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Treating Hormonal Imbalance with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Treating Hormonal Imbalance with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
FALL 2020
- Dr. Luann Pham, LAc
By Dr. Luann Pham, LAc, DOM, ECFMG certified (MD France)
Hormonal imbalance can be successfully treated with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We will start the conversation with “liver stagnation” (which leads to ‘liver fire’), which can cause PMS symptoms, hormone imbalance, and headaches.
Role of the Liver in Chinese Medicine
Western Medicine sees the liver as the physical organ itself, a meaty mass that sits on the right side of the belly. In TCM, the word “liver” refers to an entire meridian; a diverse organ system (including the liver and gallbladder) that governs everything from digestion and the breakdown of fats, to the smooth flow and balance of hormones. This makes perfect sense because when we go back to Western biology, hormones are indeed metabolized by the liver. Think of the liver meridian as the commanding officer of the body’s “Qi.” Qi is the energy that flows through the body. It is said to aid in the movement of blood and lymph as well as nutrients and toxins that come in and out of the cells. Nerve conduction, energy production, and cognitive awareness all depend on the presence of Qi. The liver meridian makes sure that Qi and hormones are delivered to the right place at the right time. A healthy liver ensures you have strong mental focus and firm decision making skills (whereas brain fog and frustration would be a sign of liver stagnation). An unobstructed, healthy liver meridian will balance your hormone levels as they ebb and flow throughout your monthly cycle. When liver stagnation is present, your hormones will be off, you may experience PMS (and all the emotions that come with it), and you may have cramps. This is because the body doesn’t have enough Qi (energy) and has to literally work harder (the contractions that create cramping) to produce a smooth flow of blood. The liver meridian is the cleansing laboratory of the body. Over-consumption of fatty, greasy, and high cholesterol foods slows down its normal detoxification responsibilities. According to TCM, long-term blockage and stagnation leads to the generation of heat or “liver fire.” And no, there’s nothing necessarily physically ‘wrong’ with your liver itself. There’s simply an interruption or imbalance (“stagnation”) in the flow of energy throughout your “liver meridian” according to TCM. This is the most common diagnosis Westerners receive from their TCM practitioners because of onthe-go modern lifestyles.