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The Perseverance Diet
By Sonia Manganello
In today’s world climate, it is easy to feel as if you are suffocating with the extraordinary demands of life. Yet we all fi nd a way, don’t we? One way or another life moves forward and changes at every turn regardless of race, religion, age, or place. So how is it that some are making headway while others struggle to put one foot in front of the other? I will give you the 12 steps to persevere now and in the future.
As a transformation coach I am not going to tell you what you can’t do, but what it is you can do. It’s that can-do approach that will get you where you want to be. Think of it as a perseverance diet that will enable you to shed the pounds of life that’s weighing you down, or perhaps the actual pounds you’d like to take off but haven’t a clue as to why the other diets have failed. I’ve developed a method of twelve steps to touch upon each area of mind body nutrition as a means of completing the circle, fi lling in the gaps, and envisioning the big picture. I call this method the P.E.R.S.E.V.E.R.A.N.C.E diet and you’ll be able to use this now, later, and for life. It is not just a diet but a lifestyle to living and being your best vibrant self.
P – Path to Perseverance
While walking the path to wellness you’ll need to recognize that perseverance is the key to success in all areas of your life, including health, that will get you to the fi nish line.
E – Establish a Positive Mindset
Learning the importance of positivity and understanding the framework of spirituality is a third of the circle of mind body nutrition. I always repeat the adage of mind over matter and how it works to bring you clarity.
R – Reverence of the Past
Refl ecting on the past to push forward and experience personal growth will release self-limiting beliefs that were caused from adverse experiences.
S – Spark a Vision
Creating a vision for yourself through incremental goal setting will ignite the law of attraction to manifest your absolute best and perfect health.
E – Embrace Failure
Accepting the fact that you failed and acquiring the tenacity to fi ght on despite disappointment shows you that you still believe in yourself. It also shows that despite irrefutable evidence that you will do whatever you put your mind to.
V – Validation from the Body
Listen to what your body is telling you. It has a language that you can decode to know exactly how to bypass the problematic symptoms.
E – Ease Through Stress Management
Having techniques and tips to manage stressful situations can reduce negativity in your life in addition to bringing about ease from pain or symptoms.
R – Reward Yourself
Creating boundaries and balance in your life by becoming more assertive allows more space for all the things that you have been wanting to do, but just haven’t had the time.
A – Acknowledgment of Gratitude
It is Thanksgiving every day with The Perseverance Diet! Whether journaling or verbally giving thanks and praise for all the good you have or are about to have is empowering.
N – Nutrition Past the Plate
Learning to nurture yourself past the plate will help you to receive the maximum nutritional benefi ts on the plate.
C – Curative Foods
Foods have healing properties for a multitude of illnesses that many are unaware of. With your mystery symptoms and chronic illnesses in mind we will delve into the world of integrative nutrition for a look at why food is thy medicine.
E – Evolving Nutrition
When all three areas; mind, body, and nutrition are balanced you will be able to see how your nutrition will evolve from the current sticky situation to a beautifully blossomed lifestyle full of all your favorites.
The PERSEVERANCE Diet is a way of life that can seem daunting but quite easy to follow when put into practice and has been proven to work for all areas of your life. Dr. Sonia V. Manganello is a bestselling author of The Perseverance Diet, a health/life/ nutrition coach, an interfaith minister, and metaphysician. 860.966.8747.