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Mindful Parenting The Conscious Path to Raising a Child

by Ronica O’Hara


Lo Bannerman, a Tucson nutritionist, was making homemade cookies with her toddler. “Or rather, making a mess while stirring cookies,” she recalls. “Something in me snapped. I wanted to take control, kick her out of the kitchen and do everything the ‘right’ way.”

As Bannerman took a deep breath, a memory arose. “As a child, I was only allowed to count scoops of fl our or teaspoons of vanilla. I was never allowed to fully, actively participate in the kitchen. Everything had to be perfect, and I was not ‘good enough’ to make it so. I felt this in my core. Was I passing this on to my daughter?” Bannerman recalls that, aft er taking a moment to reset, she and her daughter “happily made a mess, a memory and a foundation for a brighter future together.”

Bannerman, who blogs at NourishingFamilies.org, was practicing an increasingly popular approach in raising children known as either conscious, mindful, soulful, awake or peaceful parenting. Instead of focusing on shaping a child’s behavior through rules and discipline, which can bring up contentious issues of fear, ego and control, the focus is on connecting deeply with a child through love, authenticity and acceptance of the child’s innate nature.

“It’s crucial we realize that we aren’t raising a ‘mini-me’, but a spirit, throbbing with its own signature,” says psychologist Shefali Tsabary, Ph.D., author of Th e Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children. “Children aren’t ours to possess or own in any way. When we know this in the depths of our soul, we tailor their raising to their needs rather than molding them to fi t our needs.”

Th e transformation starts with—and hinges upon—parents understanding themselves deeply and realizing how their upbringing shapes their parenting actions. It’s not always easy, especially during housebound pandemic months. “Our children have the capacity to trigger us more than anyone else. So, when they exhibit childish behavior—which is, of course, part of their job description—it’s oft en hard for parents to stay calm,” says Laura Markham, Ph.D., a Brooklyn clinical psychologist and author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids.

“We see our child’s behavior (He hit her again!), and we draw a conclusion (He’s going to be a psychopath!) which triggers other conclusions (I’ve failed as a mother!). Th is cascade of thoughts creates a runaway train of emotions—in this case, fear, dismay, guilt. We can’t bear those feelings. Th e best defense is a good offense, so we lash out at our child in anger. Th e whole process takes all of two seconds, and later we wonder why we overreacted.”

Th e answer oft en lies in our past, Markham says. “Any issue that makes you feel like lashing out has roots in your own early years. We know this because we lose our ability to think clearly at those moments, and we start acting like children ourselves, throwing our own tantrums.”

Th e more deeply we know ourselves—whether through therapy, reading, journaling, meditation, mindfulness practices or simply facing head-on the hard knocks of life—the more open we are to forging a deep relationship with our children and the easier it is to calm ourselves in the moment of a trigger, psychologists say.

Correcting a child becomes then a matter of being a guide or coach, rather than a law enforcer. “Disciplining from a place of presence or awakened consciousness means having the willingness to pause, refl ect, course-correct as needed in the moment, apologize, take ownership, ask for help and to drop history and reset as needed,” says Renée Peterson Trudeau, the Brevard, North Carolina, author of Nurturing the Soul of Your Family and Th e Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal. “Most of all, practice self-compassion. You will make mistakes. Forgive yourself and move on; this is beautiful modeling for your kids.”

Jessica Speer, a family-book author in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, lives that process. Raised in a home “where anger wasn’t managed well,” she had no tools to draw on when she got triggered by her toddler’s tantrums. It was, she says, “a wake-up call that I needed help.” Diving deeply into books, mindfulness and meditation helped her to understand herself better. “Fast forward 10 years, and I still meditate regularly,” she says. “Now, when my daughter experiences big emotions, I try to ground myself so I can be there by her side. Th is has been so healing for both of us.”

Ronica O'Hara is a Denver-based health writer. Connect at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.

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Skin-Soothing Herbs for Dogs and Cats Simple Ways to Reduce Itching

by Greg Tilford


Holistic Hospital Care Plus: Health & Wellness on a Budget

FEBRUARY Heart Health Plus: Eco-Friendly Weddings

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svvvita/AdobeStock.com From allergies to liver defi ciency, many factors can itch, infl ame and irritate the skin of our pets. A dog’s or cat’s skin can become damaged or compromised because the skin is the fi rst line of defense against attacks from external substances. Skin problems in pets have many causes, yet a variety of herbs can help a dog or cat feel more comfortable.

While the catalysts of acute-onset skin issues such as insect bites or sunburn are obvious and can be dealt with directly, most forms of skin and coat disease are caused by deeper issues that can be extremely diffi cult to identify and address. Chronic or recurring skin conditions that cannot be attributed to infl uences outside the body usually point to deeper health issues, some of which can be serious or even life-threatening.

Th e greatest mistake one can make when assessing a skin problem is assuming the problem is only skin deep. And while topical salves, liniments, shampoos or lotions can be quite eff ective in temporarily suppressing itching and pain, they will not likely address the root causes of a dog’s or cat’s skin ailment. For that, the situation must be approached from the inside-out with diet and several key herbs.

Many cases of chronic skin issues in dogs and cats are either directly attributable to or strongly infl uenced by inappropriate and allergy-inducing ingredients in pet foods. Be critical about the quality of pet foods and avoid those that contain meat byproducts, artifi cial fl avors and preservatives, as well as all grains, especially wheat and corn.

It’s also important to give a good fi sh or krill oil supplement to dogs and cats. Th e omega-3 fatty acids in these marine lipids play critical roles in regulating immune system infl ammatory response to allergens. More specifi cally, they inhibit infl ammation, while omega-6 fatty acids typically found in grains and vegetable oils stimulate infl ammation. Both processes are necessary for healthy body functioning, but an imbalance of too much omega-6 sets the stage for skin allergies, a dull coat and excessive shedding.

Liver defi ciency is another common factor to consider. Th e liver is responsible for producing digestive enzymes and acids needed to break down and assimilate food while also fi ltering waste from the bloodstream. If the liver is defi cient in any of these functions, excess waste that cannot be eliminated via normal pathways will wreak havoc on the body, oft en manifesting as a skin condition. If this happens, symptoms commonly recognized as pyoderma, eczema or psoriasis will increase as the body tries to eliminate the waste, pushing the toxins outward and away from vital internal organs toward the skin.

In addition to dietary adjustments, liver support is helpful when it comes to skin problems, and this is where herbs come in.

Burdock root (Arctium lappa). Th is herb has an ancient history as a skin remedy. It contains inulin, an svvvita/AdobeStock.com indigestible polysaccharide constituent that serves as a prebiotic, feeding benefi cial microfl ora in the gut and improving digestion. It also contains a broad variety of compounds that gently stimulate the liver at various levels to help detoxify the body and aid in transporting waste out of the bloodstream. Burdock can be found as a tincture or a fresh root at many health food stores. Grate the fresh root liberally onto the pet’s food at each mealtime. Burdock is fairly neutral in fl avor and very safe, so there’s no need to worry about overfeeding.

Dandelion (Taraxacum offi cinale). Th e roots and leaves are highly nutritious. Th ey contain a complex svvvita/AdobeStock.com assortment of liversupporting compounds as well as diuretic properties that aid the body in eliminating toxins via urination. Red clover (Trifolium pretense), alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and milk thistle(Silybum marianum). Th ese are svvvita/AdobeStock.com well-known blood cleansers worth considering. Look for formulas that contain a balanced array of all three.

Greg Tilford is the CEO of Animal Essentials Inc., a natural pets supplement company. He is the author of fi ve books, including Herbs for Pets: Th e Natural Way to Enhance Your Pet’s Life. For more information, visit AnimalEssentials.com.

Topical Herbs that Relieve the Itch

To heal a pet’s skin problems from the inside-out with good food and supplementation can take a few weeks. In the meantime, the itchy misery can be reduced with topical remedies. One of the most eff ective approaches is herbal astringents that work by quickly tightening skin and subcutaneous tissue, reducing infl ammation and redness.  Witch hazel. Th is herbal extract can be purchased as a clear liquid at any drugstore. It’s also the primary active ingredient in many commercial hemorrhoid ointments, as it reduces infl amed membranes very quickly. A dab or two of witch hazel applied with a cotton ball can work wonders against fl ea or mosquito bites. It’s important to know that most products are made with isopropyl alcohol, which is quite toxic if ingested in large amounts. Th erefore, this extract should be reserved for situations in which only a few dabs are needed (i.e., don’t use it as a rinse). Better yet, look for witch hazel extract made with ethanol (grain alcohol) or vegetable glycerin, an edible palm oil derivative used in natural soaps and cosmetics for its emollient, skin-soothing qualities.  Aloe vera. With its antibacterial properties, aloe vera gel works especially well when spot-applied directly to hot spots or insect bites. However, unless combined with an emollient, the drying and tightening properties of aloe vera could further exacerbate discomfort caused by dry, chapped skin.  Calendula. Calendula offi cinalis, small marigold, is easy to grow or purchase in dry bulk form at natural product retailers. Cooled calendula tea, liberally applied to an animal’s skin and coat, can bring fast relief to infl amed skin and accelerate the healing of open sores. To make a soothing skin rinse, simply infuse two to four tablespoons of dried calendula fl owers into a quart of near-boiling spoons of dried calendula fl owers into a quart of near-boiling water. Allow the tea to cool completely, drench water. Allow the tea to cool completely, drench the pet with the tea and allow it to drip dry. the pet with the tea and allow it to drip dry.  Tea. Peppermint, chamomile and green teas are Peppermint, chamomile and green teas are great for relieving itchy skin. Infuse four to six tea bags great for relieving itchy skin. Infuse four to six tea bags of any (or all) of these herbs into one quart of boiling of any (or all) of these herbs into one quart of boiling water. Cool thoroughly and rinse the animal. Not water. Cool thoroughly and rinse the animal. Not only will it feel better, it will smell great, too. only will it feel better, it will smell great, too.

calendar of events

NOTE: Events were accurate at the time the magazine went to press – please call ahead to check for date or time changes. All calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Review submissions guidelines at NaturalAwakeningsSWPA.com or email Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsSWPA.com for more information.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Thanks/Giving Launch Party – 11am-2pm. Vendors include Laura Cordera, nutrition coach, Kathi Hursh, personal stylist at Macy’s in South Hills Village. Plus Diane Scabilloni, author of many children’s books, will speak at noon on the topic “I just want peace, why do I feel fight or flight”. Relaxology Spa will introduce its Angel Tree for the Washington County City Mission: “30 days of giving” giveaway every day in November on social media. 1445 Washington Rd Bldg 6, Washington, PA. 724-222-2825. Info@RelaxologySpa.com.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Drawing Dynamics – 4:30-6:30pm. With Joe Shildkamp. Approaches and assigned practice work applied to improving your observational eye. Work with various marking techniques that imply pattern/ texture and value contrasts that suggest form/space, students explore options for presenting their subject imagery in a visually dynamic manner. Linear perspective methods are presented for consideration. Bring a pencil and sketch pad to the first class. Ages high school-to-adult. Masks and social distancing required. $70. 724-837-6791. Greensburg Art Center, 230 Todd School Rd. 724-837-6791. CindyRegina@comcast.net. Creating Backyard Habitat – 7-8:30pm. Online hosted by Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. Our gardens can support a variety of life; providing wonder and entertainment. Learn how to create a backyard habitat that attracts birds, pollinators and other wildlife, and the benefits of native plants and the importance of different habitat elements. Students will receive locally relevant plant lists and other resources. $25/members, $30/nonmembers. Register: 3989p. blackbaudhosting.com/3989p/Creating-BackyardHabitat-for-Birds-Pollinators-and-more.


Stress Reduction Techniques for Mind and Body

– 6-8pm. This workshop will help participants alleviate some of the symptoms resulting from stress. Participants will learn hands on instruction in pressure point relief for common areas affected by stress. Also learn stretches to loosen taut muscle areas. Dress in comfy clothes. $25. Dr. Lillian Ronzio School of Holistic Health, 275 Pleasant Valley Rd, Connellsville. 724-603-2444. RonzioSchool@ gmail.com. Tickets: Ronzioschool.com/productpage/stress-reduction-techniques-for-mind-body.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Drawing Dynamics – 4:30-6:30pm. With Joe Shildkamp. Approaches and assigned practice work applied to improving your observational eye. Working with various marking techniques that imply pattern/texture and value contrasts that suggest form/space, students explore options for presenting their subject imagery in a visually dynamic manner. Linear perspective methods are presented for consideration. Bring a pencil and sketch pad to the first class. Other material options will be discussed. Ages high school-to-adult. Masks and social distancing required. $70. 724-837-6791. Greensburg Art Center, 230 Todd School Rd. 724-837-6791. CindyRegina@comcast.net. Reiki Share – 6:30-9:30pm. Join to experience the healing, high vibrations, joy and fellowship that are the natural result of our reiki gatherings. Free. Visions Reiki and Soul Spa, 206 Alexander Ave, Strabane. 724-745-1785. Wendy@VisionsReiki. com. Tickets: Eventbrite.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Calliope Folk Song Night – 7-8:30pm. Singers and instrumentalists of all ages are welcome at this informal gathering of people who want to sing together and share songs. Sing songs from the Rise Up Singing songbooks and the shared musical knowledge of all group members. Bring your song ideas. Monroeville Public Library, 4000 Gateway Campus Blvd, Monroeville. 412-372-0500. MonroevillePublicLibrary@gmail.com.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Wilderness Survival 101 – 9am-4pm. Hosted by True North Wilderness Survival School. Perfect intro to fundamentals of wilderness survival. The goal of Wilderness Survival 101 is to introduce you to the skills and information to better deal with an emergency in the outdoors. Learn the same “modern” approach to wilderness survival that is taught in US military survival schools. Harrison Hills County Park. Erik@ExploreTrueNorth.com. 412-913-6000. Youth Writers Camp – 11am-1pm. Hosted by August Wilson African American Cultural Center. Curriculum addresses social justice issues with focus on poetic monologue in imitation of characters across Wilson’s plays. Free and via Zoom. Register at aacc-awc.org. 412-339-1011.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Electronic Recycling Drop-off Event –10am-1pm. Hosted by Recycle Right Morgantown. In honor of America Recycles Day, the City of Morgantown in partnership with Republic Services’ is hosting a free electronic recycling drop-off event at the Morgantown Farmers’ Market Pavilion. This event is open to all county residents. Accepted electronics: computers/ laptops, TVs/monitors, printers, fax machines, modems, cable boxes, gaming equipment, VHS, DVD players, stereos. Morgantown Farmers Market. 400 Spruce St, Morgantown, WV. mfmgaManager@ gmail.com. Info: RecycleRightMorgantown.com. New Moon Women’s Circle and Meditation –6:30-8pm. Gather for a global meditation to heal ourselves and the planet. Then join for Thought Exchange on the theme of the month. Hosted by Back To The Earth Healing Center and The Millvale House. This is an in-person outdoors event that will be limited seating due to social distancing protocols. $10. 22 Butler St, Pittsburgh. 412-821-2265. RSVP/ticket: Eventbrite or TheMillvaleHouse@gmail.com. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Learn to Draw Zentangle Online – 6:30-8pm. Zentangle is a simple technique for pattern drawing that is relaxing, meditative, intriguing and fun. Zentangle artist and instructor Sue Schneider will guide you stepby-step through the basic process for creating small, abstract designs using repetitive pattern skills. Teens and adults welcome. Hosted by Monroeville Public Library, 4000 Gateway Campus Blvd. RSVP: 412372-0500. MonroevillePublicLibrary@gmail.com.


Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Stuffed Acorn Squash

– 5-6:30pm. Online event. Take Thanksgiving to a new level this year and add some unique vegetarian inspired side dishes to your line up. Whether you’re vegetarian or just need a change of pace, these dishes will surprise your Thanksgiving dinner guests and leave them wanting more. Make delicious quinoa stuffed acorn squash. Hosted by Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. $25/members, $28/nonmembers. Register: 3989p.blackbaudhosting.com/3989p/Vegetarian-Friendly-ThanksgivingDishes--Quinoa-Stuffed-Acorn-Squash. SH Holiday Ceramic Class – 6-8pm. By PA Connecting Communities at That Pottery Place. Preregistration/payment required. Must be able to pick up finished piece the following week. $25/person. 7224 Baptist Rd, Bethel Park. 412-835-3616.


3rd Annual Greater Pittsburgh Arts & Crafts

Holiday Spectacular – Nov 20-22. 10am – 9pm. One of the area’s biggest and best Christmas arts, crafts and food marketplaces featuring more than 300 indoor booths in two huge exhibit halls. Monroeville Convention Center, 209 Mall Boulevard, Monroeville. Healing Collective –7-9pm. Hosted by Calli Tony, CPT. During this Healing Collective, dive into a variety of healing modalities. Healing Collective is a mini retreat with journaling, EFT tapping, yoga, cleansing and clearing, meditation, reiki, make and take essential oil product. Online Collectives also available for $33. Preregister in advance. 201 E Fairview Ave, Connellsville, PA. Tickets: CalliTony-cpt.square.site/product/healing-collective/4.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Sweat, Spin and Sip –Noon-1pm. With Cycletique. A 45-minute cycle class, bubbly sips and light bites, healthy giveaways by local companies. Meet other women and connect. $15 at Eventbrite.com. 4607 Library Rd, Ste 200, Bethel Park. 412-409-4500. Info@Cyucletiquepgh.com. Annual Winter Coat Drive – Noon-3pm. Hosted by Community Empowerment Association. There are families in the community who lack winter clothing. Seeking donations of new winter coats, gloves, and scarves to keep our children warm this winter. Thank you for your humanitarian spirit. 7120 Kelly St, Pittsburgh 412-371-3689 ext 244.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Overhill Lane at the Artisan Market – 9am-4pm. Hosted by Overhill Lane Bath & Body Products. Shop small and local. Try some new products; samples with each purchase. Artisan Market in the Strip, 20th St & Penn Ave, Pittsburgh. OverhillLane.com.

Salty Vibrations: Sound Healing at the Salt

Cave – 4-5pm. Hosted by Salt of the Earth and Sacred Centered You. Join Lesa for a 55-minute

sound-healing session as she plays the crystal bowls. Combines powerful vibrations and tones to induce immediate relaxation, which is the foundation of healing. These gentle vibrations clear blockages at the cellular level allowing the free and smooth flow of energy, restoring good health. $45/person. 504 Valley Brook Rd, McMurray, PA. 724-2600472. LisaMascara@gmail.com. Tickets: Clients. MindBodyOnline.com/classic/ws.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Non-Perishable Food Distribution – 1-5pm. Hosted by Saints John & Paul Parish of the Great Grouping. Non-perishable food box distribution at Saints John & Paul. If you or anyone you know is in need, stop by the Upper CDC to receive a box of non-perishable food items. 2586 Wexford Bayne Rd, Sewickley. 724-935-2104. Info@sts-jp.org. New Works Writers’ Meeting –6-7:30pm. Hosted by New Works Coffeehouse and Scotch’n’Soda Theatre, and Carnegie Mellon University. Interested in learning more about playwriting and how new shows get made? Join for weekly writers’ meetings. No experience necessary, all skill levels welcome. NewWorksCoffee@gmail.com. 914-806-0411. Zoom: cmu.zoom.us/j/91750041202?pwd=ZEw1 VnV1QVlpWTBiOVhVeFR3VmhHZz09.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Small Business Saturday – 9am-9pm. Hosted by Appalachian Creativity Center and Ann Nicholson. Visit and support our local artists and small business owners. Lots of beautiful hand crafted gifts for everyone. Gift certificates also available for classes and Connellsville Escape Rooms. 139 West Crawford Ave, Connellsville. 724-208-1746. AppalachianCreativity@gmail.com.

Holiday Pop-Up Shop: Clean Juice Cranberry

– 10am-2pm. Also 12/12. Hosted by Enliven Your Spirit. Food should not be complicated, nor should the holidays. Support boutique collections, alongside fellow local businesses, and shop local goods for the special people in your life. Different vendors will be in attendance every week. Clean Juice, 2085 Mackenzie Way, Ste 300, Cranberry. 704-918-1217.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Full Moon Circle and Meditation – 7pm. Hosted by Back to the Earth Healing Center and The Millvale House. An in-person outdoor event with limited seating due to social distancing protocols. Bring a notebook and pencil, a candle, a drum or rattle, or any tool of your faith to help you celebrate the power of the full moon energy. Zoom option also available. $10. 22 Butler St, Pittsburgh. 412-821-2265. RSVP/ ticket: Eventbrite or TheMillvaleHouse@gmail.com.

ongoing events


Heartfulness Meditation – 11am-noon. 1st Sun. Hosted by Heartfulness Pittsburgh. Age 15+. Guided relaxation and meditation for ages 15 and up. Learn the basics of heartfulness and how it can benefit you. Be casual. Free. Winchester Thurston Lower School in Shadyside, Rm 202. Info: Heartfulness.org. Thai Cooking Classes – Thru Mar 1. 1-2:30pm or 3-4:30pm. 2nd & 4th Sun. Hosted by Thai Me Up. Get hands-on instruction, learn new skills and be inspired. Home-style Thai cooking classes are run by Chef Piyo and Chef Wasana. $45/person. 118 S 23rd St, Pittsburgh. 412-488-8893. Tickets/menu: Clover.com/online-ordering/thai-me-up-pittsburgh. Sunday’s Restorative Rejuvenation – 5-6:30pm. 3rd Sun. Hosted by Morgantown Power Yoga. All levels welcome. Learn to use breath, props, and focused awareness to decrease stress and anxiety in the body and the mind. Compliment your power yoga practice with restorative rejuvenation. $25. 235 Spruce St, Morgantown. WV. Tickets: Clients. MindBodyOnline.com.


Tobacco Cessation Class – Thru Nov. Noon-1pm. With group support and a professional facilitator, participants will: pick a quit day, create a quit plan, measure carbon monoxide levels, practice stress management, meet with a registered dietician, strive to stay quit. Wilfred R. Cameron Wellness Center, 240 Wellness Way, Conference Rm A & B, Washington, PA. 724-225-9355. wrcwc@whs.org. Teen Workshop – Thru Dec 7. 4-5pm. Hosted by WashPAOutdoors. Discover outdoor spaces with free programs by local instructors. Join outside for an hour each Monday to discuss a new topic, explore, and take a hike. Washington Park, Log Cabin Dr, Washington, PA. WashpaOutdoors.wixsite.com/ washpa. 724-678-3823 or vviscardi@whs.org. Yoga for Wellbeing – 5:30-6:30pm. Wellbeing Solutions hosts in-person (limit 4) or online to harmonize body, mind, spirit, and breath with your dedication to attendance. Colleen Harshbarger, ERYT-500 and MS in Exercise Science Biomechanics, provides alignment-based instruction. All levels. $8. 304-508-2398. Wellbeingwv.com.


Lawrenceville Farmers’ Market – Extended Season – Thru Dec 17. 3-6pm. The market is extended by seven-weeks. Come shop in a safe, open-air environment with many of your favorite vendors. Arsenal Park, 250 40th St. Lunited.org. 412-802-7220. Tween Workshop –Thru Dec 8. 4-5pm. Hosted by WashPAOutdoors. Discover outdoor spaces with free programs by local instructors. Join for an hour outside each Tuesday to work on a project or take a hike in the woods. Washington Park, Log Cabin Dr, Washington, PA. WashpaOutdoors.wixsite.com/ washpa. 724-678-3823. Core Yoga Flow with Karen – Thru Dec. 6:307:30pm. Hosted by Gritstone Climbing and Fitness, LLC. Strengthen your core, improve your flexibility, and enhance your balance for climbing. This class is geared to help improve your body tension on the wall and your posture off the wall. 1901 Eljadid St, Morgantown, WV. 304-241-4187. Info@ClimbGritstone.com. Online Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Hosted by WVU Collegiate Recovery. All skill-levels welcome. A password is required, but anyone can join! Free. Email olivia.pape@mail.wvu.edu to get the code. Guided Meditation with Reiki – Thru Dec 22. 7-7:50pm. 3rd Tue. Hosted by Salt of the Earth. Guided meditation begins with gentle relaxation leading to deep inner awareness and peace. $18. Tickets: Clients.MindBodyOnline.com. Once registered you will receive an email link. Click the link five minutes prior to start. 724-260-0472. LisaMascara@gmail.com. The Salty Core – 7-8pm. 4th Tue. Hosted by Salt of the Earth and Valleybrook Pilates & Fitness. Pilates in the Cave to lengthen and expand muscles for a leaner, stronger you. Incorporate breath, stretch, and strengthening. Open to all levels. 504 Valley Brook Rd, McMurray, PA. Tickets: SaltOfTheEarthpgh.com.


Yoga for Wellbeing – 8:30-9:30am. Wellbeing Solutions hosts in-person (limit 4) or online to harmonize body, mind, spirit, and breath with your dedication to attendance. Colleen Harshbarger, ERYT-500 and MS in Exercise Science Biomechanics, provides alignment-based instruction. All levels. $8. 304-508-2398. Wellbeingwv.com.

Listen to Black Women: What’s it like to be a

Black Woman in Pittsburgh? – 6:30-8pm. Online event hosted by Black Women’s Policy Agenda. Join for a virtual community conversation. Free. 412-245-6771. Register: Eventbrite. BlackWomensPolicyAgenda.org. Introduction to Astrology – 6:30-8:30pm. Sept 23-Nov 24. Hosted by Sacred Centered You. Learn the basics of Astrology in this online six-week class taught by Stephen Jarvis. 14-hours. $300. Register at StephenJarvisAstrology.com. Includes workbook and 20-minute reading.


Yoga Classes – 9:30-10:30am. 1st & 2nd Thurs. Hosted by Spruce Street United Methodist Church. All ages and abilities with variations to accommodate health and movement issues, with students sitting or standing next to a chair. Emphasis on meditative practices. Wear comfortable clothing. 386 Spruce St, Morgantown, West Virginia. 304292-3359.

Yoga – 10-11:30am. With Nancy Micheals. A series designed to focus on specific areas of the body to strengthen and stretch muscles. Classes will help participants build strength, balance the body’s system, increase body awareness, and increase energy while learning specific postures. CDC guidelines observed. YWCA Westmoreland County, 424 N Main St, Greensburg. 724-834-9390. Info@ywcawestmoreland.org. ywcawestmoreland. org/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/YWCA-Fall2020-Classes-and-Workshop-Insert.pdf. Wellbeing Solutions Webinars – 2nd & 4th Thur. Noon-1pm. Self-Care as Healthcare with BoardCertified Health and Wellness Coach and Yoga teacher Colleen Harshbarger and Natalie Geary, MD and Ayurveda Therapist. COVID rate: $25 1st (trial class); $40/thereafter. 4-pack: $150; 8-pack: $280. 12-pack: $399 includes one-year Wellness Inventory subscription ($49.95 value). On-demand times for groups. 304508-2398. Info/register: Wellbingwv.com/webinars. Restorative Yoga Nidra – Thru Dec. 7-8pm. 2nd Thur. Hosted by Salt of the Earth. Restorative yoga in the salt cave. Nidra, known as yogic sleep, is meant to induce total physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Bring a mat. 504 Valley Brook Rd, McMurray. 724-260-0472. Lisa@SaltOfTheEarthpgh. com. Tickets: Clients.MindBodyOnline.com.

Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our Pittsburgh community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsSWPA.com to request our media kit.

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE ALTERNATIVE REMEDIES 305 Jefferson Ave, Moundsville, WV 304-506-3585 Dr.Carol@Remedies.com AlternativeRemediesOnline.com Dr. Carol off ers a personalized holistic approach to your health concerns through nutrition, supplements, exercise, cellular spa treatments, homeopathy and self-help classes. Twenty years of experience in naturally supporting the body, her specialties are digestive health, women and children, and gluten-free living. Health memberships and video conferencing available.

AROMATHERAPY WELL OILED Melissa Robb, BSW, JD, CA, RPII Certified Aromatherapist, Reiki II Practitioner 1414 Potomac Ave, Dormont 412-531-6457 • GetWellOiled.com Be your own best wellness advocate. Melissa can help you learn about essential oils, answer questions about CBD or help you along your spiritual path. Holistic Wellness Shop providing accessible, aff ordable, and safe products plus workshops for optimal health and wellness: mind-body-spirit. High-quality aromatherapy oils and accessories, CBD and spiritual workshops. See calendar for classes.

BIOLOGIC DENTISTRY JANET LAZARUS – BIOLOGIC DENTIST Dr Janet Lazarus, DMD, NMD Mail: 4313 Walnut St, Ste 178 Office: Olympia Shopping Ctr Arcade, McKeesport • 412-754-2020 Dr.Lazlo@hotmail.com Dr. Lazarus practices compassionate biologic dentistry by looking at the whole body to off er preventative care and health maintenance. She offers compatibility testing on dental material, safe mercury removal, extraction and a host of other treatments including ozone therapy. She has been practicing for 28 years. See ad, page 4. CHIROPRACTIC APPALACHIA CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS, PC Travis D Horne, DC • Gi Ming ‘‘Lili’’ Chan, ND 20120 Route 19, Ste 202, Cranberry Twp, PA 724-553-5312 AppalachiaChiropractic.com Best of natural medicine – combining both chiropractic and naturopathic care. We provide integrative and individualized care to the community where patients feel heard and truly cared for. We off er manipulation, sports medicine, nutrition, herbal, homeopathy and hydrotherapy.

PANTHER FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE AND CHIROPRACTIC Dr Danielle Marra, DC Murrysville • Greensburg 724-387-1014 • PittsburghHealthPro.com Dr. Danielle Marra has nearly 20 years’ experience helping patients regain their health through conservative and holistic approaches utilizing functional medicine, chiropractic, diet modifications, and nutritional support. The practice provides advanced lab testing, allergy relief, spinal decompression, CDL physicals, massage therapy, thermography and more. Their philosophy is treating the root of your symptoms, naturally. See ad, page 9.

FAMILY AND LIFESTYLE MEDICINE GENTILE FAMILY DIRECT PRIMARY CARE Natalie Gentile, MD 5655 Bryant St, Pittsburgh GentileFamilyDPC@gmail.com GentileFamilyDPC.com Aff ordable, high-quality, evidencebased direct primary care for patients of all ages, regardless of insurance status. Become a member for a low monthly fee and get unlimited offi ce visits, quality healthcare, wholesale prices on prescription medication and at-cost labs. They support a plant-based lifestyle and specialize in intensive therapeutic lifestyle counseling.

When enough people care about autism or diabetes or global warming, it helps everyone, even if only a tiny fraction actively participate. ~Seth Godin

We stand together to fight racism, injustice, brutality and backlash.

To the black members of our community: we see you, we support you and we stand by you.

FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE PANTHER FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE AND CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Danielle Mara, DC Murrysville • Greensburg 724-387-1014 • PittsburghHealthPro.com Dr. Danielle Mara has nearly 20 years’ experience helping patients regain their health through conservative and holistic approaches utilizing functional medicine, chiropractic, diet modifications and nutritional support. Plus advanced lab testing, allergy relief, spinal decompression, CDL physicals, massage therapy, thermography and more. Their philosophy is treating the root of your symptoms, naturally. See ad, page 9.

YOUR HEALTH INVESTIGATOR Dr William Howrilla, DC, CFMP Pittsburgh • SW Pennsylvania • Telehealth 412-445-3168 • YourHealthInvestigator.com Dr. William Howrilla, DC, CFMP is a unique chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner who utilizes Contact Reflex Analysis or CRA, which assesses the energy connections within the body for health analysis, detailed health history and other testing modalities to help you restore your health and regain your vitality and quality of life. See ad, page 5.

HEALTH COACH COTERIE Calli Tony, CPT 201 E Fairview Ave, Rm 211, Connellsville, PA 724-562-0682 • CalliTonycpt.com Calli Tony is a mother, spiritual entrepreneur and a holistic health and transformational coach. She is the creator of HYPE and podcast host. Her mission is to serve, empower and educate through holistic healing. She works with women who want to create a massive shift in their life!

Coming Next Month DECEMBER

Spending Locally Plus: Creating Community & Connection

SHE’S MY HEALTH COACH D’Anna V. Kromer 1195 W Laurel Cir, Mount Pleasant, PA 724-331-3365 • ShesMyHealthCoach.com Certifi ed health wellness coach and registered yoga teacher assisting individuals with habit change. Providing support, accountability, and total transformational programs addressing most pressing health issues like sugar cravings, energy and mood swings, stress, infl ammation, emotional eating, chronic dieting, weight loss, diabetes, and sleep hygiene. Plus, off ering private yoga instruction.

HEALTH FOOD THE KEFIR CHICKS Connellsville, PA TheKefirChicks.com TheKefirChicks@gmail.com Facebook.com/TheKefirChicks Kathy and Haley, The Kefir Chicks, are two chicks on a mission to bring awareness to everyone about whole foods and gut health through whole, probiotic-packed food medicine – water kefi r. See ad, page 5.

HERBALISM BASIC EARTH ESSENTIALS Michael Lausterer P.O. Box 6, Richeyville, PA 724-426-4579 • BasicEarthEssentials.com Getting back to our natural roots is the foundational philosophy that drives and inspires Basic Earth Essentials; using the purest botanicals of the earth to create handcrafted, superb blends of the fi nest quality. Products for pets, personal care, and inspirational settings. Custom products available. See ad, page 13. HERBS OLD THYME HERB SHOP, LLC Lisa Cunningham Old-Fashioned Family Herbalist 308 Liberty St, Perryopolis, PA 724-736-2400 Nothing fancy, just hundreds of organic bulk medicinal herbs at your beck and call. Heal yourself and help others. In service and gratitude always. No Facebook, no website, no social media. Not enough thyme! Just you and I and your blessed healing herbs. See holiday blessing greeting on back cover.

INTERIOR DESIGN DEBORAH BELLA INTERIOR DESIGN Debbie S Bielawski, Allied ASID, Associate IIDA 412-216-5487 • DeborahBella.com Info@DeborahBella.com Redesigning your home or offi ce beautifully by utilizing natural, eco-friendly, sustainable and biophilic solutions that are healthier for your mind, body and soul. See ad, page 6.

NATURAL BEAUTY PRODUCTS NAPTURAL BEAUTY SUPPLY 724-307-8487 NapturalBeautySupply.com Naptural Beauty Supply was created to end the stigma around natural hair by empowering men and women to love themselves naturally. We do this by instilling confi dence in our community and increasing convenience by having the tools and services in one place, such as hair and body butters, beard care and apparel. We are beauty supply with naturals in mind! See ad, page 9.

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE APPALACHIA CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS, PC Travis D Horne, DC • Gi Ming ‘‘Lili’’ Chan, ND 20120 Route 19, Ste 202, Cranberry Twp, PA 724-553-5312 • AppalachiaChiropractic.com Best of natural medicine – combining both chiropractic and naturopathic care. We provide integrative and individualized care to the community where patients feel heard and truly cared for. We off er manipulation, sports medicine, nutrition, herbal, homeopathy and hydrotherapy.

SPIRITUAL THE PRAYER WARRIOR AND HEALER ThePrayerWarriorAndHealer.com ThePrayerWarriorAndHealer@gmail.com Healing children, adults and pets through Divine Intervention practices. Specializing in: customized written prayer requests and crystal grids; assisting empathic and sensitive children; Akashic (past-life record) readings; energy clearing for self, home, property and workplace.

URBAN FARMING GROW PITTSBURGH Raqueeb Bey, Garden Resource Coordinator 6587 Hamilton Ave, Ste 2W, Pittsburgh 412-362-4769 ext 215 Raqueeb@GrowPittsburgh.org GrowPittsburgh.org Grow Pittsburgh is an urban, agriculture nonprofit that teaches people how to grow food. They envision the day when everyone grows and eats fresh, local and healthy food. Get involved. Take a tour, become a member, learn, volunteer! Visit their website for workshops and events.

VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE SACRED, CENTERED, YOU, LLC 412-258-0766 SacredCenteredYou.com Offering individual and group experiences that promote healing through self-discovery and personal acceptance. Special focus on sound healing, life coaching, qigong, and vibrational medicine. See ad, page 19.

WELLNESS 360 CAFÉ LLC Tyleda Worou Pittsburgh 724-374-8089 • 360CafeLLC.com 360 Café LLC is an alternative health and wellness business with the goal of helping others to heal from the inside out while taking a holistic approach to healing by offering distance reiki, and crystal healing sessions to help our consumers restore physical and emotional balance. See ad, page 7. LEARN AND GROW WITH SARA JO Sara Remington, Consulting SaraRemington13@gmail.com 724-208-4977 Family wellness coaching through holistic nutrition, transformational life coaching, and mindfulness-based practices. Teacher, parent educator, and mind body and wellness practitioner. Schedule a one on one 10-week coaching program on intuitive eating. Available to hold workshops on mindfulness for kids, nutrition and intuitive eating.

SALT OF THE EARTH Himalayan Salt Cave and Chakra Boutique 504 Valley Brook Rd, McMurray 724-260-0472 • SaltOfTheEarthpgh.com Salt of the Earth offers the ancient healing benefi ts of salt; serene, therapeutic, and exquisitely built with 16 tons of authentic Himalayan salt. Sessions are 45 minutes. Group events: guided meditation, yoga, sound healing, and pilates. Personal services in the cave: reiki, massage, cellular healing, Akashic Records, mediumship and spirit guide channeling. Known to heal respiratory and skin issues, the organically dispersed salt is naturally detoxifying, reduces infl ammation, cleanses the respiratory system and improves sleep. See ad, page 9.

WINER WELLNESS CENTER 2419 Baldwick Rd, Pittsburgh 412-922-9355 • DrWiner.com Holistic Wellness Center with practitioners for chiropractic, nutritional consultation, allergy elimination and muscle therapy. Workers’ compensation and accident insurance claims. Fully stocked all-natural supplement store.

YOGA AND MEDITATION THE HIMALAYAN INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH 300 Beverly Rd, Pittsburgh 412-344-7434 • HipYoga.org The Himalayan Institute of Pittsburgh is committed to creating and supporting programs for wellness in body, mind and spirit. Their purpose is to promote personal peace and global unity. Off ering a daily schedule of yoga and meditation classes and healing services including massage, reiki and Ayurvedic health consultations. They are a leader in education, providing authentic yoga and Ayurveda certifi cation programs.

When you are balanced and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, your natural beauty comes out. ~Christy Turlington

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Natural Awakenings Client Testimonial

I have been advertising since the beginning of Natural Awakenings and I have to say. that it has been a great choice! I have gotten a lot of new patients from her magazine. The covers are always colorful and fun! Michelle has been very helpful and she is always available when I need to talk to her. I would highly recommend this magazine if you are considering advertising.

~Dr Janet Lazarus

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