7 minute read
We all have negative self-talk once in a while, but do you fi nd yourself saying things to yourself that you would never say to another person? Do you fi nd yourself so busy caring for others that you can’t seem to fi nd time for YOU? Turn these habits around by learning the art of emotional self-care!
Care for yourself and your emotions in a more benefi cial and effective way, starting with our FREE 30-Day Emotional Self-Care Challenge. Learn techniques and strategies you can begin using immediately to manage with your inner self and the life around you. Once you sign up, you will receive an email each day with an exercise or practice to do, usually for no more than 15 minutes. Each day you’ll be building a foundation for improved emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. Call in to our Zoom session every Friday from 11:00 am until noon ET, to share your experiences and chat with other people meeting the challenge to grow their emotional self-care. As a bonus, you’ll receive our Emotional Self-Care Journal, in which to track and memorialize your progress! “What you think is where you live.” – Paige Dest, BYODestiny. Sign up today, and for the next 30 days, you’ll receive an email with an instruction for emotional self-care. Join our Challenge here: https://bit.ly/ESC_Challenge and feel cared for tomorrow!
Tues., Wed., Fri. 10-6, Thurs. 10-7, and Sat. 10-5
Low-Normal Vitamin D is the Perfect Storm for our Immune System
Vitamin D has been a cornerstone of health and immune function outside of conventional medicine for decades. In more recent years, I have seen more patients having their Vitamin D levels tested by their conventional physicians yet, with a broad range that is considered “normal”, many people are still walking around with sub-optimal Vitamin D levels. The current pandemic is the perfect storm for our immune systems. The existence of the virus itself is a concern ; but decreased exercise, decreased socialization, increased stress, and changes in diet and routines have lowered our defenses. We need all the help we can get and these “low-normal” Vitamin D levels are not helping.
A recent article published on JAMA Network showed that in a group of 489 patients, those with low Vitamin D levels were shown to have a 1.77 times greater risk of testing positive for Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Optimal Vitamin D levels should fall between 50 and 70 ng/ml. However, the low end of the conventional normal range begins at 30. Your doctor may have found your levels to be ranging in the very low 30’s and sent you on your way with a “normal” result. A 2008 article in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology evaluated the impact of Vitamin D on bone mineral density (BMD), lower extremity function, dental health, risk of falls, admission to nursing homes, fractures, cancer prevention and incident hypertension. Levels of 75 ng/ml were found to improve outcomes in all areas with optimal cancer prevention levels being upwards of 90-120 ng/ml.
While most individuals can maintain improved levels of Vitamin D by supplementing with 1000-5000 IU of liquid Vitamin D3, there are a few important things to note. First, Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin meaning you need to consume with a healthy fat source when taking your supplement to improve absorption. Consuming Vitamin D supplements on an empty stomach may not be as effective. Second, know your Vitamin D levels. Now is the perfect time to get your levels tested and consult a naturopathic doctor who has the expertise to help you optimize your Vitamin D levels and absorption. Dr. Katy Firisin is an expert in gut health and healing of chronic conditions. She is a naturopathic doctor and medical director at Coastal Natural Medicine in Southport, Connecticut. Call 475.999.2032 to set up a complimentary 15-minute consult or book your appointment today. Some insurances accepted. www. coastalnaturalmedicine.com. See ad on page 10.
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Autumn is a Time to Turn Inward and Reflect Epigenetics and Cutting Edge Treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease
The Medicine Wheel represents our wholeness. It is a (w) holistic approach to being, indeed a way toward balance. The Wheel characterizes the time of season, the time of day, and the stages of our lives. In very simplistic terms describing the directions of the Wheel: • East represents springtime, morning, infancy, childhood. East is the spiritual self, light coming into the world, ability to see far ahead. Animal symbols are eagle and hawk. Southeast represents a transition time, sunrise to noontime, place of adolescence. • South represents summer, noontime, emotional self, early 20’s-30’s. It is about discernment, right relationship to others, right relationship to self, a place of growth and family. Animal symbols are turtle, cougar, cat, coyote, mouse. Southwest represents the transition time, afternoon, late 30’s – 45 years of age. It can be a more stabilized way of life. • West represents autumn, sunset, 50’s - 60’s, going into darkness, falling away of illusions, shedding that which no longer serves us. It is the place of the heart cave, the shadow self, self-nurture, attention to the body, our physical self. Animal symbols are black bear, salamander, snake, lizard, badger. • North represents winter, place of old age/death. It is the final release of illusion which allows clarity and wisdom. This is the place where spirit is released and becomes free. Animal symbols are white buffalo, snowy owl, elk, arctic fox, white wolf. Northwest is the transition to loss of illusions in life.
Now is the time of Autumn, direction of the West. We turn inward, it is a time of evaluation of what we have harvested. What do we need to let go of? Pay attention to self and nurture. As the days grow shorter, we find that creativity can grow through writing and artistic pursuits. As we enter the darkness the light inside of us grows brighter. We continue to work toward balance with our spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental part of ourselves. Janice Juliano, MSW, LCSW is a life time student of Medicine Wheel Studies both in Connecticut and New Mexico. She is currently the Director of the Vision of The Red Barn in Durham. For more information on The Medicine Wheel she can be contacted at janmjuliano@yahoo.com. Epigenetics is the study of the effect of genes on cell actions and how those actions are affected by outside influences. This is the basis of the cutting-edge treatment called SOT (Supportive Oligonucleotide Technique). This treatment can help a variety of chronic infections such as Lyme disease, Chronic Epstein Barr, Herpes, CMV and others, in a way never before possible.
A patient’s blood is sent to a lab which specializes in epigenetics. The lab identifies the genetic sequence (gene epitope) of the bacteria or virus present in the patient. Once they identify the genetic epitope of the target, that portion of the organisms’ cells which cause replication of the organism, they can create a treatment; the SOT molecule. By the intravenous administration of SOT, the genes of the infectious organism which promote replication of the organism can be turned off. That can stop the organism from multiplying, providing relief from the symptoms of chronic illness. This treatment specifically targets the genes of the organism and does not interact in any way with the person’s own cells, and therefore experience has shown SOT to be a very safe treatment. SOT treatment can be explained as using a “key” for a specific “lock”. The key is the SOT molecule which fits into the lock, the specific genetic sequence of the invading organism, therefore turning off the replication of the organism.
After receiving an Intravenous SOT treatment, the SOT molecule interacts with the genetic makeup of the infectious organism on a 24/7 basis to stop the symptoms of chronic illness. This therapeutic action can last for months. If needed, SOT treatment may be administered three times within a year to achieve its maximum therapeutic effectiveness. Dr. Henry Sobo, MD is a member of A4M – The American Academy of Anti- Aging Medicine, The Age Management Medicine Group and he is also a pioneer member of the new medical organization, the Clinical Peptide Society. For more information, www.drsobo.com. 203.348.8805. See ad on page 25.