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March News Briefs

Stress Management and Resiliency Training Biofeedback

Dr. Emily Takeuchi-Miller, at Transformational Medicine, is offering a stress management and resiliency training biofeedback program. Biofeedback is a safe, noninvasive, evidencedbased method to help people develop greater awareness and the ability to regulate their physiology by using signals from their own bodies with the goal of improving their wellbeing, health and performance.


Emily Takeuchi-Miller

In biofeedback, sensors connected to the body provide information in real time about its functioning, such as muscle tension, sweating,

Miller temperature, respiration and heart rate. This eight-session training also incorporates breath work, meditation and guided imagery.

“In these current times, where each day can seem more tumultuous than the last, it seems words like mindfulness, meditation and self-care are everywhere. But these concepts can seem lofty and at times intimidating. You may be left wondering, ‘Where do I start?’” says Takeuchi-Miller. “Numerous studies have shown that mental and emotional stress can cause physical changes in the body, leading to other health problems. When our nervous system is in a state of balance, the immune system operates better, the body heals faster and we can achieve optimal health and performance.”

Takeuchi-Miller uses biofeedback to help retrain a client’s nervous system to be more resilient and produce more helpful responses in the long term, such as: healthy stress coping skills; increases in exercise and restful sleep; positive changes in relational dynamics; reductions in anxiety and depression; and decreases in muscle tension, chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, food cravings and unhealthy eating habits.

For more information and to schedule a free half-hour biofeedback experience, call 520-209-1755. See ad, page 3.

Jason Cummings

Kathleen Dreier Photography

Individualized Fitness Programs with Jason Cummings

At Reverence Personal Training and Movement Therapy, Jason Cummings, a credentialed physical therapist assistant, personal trainer and long-time yoga practitioner, specializes in giving individualized attention to clients. He helps those with common age related conditions such as osteoarthritis along with other post acute and chronic medical conditions causing discomfort and abnormal movement. He is currently offering 25 percent Jason Cummings off the initial consultation fee of $60.

It is natural for the human body to experience degenerativechanges as we age. Cartilage that allows our joints to move smoothly and sustain force wears down, and osteoarthritis often follows. Our muscles naturally weaken over time. Some muscles shorten due to sustained poor posture common with sedentary lifestyles, while other deep stabilizer muscles become weak. The body can become stiff and weak, leading to dysfunctional movement patterns, poor balance and pain. All of us could use some help along the way in dealing with these very human conditions.

“Have you been experiencing pain or maybe feel out of shape and tired? Could you benefit from help with your body in order to feel and move better?” questions Cummings. “Reverence Personal Training is offering individualized fitness programs to fit your needs and aspirations.” The programs incorporate use of strength training, myofascial release and stretching, increasing cardiovascular endurance, balance training and potentially the mind/body integration movement practices of yoga and tai chi. Training is available at a well-suited private therapy space or in-home.

For more information, call 520-979-8118 or email JPC2178@yahoo.com. See ad, page 13.

Hope Huerta

Thai Massage at Home with Hope Huerta

Hope Huerta, a massage therapist in the Tucson area, has offered massage in grocery stores and hair salons since becoming certified in 2016. Now, Huerta is branching out and bringing aunique mobile massage experience to local residents, right in the comfort of their own homes. Clients can enjoy the privilege of an immersive massage and enjoy the benefits of Thai massage to their fullest without the added stress of travel. She is offering a special: book two massages in the same month and receive 20 percent off the second massage.

Thai massage is a blend of passive stretching and acupressure, which works the entire body using a sequence of movements similar to yoga. Thai massage is an ancient healing practice that originated in India, dating back to around 2,500 to 7,000 years ago.

Traditionally performed on the floor, this type of massage provides more access to a wider range of angles to the body, as opposed to a traditional table massage. Being on the floor allows the client to participate more actively in the massage. The therapist can employ deep pressure along with gradual stretches that can help improve a client’s range of motion and flexibility. This might be an aid to those who have been sedentary for some time, but would like some assistance in getting back into the field of activity.

For more information or to schedule a massage, call/text 520-248-0590 or email Hopesamusonic@gmail.com. See ad, page 15.

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