4 minute read
How Safe, Effective Stem Cell Treatment Is Revolutionizing Medicine


— Dr. Chadwick C. Prodromos, MD
By Chadwick C. Prodromos, MD
Stem cell treatment (from adults, not embryonic or fetal) is incredibly safe and effective for a wide variety of disorders, including MS, arthritis, autism, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS, spinal cord injury, ED and Peyronie’s disease, chronic kidney disease, spine/back disorders, lupus, retinal disease, lung disease, and many more. The FDA is oriented toward pharmaceutical drugs and, unfortunately, overly restrictive FDA regulations have driven almost all effective stem cell treatment out of the US since the FDA began regulating biologic tissue in 2005. Active clinics include our Prodromos Stem Cell Institute (www.thepsci.com) in Antigua, and others in Panama, The Caymans, Mexico, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Stem cell treatment is actively fostered in Asia—notably in South Korea and China, where groundbreaking research work is being done. Stem cells are occasionally available in small studies in the US that are very restrictive, difficult to get into, and include placebo groups.
Treatment Safety
Stem cell treatment performs better, and certainly more safely, than pharmaceutical drugs for a great number of disorders. Because stem cells have been adapted through evolution to heal damaged tissue, they have no toxicity to our bodies, unlike pharmaceutical drugs. The stem cells used are called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Whether your own cells, those derived from donated umbilical cords after full-term Caesarean sections, or from other adults, there is no rejection of the cells.
A paper we published in a respected peer-reviewed medical journal last year found no reported serious adverse events from joint injections of MSCs. Additionally, we are currently wrapping up a study that also shows no serious adverse events from intravenous use—the primary mode of stem cell administration. The provider must be qualified and experienced, as adverse events can occur from any treatment if it is improperly performed.
Treatment Methods
We provide intravenous stem cell treatment for MS, autism, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other disorders. Infusion takes under an hour and in most cases the patient feels nothing. Occasionally patients will feel flushed, have
a brief headache, or experience transient nausea. Patients may arrive the day before treatment and leave the day after, staying at a beautiful resort on the ocean with a reduced patient rate. I administer stem cell injections into the knee, hip, or other joint for severe arthritis; into the back for spine disorders; for ALS, via lumbar puncture by a world-renowned pain specialist; around the eye for retina disease by a highly qualified ophthalmologist; and into the penis by an experienced urologist for ED/Peyronie’s disease.
How Treatment Works
Stem cells work by two primary mechanisms:
• Helping heal damaged tissue. Stem cells secrete growth factors such as transforming growth factor beta, platelet derived growth factor, and others, which are programmed to repair damaged tissue in joints, the nervous system, and wherever else they find them.

• Immunomodulation. Stem cells reign in the aberrant immune response that causes the body to attack its own nerve myelin sheaths (MS), knee joint synovium (rheumatoid arthritis), pancreas (diabetes), and other tissues by secreting anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 receptor-antagonist and interleukin-10, which block this destructive abnormal inflammation. And unlike cortisone, Humira, Enbrel, and other immunosuppressive drugs, stem cells do not predispose to infection or have any other side effects.

Prodromos Stem Cell Institute provides consultations in Bonita Springs, Chicago, and virtually. Patients who can benefit from stem cell treatment are treated in Antigua •
Chadwick C. Prodromos, MD, received his BA from Princeton and his MD from Johns Hopkins. He had residencies at the University of Chicago and Rush and a fellowship at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital. He spent 27 years in academic medicine as assistant professor at Rush before stepping back to focus on my 501(c)(3) non-profit research foundation (www.theforem.org). Our research team performs world-leading clinical research and publishes in respected medical journals. For questions or appointments, call 847.699.6810 or email care@thepsci.com. For information about helping our research efforts with a tax-deductible foundation donation, please visit www.theforem.org. See ad on page 45 >

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