4 minute read
Searching for the Mystic Within
By Lauri Ingram
The spiritual world is full of mystics, those who have reached such a depth of spirituality and awakening that they serve as inspiration and teachers to us all. Many, centuries later, inspire the seeker through words and imagery: Rumi, St. Hildegarde, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and others have been recognized as individuals who have reached a state of union with the divine that so many seek. While some mystics are associated with religion, many are not and through their teachings, prose, and poetry, those mystics have left behind inspiring works for us all.
The Mystic in All of Us
While many seek that state of divine union through meditation and prayer, there are characteristics of mystics that ordinary people possess. Mystics have a different way of being, doing, and looking at this world. They are not out of touch with reality, but rather, they have connected with what is truly real. Mystics prefer to have their own experiences, to learn by doing and by evaluating those experiences themselves. Their truth comes from what they have lived, and they are deeply connected to their personal truth.
One of the common threads among mystics is the search for meaning, an answer to the big question, “why am I here?” There is a natural curiosity that comes with mysticism, of questioning why each of us exists, the purpose and meaning behind life. And yet, mystics are comfortable with the unknown, in seeking the truth behind why each person is alive. Mystics are drawn by the questions, by the seeking, by the inquiry into which there is no clear answer in this world.
Living Connected
Personal growth is part of this exploration, part of the seeking for truth that allows the mystic to connect with parts of him or herself that may often go untouched. Though there are not necessarily answers there are countless questions, and the mystic delves deep to explore life’s most intriguing of them. The rabbit hole without any bottom, no way out of the cave—that is where the mystics live comfortably in the unexplainable. Mystics have an inner awareness of the connection between the person and all of life, of all sentient beings connected in a mysterious way. They live by that connection to each person, to nature, to animals, and to all living beings.
Journey to Truth
Mystical experiences are often unexplainable. The phantom tap on the shoulder, the whispers from the trees, the coincidences, the enigmatic, all weave together the tapestry of the mystic’s story. Through meditation and deep listening, there are opportunities to touch that deep part of ourselves that is mysterious but yet is our true nature. Mystics do not necessarily associate with a religion, but rather feel the truth is within and that through practices and ceremonies can continue down that path to inner wisdom. The path is within, not without; the knowledge is inside, not outside, and there are many ways to fi nd that truth. The joy is in the journey, the excitement is in the questions, the unknowing is what drives mystics to continue searching and questioning.
Many people have the characteristics of the mystic. Though they may not consider themselves as such, these are people who appreciate and enjoy the uncertainty and the quest for truth. There are many ways to live the life of a mystic today. Through insightful inquiry, through meditation and stillness, through living life and exploring the interconnectedness of all things, each person can live the life of a mystic in every moment. Getting out of your own way, letting life fl ow, and approaching each moment with curiosity…such is the way of the everyday mystic in each person.
Awaken the Mystic Within
The searching can take a lifetime, or it can happen in a moment when a person realizes that there is more to life than what is experienced on the human level. It can happen through a mystical experience, it can come to someone through dreams, or perhaps through feelings that are just too subtle to explain. A day when the trees seem a little greener, the air a bit fresher, the birds a little happier, and our senses just a bit more keen, may bring a new level of wonder to an ordinary day. Wonder may be where it all begins and where the mystic that lives within begins to wake. With curiosity and willingness to question, the mystic within not only wakes, but comes alive and is birthed into the world.
Find Your Inner Mystic
Sessions are offered via Zoom, and in person when health guidelines permit. All are welcome and I am honored to bring my offerings to you. You can learn more about me at www.lauriingram. com or reach me at lauri@lauriingram.com. I am happy to offer a complementary 30-minute consultation to see if spiritual counseling is a fi t for you. Lauri Ingram is an ordained interfaith/interspiritual minister from One Spirit Seminary in New York City. Based on Hamden, Lauri is a certifi ed Interspiritual Counselor (May 2021), Crystal Dreaming practitioner, certifi ed color therapist, and Tibetan Bowl sound healer as well as the co-founder of Etheric Elements, offering crystal, light, and color therapy products to practitioners. You can learn more about Lauri at lauriingram.com and schedule a complementary exploratory virtual call. See ad on page 16.