Use These 4 Guidelines To Get Back Up When A Life Crisis Knocks You Down
A life in crisis is never an easy situation. Keep reading to find out ways to stay healthy while coping with a life crisis. Whenever you experience a life crisis, extreme emotional stress is a natural consequence. By its very nature, a life crisis disrupts and often even destroys our lives leaving us shattered and often too distraught to figure out how to put the pieces of our lives back together and bounce back after a life crisis. Usually, a crisis can become so all-consuming, so terrible, that the chronic stress it creates seems to be far too much to handle. I Know, because I’ve been there. A chronic or life threatening health issue, relationship breakdown, financial loss, natural disaster (hurricane, earthquake, tornado, flood) man-made disasters (terrorism, deliberate acts of violence), and death of a loved one are all common occurrences that can send anyone into crisis mode. However, if a crisis is not dealt with effectively, if we do not cope with it properly, we cannot make it successfully to the other side. Fortunately, we have some ways to help you deal optimally with crises.
1. Take Steps to Prioritize your feelings and your tasks. When in crisis mode, you only have so much time and so much energy to devote to everything that needs to get done. If there are other situations, outside of your crisis, that seem to be demanding your attention (and emotions), do not be afraid to cut them off for a while. It is alright ( and even essential) to take some time and make yourself and your trials a priority. Evaluate each commitment and ask yourself: Given my current life crisis is this something that’s going to enhance or drain my energy? See how many unnecessary things you can eliminate, starting with just one thing — the things that gives you the least return for your invested time and effort. 2. Look for support. Often, the people around you will be more than willing to lend a helping hand when you need it. Be honest with them and tell them what you really need. If none of your friends or family can provide the help you need, do not feel badly about looking somewhere else for support. There are professional services and organizations that you can tap into for mental, emotional and spiritual support. 3. Find ways to beat stress. This time is going to be stressful, and getting what needs to be done completed will be impossible if you are being consumed by stress and overwhelm. Know your stress triggers and find stress-relief techniques, tools and resources that help to reduce your stress levels. Eating, sleeping, and self care are the first things to go in a life crisis. Focus on having nourishing food available so that you can eat healthy meals and snacks that can boost your body’s ability to cope with the crisis. You can easily become depleted while going through an emotional crisis or supporting a loved one through a crisis. Pay keen attention to your own needs so you can be replenished. Now more than ever, make a few minutes each day to exercise because exercise can help you cope with a difficult life challenge. When you learn how to manage your stress effectively, you’ll feel better equipped and empowered to handle your crisis. 4. Handle your feelings. Many times, people prefer to bury their difficult feelings during a crisis, rather than deal with them. If you bury them, you may believe you have a calmer mind and less stress, but you are just drawing out the process. You don’t have to wallow, but you should find a way to process your feelings, either by writing them down, talking to a trusted friend, or even seeking professional help. At the beginning stages of a crisis, everyone needs to tell their story in their own time and in their own way. Sharing the pain of your story is one of the cornerstones of releasing, reassessing and reorganizing your life in the midst of emotional trauma. Talk about your stressful situations with someone you trust. Sometimes just talking about your problems and concerns can help you put them into perspective and give you insights into ways to deal with them.
Don’t forget to be patient with yourself. It may be tempting to devolve into a pattern of eating junk food and feeling sorry for yourself, and you may feel like that is all you want to do for a few days. If that is all you can bring yourself to do for a few days, be patient with yourself. Do things that make you happy and that put the crisis aside for a few moments. Work on specific nurturing to your body and mind to help alleviate the pressure the emotional crisis is putting you through. During this stressful time, a walk a day could keep the doctor away! Don’t forget to eat healthy foods, get sufficient rest, exercise and give yourself time to process what you are feeling and what is happening. Please Share Your Thoughts In the comments below, share with us: 1. Have you dealt with a life crisis? 2. What worked for you as a coping mechanism?
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