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EMF Wellness

Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS


Certified Building Biology Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist




Summary/services offered:

Tucson’s homes, schools and offices are being increasingly exposed to unsafe levels of microwave radiation from Wi-Fi routers, “smart” devices and the 5G cell towers being rapidly installed across town. To protect and support you and your family’s health, EMF Wellness Tucson provides professional assessments and mitigation recommendations for microwave (wireless) radiation and three other common types of electromagnetic fields (EMFs): electric fields, magnetic fields and dirty electricity.

What drew you to this profession?

A few years back, two close family members became inexplicably sick with no cure in sight—even after visiting numerous conventional and alternative health practitioners. One (a child) recovered a few months after we determined and removed the cause: sitting next to a Wi-Fi router while using an iPad several hours a day. Unfortunately, the other (an elderly person) died after much suffering before we figured out what the problem was: living in a small home surrounded by electronic devices constantly emitting highly toxic microwave radiation. These personal experiences motivated me to learn more about EMF science, get advanced professional training at the Building Biology Institute and start EMF Wellness Tucson.

How does your work differ from others in your profession?

I conduct assessments using the most advanced, state-of-the-art professional meters and strive to provide mitigation recommendations that meet you where you are regarding your use of modern technologies. I am particularly devoted to keeping children’s learning, play and sleep areas EMF safe, and I consider your pets to be important members of the family too!

What should someone expect from working with you?

You should expect me to educate you about EMFs, give you the best of my professional skills to uncover any unsafe EMFs, and lay out your options for mitigation at the least possible cost to you. I give you tips and tools to maintain a safe environment on your own, so you don’t need me anymore.

What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?

Solid, peer-reviewed science (more than for tobacco and asbestos) shows that overexposure to these EMFs puts stress on our bodies at the cellular level, leading to uncomfortable symptoms (for example, headaches, skin rashes, sleep disruption, ear ringing) and increasing our risk of many diseases, ranging from cancers and depression to Parkinson’s. It is very important to understand what EMFs are and ensure that our living and working environments—and the learning environments of our children and youth—are EMF safe.

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