5 minute read
Master of Bodywork & Healing Arts July 2019

MASTERS OF Bodywork & Healing Arts
Monthly Tucson Metaphysics Fair
The Tucson Metaphysics Fair happens on
the third Sunday of every month, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Best Western. The fair includes a collection of mediums, numerologists, astrologers, tarot, animal psychic, runes and Angelic card readers, past life intuitive, passed souls communicator, palmistry, dowsing, gemstone divination, shaman and reiki healers, as well as vendors with a collection of jewelry, candles, essential oils and metaphysical supplies.
“Come join us and feel the positive chi when you walk through the door,” says Dave Bodell. “If you are looking for the answers to life’s questions, we are here to answer them for you.”
Prices vary with each reader. “We pride ourselves by giving you a great reading at a fair price,” says Bodell.
Location: Best Western, 6201 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520- 579-8930 or visit TucsonMetaphysicsFair.com.
Qigong and the Subtle Energy Body
Qigong is a simple life science that moves qi and
brings a powerful balance into the body. The movements, breathing techniques and meditations all work together to bring our energy body into a harmonious state. The practice of qigong moves the qi and at the same time lets the student practicing qigong feel the subtle energy as the qi moves.

During certain exercises, we may notice areas within the body tingle or flutter, maybe feel hot or cold, as the qi moves. As the practice brings us into balance, these feelings become regular. The body then begins to let us know when we have reached a balanced state.
We may not always listen to our bodies, but the tangible feeling of qi movement directly correlates to our own balanced state. The subtle energy body is full of bright colors; green surrounds the liver, yellow the stomach, red the heart and so on. The power we hold in the energy body is always there, but it needs to be nurtured and fed.
Maintaining it is up to the individual. We can take control of our own well-being and practice a proven system that is over 7,000 years old and feel our subtle energy body come alive.

Mark Frighetti teaches ZY Qigong at The Yoga Connection, 3929 E. Pima, Tucson, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday. For more information, call 520-404-8745, email QigongMark@yahoo.com or visit Meetup.com/Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup.
18 Tucson Edition NaturalTucson.com

Ready To Be Free?

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Santa Rita Springs
Dorothy Richmond, LMT
Aquatic Massage Jin Shin Jyutsu Cranial Sacral
520 990 1857 www.SantaRitaSprings.com
Maggie Tracey
Tracey found her life’s purpose after her very first reiki session. For 25 years,
Maggie Tracey
Tracey has been developing her craft through education and from experience in various healing modalities.
Tracey’s commitment to raising the vibration throughout the collective consciousness shines through her work and healing hands. In her own words, “My life’s goal is to always follow my heart. I embrace the wisdom of Spirit at the deepest level of my being. I would like to teach you a unique healing modality which allows negative energy to leave the body systems, body, mind and spirit. I am offering a different kind of energy healing, unlike any that you’ve tried before—using guided imagery to release heavy negative energy from all of your body systems.”
Tracey is also an Animal Communicator, Pranic Practitioner, Medium and Psychic.

For more information, call 626-437-0658 or email LoveNLite@yahoo.com.
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July 201919