12 minute read
Healthy Mitochondria, Healthy Brain
by Jean Read I n 2007, Dr. Terry Wahls reversed her symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) by incorporating diet and lifestyle changes. She went from a tilt-recline wheelchair to standing, walking, and after nine months, riding her bicycle again. Today she teaches others how to use food and lifestyle changes to reverse their own symptoms of neurological and autoimmune diseases (seen in her TEDx talk, “Minding Your Mitochondria”).
While Wahls had been a vegetarian for 20 years, she found that incorporating some meat into her diet helped her. However, her protocol recommends up to nine cups of vegetables and a little fruit every day. These nine cups of vegetables are chosen because of their ability to nourish and fortify the brain cells and the mitochondria. For those having some brain symptoms like brain fog, reduced recall, forgetfulness and just not being as sharp as in the past, eating foods that nourish the brain may help reduce some
symptoms. Two key foods to eliminate would be all wheat and dairy. We know that anyone who eats wheat will have a reduction in blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain by one third. This will last a few hours to a few days for some people. Dairy causes inflammation to the nervous system. With inflammation comes altered function of the cells, resulting in a decline in health.
What are mitochondria? Mitochondria are the part of the cell that generates energy for the cell to carry out its normal function. Every brain cell and heart cell contains at least 1,000 mitochondria each. The rest of the cells in the body contain less than that per cell. Therefore, if we are lacking energy or get fatigued quickly, we may want to eat foods that can help fortify and nourish the mitochondria every day. Check out The Wahls Protocol book and cookbook for details of the foods recommended by Wahl. Her new book with updated information will be released at the end of March.
Wahls is currently performing her 16th study on MS and how diet and lifestyle changes can improve the health of those with MS specifically. However, in her practice, she sees benefits for many others with neurological and autoimmune diseases with this same protocol. So, anyone with a brain and mitochondria who would like to improve the health of those tissues, may want to consider checking out this new book.
The body is always looking to heal, repair and restore itself. Giving it the right fuel and more allows it to do just that.
Jean Read, PT is the only Wahls Protocol certified medical practitioner in the state of Arizona. She coaches others with neurological and autoimmune issues, chronic pain, weight loss and more with the functional nutrition principles. Connect at 956-566-5443. See ad, page 19.
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17 March 2020 Healthier Logic 101: Maintaining a Healthier Lifestyle
Healthier Logic will present a special day of four experts including two physicians—revealing how food affects disease in our body, how to reverse it and how to easily maintain a healthy lifestyle without following a fad diet—held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., March 29, at the Loft Cinema. Backed by scientific research, these experts will explain in detail easy to follow guidelines and provide information needed to make the transition to better health, or to simply complement an already healthy lifestyle.
Speaker Dr. Ted Crawford, board certified family physician, reversed his chronic medical conditions of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and chronic GERD eight years ago by adopting a plant-based way of eating. Speaker Dr. Brooke Goldner, board certified physician and author, developed a nutrition-based treatment for her own autoimmune disease, lupus. Also speaking are Robert Cheeke, two-time body building champion and author, and Demosthenes Maratos, Communications Director and adjunct professor, as well as the Healthier Logic Team.
Attendees will be able to purchase a delicious, healthy lunch from local food vendors on site. A meet-and-greet with the experts will be held from 4:15 to 5 p.m.
Seating is limited. Healthier Logic is not affiliated with any group. Tickets will be given only at the Loft Cinema on the day of the event, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Location: Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway, Tucson. For more information and bios of the four speakers, visit Facebook.com/HealthierLogic and HealthierLogic.com. See ad, page 2. Jami Lula Performs at Unity Spiritual Center of Peace C enter for Spiritual Living (CSL) Tucson and Unity Spiritual Center of Peace will host Jami Lula for a performance at 2 p.m. on March 22, at Unity Spiritual Center of Peace. Lula brings a quiet and powerful sense of purpose, bal ance and giftedness. For him, music is larger than just making sound. It is the heart of the Spirit walk, the key to creative change in the world. Lula is the rare artist whose commitment and contribution extend beyond themselves to encompass all who come into contact with him.
Lending his voice and leadership in concert to youth groups and spiritual centers throughout the nation, Lula has been honored by LA Music Awards (“Best Male Vocalist”), is a winner of the Centers for Spiritual Living “Youth Champion Award”, and many other musical and mission-based honors. His work with youth is legend. “Jami Lula’s music is more than a shiver-inducing experience in sound, it is inspiration itself as an offering just to you,” says Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith. “What I love about Jami’s improvisational textures is the intimacy he exudes through his personal intensity, which comes from a direct relationship with life, his love of it, and of humanity.” The performance will be held at Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S. Eastside Loop, #121, in Tucson. Tickets are $20 online (TucsonCSL.org) or at the door. Lula will also be singing and speaking during Center for Spiritual Living Tucson's Sunday Celebration Service on March 22, which begins at 10:30 a.m., at the Nickerson Auditorium, 3231 N. Craycroft Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-319-1042, email Admin@TucsonCSL.org or visit TucsonCSL.org. See ad, page 29. event briefs
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“The only way individuals can make informed decisions is when doctors spend time with their patients” Jami Lula
LEARN ABOUT “HEALTHIER LOGIC Backed by scientific research, discover the facts about eating health and how to maintain it easily! Four renowned experts, Physicians, reveal how food affects disease in your body, how it, and how to easily maintain a healthy lifestyle without following These experts will explain in detail easy-to-follow guidelines information you will need to make the transition to better health, simply complement your already-healthy lifestyle! SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2020 10AM-5PM 4:15PM - 5PM MEET AND GREET WITH THE *PRESENTATIONS AND Q&A SESSIONS BY: *Subject to change DR. TED CRAWFORD DR. BROOKE GOL ROBERT CHEEKE, DEMOSTHENES MARA & HEALTHIER LOGI PURCHASE A DELICIOUS, HEALTHY LUNCH FROM OUR LOCAL FOOD VENDORS! PRESENTED BY: HEALTHIER LOGI for more information go to: facebook.com/healthierlogic LEARN ABOUT “HEALTHIER LOGIC Backed by scientific research, discover the facts about eating health and how to maintain it easily! Four renowned experts, Physicians, reveal how food affects disease in your body, how it, and how to easily maintain a healthy lifestyle without following These experts will explain in detail easy-to-follow guidelines information you will need to make the transition to better health, simply complement your already-healthy lifestyle! SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2020 10AM-5PM 4:15PM - 5PM MEET AND GREET WITH THE *PRESENTATIONS AND Q&A SESSIONS BY: *Subject to change DR. TED CRAWFORD DR. BROOKE GOL ROBERT CHEEKE, DEMOSTHENES MARA & HEALTHIER LOGI PURCHASE A DELICIOUS, HEALTHY LUNCH FROM OUR LOCAL FOOD VENDORS! PRESENTED BY: HEALTHIER LOGI for more information go to: facebook.com/healthierlogic LEARN ABOUT “HEALTHIER LOGIC Backed by scientific research, discover the facts about eating health and how to maintain it easily! Four renowned experts, including Physicians, reveal how food affects disease in your body, how it, and how to easily maintain a healthy lifestyle without following These experts will explain in detail easy-to-follow guidelines and information you will need to make the transition to better health, simply complement your already-healthy lifestyle! SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2020 10AM-5PM 4:15PM - 5PM MEET AND GREET WITH THE *PRESENTATIONS AND Q&A SESSIONS BY: *Subject to change DR. TED CRAWFORD DR. BROOKE GOLDNER ROBERT CHEEKE, DEMOSTHENES MARA & HEALTHIER LOGIC PURCHASE A DELICIOUS, HEALTHY LUNCH FROM OUR LOCAL FOOD VENDORS! PRESENTED BY: HEALTHIER LOGIC for more information go to: facebook.com/healthierlogic LEARN ABOUT “HEALTHIER LOGIC Backed by scientific research, discover the facts about eating health and how to maintain it easily! Four renowned experts, including Physicians, reveal how food affects disease in your body, how it, and how to easily maintain a healthy lifestyle without following These experts will explain in detail easy-to-follow guidelines and information you will need to make the transition to better health, simply complement your already-healthy lifestyle! SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2020 10AM-5PM 4:15PM - 5PM MEET AND GREET WITH THE *PRESENTATIONS AND Q&A SESSIONS BY: *Subject to change DR. TED CRAWFORD DR. BROOKE GOLDNER ROBERT CHEEKE, DEMOSTHENES MARA & HEALTHIER LOGI PURCHASE A DELICIOUS, HEALTHY LUNCH FROM OUR LOCAL FOOD VENDORS! PRESENTED BY: HEALTHIER LOGIC for more information go to: facebook.com/healthierlogic Ted Crawford Brooke Goldner Robert Cheeke Demosthenes Maratos

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CBD Massage May Help Chronic Pain T here is a growing awareness of the benefits of CBD (cannabidiol), a naturally occurring non-psychoactive compound in cannabis plants. CBD doesn’t produce the “high” associated with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), another compound found in cannabis.
Hemp is a phenotype of the cannabis species containing less than 0.3 percent THC. Hemp plants produce a broad range of cannabinoids— CBD being the most abundant—that play important roles in the effectiveness of CBD products. A full spectrum CBD product contains components that support wellness and balance, including phytocannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes, which work synergistically with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).
Identified in the early 1990s, the ECS is a complex cell-signaling system composed of endocannabinoid neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors. The two main endocannabinoid receptors are CB1 receptors, mostly found in the central nervous system, and CB2 receptors, mostly found in the peripheral nervous system, especially immune cells. When cannabinoids are added to massage oil, they enter the endocannabinoid system via the skin, helping ease and relax muscles and reduce pain and inflammation. CBD oil is also hailed for its ability to reduce symptoms of anxiety. Massage could be the most effective way to do this, as the effects of a CBD oil massage can last up to two hours. For those who have not yet experienced a CBD-infused oil massage, there’s nothing quite as relaxing and satisfying.

Soulistic Healing Center, in Tubac, now offers full spectrum CBD oil-infused massage to complement its variety of healing modalities which include craniosacral therapy, reflexology, reiki, scalar wave laser therapy, IonCleanse foot soak detoxification, Morontia Soul Counseling and Tron Therapy. Connect at 520-398-3970 or SoulisticHealingCenter.org. See ad, page 13.

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Try Mind-Body Options to Reduce Opioid-Treated Pain
People suffering from acute pain often turn to addictive opioid treatments, but research from the University of Utah School of Social Work published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine concluded that certain mind-body therapies significantly reduce pain and the use of opioids. Reviewing 60 randomized, controlled, published clinical trials with more than 6,400 participants, researchers found that meditation/mindfulness, therapeutic suggestion and cognitive behavioral therapy all significantly reduced pain severity along with opioid use and misuse. Hypnosis also helped lower pain. Mindbody therapies proved effective at reducing short-term, acute pain from medical procedures, as well as chronic pain. Lead author and Associate Dean for Research Eric Garland pointed out that 82,000 Americansare projected to die from opioid overdoses in the next five years and noted, “If all of us—doctors, nurses, social workers, policymakers, insurance companies and patients—use this evidence as we make decisions, we can help stem the tide of the opioid epidemic.” bodywork briefs

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