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Stronger Bones in Just


Stronger Bones in Just 15 Minutes a Week
—Wesley Peixoto
By Dr. Rikin Patel and Wesley Peixoto
Debra Marchese was one of the first customers at the newest location of OsteoStrong, a patented system of four machines that apply pressure to the skeletal system to stimulate bone growth. After the success of OsteoStrong Fort Myers, a new studio was open in Naples, at Galleria Shoppes at Vanderbilt. Marchese was diagnosed with osteoporosis. “I was aware I had bone issues and did use a less intense drug for a few months until that was taken off the market,” said Debra. “The results from my last bone scan were bad, and I knew it was time to address this because of my age.” Often called the silent killer, osteoporosis—contrary to popular misconception—does not only affect women. Osteoporosis, or loss of bone density, is a disease that impacts every one of us in our form and function. It impacts how we move, how we perform, and the quality of our everyday living. Our bones generally begin the gradual descent to fragility after our 40s. Ten million Americans currently have osteoporosis and another 44 million are at increased risk of developing it. Postmenopausal women are more susceptible to osteoporosis because bone loss is closely related to hormone estrogen deficiency during the menopausal transition period. In the U.S., 1 in 4 women over the age of 50 will experience osteoporotic compression fractures, as will 1 in 4 men over 50. In the meantime, Debra found OsteoStrong and learned how it triggers the body’s natural response to create new bone. “What I like to call a divine intervention, a phone call came to me. [It was] a lovely mom looking for ballet lessons for her daughter. I teach adaptive ballet, and her daughter is not special needs. During the conversation, she told me the best word I have ever heard: OsteoStrong. I immediately felt hope. I do not want to inject drugs.”
Your Neural System Is Signaled to Build More Bone
OsteoStrong is a system of four machines that have no weights or pulleys. The user safely pushes as hard as they can for a brief moment in four different static positions. During these “trigger events,” bone cells called osteocytes signal the neural system to build more bone. The routine takes only fifteen minutes once a week, and the user barely break a sweat. A computer program provides constant biofeedback and allows progress to be tracked over months and years. OsteoStrong has over 150 locations worldwide and boasts improvements in strength, balance, joint pain, and posture in more than 100,000 people. In a study of 500 clients, strength improved by an average of 73 percent after the first year. Biomedical engineer John Jaquish co-founded the company after creating the machines in 2010 to
help his mother, who was diagnosed with osteoporosis in her late 60s. After 18 months, she had reversed her bone loss. Today, his mother works in her garden, moving large vases around and carrying heavy bags of mulch.
OsteoStrong Helps People of All Ages
Many clients are people fighting osteoporosis or back and joint pain, but the system can be helpful for people of all ages in preventing injuries and improving athletic performance. Spine specialist Rikin Patel, DO, says that the skeletal system is the frame on which we move. “Like the chassis of a car, it supports us throughout our ride called life. A 2006 Honda Odyssey may hit 120 miles per hour, and the engine still hums, but the frame rattles like the roof is about to fly off. In our own lives, the importance of maintaining our chassis was never as important as it is today. In the 1960s, the life expectancy was around 70. By 2000 it became 75, and today, it’s 85+. In my 10 years of practicing, the trouble that I have seen is that your engine will go, but the chassis will begin to say no. That leads to pain, frailty and compromised quality of life.” Whether you suffer from osteoporosis, joint pain, or injury or simply want to improve athletic performance, OsteoStrong may be the solution you’ve been looking for. That is why Dr. Patel refers OsteoStrong to many of his patients: “The benefit goes beyond building strong bones. Improvements can be seen in balance, posture, strength, and athletic performance for any age group. Furthermore, while it may be a little premature to proclaim, in my opinion, this may turn out to be the key to a future of pain-free living.”

Dr. Rikin Patel is board certified in both physical medicine and rehabilitation with subspecialty board certification in both sports medicine and pain medicine. He is specialized in non-operative orthopedic and spine care. OsteoStrong is a science-backed system for strengthening bones, joints, and muscles. Sessions are short, painless, and results are measurable and happen quickly. OsteoStrong Naples Vanderbilt is located at The Shoppes at Vanderbilt and offers a free session. Contact them at 239.788.1043 or www.osteoct.com.
Wesley Peixoto is an entrepreneur with a diverse business background. Wesley is an ideas man with a bullish optimism and a never-say-die attitude; he also owns four OsteoStrong centers. Based on the article by Michele Munz, “Area’s first OsteoStrong promises stronger bones with 7 minutes a week,” at St. Louis Post Dispatch, on Aug. 18, 2016. See ad on this page >

< PAGE 26 “Is Your Meal Plan Causing Fatigue and Stress?” BY JENNI BERMAN, PA-C, CPT, CNS
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