Report #4- New Jersey Regional Tidal Data Resources

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Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

Potential Tidal Power for New Jersey 2010-15 Sponsored by NJDOT and UTRC Project Report 140-04

New Jersey Regional Tidal Data Resources

Roger Bason March 6, 2011 Contact Information: 845-691-4008 (O),

Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

1. Introduction A review of available tide data, tables, graphics, interactive Internet services and software that provide both historical and real time tidal and water current data is presented in support of tasks required for NJDOT 2010-15 Potential Tidal Power for New Jersey. The purpose of this review is to provide both an understanding of tidal flow dynamics and to identify related information resources. This task is completed (1) to assist in the identification of the 20 best locations for tidal energy sites in New Jersey and (2) to support the development of a high-resolution computer model of tidal flows in state river and shoreline areas. The introduction presents an overview of each of the sections in the paper. Background on the nature and terminology of tidal flow is then presented to provide a summary of the technical terms describing the various tide states to enable an understanding of the dynamics of tidal flux and movement. Next a description is made of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/ National Ocean Service's (NOS) National Current Observation Program (NCOP) to collect, analyze, and distribute observations and predictions of currents. The New Jersey sites included in the program are highlighted on maps and then detailed with accompanying tables that present the information available using this resource. Section 4 presents a web-based tidal prediction program called Mobile Geographic that provides tables and maps of sites used for tidal flow predictions. The presentation is made for the applicable sites in New Jersey. Almost all sites provide information on tidal height. A few of the sites in this resource include tidal currents speeds. A map identifies the site locations in New Jersey. An example of the data table output is presented along with a list of options for tidal data presentations by day, month, year. This is followed by a list of all New Jersey sites for tidal height and current data. Section 5 provides an example of one of many available tidal software programs. The program that is detailed is called Mr Tides-3 that is available in both PC and Mac based applications. The Mr Tides-3 software presents data for many sites in New Jersey and also displays the information in four graphical formats with optional time scales that may be useful in the overall analysis of tidal flows. Section 6 presents the NOAA Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS速) system. The objectives of the PORTS速 program are to promote navigation safety, improve the efficiency of U.S. ports and harbors, and ensure the protection of coastal marine resources. This is a very robust and real time system that may prove very useful to the 2010-15 Project. Section 7 presents the NOAA 2011 Tidal Current Predictions. This system will allow you to obtain tidal current predictions computed by CO-OPS for more than 2,700 tidal current locations along the U.S. coastline. The publication of full daily predictions is limited to a select number of "reference stations." The remaining stations are referred to as "subordinate stations." Tidal predictions for subordinate stations are be obtained by applying specific differences to the times and speeds of the predicted tidal currents for the specified reference stations. Section 8 presents a real time NOAA Now Coast application that provides both


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sea state and weather data. Section 9 presents the Coastal Digital data based on the Lidar data collection housed and distributed by the NOAA Coastal Services Center. The data span more than a decade and were collected using several different sensors. The collection includes data from topographic and bathymetric lidar sensors.

2. Basic Terminology for Tidal Flow Dynamics There are several different kinds of currents including oceanic, river, and wind-driven; all with their own driving force. Tidal currents (a horizontal motion) are a result of the rise and fall of the water level due to tides (a vertical motion). The effects of tidal currents on the movement of water in and out of bays and harbors can be substantial. A fundamental understanding of tidal flow dynamics requires an understanding of basic terms that describe the various aspects of the tidal cycle. These terms include: Set - The set is the direction that current flows toward. This is the opposite of the way winds are reported. Drift - This is the speed of a current. On ocean waters it is usually stated in knots; in rivers, mph. Velocity - As the typical term in physics infers, this is an indication of both speed and direction (set and drift) Speed - How fast the water is moving in relation to a stationary object (e.g. shore, light house). Flood Flow - The tidal flood when flow is coming from the sea to the shore (tide is coming in). Ebb Flow - The tidal ebb when it is coming from shore and returning to the sea (low tide ensuing). Slack Water - The point between flood and ebb (or ebb and flood) is when there is no horizontal movement. Stand - The point where vertical changes stop as the tide reverses. This is not the same as slack water; this is a tidal (vertical) occurrence, not a tidal current (horizontal) occurrence. Maximum Current - The normal maximum speeds of the ebb and flood currents. This does not include effects of weather or run off from rain or melting snow, which can significantly effect tidal currents. Water Characteristics and Related Tidal Flow Example

 It has mass, therefore when it moves it has momentum, exerts force, and generates friction.  It's a fluid. Fluids are defined as any substance that has no rigidity. Liquids and gases are both fluids.  It is viscous. Viscosity is defined as a fluid's resistance to motion. Water is a viscous fluid and exactly how water flows is a function of its viscosity. No matter how you move water around, it will always take time to move any distance due to its own viscosity, or the interaction of its viscosity with its surroundings. As an illustration of the effects of the viscosity of water, consider this: No matter how fast you pour out a bucket of water, it will always take some amount of time to empty the bucket. Always.


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

Figure-1. A Schematic of Tidal Flow in a Bay. Imagine a large, long, narrow bay on the coast. We position one person on the ship anchored at the opening to the sea (lower right) and another at the distant white light, a point on the bay as far from the sea as he can get. We assume the tide is low and there are no tidal currents in the bay. The tide comes in and reaches high tide at 11 am so the person at the mouth of the bay reports high tide at 11 am. Meanwhile the person inland is still watching the water level rise until, at 1 pm, he announces high tide where he is. That's a difference of two hours between high tide in the two locations. Let's look at what actually happens throughout the cycle. As the tide comes in, the water entering the bay has to overcome slow water to move forward into the bay (viscosity) so this change is not seen at the other end of the bay immediately. The tidal currents in the bay are now in flood flow. When the tide is highest at the entrance of the bay, the tide is at high stand in that location, but there is still a flood flow into the bay because the high stand has not been reached further into the bay yet. A while later, half way into the bay (the red light), the water also reaches its high stand, but there's still a flood flow because the high stand has not yet been reached further in. Finally the high stand is reached all the way inside the bay at the white light and the current stops. It doesn't reverse; it stops. This is called slack water. Even though the tide may have started going out at the bay's entrance, the current in the bay stops, like a ball that has been thrown up in the air stops at the apex of its flight before falling back to earth. As the tide starts going out, the same thing happens in reverse. The water level once again changes first at the bay's entrance while the water further in the bay may still be at high stand. The current in the bay,


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though, is now in ebb flow. When the ocean is at low tide at the entrance of the bay, the water is at its low stand. Further into the bay, low stand has not yet been reached so the ebb flow continues. Finally low stand is reached all the way inside the bay and once again slack water occurs in the bay. To summarize, we can list the sequence of events at any point in the bay, but the time at which these events occur will be different between any two points at different distances from the sea. The sequence is as follows (starting at low tide):

     

Flood flow, when the tide starts to rise. High stand, when highest water level is reached and flood flow continues. High slack water, when high stand is reached throughout the bay and flood flow stops. Ebb flow, when the tide starts to receed. Low stand, when the lowest water level is reached and ebb flow continues. Low slack water, when low stand is reached throughout the bay and ebb flow stops.

The same applies to rivers flowing into the sea, but with some important differences. The water flowing from the river will tend to hinder the movement of water into the river, hence causing the flood current to be less swift. On the other hand, the ebb flow currents can be extremely swift because water leaving the river at low tide is augmented by water flowing from the river. Add to that the possibility of rain and/or snow runoff inland that has caused the river to swell, and ebb currents can be even faster. In some waters, even the maximum current is so swift that less powerful boats must wait for slack water to navigate them effectively. In order to safely navigate inshore waters, it is important to be able to predict the tides. This is accomplished with the use of tide tables. They can be found in various formats and contain varying amounts of information. Some definitions that are useful in understanding the Reference Station - Reference stations are points along the coast that are specified stationary points for the measurement of tides. Subordinate Station - A subordinate station is a point reporting information relative to it's assigned reference station. One reference station can be assigned hundreds of subordinate stations. The National Ocean Service (NOS) collects and publishes tidal data for various geographical areas. These publications contain data for all reference stations and subordinate stations in a given area. The data for all points in all areas is given as relative to a reference plane called Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). To predict the tides at a point that is not a reference station, one uses a combination of data from a reference station and data from a table of 'tidal differences' for that reference station. The table of tidal differences actually tells the difference between a subordinate station's tides and that of it's 'parent' reference station.


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

3. NOAA National Current Observation Program (NCOP)

Figure-2. NOAA National Current Observation (NCOP) Along US Eastern Seaboard The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/ National Ocean Service's (NOS) Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) manages the National Current Observation Program (NCOP) to collect, analyze, and distribute observations and predictions of currents. The program's goals are to ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound maritime commerce, and to support environmental needs such as HAZMAT response. The principal product generated by this program is information used to maintain and update the Tidal Current Tables.

Background - NOAA and its predecessor agencies have collected information on currents in various ports and harbors, and in the Gulf Stream, since the mid-1800s. The Coast and Geodetic Survey first published tidal current predictions for the use by mariners on the East Coast in 1890 and for those on the West Coast in 1898. By 2002, Tidal Current Tables contained predictions for over 2,700 locations throughout the USA. Most of the data presently in use was collected between 1930 and 1980 when significant resources were dedicated to the program. From the 1960s through the mid-1980s, two NOAA ships (the McARTHUR on the West Coast and Alaska, and the FERREL on the East Coast) and numerous staff oceanographers and technicians were dedicated full-time to the collection, processing, and


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analysis of tidal current data. These complete comprehensive physical oceanographic surveys measured currents, water levels, water temperatures and salinity, and meteorological data. Many were the first complete physical studies ever conducted on major U.S. estuaries. Due to budget cuts and ship reassignments in the late 1980s, the program was reduced significantly. Since the mid-1990s, the National Current Observation Program has been recognized as fulfilling a vital mission of national interest to both the maritime industry and environmental stewardship. As a result, many organizations strongly recommend that it is time for the program's data to be updated.

Future Directions Approximately 70 percent of the stations in the 2001 Tidal Current Tables are over 30 years old. Many of these stations are based on analyses of less than 7 days of data (the data duration is known for 24% of all stations). Channel dredging and changes in the configuration of ports and harbors over the years have significantly altered the physical oceanography of many of the nation's estuaries. Reports from local users indicate that many of the National Ocean Service’s tidal current predictions may be inaccurate. NOS intends to address these deficiencies by rebuilding the program and re-sampling the currents at every major port and estuary within the next 20 years. The majority of work to deploy, recover, and maintain the program's sensors is likely to be conducted by contractors overseen by NOS staff. This system will allow the public to obtain tidal current predictions computed by CO-OPS for more than 2,700 tidal current locations along the U.S. coastline. The publication of full daily predictions is limited to a select number of "reference stations." The remaining stations are referred to as "subordinate stations." Tidal predictions for subordinate stations are be obtained by applying specific differences to the times and speeds of the predicted tidal currents for the specified reference stations. These pages provide a listing of the 2,700 plus reference stations and subordinate stations. Selecting the "predictions" link beside a station listing will provide tidal current predictions for the location with the differences already applied. Unlike tide stations, which are normally located along the shoreline, most tidal current stations are located offshore in channels, rivers, and bays. Tidal current stations are often named for the channel, river, or bay in which they are located or for a nearby navigational reference point. A map or some personal knowledge of the area may be necessary to help identify stations in the area you are interested in. The list of subordinate stations has been broken down into states and other areas where tidal current stations are located. Each state is further broken down into regions. Each region presents a list of the tidal current stations in the area. The stations are listed geographically; thus, stations that are near each


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other along the shoreline appear together in the listing. This assists the user in locating a station of interest. Depth of stations: Although current measurements may have been recorded at various depths in the past, the data listed for many subordinate stations are mean values determined to have been representative of the current at each location. For that reason, no specific current meter depths for those stations are listed. Beginning with the Boston Harbor tidal current survey in 1971, data for individual meter depths were published and subsequent data will be presented in a similar manner. Most historic tidal current data is collected from meters suspended from survey vessels or anchored buoys, the listed depths for these stations are those measured downward from the surface. More recent tidal current data are collected from meters anchored at fixed depths from the bottom, the listed depths for these stations are defined as depth below chart datum and will be accompanied by the small letter "d". All depths listed are in units of feets.


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

Figure-3. NOAA NCOP sites in New Jersey.

Data details of NOAA NCOP sites for New Jersey are presented below. SANDY HOOK BAY


Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Longitude Spd Dir Spd Dir Spd Dir

Depth Latitude

Predictions Highlands Bridge, Shrewsbury River Predictions Seabright Bridge, Shrewsbury River

40° 23.8' 40° 21.9'


Station Predictions Raritan Bay Reach Channel Keyport Channel entrance Predictions Red Bank, 1.4 miles south of Predictions Seguine Point Predictions . . . do. Predictions Ward Point, ESE

Depth Latitude 15 14 34 14

Depth Latitude

Predictions Railroad Bridge, Raritan River Predictions Washington Canal, north entrance

40° 29.54' 40° 28.3'

-- --- --

2.6 170 1.4 185

-- --- --

Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Longitude Spd Dir Spd Dir Spd Dir

40° 29.36' 74° 07.06' 40° 26.9' 74° 11.9' 40° 28.9' 74° 12.6' 40° 30.24' 74° 11.12' 40° 30.24' 74° 11.12' 40° 29.30' 74° 13.48'



73° 58.8' 73° 58.5'

- - - - 0.6 285 - - - Current weak and variable - - - - 0.6 278 - - - - - - - 0.7 281 0.1 008 - - - - 0.5 285 - - - 0.1 328 0.7 244 0.1 133

Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Longitude Spd Dir Spd Dir Spd Dir 74° 17.00' - 74° 22.1' - -


0.9 1.5

326 240


Spd Dir


2.5 - 1.7 - -

Spd Dir 0.4


0.5 079 0.3 079 0.2 105 0.5 048

Spd Dir 0.7 1.5

147 060


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC Predictions South River entrance

40° 28.7'

74° 22.7'


Station Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions

Tottenville, Arthur Kill River . . . do. Tufts Point-Smoking Point Tremley Point Reach Elizabethport


15 32

40° 30.8' 40° 30.8' 40° 33.4' 21 40° 35.18' 40° 38.8'

Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions

BERGEN POINT REACH . . . do Bergen Point, East Reach New Brighton

Depth Latitude

74° 15.3' 74° 15.3' 74° 13.4' 74° 12.30' 74° 10.9'

1.1 180





- - 1.0 023 - - 0.6 026 - - 1.2 109 - - 0.9 015 - - 1.4 090


16 40° 38.5' 74° 08.6' 29 40° 38.5' 74° 08.6' 15 40° 38.42' 74° 07.48' 15 40° 39.00' 74° 05.06'

0.1 346 1.9 260 - -- -1.6 263 - - - - - 1.1 274 - - - - - 1.3 262 - -




Spd Dir 1.1 211 0.5 207 1.2 267 0.8 198 1.1 262

Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Longitude Spd Dir Spd Dir Spd Dir


Spd Dir 1.4 078 1.3 079 1.2 094 1.9 072

Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Depth Latitude Longitude Spd Dir

Station Spd Dir Predictions South Reach, Newark Bay



40° 39.36'

Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Depth Latitude Longitude Spd Dir Spd Dir

Spd Dir

40° 44'

-- --

74° 06'

Min Before Flood Flood Depth Latitude


-- --

0.9 017

-- --


Min Before Ebb Ebb

Spd Dir

Predictions Shark River Entrance 5d 40° 11.24' 74° 00.76' - Predictions . . . do. 15d 40° 11.24' 74° 00.76' - Predictions Manasquan Inlet 40° 06' 74° 02' -Predictions Manasquan R., hwy. bridge, 40° 06' 74° 03' -main chan Predictions Point Pleasant Canal, north bridge 40° 05' 74° 04' --

0.7 031

Spd Dir

0.7 218


74° 08.24'

Spd Dir

0.0 296

Predictions Lincoln Highway Bridge, north of 181



Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Longitude Spd Dir Spd Dir Spd Dir

Depth Latitude




Spd Dir 1.9 1.5 1.7 2.2

Spd Dir

273 - 275 - 300 - 230 - -

1.8 170


Spd Dir

- - 1.5 098 - - 1.2 097 - - 1.8 120 - - 2.1 050 --




Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions Predictions

Barnegat Inlet Manahawkin Drawbridge Absecon Inlet . . . do. Corsons Inlet Entrance Five Fathom Bank Traffic Lane . . . do. McCrie Shoal Cape May Harbor entrance . . . do. . . . do. Cape May Canal, east end Cape May Canal, west end

9d 42d 15d 35d 50d 5d 15d 28d

39° 46' 39° 39' 39° 22.59' 39° 22.59' 39° 12.50' 38° 47.30' 38° 47.30' 38° 51' 38° 58.85' 38° 58.85' 38° 58.85' 38° 57' 38° 58'


Depth Latitude

Predictions Cape May Channel Predictions Cape May Point, 15d 1.4 n.mi. SSW of Predictions . . . do. 25d Predictions Cape May Point, 15d 2.7 n.mi. SSW of Predictions DELAWARE BAY ENTRANCE 22

74° 07' -- -2.2 270 74° 11' -- -1.1 030 74° 24.87' 0.1 055 2.2 328 74° 24.87' 0.1 239 1.9 327 74° 39.11' - - - - 1.6 308 74° 42.68' - - - - 0.6 304 74° 42.68' - - - - 0.4 302 74° 51' - - - - 1.3 280 74° 52.36' - - - - 1.6 324 74° 52.36' - - - - 1.5 323 74° 52.36' 00 - - 1.2 322 74° 54' - - - - 1.9 310 74° 58' - - - - 0.9 264

-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -00 - -- --- --

2.5 0.9 2.0 1.8 1.8 0.4 0.3 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.9 0.9

Average Speed and Direction Min Before Min Before Flood Flood Ebb Ebb Longitude Spd Dir Spd Dir Spd Dir

090 210 147 144 129 121 128 100 142 142 143 130 089

Spd Dir

38° 54' 74° 58' 38° 54.37' 74° 58.68'



1.5 306 1.5 309

-- -2.3 150 0.1 214 1.8 130

38° 54.37' 74° 58.68' 38° 53.40' 74° 59.13'

0.1 0.1

038 228

1.1 306 1.2 299

0.1 223 0.2 208

1.2 139 0.9 146

38° 46.85'



1.4 327


1.3 147

75° 02.58'



Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

4. Web-based Tidal Prediction Tables and Maps Other web based tidal prediction tables for New Jersey are presented at the site referenced as These site locations are presented on the map figure below.

Figure-4. Map Overview of Mobilegeographics Tide Sites in New Jersey

Data for each of these sites is summarized in the table below. Also listed are the time frames for data listing that may be most appropriate for modeling needs. The listed example is for the Barnegat Bay Inlet, that may be a promising location for tidal energy development. The site locations indicated on the map in Figure X are also listed below. It is important to note that most of these sites do not include information on the current flow, unless the word current is listed following the site name. Points provide tidal height data and time only.


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

Barnegat Inlet, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Current 7 March 2011 - 9 March 2011 39.7667째 N, 74.1167째 W 2011-03-07 03:15 EST -2.38 knots Max Ebb 2011-03-07 05:59 EST 0.01 knots Slack, Flood Begins 2011-03-07 06:20 EST Sunrise 2011-03-07 07:10 EST Moonrise 2011-03-07 08:37 EST 2.13 knots Max Flood 2011-03-07 11:40 EST -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins 2011-03-07 15:26 EST -2.33 knots Max Ebb 2011-03-07 17:54 EST Sunset 2011-03-07 18:06 EST 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins 2011-03-07 20:50 EST 2.25 knots Max Flood 2011-03-07 20:52 EST Moonset 2011-03-07 23:58 EST -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins 2011-03-08 03:54 EST -2.28 knots Max Ebb 2011-03-08 06:19 EST Sunrise 2011-03-08 06:39 EST 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins 2011-03-08 07:38 EST Moonrise 2011-03-08 09:15 EST 1.99 knots Max Flood 2011-03-08 12:11 EST -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins 2011-03-08 16:00 EST -2.12 knots Max Ebb 2011-03-08 17:55 EST Sunset 2011-03-08 18:38 EST 0.01 knots Slack, Flood Begins 2011-03-08 21:24 EST 2.25 knots Max Flood 2011-03-08 21:51 EST Moonset Prediction Options Select display type Tabular List (quickest) Text Plot (Plot Type: Horizontal Vertical) (more plot options below) Graphic Plot: size One-Month Calendar (Type: Compact Compact+ Calendar Text) Extreme Highest and Lowest Tides Only Strict Intervals (Interval Time: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes 1 hour, 2 hours. 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

List of New Jersey Tidal Height and Current Sites Toms River (town), Toms River, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Coates Point, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Pavonia, Cooper River, RR. bridge, New Jersey Seaside Heights, ocean, New Jersey Philadelphia (USCG Station), Delaware River, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Delaware River Seaside Park, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Barnegat Pier, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Sloop Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Penrose Avenue Bridge, Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania Tinicum National Wildlife Refuge, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania (2) Norwood City, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania Tinicum National Wildlife Refuge, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania Wanamaker Bridge, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania Westville, Rt. 47 bridge, Big Timber Creek, New Jersey Cedar Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Woodbury Creek, New Jersey Island Beach, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Billingsport, New Jersey Stouts Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Paulsboro, Mantua Creek, New Jersey Forked River, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania (sub) Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, Delaware River, Pennsylvania Oyster Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Bridgeport, Raccoon Creek, New Jersey Bridgeport, Raccoon Creek, New Jersey, Delaware River, New Jersey Mantua, Mantua Creek, New Jersey Waretown, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey (2) Island Beach, Sedge Islands, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Barnegat Inlet, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Current Barnegat Inlet, USCG Station, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Pedricktown, Oldmans Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey Barnegat Inlet (inside), New Jersey Pedricktown, Oldmans Creek, New Jersey


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

High Bar, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Edgemoor, Delaware Edgemoor, Delaware River, Delaware Double Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Loveladies Harbor, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey Millside, RR. bridge, Christina River, Delaware Millside, RR. bridge, Delaware Wilmington Marine Terminal, Delaware Wilmington Marine Terminal, Christina River, Delaware Auburn, Oldmans Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey Auburn, Oldmans Creek, New Jersey Flat Creek, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey Salem Canal entrance, Delaware River, New Jersey North Beach, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey Manahawkin Creek, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey Mill Creek, 1 n.mi. above entrance, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Mill Creek, 1 n.mi. above entrance, New Jersey Dinner Point Creek, upper end, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey New Castle, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware New Castle, Delaware River, Delaware Dinner Point Creek, upper end, New Jersey New Castle, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware (2) Cedar Run, New Jersey Cedar Run, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Manahawkin Drawbridge, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey West Creek, Westecunk Creek, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey West Creek, Westecunk Creek, New Jersey Sweetwater, Mullica River Marina, Mullica River, New Jersey Sweetwater, Mullica River Marina, New Jersey Wading River (town), Wading River, New Jersey Wading River (town), Wading River, Mullica River, New Jersey Parker Run, upper end, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Parker Run, upper end, New Jersey Beach Haven Crest, New Jersey Westecunk Creek entrance, New Jersey Beach Haven Crest, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Westecunk Creek entrance, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Green Bank, Mullica River, New Jersey


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Green Bank, New Jersey Tuckerton, Tuckerton Creek, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Tuckerton, Tuckerton Creek, New Jersey Port Deposit, Susquehanna River, Maryland New Gretna, Bass River, Mullica River, New Jersey New Gretna, Bass River, New Jersey Pea Patch Island, Bulkhead Shoal Channel, Delaware River, Delaware Delaware City, Delaware River, Delaware Delaware City, Delaware River, Delaware (sub) Salem, Salem River, New Jersey Tuckerton Creek entrance, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Tuckerton Creek entrance, New Jersey Old Frenchtown Wharf, Elk River, Maryland Charlestown, Northeast River, Maryland (2) Pea Patch Island, Bulkhead Shoal Channel, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware Charlestown, Northeast River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Charlestown, Northeast River, Maryland Delaware City Branch Channel bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware Delaware City Branch Channel bridge, Delaware River, Delaware Sinnickson Landing, Salem River, New Jersey Old Frenchtown Wharf, Maryland Reedy Point, Delaware (2) (expired 1994-12-31) Reedy Point, C&D Canal, Delaware Reedy Point, Delaware St. Georges, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware Hendersons Point, Maryland Current Beach Haven Coast Guard Station, New Jersey Cramers Boatyard, New Jersey Beach Haven Coast Guard Station, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey Cramers Boatyard, Mullica River, New Jersey Quinton, Alloway Creek, New Jersey Graveling Point, Great Bay, New Jersey Graveling Point, New Jersey Havre de Grace, Susquehanna River, Maryland Havre de Grace, Susquehanna River, Maryland (sub) Havre de Grace, Susquehanna River, Maryland (2) Nacote Creek, U.S. Highway 9 bridge, Mullica River, New Jersey Nacote Creek, U.S. Highway 9 bridge, New Jersey


Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC

Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Maryland/Delaware Current Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware Red Point, 0.2 mile W of, Northeast River, Maryland Current (7d) Chesapeake City, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Maryland Chesapeake City, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Maryland (sub) Chesapeake City, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, New Jersey Little Sheepshead Creek, New Jersey Little Sheepshead Creek, Great Bay, New Jersey Seven Island, Newmans Thorofare, Great Bay, New Jersey Seven Island, Newmans Thorofare, New Jersey Courthouse Point, Maryland Coopers Creek bridge, Alloway Creek, New Jersey Abbots Meadow, Alloway Creek, New Jersey Shooting Thorofare, Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey Shooting Thorofare, Little Egg Inlet, Great Bay, New Jersey 2.5 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek, New Jersey Old Town Point Wharf, northwest of, Maryland Current (17d) Old Town Point Wharf, northwest of, Maryland Current (29d) Old Town Point Wharf, Maryland Town Point Wharf, Elk River, Maryland Fishing Battery Light, Susquehanna River, Maryland 0.8 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek, New Jersey Rocky Pt. (Elk Neck), 0.25 n.mi. SW of, Maryland Current (9d) Spesutie Island, channel north of, Maryland Current (7d) Main Marsh Thorofare, New Jersey Arnold Point, 0.4 mile west of, Maryland Current Artificial Island, Salem Nuclear Plant, Delaware River, New Jersey Canton, Stow Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey Canton, Stow Creek, Delaware Bay, Delaware Artificial Island, Salem Nuclear Plant, New Jersey Hope Creek, 0.6 n.mi. above entrance, New Jersey Hope Creek, 0.6 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware River, New Jersey Mays Landing, Great Egg Harbor River, New Jersey Turkey Point, 1.2 n.mi. SW of, Maryland Current (9d) Brigantine Channel @ Hoffman Thorofare, New Jersey 1 n.mi. above entrance, Mad Horse Creek, New Jersey Mad Horse Creek, 1 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware Absecon, Absecon Creek, U.S. Hwy. 30 bridge, New Jersey


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Pine Island, Malapartis Creek, Mad Horse Creek, New Jersey Raccoon Ditch, Newport Meadows, Stow Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey Pine Island, Malapartis Creek, Mad Horse Creek, Delaware Bay, Delaware Raccoon Ditch, Newport Meadows, Stow Creek, Delaware Bay, Delaware Liston Point, Delaware Stathems Neck, Stow Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey Stathems Neck, Stow Creek, Delaware Bay, Delaware Taylors Bridge, Blackbird Creek, Delaware Taylors Bridge, Blackbird Creek, Delaware River, Delaware Grove Point, 0.7 n.mi.NW of, Maryland Current (14d) Millville, Maurice River, New Jersey Pond Point, Bush River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Absecon Channel, State Route 87 bridge, New Jersey Pond Point, Susquehanna River, Maryland Greenwich Pier, Cohansey River, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Pleasantville, Lakes Bay, Great Egg Harbor Inlet, New Jersey Grove Point, Maryland Current Tindalls Wharf, Cohansey River, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Howell Point, 0.4 mile NNW of, Maryland Current Ordinary Point, 0.4 mile west of, Maryland Current Sassafras River, Betterton, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Betterton, Maryland Howell Point, 0.8 n.mi. west of, Maryland Current (15d) River Bend Marina, Great Egg Harbor River, New Jersey Georgetown, Maryland Current Bush River, 0.4 mi. SW of Bush Point, Maryland Current Atlantic City (Steel Pier), New Jersey Atlantic City (Steel Pier), New Jersey (2) (expired 1989-12-31) Atlantic City (Steel Pier), New Jersey (3) Atlantic City (Steel Pier), New Jersey (4) Atlantic City, Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey Dock Thorofare, Risley Channel, New Jersey Menantico Creek entrance, Maurice River, New Jersey Woodland Beach, Delaware River, Delaware Woodland Beach, Delaware Bay, Delaware Steelmanville, Patcong Ck., 2.5 n.mi. above ent, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey Steelmanville, Patcong Ck., 2.5 n.mi. above ent., New Jersey Ventnor City, ocean pier, New Jersey


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Battery Point, Gunpowder River, Maryland Worton Point, 1.1 miles northwest of, Maryland Current Port Elizabeth, Manumuskin River, Maurice River, New Jersey Gunpowder River entrance, Maryland Current Worton Point, 1.5 n.mi. WSW of, Maryland Current (17d) Longport (inside), Great Egg Harbor Inlet, New Jersey Back Creek entrance, Nantuxent Cove, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Ship John Shoal, Delaware River, New Jersey Bowley Bar, Middle River, Maryland Worton Creek entrance, Maryland Cedar Creek entrance, Nantuxent Cove, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Worton Creek entrance, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Robins Point, 0.7 mile ESE of, Maryland Current (5d) Tuckahoe, Tuckahoe River, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey Tuckahoe, Tuckahoe River, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey (sub) Tuckahoe, Tuckahoe River, New Jersey Tuckahoe, Tuckahoe River, New Jersey (2) Newport Landing, Nantuxent Creek, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Beesleys Point, New Jersey Beesleys Point, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey Mauricetown, Maurice River, New Jersey Money Island, Nantuxent Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Fells Point, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland Pooles Island, Susquehanna River, Maryland Ocean City, 9th Street Bridge, New Jersey Hollywood Beach, The Glades, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Miller Island, 1.5 miles ENE of, Maryland Current (7d) Pooles Island, 1.6 n.mi. east of, Maryland Current (16d) Baltimore (Fort McHenry), Maryland Middle Branch, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland Fort McHenry Marsh, Patapsco River, Maryland Pooles Island, 0.8 mile south of, Maryland Current Millington, Maryland Crumpton, Maryland Lynch Point, Back River, Maryland Current Rocky Point, Back River, Maryland Rocky Point, Back River, Maryland (2) Weir Creek bridge, Dividing Creek, Delaware Bay, New Jersey


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Weir Creek bridge, Dividing Creek, Maurice River, New Jersey Cedar Swamp Creek, Tuckahoe River, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey Cedar Swamp Creek, Tuckahoe River, New Jersey Pooles Island 2.0 n.mi. SSW of, Maryland Current (15d) Crumpton, Chester River, Maryland Crumpton, Chester River, Maryland (sub) Leipsic, Leipsic River, Delaware Bay, Delaware Leipsic River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware Fortescue Creek, New Jersey Bivalve, Maurice River, New Jersey Pooles Island, 4 miles southwest of, Maryland Current Riggins Ditch, Heislerville, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Tolchester Beach, 0.33 n.mi. west of, Maryland Current (15d) Dividing Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey West Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Dividing Creek entrance, Maurice River, New Jersey Fort Carroll, Maryland Fishing Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Middle Thorofare, Ocean Drive bridge, Corson Inlet, New Jersey Middle Thorofare, Ocean Drive bridge, New Jersey North Point, 2.5 miles northeast of, Maryland Current (7d) Tolchester Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (2) Tolchester Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Tolchester Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (sub) East Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Hawkins Point, Patapsco River, Maryland Chestertown, Maryland Current Chestertown, Chester River, Maryland Chestertown, Maryland East Point, Maurice River Cove, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Riggins Ditch, 0.5 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Strathmere, Strathmere Bay, Corson Inlet, New Jersey Strathmere, Strathmere Bay, New Jersey North Point, Patapsco River, Maryland North Point, Maryland Tolchester Channel, south of Buoy '38B', Maryland Current (15d) Tolchester Channel, Buoy '22', Maryland Current (15d) West Creek, 0.7 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey


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Mahon River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware Dennis Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Tolchester Channel, SW of Bouy '58B', Maryland Current (17d) Tolchester Channel, SW of Bouy '58B', Maryland Current (25d) Dennis Creek, 2.5 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Ludlam Bay, west side, Corson Inlet, New Jersey Ludlam Bay, west side, New Jersey Shipyard Landing, Langford Creek, Maryland Stony Creek, Patapsco River, Maryland Brewerton Channel Eastern Ext., Buoy '7', Maryland Current (14d) Swan Point, 1.6 miles northwest of, Maryland Current Sluice Creek, Route 47 bridge, Dennis Creek, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Baltimore (Chesapeake Bay), Maryland Sevenfoot Knoll Light, Maryland Swan Point, 2.15 n.mi. west of, Maryland Current (18d) Townsend Sound, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey Townsend Sound, New Jersey Deep Landing, Swan Creek, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Deep Landing, Swan Creek, Maryland Miah Maull Shoal Light, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Bidwell Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Craighill Angle, right outside quarter, Maryland Current Ocean Drive bridge, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey Ocean Drive bridge, New Jersey Stites Sound, New Jersey Stites Sound, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey Bidwell Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Cliffs Wharf, Chester River, Maryland Cliffs Wharf, Maryland Ingram Thorofare, New Jersey Ingram Thorofare, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey Swan Point, 2.7 n.mi. SW of, Maryland Current (14d) Swan Point, 2.7 n.mi. SW of, Maryland Current (27d) Cliffs Point, Chester River, Maryland Cliffs Point, Maryland Deep Point, Maryland Current Long Reach, Ingram Thorofare, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey Long Reach, Ingram Thorofare, New Jersey


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Cornfield Creek, Magothy River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Craighill Channel, Belvidere Shoal, Maryland Current (18d) Dias Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Craighill Channel, NE of Mountain Pt, Maryland Current Love Point, 2.5 miles north of, Maryland Current Love Point, 2.0 nmi north of, Maryland Current (15d) Love Point, 2.0 nmi north of, Maryland Current (5d) Mountain Point, Magothy River, Maryland St. Jones River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware Mountain Point, Magothy River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Murderkill River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware Mountain Point, Magothy River entrance, Maryland Current Stone Harbor, Great Channel, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey Stone Harbor, Great Channel, New Jersey Centreville Landing, Corsica River, Maryland Centreville Landing, Corsica River, Chester River, Maryland Craighill Channel entrance, Buoy '2C', Maryland Current (15d) Craighill Channel entrance, Buoy '2C', Maryland Current (38d) Love Point, 1.6 n.mi. east of, Maryland Current (16d) Love Point, Chester River, Maryland Love Point, Maryland Nummy Island, Grassy Sound Channel, New Jersey Nummy Island, Grassy Sound Channel, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey Brewer Point, Severn River, Maryland Brewer Point, Maryland Old Turtle Thorofare, RR. bridge, New Jersey North Highlands Beach, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Old Turtle Thorofare, RR. bridge, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey Sandy Point, Maryland Baltimore Harbor Approach, Maryland Current Baltimore Harbor Approach (off Sandy Point), Maryland Current Hail Point, 0.7 n.mi.east of, Maryland Current (16d) West Wildwood, Grassy Sound, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey West Wildwood, Grassy Sound, New Jersey Sandy Point, 0.8 n.mi. ESE of, Maryland Current (15d) Sandy Point, 0.8 n.mi. ESE of, Maryland Current (43d) Sandy Point, 2.3 n.mi. east of, Maryland Current (15d) Sandy Point, 2.3 n.mi. east of, Maryland Current (41d)


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Queenstown, Maryland Queenstown, Chester River, Maryland Chesapeake Bay Bridge, main channel, Maryland Current Brandywine Shoal Light, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Brandywine Shoal Light, Delaware Bay, New Jersey (sub) Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis, Maryland (2) Annapolis (US Naval Academy), Severn River, Maryland Annapolis (US Naval Academy), Severn River, Maryland (sub) U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland Swain Channel, Taylor Sound, Cape May Inlet, New Jersey Swain Channel, Taylor Sound, New Jersey Wildwood Crest, Sunset Lake, New Jersey Wildwood Crest, Sunset Lake, Cape May Inlet, New Jersey Wildwood Crest, ocean pier, New Jersey Greenbury Point, 1.8 miles east of, Maryland Current (8d) Kent Island Narrows (highway bridge), Maryland Current (4d) Cape May, ferry terminal, Delaware Bay, New Jersey (3) Cape May Canal, Cape May, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Cape May, ferry terminal, Delaware Bay, New Jersey Cape May, ferry terminal, Delaware Bay, New Jersey (2) Kent Island Narrows, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Greenbury Point Shoal Light, Maryland Greensboro, Choptank River, Maryland Kent Island Narrows, Maryland Gingerville Creek, Maryland (2) Matapeake, Kent Island, Maryland Gingerville Creek, Maryland Gingerville Creek, South River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Matapeake, Kent Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Edgewater, South River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Edgewater, South River, Maryland Cape May Harbor, New Jersey Cape May Harbor, Cape May Inlet, New Jersey Mispillion River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware Cape Island Creek, Cape May, New Jersey Cape May Point, Sunset Beach, Delaware Bay, New Jersey


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5. Tidal Software An effective software program suitable for both PC and Mac applications includes Mr Tides 3. Natural Currents is moving to Mac based platform for much of its operations so Mr Tides 3 - for the Mac is a convenient and effective tool that can be downloaded for free from the Internet. The following figures present an overview of the functionality of the this program provides for sites in New Jersey.

Figure-5. Mr. Tides-3 Software Provides Many Mapped Site for Tidal Flow in New Jersey

Figures 5,6,7,8 and 9 present the various graphics presentations of data available to Mr Tides-3 users. These include graphs of the (6) tidal height changes over time for days, (7) tidal height changes for a monthly cycle, (8) the same tidal height data presented in tabular form, and (9) a calendar and clock graphic to identify tidal states at a glance.


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Figure-6. Mr. Tides-3 Presentation of Tidal Height by date

Figure-7. Mr. Tides-3 Tidal State with Monthly Cycle


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Figure-8. Mr. Tides-3 Tidal State in Tabular Form

Figure-9. Mr. Tides-3 Tidal State with Clock Graphic


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6. Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS速) The National Ocean Service (NOS) is responsible for providing real-time oceanographic data and other navigation products to promote safe and efficient navigation within U.S. waters. The need for these products is great and rapidly increasing; maritime commerce has tripled in the last 50 years and continues to grow. Ships are getting larger, drawing more water and pushing channel depth limits to derive benefits from every last inch of draft. By volume, more than 95 percent of U.S. international trade moves through the nation's ports and harbors, with about 50 percent of these goods being hazardous materials. A major challenge facing the nation is to improve the economic efficiency and competitiveness of U.S. maritime commerce, while reducing risks to life, property, and the coastal environment. With increased marine commerce comes increased risks to the coastal environment, making marine navigation safety a serious national concern. From 1996 through 2000, for example, commercial vessels in the United States were involved in nearly 12,000 collisions, allisions, and groundings.

Figure-10. Schematic Diagram of PORTS data acquistion methods


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PORTS® - PORTS® is a decision support tool that improves the safety and efficiency of maritime commerce and coastal resource management through the integration of real-time environmental observations, forecasts and other geospatial information. PORTS® measures and disseminates observations and predictions of water levels, currents, salinity, and meteorological parameters (e.g., winds, atmospheric pressure, air and water temperatures) that mariners need to navigate safely. Program Objectives - The objectives of the PORTS® program are to promote navigation safety, improve the efficiency of U.S. ports and harbors, and ensure the protection of coastal marine resources. Navigation Safety - The real-time tide and current data provided through PORTS® represents one component of NOS's integrated program to promote safe navigation. PORTS® data, when combined with up-to-date nautical charts and precise positioning information, can provide the mariner with a clearer picture of the potential dangers that may threaten navigation safety. NOS fulfills its navigation safety mission in close concert with other federal agencies, such as the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Improved Economic Efficiency - Our nation's waterfronts, ports and harbors have historically been centers of rapid industrial and urban growth, and have advanced critical national objectives by promoting energy exploration, fishery production, commerce, and recreation. In 2002 alone, commercial port activities provided employment for 1.1 million Americans and $44 billion in personal income, and generated approximately $16 billion in federal, state and local taxes. Increasingly, shipping companies are implementing new navigation systems aboard ships to maximize cargo load while reducing uncertainties in under keel clearances. These new systems rely on the availability of real-time tide/current and other information. One additional foot of draft may account for between $36,000 and $288,000 of increased profit per transit. Knowledge of the currents, water levels, winds, and density of the water can increase the amount of cargo moved through a port and harbor by enabling mariners to safely utilize every inch of dredged channel depth. Coastal Resource Protection - Most ports are located at the mouths of major estuaries, which provide critical habitat for many important biological resources. For example, coastal waters provide nurseries and spawning grounds for 70 percent of U.S. commercial and recreational fisheries. Commercial fishing employs over 350,000 people in vessel- and shore-related fisheries work. An additional 17 million people participate in recreational saltwater fishing, spending $7.2 billion annually. Activities at ports can greatly affect these critical resources; dredging is but one such activity. Each year in the U.S., approximately 400 million cubic yards of dredged material are removed from navigation channels, berths, and terminals. The prevention of maritime accidents is the most cost-effective measure that can be taken to protect fragile coastal ecosystems. In 2004 alone, NOS's Office of Response and Restoration responded to over 120 events, including the release of 270,000 gallons of crude oil into the Delaware River near Philadelphia, and spill of over 400,000 gallons of bunker oil in Alaska. One major oil spill (e.g., the 1989


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Exxon VALDEZ accident) can cost billions of dollars and destroy sensitive marine habitats critical to coastal ecosystems. PORTS® provides information to make navigation safer, thus reducing the likelihood of a maritime accident, and also provides information to mitigate the damages from a spill, should one occur. PORTS® provides accurate real-time oceanographic information, tailored to the specific needs of the local community. PORTS® systems come in a variety of sizes and configurations, each specifically designed to meet local user requirements. The largest of NOS's existing PORTS® installations is comprised of over 50 separate instruments; the smallest consists of a single water-level gauge and associated meteorological instruments (e.g., winds, barometric pressure, etc.). Regardless of its size, each PORTS® installation provides information that allows mariners to maintain an adequate margin of safety for the increasingly large vessels visiting U.S. ports, while allowing port operators to maximize port throughput. PORTS® has the potential to save the maritime insurance industry from multi-million dollar claims resulting from shipping accidents. PORTS® is accessible to maritime users in a variety of user-friendly formats, including telephone voice response and Internet. PORTS® also provides forecasts via numerical circulation models. Telephone voice access to accurate real-time water-level information allows U.S. port authorities and maritime shippers to make sound decisions regarding loading of tonnage (based on available bottom clearance), maximizing loads, and limiting passage times without compromising safety. PORTS provides data for Northern New Jersey (New York and New Jersey Harbor) and for the Southern portion of the state (Delaware River and Bay).


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Figure-11. Display of PORTS Graphical Data Interface

Figure-12. Locations for PORTS tidal data in Southern New Jersey


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Figure-13. Example of Tabular Data Output for PORTS Program


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Figure-14. Example of PORTS Tidal Monitoring Sites in Northern New Jersey


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Figure-15. Example of Output for PORTS sites in Northern New Jersey


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Figure-16. NOAA Tidal Currents Data Interface


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7. NOAA 2011 Tidal Current Predictions This system will allow you to obtain tidal current predictions computed by CO-OPS for more than 2,700 tidal current locations along the U.S. coastline. The publication of full daily predictions is limited to a select number of "reference stations." The remaining stations are referred to as "subordinate stations." Tidal predictions for subordinate stations are be obtained by applying specific differences to the times and speeds of the predicted tidal currents for the specified reference stations. These pages provide a listing of the 2,700 plus reference stations and subordinate stations. Selecting the "predictions" link beside a station listing will provide tidal current predictions for the location with the differences already applied. Unlike tide stations, which are normally located along the shoreline, most tidal current stations are located offshore in channels, rivers, and bays. Tidal current stations are often named for the channel, river, or bay in which they are located or for a nearby navigational reference point. A map or some personal knowledge of the area may be necessary to help identify stations in the area you are interested in. The list of subordinate stations has been broken down into states and other areas where tidal current stations are located. Each state is further broken down into regions. Each region presents a list of the tidal current stations in the area. The stations are listed geographically; thus, stations that are near each other along the shoreline appear together in the listing. This assists the user in locating a station of interest. Depth of stations: Although current measurements may have been recorded at various depths in the past, the data listed for many subordinate stations are mean values determined to have been representative of the current at each location. For that reason, no specific current meter depths for those stations are listed. Beginning with the Boston Harbor tidal current survey in 1971, data for individual meter depths were published and subsequent data will be presented in a similar manner. Most historic tidal current data is collected from meters suspended from survey vessels or anchored buoys, the listed depths for these stations are those measured downward from the surface. More recent tidal current data are collected from meters anchored at fixed depths from the bottom, the listed depths for these stations are defined as depth below chart datum and will be accompanied by the small letter "d". All depths listed are in units of feet. Bookmarks may be created to the daily predictions for specific stations using the URL listed when the predictions are displayed. However, that link will only provide access to the predictions for the year available when the bookmark was created. Each successive year of predictions will use a different URL address, and thus any bookmarks must be updated to access each new year of predictions.


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8. NOAA Now Coast

Figure-17. NOAA Now Coastal real time data screen for New Jersey

Data can be selected by a user-defined area of interest in real time for both sea states and weather data.


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9. Digital Coast – NOAA Coastal Services Center - LIDAR - Data Specifications

Figure-18. An example of LIDAR digital elevation model generated for a location in coastal Delaware Many different partners and groups, and several Center-led data projects, have contributed to the lidar data collection housed and distributed by the NOAA Coastal Services Center. The data span more than a decade and were collected using several different sensors. The collection includes data from topographic and bathymetric LIDAR sensors. Data are available for all of the coastal states and range from shoreline strips to full county coverage. The products have been delivered to the Center in various formats, projections, datums, and units. Once received, the data are reviewed, checked for errors, and standardized in a single format, projection, and datum. Area of Coverage: Partial or full coastal counties Date(s) Available: 1997 to present (vary by location) Format: Points in ASCII X,Y,Z, or LAS; digital elevation models (DEMs) in floating point grid, GeoTIFF, and ASCII Grid; and contours in shapefile and AutoCad exchange formats Resolution: Point spacing is 0.1 to 8 pts/meter2 Accuracy: Elevations at 95 percent confidence typically better than 30 centimeters (cm)

Ocean Spatial Planning NOAA Digital Coast


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Summary Basic terminology that defines tidal states and flow conditions are presented in the introduction. Nine types of tide data tables, graphics, interactive Internet services and software that provide both historical and real time tidal and water current data are presented in support of tasks required for NJDOT 2010-15 Potential Tidal Power for New Jersey. Historical data and real time data have various applications to the NJDOT 2010-15 Project and may prove useful in both the computer model verification and the identification of the best sites for tidal energy development. Depending on the particular application of choice, tabular or graphic presentations may be most helpful for a particular use or site location covered in the scope of a particular service or system of tidal flow reference. The key point in all applications is that they are of coarse granularity and not detailed enough to provide the necessary information to either calibrate a high-resolution computer model of the tides or provide conclusive information about the site location of a tidal energy plant. Careful review and comparison of the available data presented in these models can yield helpful indications of areas for further study and detailed field site assessments.


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References: 1. About Tides. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. NOAA’s Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP)


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