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Tuesday, March 9th

Human Relations Program at Hartford Family


Institute Introductory Workshop. 7pm. FREE. Join Hartford Family Institute for a free introductory session on its Human Relations Program. Find deeper meaning and purpose in your life, improve your relationships, make positive changes to your health, work life and finances. Virtual, register at hartfordfamilyinstitute.com/hrp-intro. 860.236.6009

Wednesday, March 10th

Natural Fertility Talk. 6pm. Free. Gather virtually and be part of women supporting women. We will discuss fertility concerns and struggles, period trouble, and sexual health. Become empowered by learning the signs to look for when you are fertile and how your body operates month to month. Facebook Live-https://www.facebook. com/fertilityoasis. www.fertilityoasis.com. Fertility Oasis, 857 N. Main St. Ext. Suite 1 Wallingford, 203.265.0459.

Psychic/Spiritual Development with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200.

6:30–8pm. Virtually via Zoom until further notice. New members welcome! There is a strong connection between spiritual growth and psychic development. Every session starts with a positive, light-filling exercise and includes topics such as palmistry, oracle cards, pendulums, remote viewing, and spirit guides. Reclaim your natural gifts, assist others, and live your life more joyfully! $20 Preregister at www.thesacredjourney.biz.

Sunday, March 14th

Spiritual Resilience in Challenging Times.

9–10am. Donations gratefully accepted but not required to attend. An hour of reflection, meditation and music as we look to spiritual practice for resilience during these unprecedented times. Virtual (zoom). Contact lauri@lauriingram.com or RSVP at www.lauriingram.com/live events

Tuesday, March 16th

Invoking Spring. A 4-Week Essential Oil Course

that celebrates the awakening powers of spring with Dan Lupacchino, medicinal aromatherapist. Online Course Via Zoom. Also, March 23, 31, Apr. 6. 7–8:30pm. $150. Spring gives us the promise of a new start and helps us to awaken to the potentiality within. Learn how to harness the gifts of creation and empowerment as we work with 4 specific essential oils, as they teach us how to manifest, create, heal, and journey, as we transition from the dark of winter to the light of a Spring. Each participant will receive four (4) sample-sized bottles of essential oils via mail and downloadable digital workbooks. Participants will also have access to all class and meditation recordings during and after the course is completed. A Zoom link will be sent out 24 hours prior to the class after registration. Questions or to register, please call 860.716.2740 or visit www. integrativemassageworks.com

Wednesday, March 17th

Shamanism with Joyce St. Germaine,

M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. 6:30–8pm. Virtually via Zoom until further notice. New members are welcome; no experience needed! In this group, you will develop an understanding of cross-cultural shamanism and become adept at journeying into non-ordinary reality and work with animal allies and spirit helpers, ancestors, and elemental energies. All dedicated and compassionate people who wish to initiate positive change in the world are invited. $20 Preregister at www.thesacredjourney.biz.

Thursday, March 18th

Five Financial Tips For Women in their 50s. Online. Free. Are you a woman in your 50s, ready to positively influence your financial future? Join Certified Financial PlannerTM Caroline Wetzel for a ZOOM where she’ll share five key questions that women in their 50s can use to gauge how ready they are to enjoy a satisfying lifestyle with financial confidence over time. Caroline’s offering the same program three times in one day: Virtual Morning Coffee with Caroline 10–11am. RSVP & info: https://tinyurl.com/CWCmar21 Virtual Lunch & Learn with Caroline 12–1pm RSVP & info: https://tinyurl.com/VLLmar21 Virtual Happy Hour with Caroline 5–6pm RSVP & info: https://tinyurl.com/VHHmar21

Saturday, March 20th

Spring Equinox Meditation and Holistic Allergy

Remedies. 1-3pm. $30. A discussion of holistic allergy remedies and a meditation focusing on renewal of body and mind as we head into the season of spring. For more info go to chiforhealing.com.

Sunday, March 28th

Nature Altar for the Spring Equinox. 9–11am. $25 for kit of materials by March 21. Join us as we honor the Spring Equinox, where sunlight and darkness are equal. We will create a home altar honoring the shift into Spring, rebirth and new life as well as Palm Sunday. Fee includes a kit of items for your use at home during our event.Virtual (zoom). Contact Info lauri@lauriingram.com or RSVP at www.lauriingram.com/live events

Spring Qi Gong Essence Meditation

with Erik Harris and John Odlum. 11am–12:30pm. $30. Connect with the energy of the plants and trees using medicinal aromatherapy. Start with a meditative qigong practice then move into a guided meditation using sound healing. For more info go to chiforhealing.com.

Wednesday, April 14th

Psychic/Spiritual Development with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200.

6:30–8pm. Virtually via Zoom until further notice. New members welcome! There is a strong connection between spiritual growth and psychic development. Every session starts with a positive, light-filling exercise and includes topics such as palmistry, oracle cards, pendulums, remote viewing, and spirit guides. Reclaim your natural gifts, assist others, and live your life more joyfully! $20 Preregister at www.thesacredjourney.biz.

Thursday, April 15th

Love & Money: Tips for Talking with your Partner

about Personal Finances. Free. Ready for a restart on how you and your partner talk about your finances? Join Certified Financial PlannerTM Caroline Wetzel for a ZOOM where she’ll offer you tips around what to focus on first, and strategies for how to make the conversation more manageable. Caroline’s offering the same program three times in one day: Virtual Morning Coffee with Caroline. 10–11am RSVP & info https://tinyurl.com/AM2apr21 Virtual Lunch & Learn with Caroline. 12–1pm RSVP & info https://tinyurl.com/LL2apr21 Virtual Happy Hour with Caroline. 5pm – 6pm RSVP & info https://tinyurl.com/HH2apr21

Wednesday, April 21st

Shamanism with Joyce St. Germaine,

M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. 6:30–8pm. Virtually via Zoom until further notice. New members are welcome; no experience needed! In this group, you will develop an understanding of cross-cultural shamanism and become adept at journeying into non-ordinary reality and work with animal allies and spirit helpers, ancestors, and elemental energies. All dedicated and compassionate people who wish to initiate positive change in the world are invited. $20 Preregister at www.thesacredjourney.biz.



Qi Gong class. $15. 6–7 pm. Qi gong translates to the practice of moving energy. Qi gong focuses on breath and movement to open up the energy flow in the body. There will be a brief meditation integrating breathwork with a combination of chanting, singing bowls, and aromatherapy, and an inspirational reading at the end of each class. For more info go to chiforhealing.com


Qi Gong class. $15. 9:30–10:30am. Qi gong translates to the practice of moving energy. Qi gong focuses on breath and movement to open up the energy flow in the body. There will be a brief meditation integrating breathwork with a combination of chanting, singing bowls, and aromatherapy, and an inspirational reading at the end of each class. For more info go to chiforhealing.com


Community Acupuncture.

1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6:30–8:30pm. $30. Socially distanced and Covid safe! Performed by a board certified licensed acupuncturist specializing in chronic pain, anxiety and more. Please call to schedule at 860.430.5300 or visit ctrforholistichealthcare. com/for more information. Center for Holistic Healthcare, 1420 Main Street, Glastonbury. Tong Ren Distance Healing Class. $10. 7–8pm. Tong Ren Therapy is based on the power of our mind creating energy for healing. Using the hammer technique, we hit points on an acupuncture doll to focus the energy on a person. During the Tong ren class people will sit and receive energy. 3 things will be tapped on for each person. Group energy healing will be received and we will send distance healing also. This class utilizes meditation, sound healing, and inspirational readings. For more info go to chiforhealing.com

Planning an Event? List it in the NN Calendar!

Contact Diane at diane@naturalnutmeg.com to learn more!

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