Ingredient Vegetable glycerine msds

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Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Vegetable Glycerine

Contact Information: Naturallythinking 7 High Street, Carshalton Surrey, SM5 3AP United Kingdom Contact: Danny Stanzl Tel: 020 8773 3803


Chemical / Inci: Glycerin (veg)

CAS#: 56-8-5

Chemical Formula: N/A


EINECS: 200-338-0


Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients Name


% by Weight

Vegetable Glycerine



Toxicological Data on Ingredients: N/A Uses: Vegetable sourced, Conforms to BP Grade for Cosmetic applications. Denaturant; Fragrance Ingredient; Hair Conditioning Agent; Humectant; Oral Care Agent; Oral Health Care Drug; Skin Conditioning Agent - Humectant; Skin Protectant; Viscosity Decreasing Agent. Moisturising preparations; Bath preparations, miscellaneous; Body and Hand preparations [Excluding shaving preparations]; Bath oils, tablets, and salts; Cleansing products [Cold creams, cleansing lotions, liquids and pads]; Skin care preparations, miscellaneous; Bath soaps and detergents; Bath capsules; Hair conditioners; Paste masks [Mud packs]; Lipsticks; Shampoos [Non-colouring]; Face and Neck preparations [Excluding shaving preparations]; Foundations; Tonics, dressings, and other Hair grooming aids; Night skin care preparations; Skin fresheners; Baby shampoos; Aftershave lotions; Personal cleanliness products, miscellaneous; Shaving cream [Aerosol, Brushless and Lather]; Hair preparations [non-colouring], miscellaneous; Fragrance preparations, miscellaneous; Eye makeup preparations, miscellaneous; Dentifrices [Aerosol, liquid, pastes and powders]; Eye-liners; Hair sprays [Aerosol fixatives]; Indoor tanning preparations; Eyebrow pencils; Mouthwashes and Breath fresheners [liquids and sprays]; Suntan gels, creams, and liquids; Make-up bases; Mascara; Face powders; Baby lotions, oils, powders and creams; Make-up preparations [not eye], miscellaneous; Permanent waves; Perfumes; Blushers [all types]; Eye lotions; Foot powders and sprays; Shaving preparations, miscellaneous; Deodorants [Underarm]; Eye shadows; Rouges; Suntan preparations, miscellaneous; Baby products, miscellaneous; Colognes and Toilet waters; Eye make-up removers;

Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

Hair colouring preparations , miscellaneous; Nail polish and Enamel removers; Make-up fixatives; Nail polish and Enamels; Hair wave sets; Manicuring preparations, miscellaneous; Nail creams and lotions; Sachets; Basecoats and Undercoats; Hair rinses [non-colouring]; Hair straighteners; Bubble baths; Cuticle softeners; Depilatories; Powders [Dusting and Talcum, excluding aftershave talc's].

Section 3: Hazards Identification Potential Acute Health Effects: No specific information is available in our database regarding the acute toxic effects of this material for humans. Potential Chronic Health Effects: Not available Carcinogenic Effects: Not available Mutagenic Effects: Not available Teratogenic Effects: Not available Development Toxicity: Not available Repeated or prolonged exposure is not know to aggravate a medical condition Section 4: First Aid Measures Eye Contact: No known effect on eye contact, rinse with water for a few minutes Skin Contact: Not applicable Serious Skin Contact: Not applicable Inhalation: Not applicable Serious Inhalation: Not applicable Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention. Not sold as an internal food. Serious Ingestion: As above Section 5: Fire and Explosive Data Flammability of the Product: Combustible liquid, produces oxides of carbon when burning. Auto-Ignition Temperature: 392째C Flash Points: 160째C Flammable Limits: Not applicable Products of Combustion: Oxides of Carbon Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Risks of explosion of the product in presences of mechanical impact: Not applicable Risks of explosion of the product in presences of static discharge: Not available Fire fighting Media and Instructions: Carbon Dioxide; Dry Chemical; Universal-Type Foam, Water Fog

Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Protective Equipment: Self contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn when fighting fires involving essential oils or chemicals. Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available Section 6: Accidental Release Measures Small Spill: Absorb with an inert absorbant material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal. Large Spill: Contain spill and recover free product. Absorb remainder on suitable absorbant material. Clean with hot water and detergent.

Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

Section 7: Handling & Storage Precautions: Not a hazardous material. Not a Scheduled poison. C Storage: ontainers should be kept closed in order to minimise contamination and stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place protected from light. Refrigeration storage will extend life. Keep from extreme heat and from ALL sources of ignition. Section 8: Exposure Controls / Personal Protection Respiratory Protection: None generally required. Use respirator in confined areas or if ventilation is inadequate. Ventilation Protection: Ensure adequate ventilation to keep exposure levels to a minimum. General exhaust is recommended. Eye Protection: Using goggles or face shield is recommended. Protective Gloves: Using chemical resistant gloves is recommended. Protective Clothing: Using chemical resistant clothing is recommended. Protective Equipment: An eyewash fountain and / or safety shower should be available in the work area. Special Engineering Controls: None established. Note: These precautions are for room temperature handling. Use at elevated temperature or aerosol / spray applications may require additional precautions.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Clear, colourless, syrupy liquid Odour: Characteristic Mild odour Odour Threshold: Not available. Specific Gravity: 1.2606 to 1.2630 @ 25째C Refractive Index: 1.470 to 1.475 @ 20째C Optical Rotation: Not available. pH: Not available. Solubility: Soluble in ethyl alcohol Solubility in Water: Soluble Flash Point: 160째C [Test unknown] Flammability Limits [as % v/v in Air] Lower Explosion Limit: Not available. Upper Explosion Limit: Not available. Autoignition Temperature: 392째C

Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

Melting Point: 18째C @ 760 mm Boiling Point: 290째C @ 760 mm Vapour Pressure: 0.0025 mmHg @ 50째C Vapour Density: 3.1 [air = 1]

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data Stability: This product is stable Instability Temperature: Not available Conditions of Instability: Not available Incompatibility with various substances: Strong acids, strong alkalis and oxidising agents Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presences of glass Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available Polymerisation: No

Section 11: Toxicological Information Routes of Entry: Not available Toxicity to Animals: LD50: 12,600 mg/Kg LC50 [Dermal]: 18,700 mg/Kg LC50 [Inhalation]: >570 mg/m3/1Hr Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available Other Toxic Effects on Humans: No specific information is available in our database regard the other toxic effects of this material for humans Special Remarks on toxicity to Animals: Not available Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available

Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

Special Remarks on Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Not available

Section 12: Ecological Information Ecotoxicity: Avoid pollution to soil, rivers and the ocean. Fish, LC50: >5000 mg/Lt. Algae, LC50: >2900 mg/Lt. Bacteria, LC50: >10000 mg/Lt [Pseudomonas Putida]. Others not established BOD5 and COD: Low persistence level and readily & completely biodegradable. BOD: 0.87 gO2/g; COD: 1.16 gO2/g. Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise. Toxicity of Products of Biodegredation: The products of degradation are as toxic as the original product. Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegredation: Not available

Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

Section 13: Disposal Considerations Waste Disposal: Standard Waste systems

Section 14: Transport Information DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material Identification: Not applicable Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information United Kingdom / EU Directives: No products were found Federal and State Regulations: No products were found Other Regulations: No products were found

Section 16: Other Information The Glycerine has been obtained from Coconut Oil and as a by-product in the production of cosmetic grade fatty acids. It is exclusively gained from non-GM grown coconut and and is free from any GM Fragments. It is grown, harvested and processed within the strict guidelines of creating animal free products. It conforms to the specifications of GM Free Vegetable BP grade Glycerine. It contains no Animal products. References: Not available Other Considerations: Not available Created: 15/03/2009 Last Updated: 22/06/2009 The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warrant, express or implied with respect to such information and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of any information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Naturallythinking be liable for any claims, losses or

Naturallythinking MSDS Sheet Vegetable Glycerine

damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even is has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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