2 minute read



September 10–11, through February 10–11, 2023

Enahnced Year of Healing— 18-Month Program. TheAcademy for Soul Healing is offering The Enhanced Year of Healing, an 18-month program to help you learn to refocus your thinking and become transformed. Meetings will focus on shifting into who you truly are; discovering your role(s) in the world; clearing up wounds, trauma, and negative energy that prevent you from “Being”; learning principles from a number of modalities; participating in a healing and educationally driven learning environment; and more. Register for this course today to expand your consciousness and help you create a more abundant life. Eilis Philpott, Master Healer and Teacher Academy for Soul Healing Register for the course here: https://www.academyforsoulhealing. com/enhanced-year-of-healing

Wednesday, September 14 & Wednesday, October 12

Psychic/Spiritual Development , 6:30–8:30pm, $25 ($20 for elders over 65 and veterans) The Psychic/Spiritual Development Monthly Study Group Is meeting in-person again! (as well as Zoom). New members welcome! There is a strong connection between spiritual growth and psychic development. Every session starts with a positive, lightfilling exercise and includes topics such as palmistry, oracle cards, pendulums, remote viewing, and spirit guides. Reclaim your natural gifts, assist others, and live your life more joyfully! We will meet on the second Wednesday of every month, unless otherwise noted. Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. Join our email list and fi nd detailed descriptions at thesacredjourney.biz The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, CT 06013. Pre-registration required to save your in-person spot: 860.675.9706

Wednesday, September 21 & Wednesday, October 19

Shamanism, 6:30–8:30pm, $25 ($20 for elders over 65 and veterans) The Shamanism Monthly Study Group is meeting in-person again (as well as via Zoom)! New members are welcome; no experience needed! In this group, you will develop an understanding of crosscultural shamanism, the importance of ceremony, and become adept at journeying into non-ordinary reality. You will work with animal allies and spirit helpers, ancestors, and elemental energies. All dedicated and compassionate people who wish to initiate positive change in the world are invited. We will meet on the third Wednesday of every month, unless otherwise noted. Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. Join our email list and fi nd detailed descriptions at thesacredjourney.biz The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, CT 06013. Pre-registration required to save your in-person spot: 860.675.9706


Have a Happening?


Do you have an event (virtual or live) that you want Natural Nutmeg readers to know about? Reach out to us at calendar@naturalnutmeg.com for information on listing your event and sponsorships. Event listings are in print and online. We also accept classifi ed listings.

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