and underprivileged individuals. Here are a few ideas.


Find a nearby impoverished fam ily that could use a houseful of gifts, including toys, blankets and warm clothes, then do a little shopping and make their holiday dreams come true. Local social service agencies can help identify the lucky family.


Spend an afternoon making holiday greeting cards to warm the hearts of lonely seniors, U.S. armed service members and children in hospitals battling serious illnesses. This is a great activity to do with kids—teach ing them important lessons about kindness and generosity. For cardmaking ideas and distribution help:,, and


Nothing is sadder than a child without at least one holiday gift. Fortunately, several organizations and thousands of generous people do their very best to fill those empty little hands with merriment. Here are a few places that need donations of time, money and gifts:, Samaritans, and


Some kids could really use the cozy warmth and comfort of their very own security binky. Here are two organi zations that provide blanket-making ideas and instructions, and also help facilitate their collection and distribu tion: and BinkyPa This is a wonderful group project for families or classrooms.


Food insecurity is a serious problem in this country, and lowincome families that rely on government assistance and food banks for everyday nutrition will likely not have the wherewithal for a holiday feast. Here’s where our help comes in. The fol lowing organizations either serve free holiday meals or give away food baskets: local churches, temples and mosques; MealsOnWheels; neighborhood food pantries and soup kitch ens; and


Here are a few charities that accept monetary donations and sweat equity to aid children battling serious diseases or troubled family situations:, OneSimpleWish. org, and Prison Fel


These organizations accept donations of money and time: the American So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (; National Wildlife Federation (; Best Friends Animal Society (; Friends of Animals (; Animal Welfare Institute (; Alley Cat Allies (; Jane Goodall Insti tute (JaneGood; and The Humane Society of the United States (Humane Soci

20 Pittsburgh, PA eco tip

Natural Virus Killer Copper can stop a virus

before it starts

Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast.

Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness.

Colds and many other illnesses start when viruses get in your nose and multiply. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.

Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.

That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.

“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.

Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.

The EPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.

The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe

with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect.

When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for 60 seconds.

“It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never happened. I used to get 2-3 bad colds every year. Now I use my device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.”

He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years.

Users say:

“It works! I love it!”

“I can’t believe how good my nose feels.”

“Is it supposed to work that fast?” “One of the best presents ever.” “Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!” “Cold sores gone!”

“It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.”

“I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.”

“Best sleep I’ve had in years!”

After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.

Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.

Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoy life.

Soon people found other things they could use it against.

Colds Flu

Virus variants

Sinus trouble

Cold sores

Fever blisters

Canker sores

Strep throat Night stuffiness

Morning congestion

Nasal drip

Infected sores

Infected wounds Styes Warts Ringworm Other microbial threats

The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.

The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.

Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”

CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA33

Go to or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever.

Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

21 December 2022
New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds.

Merry Brunching


When hosting a holiday brunch, it may be tempting to serve breakfast and lunch classics like quiche, eggs Benedict and huevos rancheros, but many of these dishes can be full of hidden calories, unhealthy fats and too much sodium. With a few easy modifications, healthier versions are possible.

According to Jessica Levinson, a New York registered dietitian and author of 52Week Meal Planner, it’s important to read nutrition labels, remove empty calories and introduce nutritious alternatives. As an example, yogurt and granola parfaits may seem innocent, but are often loaded with added sugar. “A serving size of most granolas is only one-quarter of a cup, which isn’t much, so use granola sparingly,” she says, adding that parfaits made with low-fat Greek yogurt and fresh fruit instead of jam are healthier choices.

Traditional quiches are usually made with heavy cream and a buttery pie crust. Levinson recommends a crustless vegetable frittata instead, as it is naturally gluten-free.

If you don’t want to skip the crust altogether, look for a pre-made, whole wheat crust or make your own,” she says. To eliminate dairy, consider using non-dairy milk and omitting cheese in the recipe.

For eggs Benedict, Levinson suggests skipping the hollandaise sauce, topping the poached eggs with mashed avocado and using a whole grain bread or English muffin for the base. “Instead of ham, try smoked salmon, which has beneficial omega-3 fatty acids,” she says.

Whole grain oats are a heart-healthy option, but oatmeal served brûlée-style is topped with additional sugar, notes Frances Largeman-Roth, a New York registered dietitian and author of Smoothies & Juices.

22 Pittsburgh, PA conscious eating

“It’s better to opt for oatmeal and fruit, with a drizzle of real maple syrup,” she says. Largeman-Roth likes mixing savory and sweet, to add variety and protein to the brunch plate. “Instead of just having a stack of pancakes, split it with your friends or family, and then have a small, veggie-filled omelet. You’ll feel much more satisfied.”

Planning the Holiday Brunch Spread

When putting together a menu, Levinson advocates incorporating all of the components of a balanced meal: lean protein, carbohydrates from whole grains, fruit and veggies, and low-fat dairy or plant-based substitutes. She says, “If you’re making pancakes or waffles, use whole grain flour when possible, and serve with a side of yogurt, fresh fruit and real maple syrup.”

According to Largeman-Roth, egg lovers will enjoy a veggiepacked omelet or frittata with either potatoes or bread on the side, but not both. Watch out for fried foods and use sauces and cream sparingly or find substitutes. If the family is dining out, she cautions that brunch dishes are often served with extra sauces and syrups, adding sodium and sugar. “Try to ask for them on the side,” she advises. “It’s not about completely avoiding them, but it’s nice to be able to control the amount that you’re adding to your pancakes or waffles.”

Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to  Natural Awakenings.

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23 December 2022
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This healthy dish is a crowd-pleaser any time of year. It’s also glutenfree and can be modified based on whatever veggies are on hand. Omit the feta cheese for a diary-free option.



2 Tbsp olive oil

1 cup diced yellow onion

1 Serrano or jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced

1 cup diced yellow bell pepper

1 cup diced green zucchini

1 cup diced yellow summer squash

2 large garlic cloves, minced (1 heaping Tbsp)

1 tsp ground cumin

½ tsp turmeric

1 tsp sweet paprika

26-28 oz diced tomatoes

2 Tbsp tomato paste

2 tsp honey

1 tsp cider vinegar

1 cup corn, frozen, fresh or canned

½ tsp kosher salt

Freshly ground pepper ¾ cup crumbled feta cheese 4 large eggs

Chopped parsley, for garnish (optional) Za’atar, for garnish (optional)

Heat olive oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet (straightsided skillet is preferable). Add onions; sauté 2 minutes. Add Serrano pepper and bell peppers; sauté 4 minutes. Add zucchini and summer squash; sauté 5 minutes. Add garlic, cumin, turmeric and paprika; stir until fragrant, about 1 minute.

Reduce heat to medium and add diced tomatoes, tomato paste, honey, cider vinegar and corn; stir in salt and pepper. Simmer for about 10-12 minutes until the sauce has thickened and reduced.

Turn off the heat and press the crumbled feta into the tomato sauce. With the back of a spoon, make 4 indentations in the sauce. Crack eggs one at a time into a small bowl and pour into each of the 4 indentations. Carefully drag a spatula gently through the egg whites, being sure not to disturb the yolks. Simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes, gently stirring the sauce and basting the eggs with the sauce. Cover and cook another 3 to 5 minutes for runny eggs. Cook longer for well-done eggs.

Serve with a sprinkling of parsley and za’atar, if desired.

Recipe courtesy of Jessica Levinson.


Cooked on a sheet pan, these pancakes make cleanup a breeze and can be prepared the night before. Buttermilk and protein powder add satisfying nutrients.


Cooking spray

2 cups buttermilk 2 eggs, beaten

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

4 Tbsp melted ghee or unsalted butter

⅓ cup maple syrup

1¼ cups whole wheat flour

1 cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup vanilla protein powder

1 tsp baking soda

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp sea salt


½ cup strawberries

½ cup blueberries

½ cup raspberries

1 tsp brown sugar

Powdered sugar, for topping

Preheat oven to 425° F. Line an 11-by-17-inch, rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Spray parchment and sides of pan with cooking spray.

Whisk the buttermilk, eggs, vanilla, ghee and maple syrup together in a medium bowl. Set aside. In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients—whole wheat flour and salt. Add the wet ingredients to the dry in three additions until just mixed. Pour into the prepared pan and smooth the top.

Blend the berry swirl ingredients in a blender until smooth. Add ½ teaspoon of water if mixture is too stiff. Add small dollops of the berry mixture to the top of the pancake batter. Drag a wooden toothpick or skewer through the berry mixture to create a swirled pattern.

Place the pan in the oven and bake for 11 minutes, until lightly golden. Let cool for about 5 minutes, then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut into 12 squares with a knife. Enjoy warm with maple syrup. Can be stored in the fridge for up to two days.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Frances Largeman-Roth.

24 Pittsburgh, PA
Nelea Reazanteva/


Cranberries put a holiday twist on a classic mimosa. Drier champagnes or sparkling wines are lower in sugar. Making cranberry juice from scratch with sweeteners like maple syrup or honey is a natural alternative to commercial cranberry juice. Prepare the cranberry juice the night before serving.


4 cups homemade (recipe below) or storebought cranberry juice

1 cup orange juice

1 bottle drier champagne, such as Ultra Brut Rosemary sprigs for garnish

Fill four champagne flutes or glassware of choice approximately halfway with cranberry juice. Add 2 Tbsp orange juice to each glass.

Top each glass with champagne. Garnish with sprig of rosemary. Refill as desired.

Recipe courtesy of Sheila Julson.



3 cups fresh cranberries

3 cups water

½ cup pure maple syrup or honey

Put fresh cranberries and water in a pot and bring to a boil. Turn heat to low and simmer for approximately 15 minutes until the berries soften and pop.

Using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, strain the berries and return the juice to the pan. (Use leftover cranberries in smoothies, yogurt or relish.)

Gradually add maple syrup or honey until desired sweetness is achieved. Heat on low until sweetener dissolves.

Pour juice into an airtight bottle and refrigerate.

Recipe courtesy of Sheila Julson.

25 December 2022 Mizina/

Holiday Treats for Cats and Dogs

The holidays are a great time to con nect with loved ones, including family pets. Although treats bring such joy to their lives, keep in mind that not all foods around the holiday table are safe for dogs and cats. There are, however, plenty of pet-safe in gredients, some of which are actually beneficial.

Cranberries, for example, have been classified as a “super food”, which means they provide many beneficial nutrients and antioxi dants, such as vitamins C, E and K, plus manga nese. They are also high in fiber, which supports gut health. When feeding them to a pet, it is important to choose 100 percent cranberries that do not contain any sugars or preservatives.

When cooking up a batch of pet treats, coconut flour is healthier than the traditional, all-purpose flour, because it contains more fiber, protein and healthy fats. It is also glutenfree, making it a better alternative for pets with allergies.

Beef gelatin is chock-full of health benefits for pets, as it contains amino acids that help break down food, repair body tissue, support the immune system and provide energy. Among its numerous advantages, gelatin strengthens bones, muscles and cartilage, while also improving gut health, skin and fur. Always check the ingredient list. Use 100 percent gelatin and make sure there is nothing else included, especially Xylitol or birch sugar.

Sweet potatoes provide a wealth of nutrients from which both dogs and cats can benefit. They are a good source of fiber and high in antioxidants, including beta carotene, which is rich in vitamin A and supports good cognition and lung strength.

Turkey breast supplies a wide range of B vitamins, including B6 and B12. It also provides iron, potassium, zinc and selenium, which help support a healthy immune system.

All of these treats make great pres ents. Place them in a decorative container and gift them to pet-loving friends and family.

Tonya Wilhelm is a professional dog trainer with a holistic approach. For more informa tion, visit

26 Pittsburgh, PA
natural pet
liliya liliya kulianionak/


This recipe is cat-friendly, but a kitty may not dive into the delight.


3 cups water

½ cup sweet potato

3 Tbsp beef gelatin

Silicone molds and cookie sheet

Measuring cup with a spout for pouring Boil 2 cups of water. Remove the skin from a sweet potato. Dice the sweet potato and place ½ cup into the boiling water. Boil until the sweet potato is soft and then drain it. Mash the sweet potato into a smooth con sistency and set it next to the stove.

In a small saucepan, boil one cup of water. Once the water reaches a boil, quickly whisk in the gelatin. When the gelatin is dissolved, lower the heat and add the mashed sweet potato and stir over the heat. Pour the mixture into the measuring cup. Then quickly pour the hot liquid into the silicone molds. Don’t fill to the top.



Because many silicone molds are floppy, place them on a cookie sheet prior to filling them.

The molds will need to be refrigerated to cool, so find a spot before pouring. Be ready: The gelatin will start to set up very quickly. Carefully place the molds into the refrigerator to set up for approximately three hours.

Remove the treats from the molds and break them into bite-sized pieces before feeding to pets. Store the gummies in a glass container in the refrigerator for up to three days or freeze until ready to serve. Thaw completely before serving.


These muffins are full of flavor and nutrition, and are healthy for both dogs and cats, although a finicky cat may turn her nose up to them.


1 cup coconut flour

5 eggs

⅓ apple or ⅓ cup diced apple

⅓ cup liquid (water, or bone broth)

2 cups water

¼ cup cranberries

2 Tbsp melted coconut oil

1 tsp baking soda

Preheat the oven to 350° F. Rinse the fresh cranberries under cold water. Place 2 cups of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place the clean cranberries into the water and boil until they pop, approximately 5 minutes. Remove from heat and strain the cranberries. Set the cranberries aside to cool.

Remove the seeds and core from the apple. Dice ⅓ of the apple into small bits.

Mix the flour, eggs, apple, ⅓ cup liquid, melted coconut oil, cooked cranberries and baking soda in a large mixing bowl until well-blended.

Grease a muffin tin with coconut oil. Fill the muffin tins ⅔ full and place them into the oven. Bake for approximately 25 min utes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Carefully remove and place on a cooling rack. Serve as a special treat. Place treats in a glass container and refrigerate for up to three days or freeze until ready to serve.Thaw completely before serving.

27 December 2022
photo by by Tonya Wilhelm
MONTHLY PLANNER learn about marketing opportunities at: march food & nutrition 724-271-8877 january health & wellness february heart

calendar of events

NOTE: Events were accurate at the time the magazine went to press – please call ahead to check for date or time changes. All calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Review submissions guidelines at or email for more information.


Dazzling Nights at Pittsburgh Botanic Garden –Evenings through 1 Jan 2023, 5:30-10:30pm. Hosted by Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. Ticket-timed entry sets the stage for this stroll through the light-dazzled gar dens – rain or shine. Nosh, nibble, and enjoy seasonal beverages available for purchase. Alternate parking with shuttle at CCAC West Hills Center, 1000 McKee Rd, Oakdale. Tickets $12-25 at dazzling-nights-pittsburgh-tickets-6XN9PK.


savethe date


Murray Avenue Apothecary Annual Friends and Family Sale – Dec 2-4. Hosted by Mur ray Avenue Apothecary LabNaturals. 20% off Compounds (exclusions and limits apply), Lab Naturals CBD, Glutathione, Supplements, Test Kits, OTC Hormones. 30% off LabNaturals Skin Care. Dec 2 & 3 in-store, by phone, online or with our Refill App. Dec 4, online or with our Refill App., Murray Avenue Apothecary, 4227 Murray Ave.

Yoga Rhythmics – 7-8:30pm. Hosted by Sneha. An evening of YogaRhythmics® - a synergy of yoga, creative and energetic movement, breath work, music, and play. A dynamic experience of self-expression. Tickets $25 events-one/december-yoga-rhythmics-le6sz. Sneha Yoga & Wellness Collective, 5432 Butler St.


Jubilee Ringers – 6:30-7:30pm. Hosted by Peters Township Public Library. Relaxing holiday tradi tion with the Jubilee Ringers of Trinity united Methodist church. Seating is limited and first-come first-served. Register at 616 E. McMurray Rd, McMurray.


Full Cold Moon Headlamp Hike – 6-8pm. Hosted by 3 Rivers Outdoor Company. Red headlamp lights to preserve night vision and enhance this 3 to 4 mile hike through the woods of Frick Park. Activity level moderate, age 14+. Meet at 3 Rivers Outdoor Company. Pre-registration $5. Day of event, $10.

3 Rivers Outdoor Company, 1130 S Braddock Ave. Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh Holiday Cocktail Party – 7-9pm. Hosted by the non-profit Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh. Join us for hors d’ oeuvres, cocktails, auctions, and live music to benefit our non-profit educational yoga studio. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.


Harmony for Change – 6-9pm. Hosted by the Asservo Project and Pittsburgh Opera. First annual holiday gathering of our supporters. An enjoyable

evening with elevated appetizers, dinner, cocktails, live opera, and a silent auction. Come-as-you-are business casual after work event in support of the anti-human trafficking efforts of the ASSERVO Project. Tickets $125-$5000 at Events. Bitz Opera Factory, 2425 Liberty Ave.


Basic Accelerated Resolution Therapy Training – December 9, 10, 11 9am-5pm. Hosted by Arise Alliance with a target audience of Licensed Mental Health Professionals, Counselors, Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and nurses, to impart knowledge and skills in effective implementation of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) in clinical practice. $1500. Special rates available via ART International. Info 813-435-1374. Register at

Restorative Stretching with Karen – 6-7pm. Hosted by Gritstone Climbing and Fitness LLC. Alllevels slow movement class with focus on deeper stretching and relaxation poses. Go to ClimbGrit for info and registration. 1901 Eljadid St, Morgantown WV.


Pittsburgh Scarf Bombing Begins – Decem ber 10 thru 23, 10am-1pm. Hosted by Scarf Bombardiers, who will begin hanging scarves and hats out throughout the Pittsburgh area for those who need them. You can send donations to: Scarf Bombardiers, 322 Mall Blvd, Box 185 Monroeville, PA 15146

Tea with Santa in the Barn – 11am-1pm, 1pm3pm. Hosted by Harmony Acres, Flannel Roots Farm, and Hilton Farm II. Join Santa for a photo op while sampling hot teas and enjoying tea sand wiches and dessert. Adult ticket $25 – includes one child. Additional children $10. Harmony Acres, 355 Perryopolis Rd, Belle Vernon. HarmonyAcres

Ho’oponopono Meditation for Forgiveness &

28 Pittsburgh, PA

Healing – 5-6:30pm. Hosted by Visions Reiki and Soul Spa with Sacred Centered You. Powerful ancient Hawaiian full moon meditation practice seeking forgiveness and reconciliation. Join our annual Ho’oponopono Cleansing Meditation and Gong Bath to begin making things right, clearing a path to the divine. tration. Visions Reiki and Soul Spa, 206 Alexander Ave, Strabane.

Super Science Saturday: Light – 10am-5pm. Hosted by Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Explore qualities of light and luster across the natural world, from the glitter of gems to the shine of an insect wing. Learn how animals adapt to and thrive in darkness. Ages 7-12. Free with museum admission. Tickets at super-science-Saturday-light/. 4400 Forbes Ave.


Local Christmas Shopping at Harmony Acres –10am-2pm. Hosted by Harmony Acres and Hilton Farm II. The perfect fit of last minute shopping and benefiting local vendors, including our favorites from Market on the Farm, and more. Vendor’s table $10. 724-562-9235. Harmony Acres, 355 Perryopo lis Rd, Belle Vernon.


Pittsburgh Jazz Orchestra Holiday Concert – 7-10pm. Hosted by MCG Jazz and Point Park University’s Pittsburgh Playhouse. The Pittsburgh Jazz Orchestra puts its unique touch on holiday clas sics the whole family will enjoy. Tickets $35-53 at Point Park University’s Pittsburgh Playhouse, 350 Forbes Ave.


AmVets Christmas Dinner – 3-6:30pm. Hosted by George C Marshall AmVets Post 103. Spread hope and joy in our community with Christmas Dinner for our families. Veterans with proof of service eat free. Guests $8, Children $5. On the menu: traditional sliced ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, buttered roll and pie. Please RSVP with number of Veterans and guests in your party to or 724-880-0304. George C Marshall AmVets Post 013, 123 Butter milk Lane, Hopwood.

Restorative Stretching with Karen – 6-7pm. Hosted by Gritstone Climbing and Fitness LLC. Alllevels slow movement class with focus on deeper stretching and relaxation poses. Go to ClimbGrit for info and registration. 1901 Eljadid St, Morgantown WV.

plan ahead


savethe date


Snow Moon Soul Fest at Visions Reiki and Soul Spa – 10am-4pm. Hosted by Visions Reiki and Soul Spa. Enjoy a variety of energy healing experiences, workshops, speakers, and vendors at this one-day soul festival. Tickets $35 at sions-Reiki-and-Soul-Spa-Tickets. Visions Reiki and Soul Spa, 206 Alexander Ave, Strabane.


Hatha I Yoga – 10-10:45am. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Hatha I Yoga – 7-7:45pm. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Sunday’s Restorative Rejuvenation – 5-6:30pm. 3rd Sun. Hosted by Morgantown Power Yoga. All levels welcome. Learn to use breath, props, and focused awareness to decrease stress and anxiety in the body and the mind. Compliment your power yoga practice with restorative rejuvenation. $25. 235 Spruce St, Mor gantown, WV. Tickets:


Hatha I Yoga – 10-11am and 6:30-7:30pm. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

1 Hood Power Hour 7-8pm. A virtual forum hosted by 1 Hood Power to discuss all things political in SWPA and beyond. A virtual public affairs forum featuring elected officials, policymakers and thought leaders. 617-517-7600.


Hatha I Yoga – 8:45-9:30am. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Beginners Yoga – 7:30-7:45pm. Hosted by Hima layan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. HIPYoga. org. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.


Hatha I Yoga – 1-1:45pm. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Yoga for Balance and Harmony – 1-1:45pm. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Mid-Week Reset – 7-7:45pm. Hosted by Hima layan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. HIPYoga. org. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Yoga and Sound Bath 7-8:15pm. 1st Wed. With Susannah Azzaro. $25. Himalayan Institute of Pitts burgh, 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

THRIVE Carmichaels Community Garden Proj ect Meeting – 6-7pm every second Wed. Hosted by Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA. Attend in person or via Zoom. Fellowship Hall, 101 W South St, Carmichaels. Info 724-223-5477.

Wellness Wednesdays – 6:30-8pm Through 14 Dec. Hosted by 10.27 Healing Partnership. A rotating se ries of wellness practitioners including acupuncture,

reiki, and more. Hold meaningful conversations, build community in our space. 5738 Forbes Ave.


Yoga Classes – 9:30-10:30am. 1st & 2nd Thurs. Hosted by Spruce Street United Methodist Church. All ages and abilities with variations to accommodate health and movement issues, with students sitting or standing next to a chair. Emphasis on meditative practices. Wear comfortable clothing. 386 Spruce St, Morgantown, W Virginia. 304-292-3359.

Hatha I Yoga – 10-10:45am. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Movement and Breath Meditation – 1-1:45pm. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Hatha II Yoga – 6-6:45pm. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Restorative Yoga in the Salt Cave – 6:45-7:45pm. Through Dec. Hosted by Salt of the Earth. Revive and restore with awesome and unique combination of restorative yoga and detoxifying salt. Tickets Salt of the Earth, 504 Valley Brook Rd, McMurray.


Hatha II Yoga – 8:45-9:30am. Hosted by Hima layan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. HIPYoga. org. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

Hatha I Yoga – 10-10:45am. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

First Friday Walk/Hike 10-11:30am. Hosted by Allegheny Land Trust at various interesting parks and green areas around greater Pittsburgh. For info on location, focus, and cost go to AlleghenyLandTrust. 412-741-2750.

Friday Family Walk – 10am-Noon. Hosted by West

Virginia Botanic Garden. First Friday of every month. Enjoy a short story followed by a walk around the Garden, conclude with a simple craft. Trail accommo dates off road strollers. Members/free, $15/donation per family suggested. Preregistration required: wvbg. org or

Friday 101 – Carnegie Science Center Fab Lab Public Workshops – 1-2pm. Hosted by BNY Mel lon Fab Lab Carnegie Science Center. Take a crash course in maker technology – learn the basics of 3D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting, and more. $30/ nonmembers, $25/members. One Allegheny Ave. 412-237-3400. Register:


Hatha I Yoga – 10-10:45am. Hosted by Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh (HIP) Yoga. Register online for drop-in and membership rates. 300 Beverly Rd. 412-344-7434.

All-Levels Vinyasa Flow with Sarah – 10-11am. Hosted by Gritstone Climbing and Fitness. Get your Zen on and bliss out with this gentle yet challenging flow. Member/nonmember pricing and packages available. Tickets at 1901 Eljadid St, Morgantown, WV.

Hygge Hykes with Forbes State Forest – 10amNoon, 2nd Sat thru Feb. Hosted by Forbes State Forest. Hygge (pronounced Hoo-Gah) is the Danish principle, feeling, and lifestyle that encompasses wellness, comfort and coziness. The activity is free but registration is required. Location will be revealed upon registration. 724-238-1200.

Morgantown WV Indoor Farmer’s/Grower’s Winter Market – 10am-Noon. Select Saturdays from 3 December 2022 thru 15 April 2023. Monongalia County Center, 270 Mylan Park Ln, Morgantown, WV. Info at

3D Printer Workshop – Noon-2pm. Hosted by Prototype PGH. Learn to use the Elegoo UV Pho tocuring 3D resin printer. $10 at Eventbrite. 460 Melwood Ave, Oakland. Info:

Prototype PGH – Monthly Open House – Noon2pm Second Sat of the month. Meet with members of our team to ask questions about Prototype and the events, workshops and services offered. Donations appreciated to cover free events and workshops. 460 Melwood Ave #208. RSVP on our Facebook page.

29 December 2022 ongoing events

community resource guide

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4227 Murray Ave, Pittsburgh 412-421-4996 •

A Compounding Pharmacy Boutique, Pittsburgh's Pet Pharmacy, and home to LabNaturals CBD. We offer holistic health services—hormone balancing and consultation, pharmacist picked supplements, detox, nutritional counseling, absorbable acetylated and palmitated Glutathione products, and pharmacist- compounded CBD products for people and pets. We are a very specialized compounding only pharmacy and we compound anything that is not one-size-fits-all. Check us out online today. See ad, page 11.



Dr Danielle Marra, DC Murrysville • Greensburg 724-387-1014 •

Dr. Danielle Marra has nearly 20 years’ experience helping patients regain their health through conservative and holistic approaches utilizing functional medicine, chiropractic, diet modifications, and nutritional support. The practice provides advanced lab testing, allergy relief, spinal decompression, CDL physicals, massage therapy, thermography and more. Their philosophy is treating the root of your symptoms, naturally. See ad, page 6.



4227A Murray Ave, Pittsburgh 412-421-4996 •

Founded by Holistic Clinical Pharmacist Susan Merenstein, LabNaturals offers an anti-aging line of skincare products that are safe, non-toxic and affordable. The company also carries a line of people- and pet-friendly CBD products and offers Vital Health consultation services on functional health and hormone balance. See ad, page 11.



Dr. Danielle Mara, DC Murrysville • Greensburg 724-387-1014 • Dr. Danielle Mara has nearly 20 years’ experience helping patients regain their health through conservative and holistic approaches utilizing functional medicine, chiropractic, diet modifications and nutritional support. Plus advanced lab testing, allergy relief, spinal decompression, CDL physicals, massage therapy, thermography and more. Their philosophy is treating the root of your symptoms, naturally. See ad, page 6.



Connellsville, PA

Kathy and Haley, The Kefir Chicks, are two chicks on a mission to bring awareness to everyone about whole foods and gut health through whole, probiotic-packed food medicine – water kefir. See ad, page 9.



Lisa Cunningham Old-Fashioned Family Herbalist 308 Liberty St, Perryopolis, PA 724-736-2400

Nothing fancy here; just hundreds of organic bulk medicinal herbs at your beck and call. Heal yourself ~ help others. In service and gratitude always. No Facebook, no website, no social media. Not enough thyme! Just you and I and your blessed healing herbs.


DIP HOM. ACH, Reiki Master 1252 Liberty St, Franklin, PA • 814-428-9895

Facebook: Melanie Krneta Homoeopathy Plus

Classical homoeopathic consultations providing individualized care for the entire family. Migraines, hormonal imbalances, PTSD, grief, arthritis, digestive imbalance. Reiki sessions are beneficial for relaxation and pain management. Other services provided are far infrared sauna with medical grade color therapy and Himalayan salt and ear candling.



Naptural Beauty Supply was created to end the stigma around natural hair by empowering men and women to love themselves naturally. We do this by instilling confidence in our community and increasing convenience by having the tools and services in one place, such as hair and body butters, beard care and apparel. We are beauty supply with naturals in mind! See ad, page 9.



Dr. Areti Fitsioris 421 Cochran Rd, Pittsburgh 412-419-1537 (call/text) • Dr. Areti is a board-certified naturopathic physician who implements manual therapy, lifestyle medicine, nutritional analysis, and non-invasive methods to address functional and structural imbalances – services are 100% grounded in evidence-based science. She goes the extra mile to identify and address root causes of conditions and to provide ongoing support.



412-258-0766 •

Leza is known widely for her abilities as a sound healer, inspirational speaker and interfaith spiritual counselor. Healing arts services include vibrational sound healing, past life and soul regression, journey work counseling and conscious relationships counseling. Private and group services offered. Lesa Vivio, MS, LPC, CMHIMP, DDiv, DSM.


30 Pittsburgh, PA

Kindness is like snow; it beautifies everything it covers.



Raqueeb Bey, Garden Resource Coordinator 6587 Hamilton Ave, Ste 2W, Pittsburgh 412-362-4769 ext 215 •

Grow Pittsburgh is an urban, agriculture nonprofit that teaches people how to grow

food. They envision the day when everyone grows and eats fresh, local and healthy food. Get involved. Take a tour, become a member, learn, volunteer! Visit their website for workshops and events.



Wyatt Melius

2000 Smallman St, Pittsburgh 412-609-8999 •

Sound massage, Nada yoga, forest bathing, and acoustic-induced meditation. Check the calendar for sound baths on Sundays and Thursdays. See ad, page 7.


Himalayan Salt Cave and Crystal Boutique

504 Valleybrook Rd,McMurray, PA 15317 724-260-0472 •

Experience the known ancient healing benefits of halotherapy in the Himalayan salt cave, built from 16 tons of pure Himalayan salt. 45-minute sessions scheduled on the hour. Can be rented for private groups up to 10. Provides an inviting and relaxing environment for events and classes: yoga, meditation, sound healing, and reiki. The crystal boutique offers an array of authentic crystals, jewelry, candles, locally-made bath and body, and Himalayan salt products. The knowledgeable staff will help find the right crystal for you or your home décor. See ads, pages 7 and 11.


206 Alexander Ave, Strabane 724-745-1785 •


Fee for classifieds is a minimum charge of $20 for the first 20 words and $1 for each additional word. To place an ad, email Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsSWPA com.





Offering individual and group experiences that promote healing through self-discovery and personal acceptance. Special focus on sound healing, life coaching, qigong, and vibrational medicine.



Tyleda Worou Pittsburgh • 724-374-8089 •

360 Café LLC is an alternative health and wellness business with the goal of helping others to heal from the inside out while taking a holistic approach to healing by offering distance reiki, and crystal healing sessions to help our consumers restore physical and emotional balance.

As a full-service energy-health and wellness center, our goal is to empower people to be the best version of themselves. With the understanding that all wellness begins with a healthy energy system, Visions Reiki and Soul Spa offers holistic services, workshops, and coaching to help you establish a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.


THE HIMALAYAN INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH 300 Beverly Rd, Pittsburgh 412-344-7434 •

The Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh is committed to creating and supporting programs for wellness in body, mind and spirit. Their purpose is to promote personal peace and global unity. Offering a daily schedule of yoga and meditation classes and healing services including massage, reiki and Ayurvedic health consultations. They are a leader in education, providing authentic yoga and Ayurveda certification programs. See ad, page 3.

ADVERTISING SALES – Natural Awak enings magazine is looking for experienced advertising salespeople covering the Greater Pittsburgh area, SW Pennsylvania and Mor gantown WV to help others grow their natural health & wellness and sustainable living or green businesses. Commission-based. Full- or part-time. Paying 25% commission. Unlim ited potential income. Be a part of something magical! Send resume to Michelle: Publisher@


McCORMICK FAMILY FARM – 100% grass-fed/finished beef, pasture-raised chicken, and pure maple syrup following beyond organic, regenerative farming practices. 293 McCormic Rd, Portage, PA. 814-472-7259. Facebook: @ TheMcCormickFamilyFarm.


READING POETRY RELAXES – Inquire at: or P.O. Box 4725, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-0725.

31 December 2022
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