11 minute read
11th Annual Health Wellness & Lifestyle Expo 2022
with special thanks to Stamford Health, Exclusive Healthcare Partner September 10 at Harbor Point, Stamford, CT GO • GATHER • GROW
The 11th Annual Health Wellness & Lifestyle Expo 2022 with special thanks to Stamford Health, Exclusive Healthcare Partner, will be returning to beautiful Harbor Point at the boardwalk along the waterfront on September 10, from 10 am to 6 pm, in Stamford. Parking and admission are free.
This one-day-only, family-and-pet-friendly, health and wellness extravaganza will feature over 100 exhibitors showcasing and selling health and wellness products and services, plus free yoga and dance and fitness classes led by the area’s top fitness instructors, including Billy Blanks, Jr. of Dance It Out, as seen on Lifetime Television and featured on Shark Tank. All levels and abilities are encouraged to join and register for classes.
The eight zones of the expo will showcase pet wellness sponsored by Cornell University Veterinary Specialists; yoga and stretching; dance and fitness; healthy food trucks; healthy food, beverages, and restaurants; eco-friendly wine, spirits, and craft beers; a demo zone; and a kids zone featuring fun and educational activities.
This year’s theme is: GO. GATHER. GROW. Let’s GO to the expo. Let’s GATHER by coming together with family and friends and making new connections. Let’s GROW by experiencing the many extraordinary sponsors and exhibitors showcasing cutting edge programs, products, and services to help you and your family grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in a healthy direction.
Thanks to our sponsors! •Stamford Health, Exclusive Healthcare Partner for the eleventh consecutive year •Grade A ShopRite, Support Sponsor for the eleventh consecutive year •Cornell University Veterinary Specialists, Pet Wellness Zone Sponsor • Stamford Magazine/Moffly Media, our Premier Media Sponsor •Thanks to all Media Sponsors for the valuable support and promotion of this event: CT Kids and Family, Fairfield County Mom, Greenwich Girl,
HeyStamford!, Jen Danzi, Kids Out And About, Macaroni Kid, Natural
Awakenings Magazine, Natural Nutmeg Magazine, News 12 CT, Stamford Advocate/Greenwich Time/Hearst Media, Stamford Moms, Money
Mailer of CT and NY, WAG Magazine and WC and FC Business Journals, and WEBE 108. And thank you to our Community Partners: City of
Stamford, City Carting, and Stamford Chamber of Commerce.
The Health Wellness & Lifestyle Expo is created and produced by TMK Event Marketing, based in Greenwich, CT. For more information about the HWL Expo 2022, exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, please contact TMK Event Marketing at 203-531-3047 or email, tamara@tmk-eventmarketing.com. To register online visit, www.hwl-expos.com/cart For more information, visit www.HWL-Expos.com Location: 1 Harbor Point Rd, Stamford, CT. Please like us and follow us on Instagram @HWLEXPO and Facebook.com/ hwlexpo. See ad on page 7 >

A Fantasy Sundae at Divine Treasures in Manchester
It’s a vision we all have at the height of summer: thick, creamy soft-serve ice cream with hot fudge and caramel sauce oozing down the sides, chocolate chunks and cookie crumbles sprinkled on top.
Is it possible to experience this divine dream while living a health-conscious lifestyle? In your quest for the answer, we welcome you into Divine Treasures’ kitchen, where every product is vegan and glutenfree.
We begin our signature soft-serve recipe with a bucket of raw cashews and almonds, which we soak in water overnight before blending into a smooth, rich cream. Using whole nuts as our base means they retain the nutritional value of their protein and healthy fats. Imagine…a dessert that’s truly satisfying and doesn’t leave your kids (or you!) craving more sugar.
We focus only on real ingredients when creating our flavor varieties, like blending organic frozen strawberries for a refreshing cone, or adding peppermint essential oil and a dash of spirulina for classically green mint chip. Organic cane sugar provides the sweetness, and we continue to develop more flavors and frozen treats with low-glycemic coconut sugar as the need and desire for this option grows.
And of course, no dairy necessary! Dairy is a common allergen among all ages and an inflammatory ingredient for many, so our soft-serve is a perfect way for all to enjoy going out for ice cream with family or friends—especially with our from-scratch sauces on top!
Written by Samantha Skeels, marketing and design with Divine Treasures, a gluten-free, vegan artisan treat shop located in Parkade Plaza, 404 Middle Turnpike West, Manchester, CT. Visit dtchocolates.com, email diane@ dtchocolates.com, or call 860.643.2552. See ad on page 17 >

Natural Harmony Full Spectrum Oils Can Help Balance Stress Levels
Our body has a natural system in place for handling stress. It’s commonly known as our fight or flight response, but the formal title is acute stress response. Even when the situation that activates it isn’t as serious as the terminology might lead you to believe, it’s still working. Our heart rate might spike and our nervous system will fire up because of this survival mechanism. It’s natural for our stress regulators to get triggered now and then, but when they’re getting triggered constantly it can throw our bodies out of balance.
For this reason, developing and practicing different habits to help ourselves handle the increased number of daily stressors we encounter is vital. As it gets harder and harder to avoid triggering constant stress responses, we need to figure out ways to strengthen our body’s ability to handle this trigger. There are many practices we can implement, such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise, but CBD might provide another source of assistance.
Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is tied to our body’s ability to handle stress response, and studies have shown that maintaining the healthy function of our ECS could assist in our body’s ability to adapt to stress.
Natural Harmony 100% organic CBD oils contains a blend of pure hemp oil from small regional farms using organic certified methods. Raw CBD oil is blended with fresh coconut oil for taste and third-party lab-tested for potency and purity. CBD tinctures are taken under the tongue or in a little juice or water. Using the built-in dropper, you can get a consistent dose of CBD every time.
Jennifer Beach is owner at Natural Harmony, a 100% organic, vegan, non-GMO CBD company based in Connecticut. Visit us every Saturday from 10–4 at Velvet Mill, 22 Bayview Ave, Stonington, CT, or shop online. Experience the purity and quality of our Natural Harmony Sleep Formula by visiting our online store at www.naturalharmony.life. See ad on page 24 >

My Pregnant Wife Was in Better Shape Than Me
Iwas almost a new dad when my wife got up from the couch at about 8 months pregnant with a big huff and said, “Wow, I’m so achy all the time, now I know what it feels like to be you!”
Ouch. That one hurt. It was a good kick in the pants though, and it led me on a journey to feeling more youthful than ever. I had been dealing with aches and pains for nearly my entire life, but it wasn’t until my daughter was born when things started turning around. I discovered three keys that dramatically changed my life, and I hope they change yours, too. • Test for food intolerances. As it turns out, I’m intolerant of tons of foods I never realized. This includes grains, dairy, legumes, cane sugar, and nightshades. Eliminating these foods reduced joint pain, anxiety, dry eyes, and eosinophilic esophagitis. • Mobility and posture �irst. If you don’t move well, then moving more only gets you better at getting worse. This could lead to joint pain. • Don’t overdo it. Exercise is great, of course, but pushing yourself too hard is a real possibility. The sweet spot is something you’d give a difficulty rating of 6–8 out of 10. Do this at least three times a week to improve your wellbeing but reduce the risk of injury.
I hope these tips help, and I’d love to hear your story, too. Feel free to email me at revolutionsportsclub19@gmail.com.
Rob Maybruch owns Revolution Sports Club in Newington, CT. He helps people work through aches and pains, get in shape, and hit their goals. He earned certifications for sports nutrition, strength and conditioning, personal training, and exercise prescription. He truly enjoys seeing people transform their lives and is grateful every day that he gets to be part of such transformations. Call 203.948.2726 or visit https://revolutionsportsclub.com/ to learn more. See ad on page 28 >
Galleri Cancer Screening at Whole Body Medicine
One of the most terrifying diagnoses a person can receive is cancer. In 2018, 1,708,921 new cancer cases were reported and 599,265 people died of cancer; for every 100,000 people, 436 new cancer cases were reported and 149 people died. While those with family histories of cancer tend to be more concerned, only about 5–10% of cancer cases are inherited. Rather, it is generally the shared risk behaviors that account for cancers in family members. For cancers that are easier to diagnose and/or treat, 80% will survive more than 10 years. However, fewer than 20% of people diagnosed with difficult to diagnose or treat cancers survive 10 years or more.
Whether someone decides to undergo conventional cancer treatments or chooses alternative methods such as nutritional therapies, acupuncture, meditation, or other treatment modalities, the most effective way to protect oneself from cancer is discovering it early, when it is most treatable and can be eradicated fully. Most cancers show no symptoms until later stages, when treatment options may be limited. Furthermore, 71% of cancers are caused by cancers that are not normally screened for. When cancers are diagnosed early, before they have had time to spread, the overall survival rate is five times higher. Now at Whole Body Medicine in Fairfield, we can screen for over 50 cancers in a single blood draw using the new, revolutionary Galleri cancer-screening test. Galleri can not only detect cancer signals very early on in the body, but it can distinguish which tissue the cancer comes from. The Galleri test is more sensitive than any other cancer screening test available. For example, Cologuard, the colon screening test, only finds 3.7% of cancers present. In contrast, Galleri has a predictive value of 50%. This means if a cancer is detected, there is a 50% chance it is present. Furthermore, there is only a 0.5% false negative rate. This means that for every 1,000 patients tested, only five will have a false negative result, essentially ruling out cancer in the body in 995 out of 1,000 cases. Galleri does not rely upon genetic predisposition; rather, it tests for cancer footprints that can be too early for other screening or diagnostic methods to detect. If positive, this early detection and intervention can help save people from cancer. If you are interested in being screened with Galleri, please contact Jennifer Letitia, MD, at Whole Body Medicine in Fairfield.
Jennifer Letitia, MD, is a functional medicine physician at Whole Body Medicine in Fairfield (wholebodymed.com) and at The Center for Holistic Healthcare in Glastonbury, CT (ctrforholistichealthcare.com). Contact Whole Body Medicine at 203.371.0300. See ads on page 29 and 37 >
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Insight and Illumination— Release What Is Not Serving You
We have the power to release what is not serving us.
In our busy lives, we don’t always take time to process our emotions. Perhaps there are some emotions we are afraid to acknowledge for fear of the dark corners where they reside. When we hold on to emotions, they get stuck in our bodies and surrounding energetic and auric fields. With time, these emotions can manifest as dis-ease or disharmony in our physical bodies.
Similarly, when we walk through life unaware of our decision-making patterns and self-limiting beliefs, we will stay locked in a cycle until we begin to unravel them and truly understand them. The good news is that there are modalities that can help us release that which is no longer serving us so that we can align with our highest potential.
Reiki energy work is a very gentle yet powerfully effective way of releasing stuck emotions from our energetic and auric fields. We don’t necessarily have to feel all the feelings, we can align with “release” and let them go. Through my coaching work, I can help you see your patterns and limiting beliefs so that you can bring awareness and transformation into your life. And with Soul Blueprint (or Akashic Record) readings, we can even zoom beyond this lifetime into past-life contracts and lessons that have carried over so that we can fulfill them. Let’s work together to align with release and get in the flow of your highest potential!
Chel Benyair assists in personal transformation through Reiki, readings, meditation, and coaching services. She is the owner of Insight & Illumination, located in West Hartford at 29 Mayflower St. Visit www.insightandillumination.com for more information and see our ad for a special promotional discount. To book a session, email chel@ insightandillumination.com or call 917.922.7688. See ad on page 11 > Office:860.231.6333 www.mandelljcc.org/hho

Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine is Here!
• Allergies • Irritable bowel • Diabetes • GI complaints • Thyroid • Anti-Aging Medicine • Weight Loss • Chronic Fatigue/ Fibromyalgia • Hormonal Health
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and see if these treatments are right for you
Dr. Henry Sobo