Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan 2015 - 2019

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Bunyala Community Forest Association P.O Box 28, Nambacha Email: bcfashg@yahoo.com

Disclaimer The preparation, printing and distribution of the document has been with the financial assistance of the GEF and UNDP (Award ID: 00058356). The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the Elgeyo Forest Station PFMP Local Planning Team and Nature Kenya, and cannot under normal circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the GEF nor the UNDP.

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Prepared by Local Planning Team1

Produced with financial assistance by GEF/UNDP through Nature Kenya

Š 2015

Available at: Kenya Forest Service Head of Conservancy, Western Conservancy Ecosystem Conservator office, Kakamega Bunyala Community Forest Association Nature Kenya


List of members of Local planning in the Appendix 4a

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FOREWORD This Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan is the outcome of a planning process lasting 3 years during the period 2012–2015. The planning process was supported by Nature Kenya which was financed by Global Environment Facility/ United Nation Development Programme (GEF/UNDP). The plan was developed by the Local Planning Team whose members represented the following relevant institutions: Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Kenya Wildlife Service, National Environment Management Authority, Water Resource Management Authority, Ministry of Devolution and Planning, the Community, Bunyala Community Forest Association (CFA) and many other organizations and individuals. At the outset, the challenge was to produce a participatory Forest Management Plan for Bunyala Forest Station which would meet the needs of all stakeholders in the forest, building on the proven traditional management system of the local people and provide a useful document for managing the forest and the neighbouring farmlands. A plan which looks attractive but does not have the consensus of all stakeholders, or one that might be rapidly consigned to bookshelves and libraries, would not meet this challenge. It is hoped that this plan will provide a useful document for the people in future years. The task has been not only to follow a process, but also to define and test the planning process itself, since this has been a new experience in Kenya where local community have been invited to manage the forest in collaboration with the government. The plan shows that community members can be good managers of the resource within their areas once empowered. It recognizes need to manage the forest jointly with neighbouring communities. In many ways, therefore, this plan conforms to the requirements of the Forests Act No.7 of 2005 which requires that all stakeholders be involved in the management of forests. Through this plan, Kenya Forest Service will enter into the process of negotiating a forest management agreement with the Bunyala CFA, which will ensure that the local communities benefit in terms of forest user rights. We anticipate that this partnership arrangement will contribute to improved forest management and local community livelihoods. To make this happen, we are calling upon other stakeholders to join hands with us to ensure that Bunyala Forest provides better forest products and services at all levels, local, national and international.

Dr. Paul Matiku Executive Director, Nature Kenya

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bunyala Community Forest Association (BCFA) would like to extend sincere gratitude to the Director, Kenya Forest Service for creating an enabling environment for the development of this Participatory Forest Management Plan. This is an important step towards ensuring Bunyala forest is a participatory managed forest through structured community involvement. The plan will then be used for negotiating a Forest Management Agreement between the CFA and Kenya Forest Service. We recognize the efforts of the Local Planning Team (LPT) members who represented the following institutions; County Government of Kakamega, Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Kenya Wildlife Service, National Environment Management Authority, Water Resource Management Authority, Ministry of Devolution and Planning and Nature Kenya. We would like to appreciate the financial support from GEF/UNDP through Nature Kenya for the development of the Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan. Sincere thanks also go to Mr. J. K Macharia, the Head of Head of Management Plans, Mr D.O. Otieno, the Head of Western Conservancy and Mr M. Mamati, the Kakamega Ecosystem Conservator for their selfless dedication to the plan process and guiding the community and LPT through the entire period. We also appreciate the contribution of the local opinion leaders, Ministry of Interior and Coordination, Forest Adjacent Communities (FACs) for providing us with relevant information that was required for the development of this Plan. I would also like to reorganize and appreciate all Bunyala CFA members and the executive committee for their invaluable contribution to the success of the preparation of the Plan, especially in organizing community meetings and coordination of information collection Finally, Bunyala CFA expresses gratitude to the many men and women who in one way or the other have contributed to the development of this PFMP and look forward to implementing it together.

Philip Osembo Chairman, Bunyala Community Forest Association

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Bunyala forest is found in Kakamega County, Navakholo Sub-county. The forest is bordered by Nambacha sub-location to the North West, Mukhweso sub-location to the west, Sirigoi sub-location to the South, Lukume sub-location to the East, Burundu sub-location to the North East and Namirama sub-location to the North. The forest is situated approximately 23 Km West of Kakamega town through Kakamega -Navakholo road. The forest is positioned between Latitudes 0˚22’41’’N and 0˚24’56’’N; and Longitudes 34˚40’41’’E and 34˚43’28’’E. Bunyala forest area has two rainy seasons. The long rains fall between March and June, with a peak in April and May. Short rains do not last as long and typically fall from late September to November. Bunyala forest is a state forest managed by Kenya Forest Service. It covers an area of 826.6 ha including one ha of encroachment in Mukhangu area to the west of the station. The forest was gazetted under proclamation No. 421 of 1956. Administratively, the forest falls under Head of Western Conservancy, under the direct management of the Ecosystem Conservator, Kakamega Ecosystem, who is represented on the ground by the Forest Station Manager, Bunyala Forest Station. Bunyala CFA will co-manage the forest when the Forest Management Agreement is signed and in force. The administrative office of Bunyala forest station is in Nambacha sub-location. The forest is divided into five beats namely Lwakhupa, Matoyi, Simuli, Mayuke and Musidi for purposes of patrols and administration The process of developing the management plan for Bunyala forest was participatory and a number of key stakeholders were consulted during the process while others directly participated in the development of the plan. Local Planning Team (LPT) was constituted that developed the management plan. Members of the LPT were given various responsibilities to collect information from primary and secondary sources. A number of workshops and meetings were organised in which the vision and purpose of the plan were agreed, programmes were identified and zonation criteria agreed. Also, detailed resource inventory that included socioeconomic survey and biodiversity assessment were conducted. Local communities were consulted through village meetings and barazas that were organised in different locations round the forest area. The vision for Bunyala Forest is to be the best co –managed, developed and sustainably utilized forest in Kenya. The zones identified in the forest are; Productive zone (plantation areas), protection zone this consists of total protection and conservation areas, and then there is subsistence areas, and intervention zone. The plan discusses the current situation, objectives, and strategies for seven management programmes namely Protection and Conservation, Production. Intervention, Community Participation, Infrastructure and Human Resources Development, Partnerships and Networking, and Research and Monitoring Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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programmes. It also identifies key stakeholders to spearhead implementation in each programme. In addition to the above programmes, the plan discusses on ways and means of resource mobilization for the purpose of implementation. Resources are to be got through funding from ongoing activities, support from partners’ organizations and donor agencies interested in conservation. The Bunyala PFMP was developed through funding from GEF/UNDP under the project ‘Strengthening the Protected Area Network within the Eastern Montane Forest Hotspots of Kenya’. The PFMP will be implemented for period of Five (5) years upon the signing of Forest Management Agreement.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL ..........................................................................................................iii FOREWORD ......................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................... vi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................. xi LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. xii ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ..................................................... 1 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PLAN .............................................................................. 1 1.1.1 Name of the Management Plan ..................................................................... 1 1.1.2 Period/Term of the Management Plan .......................................................... 1 1.1.3 Legal Authority for Preparation of the Plan .................................................. 1 1.1.4 Justification of the PFMP ............................................................................... 1 1.1.5 Purpose of the PFMP..................................................................................... 1 1.1.6 Approach to Development of the Plan ......................................................... 1 1.1.7 Funding for developing and implementing BPFMP ...................................... 3 1.1.8 Structure of Bunyala CFA ............................................................................. 4 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF BUNYALA FOREST ................................................................. 4 1.2.1 Geographical location of Bunyala forest....................................................... 4 1.2.2 The legal and administrative status of Bunyala forest. .................................. 5 1.2.3 Physical description of the Bunyala forest .................................................... 6 1.2.4 Biodiversity of Bunyala Forest ...................................................................... 9 1.2.5 The eco-tourism sites of Bunyala forest ...................................................... 12 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF FOREST RESOURCES ........................................................... 13 1.3.1 Stocking of the forest .................................................................................. 13 1.3.2 Non-wood forest products .......................................................................... 13 1.3.3 Forest infrastructure and equipment .......................................................... 15 1.3.4 Human resources ....................................................................................... 17 1.3.5 History of the forest .................................................................................... 18 1.4 THREATS AND CONSTRAINTS.......................................................................... 18 1.4.1 Threats ....................................................................................................... 18 1.4.2 Management Constraints ........................................................................... 18 1.5 VALUES OF BUNYALA FOREST ........................................................................ 19 CHAPTER 2.0 SOCIO-ECONOMIC DESCRIPTION .............................................. 20 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ADJACENT COMMUNITIES .......................................... 20 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES ..................................................... 21 2.3 COOKING ENERGY CONSUMPTION................................................................ 24 2.4 COMMUNITY FOREST PRODUCT UTILIZATION ............................................... 25 2.5 WORKING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KFS AND BUNYALA COMMUNITY ........ 26 2.6 SOCIO-CULTURAL UTILIZATION OF THE FOREST ........................................... 27 Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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CHAPTER 3.0 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS ............................................................ 28 CHAPTER 4.0 MANAGEMENT VISION, OBJECTIVES AND CONSIDERATIONS ... 35 4.1 VISION FOR BUNYALA FOREST ........................................................................ 35 4.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................... 35 4.3 PLAN CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................. 36 4.3.1 Policies and legal framework ..................................................................... 36 4.3.2 Linkages with relevant existing planning documents ................................ 42 4.3.3 Linkage with regional and international agreements and conventions ...... 43 4.4 FOREST MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATION ZONATION ................................. 44 CHAPTER 5.0 MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES ................................................... 46 5.1 PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION PROGRAMME ........................................ 46 5.1.1 Background ................................................................................................ 46 5.1.2 Management Challenges ........................................................................... 46 5.1.3 Programme Objectives .............................................................................. 47 5.2 PRODUCTIION PROGRAMME .......................................................................... 52 5.2.1 Background ................................................................................................ 52 5.2.2 Management Challenges ........................................................................... 53 5.2.3 Programme Objectives .............................................................................. 53 5.3 INTERVENTION ZONE PROGRAMME............................................................... 55 5.3.1 Background ................................................................................................ 55 5.3.2 Management Challenges ........................................................................... 55 5.3.3 Programme Objectives .............................................................................. 55 5.4 COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME.................................................. 57 5.4.1 Background ................................................................................................ 57 5.4.2 Management Challenges ........................................................................... 57 5.4.3 Community Participation Programme objective ........................................ 57 5.5 INFRASTRUCTURE, EQUIPMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ........................................................................................................ 59 5.5.1 Background ................................................................................................ 59 5.5.2 Management Challenges ........................................................................... 59 5.5.3 Programme objectives ............................................................................... 62 5.6 PARTNERSHIPS AND NETWORKING PROGRAMME ......................................... 64 5.6.1 Background ................................................................................................ 64 5.6.2 Management Challenges ........................................................................... 64 5.6.3 Programme objectives ............................................................................... 64 5.7 RESEARCH AND MONITORING PROGRAMME................................................. 66 5.7.1 Background ................................................................................................ 66 5.7.2 Management Challenges ........................................................................... 66 5.7.3 Programme objectives ............................................................................... 66 CHAPTER 6.0 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................. 69 6.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 69 Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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6.1.1 Gender mainstreaming .............................................................................. 69 6.1.2 Reproductive Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS ............................................ 70 6.1.3 Marginalized groups .................................................................................. 70 6.1.4 Indigenous Knowledge .............................................................................. 70 6.2 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION .............................................................................. 71 6.3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ................... 71 CHAPTER 7.0 PLAN MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...................................... 73 7.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 73 7.2 MONITORING................................................................................................... 73 7.3 MONITORING INDICATORS (BIOPHYSICAL AND COMMUNITY BASED INDICATORS)......................................................................................................... 73 7.4 DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ................................................... 73 7.5 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 74 7.6 MONITORING PLAN ......................................................................................... 74 7.7 EVALUATION ................................................................................................... 74 7.8 REVIEW, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................... 74 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 79 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 81 Appendix 1: List of Bunyala Forest Tree Species ................................................... 81 Appendix 2: List of Bunyala Forest Mammals and Primates ................................... 82 Appendix 3: List of Bunyala Forest Bird Species .................................................... 82 Appendix 4: List of participants in the Plan Development ...................................... 84 Appendix 5: Bunyala Forest Plantation Data Sheet ................................................. 91

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LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.2: Plate on PFMP awareness at Musidi village ............................................ 2 Figure 1.1: Plate on PFMP awareness at Matoyi held at Mulembe Church ............... 2 Figure 1.3: Plate on socio-economic mapping by the community members ............ 3 Figure 1.4: Plate on forest zonation by community members ................................. 3 Figure 1.5: Plate on Bunyala PFMP preparation by Local Planning Team................. 3 Figure 1.6: Plate on LPT meeting with KFS head of the management planning ........ 3 Figure 1.7: Bunyala CFA structure ........................................................................... 4 Figure 1.8a: Location map of Bunyala Forest ............................................................ 5 Figure 1.8b: Map of Kakamega Forest Ecosystem showing Bunyala Forest ............. 6 Figure 1.9: Drainage system- Streams joining the Lusumu River within the forest ... 8 Figure 1.10: Mean annual water levels (M) of R.Lusumu ......................................... 8 Figure 1.11: Satellite image of Bunyala Forest. ...................................................... 10 Figure 1.12: Map of Bunyala Forest plantation areas .............................................. 11 Figure 1.13: Water rapids at Bunyala Forest potential for ecotourism.................... 13 Figure 2.1: Level of education of household heads ................................................ 20 Figure 2.2: Well-being categories with the Bunyala community ............................ 21 Figure 2.3: Occupational characteristics of Bunyala community ............................ 22 Figure 2.4: Different grazing areas of livestock in Bunyala ................................... 23 Figure 2.5: Frequency of visiting the forest by well-being categories ................... 23 Figure 2.6: Types of cooking fuel in Bunyala.......................................................... 23 Figure 2.7: Average number of head loads per week per households in Bunyala . 25 Figure 2.8: Main sources of water for domestic use. .............................................. 26 Figure 2.9: The material used for roofing houses in Bunyala.................................. 21 Figure 2.10: Impact of good relationship between community and KFS ................ 26 Figure 4.1: Bunyala Forest Zonation (Resources and Vegetation) .......................... 45 Figure 5.1a: Overgrazing in Bunyala Forest: a threat to regeneration & causing erosion ................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 5.1b: KFS rangers & community scouts issued with gumboots for joint patrols .................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 5.1c: Community participating in forest rehabilitation in Bunyala .............. 48 Figure 5.2a: Plate on PELIS undertaken in Bunyala forest ...................................... 53 Figure 5.2b: Plate on Bunyala Forest Station tree nursery ...................................... 53 Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Figure 5.3: Improved cook stoves installed and used by community .................... 56 Figure 5.4a: Plate on Community Forest Scout standing outside CFA office .......... 61 Figure 5.4b: Plate on Office equipment issued to Bunyala CFA ............................. 61 Figure 5.4c.: Motorbike handed to Bunyala CFA by GEF-UNDP project ................ 62

LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Mean annual water levels (M) of River Lusumu ....................................... 7 Table 1.2: Eco-tourism potential sites and utilization in Bunyala forest .................. 12 Table 1.3: Forest roads in Bunyala Forest .............................................................. 16 Table 1.4: Human resource capacity in Bunyala Forest Station .............................. 17 Table 1.5: Summary of the management constraints .............................................. 19 Table 2.1: Domestic animals owned by the respondents ....................................... 22 Table 2.2: The non-wood and wood products provided by the Bunyala forest community members ............................................................................................. 25 Table 3.1 Stakeholders indicating their roles and responsibilities ........................ 28 Table 4.1 Criteria for forest zonation ..................................................................... 44 Table 5.1: Management interventions on protection and Conservation Program .. 49 Table 5.2: Management interventions on productiion programme ........................ 54 Table 5.3: Management options within intervention zone ...................................... 56 Table 5.4: Management interventions on community participation programme ..58 Table 5.5: Management interventions on Infrastructure, Equipment and Human Resources Development Programme .................................................................... 62 Table 5.6: Management interventions on partnership and networking program ... 65 Table 5.7: Management interventions on research and monitoring programme ... 67 Table 7.1 Bunyala PFMP Monitoring Matrix ........................................................... 75

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Biodiversity Transect Analysis and Monitoring


Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan


Convention on Biological Diversity


Community Based Organization


Constituency Development Fund


Community Forest Station


Environmental Management and Coordination Act


Forest Adjacent Community


Global Environment Facility


Government of Kenya


Human Immune Virus


Important Bird Area


Income Generating Activity


Kenya Forestry Research Institute


Kenya Forest Service


Kenya Indigenous Forest Conservation


Kenya Wildlife Service


Millennium Development Goals


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries


Nature based Enterprise


Non-Governmental Organizations


Nature Kenya


National Museums of Kenya


Non Timber Forest Products


Plantation Establishment and Livelihoods Improvement Scheme


Participatory Forest Management


Participatory Forest Management Plan


United Nations Development Programme


Water Resource Management Authority


Water Resource Users Association

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1.1.1 Name of the Management Plan The name of the management plan shall be Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan (BPFMP).

1.1.2 Period/Term of the Management Plan Upon approval of the plan and signing of the Forest Management Agreement, it shall be implemented for period of Five (5) years (2015 – 2019).

1.1.3 Legal Authority for Preparation of the Plan Section 35(1) of the Forests Act, 2005 provides that every state, local authority and provisional forest shall be managed in accordance plan that complies with the requirement prescribed under the rules made under the Act. Bunyala forest is a state forest and therefore if required to comply with the stated clause. The Forests (Participation in Sustainable Forest Management) Rules, 2009 gives the guidelines.

1.1.4 Justification of the PFMP Bunyala forest plays a significant role in the livelihoods of the majority of the community members adjacent to this forest and beyond hence their need to participate in its management and conservation. Section 46 of the Forests Act, 2005 provides for registration of a community forest association under the Societies Act (Cap 108) and that it may apply to the Director of KFS for permission to participate in the management and conservation of a state owned forest. The Act requires the application to be accompanied by a management plan or a draft management plan, hence the need to develop this BPFMP.

1.1.5 Purpose of the PFMP The Forest Management Plan is a requirement for Bunyala CFA to meet the conditions stipulated in Section 35 (3) of the Forests Act, 2005 for signing Forest Management Agreement with Kenya Forest Service (KFS). Besides, the plan will give guidelines for preparation and implementation of annual work plans and budgets for proper management Bunyala forest in a participatory manner.

1.1.6 Approach to Development of the Plan The process of developing the management plan for Bunyala forest was participatory and a number of key stakeholders were involved, key among them were the forest adjacent community, through the Bunyala CFA, Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Wildlife Service, NEMA, Nature Kenya, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA), Ministry of Devolution and Planning and County Government of Kakamega. Members of the CFA were Page | 1

inducted through two trainings on the PFM processes in 2012. Communities were mobilized through Barazas by the Interior and National Coordination Office on the need to have a management plan. There were four village level meetings held on sensitization on preparation of PFMP for Bunyala CFA, the first meeting was held at Namirama East, Bunyala location, the second in Nambacha sub-location at Bunyala CFAs office, and the last two meetings held at Musidi, rehabilitated forest site and Matoyi, Mulembe Church in Sirigoi sub-location. Socio-economic surveys were spearheaded by KEFRI assisted by community members as enumerators. The CFA and the Village elders were involved in mapping of the wealth and well-being ranking of the community in consideration of the distance from the forest. KFS team from the Headquarters involved the communities in the zonation process where they assisted in identifying the various resources found in the forest. Biodiversity assessment engaged the community, KFS and KWS in collecting information on the various biodiversity of importance in Bunyala forest. Mapping of the resources was done followed by feedback meetings to brief the community on the findings of the socio-economic surveys and the zonation process. Nature Kenya with funding from GEF/UNDP project supported the meetings. Out of the meetings a local planning team was constituted that developed the management plan. Members of the local planning team were given various responsibilities to collect information from primary and secondary sources. Several meetings were held to consolidate information collected. There was a retreat in Kisumu to collate the information and produce a zero draft. LPT held more meetings to fill gaps identified during the retreat. Another meeting was organized to edit and share the document with KFS staff from the headquarters. Several comments were made in this meeting and the Secretariat was charged with the responsibility of filling in the gaps identified and finding out more information as stipulated in the comments raised in the meeting. Final editing was done to produce the final draft plan followed by stakeholders’ validation workshop after which the document was sent to KFS headquarters for the Director’s approval as the participatory forest management plan.

Figure 1.1: Plate on PFMP awareness at Matoyi held at Mulembe Church

Figure 1.2: Plate on PFMP awareness at Musidi village

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Figure 1.3: Plate on socio-economic mapping by the community members

Figure 1.4: Plate on forest zonation by community members

Figure 1.5: Plate on Bunyala PFMP preparation by Local Planning Team

Figure 1.6: Plate on LPT meeting with KFS head of the management planning

1.1.7 Funding for developing and implementing BPFMP The preparation of the Bunyala Forest Participatory Management Plan was funded by GEF/UNDP through Nature Kenya under the project “Strengthening the protected area network within the eastern montane forest hotspot of Kenya project’’. The PFMP will be implemented using funding support from Kenya Forest Service, County Government of Kakamega, the Community, development partners, and other stakeholders with interests in the forest. The funding support may be programme specific or constitute a number of them.

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1.1.8 Structure of Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA has organs to ensure members are adequately represented and enable it to carry out its duties. Figure 1.6 shows the structure of the Bunyala CFA and how the organs are responsible to each other. CFA COMMITTEE





Figure 1.7: Bunyala CFA structure


1.2.1 Geographical location of Bunyala forest Bunyala forest is in Kakamega County, Navakholo Sub-county. The forest is bordered by Nambacha sub-location to the North West, Mukhweso sub-location to the west, Sirigoi sub-location to the south, Lukume sub-location to the East, Burundu sub-location to the North East and Namirama sub-location to the North. The forest is situated approximately 15 Km to the North West of Kakamega town through Kakamega -Navakholo road. It is positioned at between Latitudes 0˚22’41’’N and 0˚24’56’’N; and Longitudes 34˚40’41’’E and 34˚43’28’’E. Figure 1.8a shows the position of Bunyala Forest in relation to the map of Kenya. Bunyala forest is part of the Kakamega Forest Ecosystem comprising Kakamaga, Kibiri, Malava, Kisere forests and itself. Its position in the ecosystem map is as shown in the figure 1.8b. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Figure 1.8a: Location map of Bunyala Forest

1.2.2 The legal and administrative status of Bunyala forest Bunyala forest is a state forest managed by Kenya Forest Service. It covers an area of 825.6 ha. The forest was gazetted under proclamation No. 421 of 1956. There have not been any excisions or additions to the forest. Administratively, the forest falls under Head of Western Conservancy, under the direct management of the Ecosystem Conservator, Kakamega Ecosystem, who is represented on the ground by the Forest Station Manager. The administrative office of Bunyala forest station is in Nambacha sub-location. The forest is divided into five beats namely Lwakhupa, Matoyi, Simuli, Mayuke and Musidi for purposes of patrols by forest rangers.

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Figure 1.8b: Map of Kakamega Forest Ecosystem showing Bunyala Forest Source: BIOTA Atlas, 2010

1.2.3 Physical and Physiological description of the Bunyala forest Climate Bunyala forest area has two rainy seasons. The geography of the land influences distribution and amount of rainfall. On the highlands the rainfall ranges between 800-2000mm per annum. The lower areas receive between 800-1600mm. The long rains fall between March and June, with a peak in April and May. Short rains do not last as long and typically fall from late September to November. In the past the pattern was consistent but now it can be unpredictable, having negative impact on farming. The average annual rainfall ranges between 1250-2000mm p.a.

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The mean minimum temperature is 15°C while the mean maximum temperature is 30°C. The humidity is relatively high with mean evaporation being between 1800mm to 2000mm in a year. Topography Bunyala Forest lies in a relatively flat surface with no steep slopes. The area general slopes towards the South Western side as evidenced by the flow of the five main streams (Makhuluchi, Ewuni, Matoyi, Makarayi and Seme) which cross the forest and join river Lusumu . The highest elevation is 1470m and the lowest being 1420m above sea level. Geology and soils The main rock formations encountered within the area include laterite, granite, rhyolite and meta–basalt overlaying the basement system, overlain by silt clay loam soil. The underlying rocks were formed in the lower Precambrian time and are locally covered by recent alluvium (White 1983). The forest area is characterized by the Nyanzian and Kavirondian rock formations. Generally, Bunyala forest soils are almost uniform, from deep sandy-clay to clay – loam good for tree planting. In Sirigoi, Lwakhupa and Musidi areas the dominant soil type is clay-loam, whereas in Mukangu, Upukhulu the soil type is sandy-loam. Clay soil is found along river Lusumu. Hydrology Bunyala forest is an important catchment for Lake Victoria through Nzoia River. Five main streams namely Mukhuluchi, Ewuni, Matoyi, Makaraya and Seme pass through the forest and join River Lusumu at different points within the forest. The river exits at the South Western end of the forest and flow downslope to join River Nzoia from the Cherangani hills which in turn drains into Lake Victoria. The forest is therefore important part of the hydrology in regulating the water quality and quantity as it passes through. Figure 1.9 shows the streams joining up River Lusumu in Malava forest. WRMA monitors water level, discharge and water quality at River Gauging Station (RGS) on Lusumu River with annual mean water level (M) of 1.96 is indicated in Table 1.1 and Figure 1.10. Table 1.1: Mean annual water levels (M) of River Lusumu Year River (M)
























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Figure 1.9: Drainage system- Streams joining the Lusumu River within the forest Source: KFS survey Department

Figure 1.10: Mean annual water levels (M) of R. Lusumu The graph above shows trend lines on water levels between years 2001– 2010, a clear indication of water resource insufficiency. The changes in annual mean flows in the river could be as result of climate variability. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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1.2.4 Biodiversity of Bunyala Forest Bunyala forest is one of the patches of the larger Kakamega Forest Ecosystem, whose origin is the Guinea – Congolian rain forest. The ecosystem has highly rich biodiversity of both plants and animals, some of which are of global importance, being endangered, threatened and endemic. Bunyala forest however has lower biodiversity due to high disturbance in recent past. Most parts of the forest is mainly utilized for plantation. Description of the Flora Bunyala Forest Historically the dominant trees of the forest were Olea capensis, Diospyros abyssinica and Prunus africana which were the characteristics of a primary forest. Through disturbance they have been partially replaced by climax species as classified by Althof (2005) in the early stages of succession. These are abundant in the most part of the larger Kakamega Forest Ecosystem but in Bunyala forest they can now only be found as remnants or in patches along the stream beds. The species such as Antiaris toxicaria, Croton megalocarpus and Funtumia africana suggest that some parts of the forest are middle aged secondary forest. Vegetation distribution in Bunyala forest are as follows; Indigenous (220.6 ha.), Plantation (556 ha), grassland and bush land (50 ha.). Figure 1.11 is a satellite image showing vegetation areas of the forest with delineated plantations. The forest is divided into five management beats namely; Lwakhupa, Matoyi, Mayuke, Simuli and Musidi. The vegetation in these beats is described as follows. Lwakhupa Beat This beat is located to the West part of the forest. It mainly has plantation forest that comprises of Pinus patula, Bischofia javanica and Croton megalocarpus with Pinus patula dominating. Most of the plantations here were planted in 1999. These plantations have clean ground no visible sign of colonization by other species. Part of the beat is under PELIS where crops such as maize, beans, peas, millets, sorghum and groundnuts are grown and tended together with the trees. Other tree species of trees observed in the beat, mostly in patches and along streams are: Croton megalocarpus, Bridalia mycrantha, Trichilia roka, Erythrinia abyssinica, Prunus africana, Chrysophyllum albidum, Cordia africana, Spathodea nilotica, Markhamia lutea and Callistemon citrinus. Matoyi and Simuli Beats The plantations in this beats includes Pinus patula that was planted in 1957. Most part of this beat is under PELIS where crops such as sorghum, millet, maize and beans are grown together with trees. Various species of shrubs are present where PELIS is not practiced.

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Description: C :\Users\User\Documents\OFFIC E WORK\Management Plans\Buny ala\buny ala.jpg

Figure 1.11: Satellite image of Bunyala Forest.

Indigenous species found in this area include: Spathodea nilotica, Fagara spp, Trichilia emitica, Bridelia mycrantha, Albizia gummifera, Antiaris toxicaria, Ficus sur, Erythrina abyssinica, Bosquia phobeoros, Chrysophyllum albidium, Piper capensis, Ficus watalensis and Ficus capensis. Mayuke and Musidi Beats The main plantation comprises of Cupressus lusitanica planted in 2011. Other plantations are of Eucalyptus saligna and Bischofia javanica. The area is under PELIS where agricultural crops are grown and tended together with plantation trees. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Few indigenous trees are growing in this area especially along the stream and the road. These include: Croton megalocarpus, Spathodea nilotica, Ficus capensis and Cordia africana. Invasive species in Bunyala forest Invasive species noted in the area include Acanthus pubscens used by farmers to feed goats and sheep, Lantana camara is used for fencing, and Lantana trifolia The full list of plant species recorded in Bunyala Forest is contained in Appendix 1 while Figure 1.12 shows the plantation areas of the forest.

Figure 1.12: Map of Bunyala Forest plantation areas Description of the Fauna in Bunyala The forest is characterized by high insect diversity, numerous birds and butterfly species. However, in depth studies required to be conducted in Bunyala across all the taxa. The forest host a number of primates, with monkeys being the most conspicuous group of mammals in the forest, amongst which the Blue Monkey (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni), the Redtail Monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti), and the Black-and-white Colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) are the most common. Pottos (Perodicticus potto ibeanus) are nocturnal and much harder to detect. Refer to Appendix 2 for details. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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The forest is also home to butterflies, moths, dragonflies, ants, termites, beetles and bees. The ants play an important ecological function of predation, scavenging and seed dispersal (Holdobler & Wilson 1990). One such example is the army ant Dorylus (Anomma) wilverthi also called ‘driver ant’, ‘safari ant’ or siafu. Termites also play the role of invertebrate decomposers and have an impact on soil properties and nutrient cycling (Eggleton et al. 2002, Wood 1988). Bees assist in pollination that impacts plant demography, population genetics and plant community composition (Calvo & Horvitz 1990). The bird species found in the forest are those characterize to plantations and mixed indigenous forest such as Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill (Bycanistes subcylindricus) is an important species in Bunyala Forest. The birds species spotted in Bunyala are highlighted in Appendix 3 1.2.5 The eco-tourism sites of Bunyala forest The unique biodiversity of Bunyala forest is an important asset with multiple tourist attraction sites including circumcision sites, flora and fauna. The forest is also an important watershed for Lusumu River. Currently the tourism activities which take place here include; forest walks, primate and bird watching. In Simuli and Matoyi Beats there is a portion with indigenous trees species conserved for practicing Mukhamba (male circumcision), a Bunyala and Tiriki culture respectively. The waterfall along R. Ewuni can be utilized for both mini hydroelectric generation and tourists attraction at the ancient grinding machine along the river. Table 1.2 highlights some potential sites where ecotourism can be developed and Figure 1.13 is the scenic water fall at river Ewuni. Table 1.2: Eco-tourism potential sites and utilization in Bunyala forest Name of site Simuli Beat (Mukhamba culture) Matoyi Beat Simuli Beat

Indigenous Forest area Lusumu river

Current utilization Circumcision (Bunyala tradition) Circumcision (Tiriki tradition) No utilization

No utilization No utilization

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Remarks To be upgraded as a tourist site To be upgraded as a tourist site Water rapids that can be utilized for mini hydroelectric generation and tourist attraction site. Ecotourism: Potential Primate and Bird watching Sport fishing can be promoted along the river

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Figure 1.13: Water rapids at Bunyala Forest potential for ecotourism

1.3 DESCRIPTION OF FOREST RESOURCES 1.3.1 Stocking of the forest Bunyala forest being part of the larger Kakamega was originally a natural forest mainly composed of high indigenous trees species. However, deforestation and pressures on the forest land resulted in clearing of the natural vegetation on large parts of the forest and replanting of exotic commercial tree species. The stocking and distribution of the forest stock in the forest beats is shown in Appendix 4 1.3.2 Non-wood forest products The main non-wood forest products found in Bunyala forest include: Honey-: Beekeeping in Bunyala has been practiced from time immemorial. The traditional beekeepers use simple hives often made from hollow logs. The empty hives are placed high up on trees, become occupied by passing swarms and in due course are harvested by the beekeepers. This method of honey harvesting may destroy the colony and result in a poor yield of low quality hive products. However hives have improved with time which allows harvesting without destroying the bees. Within the forest there are two apiary sites at Mukangu and Simuli beats with Kenya top bar hives and langstroth hives. Beekeepers aim for the highest grade of honey to maximise returns from beekeeping. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Mondia whytei-: is a slow growing vine that used to be abundant in Bunyala Forest but is now getting scarce. Main threat to the species has been over exploitation by local communities for subsistence and commercial purposes. The main threats to mondia farming are over exploitation and increase in demand for agricultural land. Mondia is used as a traditional remedy to improve appetite and libido. In areas where it is used medicinally, the most commonly cited use is as an aphrodisiac and an antidepressant. It is currently being harvested unsustainably from the wild and this could advocate for planting Mondia at own farm level. Community members adjacent to the forest could cultivate Mondia to meet the increasing demand. Within the forest it is harvested in Mayuke and Simuli beat. Value addition is recommended through processing into powder and other forms followed by packaging. Mushrooms-: Locally in Bunyala it is known as owoba. Cultivated mushrooms are edible fungi that grow on decaying organic matter, known as a substrate. Within the forest mushrooms grow in the wild and they are collected during the months of April and May. Mushrooms are a valuable source of food and their cultivation can be a viable small-scale business, but investing in a mushroom growing scheme can be risky therefore feasibility study looking at potential markets and supply chains should be done as well as production plan to ensure continuous production is encouraged. Termites-: They are also known as white ants, within Bunyala forest we have Esisi, Eujunda, amakawali, amasechere and Embuni as different types of termites known to exist in the area. Termites primarily feed on wood, but some species collect green grasses and seeds and store these in their granaries inside their nest as food reserves. They are sporadic pests, the locals find termites to be a delicacy during the month of August and September of every year. Some termites eat into the taproots of young plants (e.g. groundnuts) immediately below the soil surface, destroying the central root portions, and fill the resulting cavities with soil. Herbal medicine-: Forests and trees play important roles in peoples' lives. They provide unquantifiable benefits such as improving the climate, regulating stream and river flows, conserving and protecting the soil mantle, providing stable habitats for wildlife; and source of medicinal plants, extraction of medicinal plants is done in Simuli and Musidi beats respectively. Examples of medicinal plants found in Bunyala forest include but not limited to: 窶「


Croton megalocarpus (Omucholi) 窶的t takes 10 to 25 years to mature. It may occur in mixed farming systems, woodlots, boundaries and, agro forestry systems. The seed contains up to 32% oils, which have been used favorably as medicine. Bark is used as a remedy for worms and whooping cough. Prunus africana (Mwiritsa)窶的t is a valuable timber and medicinal tree has more recently come under heavy pressure for wild harvest for timber and bark extraction, as there is a fast growing market for the bark. Leaves and twigs contain the same medicinal properties as the bark; so it can be harvested sustainably while coppicing the tree in agroforestry systems. The active ingredients in Prunus africana are effective treatment for prostate cancer (enlarged prostate gland), ailments that affect about 60% of men over the age of 50. Traditional healers also use the bark in treatment of stomach ache and wound dressing, infusion of leaves is used to improve appetite, treatment of both

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bacterial and non-bacterial chronic prostesis and genital infection as well as hirsutism (the excessive hairiness on women in those parts of the body where terminal hair does not normally occur or is minimal - for example, a beard or chest hair) in women. Trichilia emetica (omunyama) is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as abdominal pains, dermatitis, haemorrhoids, jaundice and chest pain. This species also known as Natal Mahogany is used for its emetic, diuretic and purgative properties and for induction of labour. The extensive traditional use of this species has encouraged scientists to explore several biological activities including anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, antischistosomal, antiplasmodial, anticonvulsant, antitrypanosomal, anti-oxidant, antitussive, antimutagenic and hepatoprotective properties. Several limonoids have been isolated from the stem bark. Zanthoxylum gilletii (Esikhumwa) - The species is used for medicine especially the bark. The bark of stem and roots is commonly used as an analgesic, especially to treat burns, rheumatism, headache, stomach-ache, toothache and pain after childbirth. The bark is also taken against colic and fever and is considered to have aphrodisiac properties. Bark decoctions are taken against urogenital problems including kidney complaints and gonorrhoea, as a vermifuge and as an enema against severe diarrhoea. The bark is applied externally to treat cough, colds, skin complaints and smallpox. It is also used as fish poison and arrow poison. The leaves are used to treat heart pains and snake bites,

Grass for animals-: The community that lives around the forest takes their animals for grazing at Mukangu, Simuli and Musidi beats. Sand harvesting-: The locals extract sand for construction along river Lusumu at the following areas; Lwakhupa, Upukhulu, Simuli, Namirama and Nasimiyu. 1.3.3 Forest infrastructure and equipment The infrastructure and equipment that are found in Bunyala forest are discussed below; Roads-: Roads in Bunyala are fairly maintained although during rainy periods some become impassable. The road connecting the station from Kakamega town is allweather road maintained by Kenya Rural Roads Authority. However, the roads within the station which are supposed to be maintained by KFS are in a dilapidated state. Some of the roads lack connecting bridges (only temporal ones exist) e.g. road from the station to Musidi lacks a connecting bridge. Some of the roads are impassable especially during rainy season. The roads are affected by a lot of soil erosion as a result of cattle ruts and tractors from sugar companies. Where the roads have to cross streams there is need to construct bridges and maintain the existing ones. Table 1.3 shows the forest roads in Bunyala forest and their conditions:

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Table 1.3: Forest roads in Bunyala Forest No Road 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Navakholo road Simuli road Mukangu road Lwakhupa road Mayuke road

Length in forest (Km) 1.1 3.0 1.5 2.5 1.5

6. 7 8 9

Musidi road Musidi- Mayuke Simuli- Mayuke Matoyi- Lwkhupa

1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0

Status Good all weather Non-motorable, need maintenance Non-motorable, need maintenance Non-motorable need maintenance Non-motorable, need maintenance, no bridge Non-motorable, need maintenance Non-motorable, no bridge Non-motorable, no bridge Non-motorable, 2 bridges required

Firefighting equipment-: Historically, incidences of fire outbreaks have been relatively low and the few that occur occasionally happen during the dry spell (December to February). More often than not, the outbreaks are associated with those grazing in the forest and those collecting honey from trees in the forest (not using modern methods of honey harvesting). The forest station, however, does not have fire towers or firefighting equipment. During fire incidences, the community is mobilized to fight the fire. Forest scouts will be handy to inform the authorities in case of outbreaks. Vehicles and Machinery-: Virtually no machinery exists in the forest station (that is vehicles, tractors and graders) but the CFA has one motorbike donated by Nature Kenya through GEF/UNDP Project in 2012. Buildings-: The station has 2 permanent blocks residential buildings with 5 subunits housing. They are in poor state, worn out, lacking paint, and leaking roof. The non-residential buildings comprise of one forester’s office, one CFAs office, and two toilets (one with wooden wall and the other with tin / iron sheet wall. There is one store whose condition is poor and the station lacks armory. There is no office for sub-ordinate staff and rangers. The CFA office is made of iron sheets (both roofing and walls). Generally speaking, most buildings in the forest are ancient and require rehabilitation or overhaul. The buildings are inadequate especially staff houses. Electricity-: Bunyala forest station is within the main electricity line that serves Matoyi market, Navakholo town, health center and the surrounding schools but so far electricity has not been connected to the forest station. Communication-: Bunyala forest station is well served with the main mobile service providers’ network although some areas of the forest do not receive good network coverage. There is no infrastructure for radio communication and the security system uses mobile cell phones for communication. There is also need for modern communication gadgets. Water-: There is no connection to the main water supply but residents and workers of the station fetch water from the nearby Ewuni River (tributary of River Lusumu) and rely on rain water for domestic use and other uses within the station. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Equipment and Office furniture-: The CFA has one computer with accessories, office desk, chairs, cabinet but all these are stationed in a rented office due to lack of electricity and security within the station. Furniture in the KFS office e.g. tables and chairs are old and require replacement. Health Services-: There is no health facility within the forest station but there are a number of health facilities (mainly private) distributed in with Navakholo subcounty. Kakamega General Hospital is the biggest health facility closest to the forest and is about 10Km from the forest station. Tree nursery-: Three tree nurseries exist in Bunyala station that is managed by KFS, CFA & Lusumu WRUA. 1.3.4 Human resources The current staff establishment in Bunyala Forest Station is inadequate compared to the requirement as shown in Table 1.4 Table 1.4: Human resource capacity in Bunyala Forest Station Designation

Current number

Proposed number

Forest station manager KFS forest rangers Support staff

1 4 1

1 6 5

Clerical officer



Driver Store man Community Scouts

0 0 18

1 1 20

The Forest Station Manager and Kenya Forest Service rangers are trained in their area of operation that is forest protection and management. The support staffs also have undergone basic training on issues relating to their duties. However, refresher courses are highly recommended. Community forest scouts have received training sponsored by GEF/UNDP and CDTF-CEF funded projects but there is need to train seven more community forest scouts and provide them with uniforms, gumboots and raincoats. More advanced training in forest patrol is also needed. There is need to increase the current staff numbers as indicated in the table 1.4; most of the current staff requires further training in various aspects. Some of the staff is approaching retirement age but most are below 40 years. Their motivation is also low considering their working environment. There is need to put emphasis on advancement in knowledge and skills by identifying the individual skills required for continuous improvement and to provide opportunities for the staff to strengthen the skills required. Besides work place conditions can be improved by providing the best tools and equipment to enhance efficiency and productivity and improving the staff welfare.

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1.3.5 History of the forest Banyala sub-tribe is said to have migrated from Busia County to the area in the 18th century. The name Bunyala belongs to Banyala Sub tribe which was named in early 1930’s. Initially the area was known as Kakilelwa which is a Kabras name. According to the Banyala community, the former chief of Bunyala location, Andrea Ndombi, who was born in 1904, was allegedly sacked in 1948 due to deforestation of the forest. Therefore, in realization of destruction of the Bunyala forest block, the Kenya government gazetted the forest under proclamation No.421 of 1956 measuring an area of 825.6 Ha. The Government planted Maesopsis eminii and Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus spp. in late 1950s to mark the boundaries. In 1968 shamba system was introduced along the forest boundary but not inside the core-forest, and it was purely indigenous species that were planted. The farming went on in the forest until in 1976 when it was banned, however in 1977 it was reintroduced which led to rampant cutting down of trees and in the same year, saw mills were established in Kakamega town. Workers for the saw millers established temporary houses inside the forest. They were however removed from the forest in 1982. Since then the forest has been under stringent conservation measures under current Kenya Forest Service in collaboration with local community and other stakeholders.

1.4 THREATS AND CONSTRAINTS 1.4.1 Threats The major threat in Bunyala is termite destruction of young plantations which has resulted in very low survival and poor plantation establishment. Minor threats include; encroachment, illegal removal of fire wood and overgrazing especially in Musidi area and along Makaraya stream. 1.4.2 Management Constraints Some of the management constraints being witnessed in Bunyala Forest Station include: • Inadequate personnel and training. There is need to recruit a driver, a clerical officer and a storekeeper as well as additional community forest scouts. This would help to address the problem of understaffing and role overlap. Further to that, regular staff retraining would benefit the staff and improve on service delivery and customer satisfaction. • Lack of necessary and appropriate buildings and equipment: the forest station lacks adequate building and amenities to make the staff comfortable and efficient it their work. There is in no electric power to the station and the road network is in a dilapidated state. There is no piped water system and there is heavy reliance on rain water and water from streams/rivers. • There is no piped water system and hence heavy reliance on rain water and water from Lusumu River. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Other constraints: the station lacks proper means of transport as there is no vehicle. Sources of funding for income generating activities are limited leading to over exploitation of forest resources by the neighbouring communities.

Table 1.5: Summary of the management constraints Major constraints Inadequate staff

Minor constraints Inadequate incentives to community scouts Inadequate utility services e.g housing, Inadequate training in forest vehicles, water supply, communication management and electricity. Inadequate rangers’ outpost e.g. Musidi Technologies such as lack of computer beat technology and Radio sets Insufficient office space and furniture Lack of fire towers and firefighting equipment. 1.5 VALUES OF BUNYALA FOREST The forest community attaches a number of values on the forest. These are cultural, social, religious/spiritual, moral and economic. On culture, some of the Luhya sub-tribe living within Bunyala forest such as Tiriki use part of the forest for circumcision that is Matoyi beat. Mukhamba culture and Bunyala tradition is also performed in the forest. Other value of the forest are sand harvesting done exist along R. Lusumu, water for domestic use, animals, station operations e.g. nursery management rely on the forest rivers, major being R. Lusumu. Medicinal plants– communties extract traditional medicines form the forest e.g. Prunus africana, Bridelia micrantha. Ecotourism sites (waterfall) – ecotourism has not picked but some proposed sites exist that have been proposed for future exploration. Water rapids (commonly refered to as waterfall exist). Forest plantations – major for revenue generation for KFS, source of timber for the community and round wood industrial development. Grazing of animals – designated sites of about 40ha have been zoned for communities to graze their animals which include Simuli Beat. Also, community view the forest as a source of fuel wood as this is a major source of energy for the community. Most people in the community are poor and rely on the forest for their livelihood.

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CHAPTER 2.0 SOCIO-ECONOMIC DESCRIPTION This section describes the social, economic and cultural characteristics of the community adjacent and dependent on Bunyala forest. Amongst the community socio-economic attributes captured include: household and family sizes, education levels, employment status and types, average daily household expenditure, average monthly income, main sources of income amongst other socio-economic aspects of the community members. Dependence on the forest by the community was also assessed together with other benefits associated with forest resources. All these were assessed in relation to Bunyala forest 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ADJACENT COMMUNITIES Most of the communities belong to the Omunyala Sub-Tribe (about 48%) of the wider Luyha tribe of Western Kenya. There are also minority migrant communities of Maragoli and Idakho sub-tribes, and the Luo community who settled or married in the area. Most of these people (over 50%) have an average land size of between 1-3 acres, however, the very rich have up to 26 acres. About sixty seven percent (67%) are married while the rest are widowed, divorced, separated or single. The literacy level is high with majority being in primary (58%), 34% in secondary and 8% in tertiary institutions.

Figure 2.1: Level of education of household heads The Bunyala community comprise of the following well-being categories (very rich, rich, poor and very poor). The poor were fifty eight percent (58%), very poor (17%), rich (12%) and very rich (13%). This implies that most of the community members are poor (Figure 2.2).

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Figure 2.2: Well-being categories with the Bunyala community The dominant roofing material is corrugated iron sheet (over 75%). The survey also showed that grass-thatched houses were most common among the very poor (over 50%) and poor (15%) as showed in the Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: The material used for roofing houses in Bunyala 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES In terms of occupation and livelihood characteristics (Figure 2.3), most community members are subsistence farmers (61%); others are pastoralists (10%), casual workers (8%) and traders (6%). This is shown in Figure 2.4.

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Figure 2.4: Occupational characteristics of Bunyala community The area is endowed with good soils and climate that is conducive for agriculture hence the large number engaged in farming. The main cash crop in Bunyala is sugarcane in almost 80% of the households. The main subsistence crop is maize and beans. Other subsistence crops include cassava, sweet potatoes and bananas. Among the well-being categories over 70% of the farms do not satisfy the family food demand for the whole year. Therefore most of the families supplement the deficit by buying from the market. It was found that 28% of the forest adjacent communities lease land for cultivation while 34% cultivates in the forest under PELIS programme. This implies that the forest through PELIS programme plays an important role in food security to this community. The average number of domestic animals per household is as follows: cattle a maximum of nine, goats and sheep someone keeps up to fourteen (14) as per Table 2.1. Other livestock recorded include donkeys, poultry and bees. The trend of keeping exotic cattle is also significantly rising. The main reason given for keeping cattle is milk production for income and nutrition to the farmer. Table 2.1: Domestic animals owned by the respondents Type of livestock Local cattle breed Exotic cattle breed Goats Sheep Donkeys Poultry Beehives

N 44 39 57 58 57 58 57

Maximum 9 6 14 14 4 200 3

Figure 2.4 shows that 69% of the forest adjacent dwellers grazed their livestock onfarm, 21% grazed in the forest especially Musidi area and 10% of the local communities graze along road reserves. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Figure 2.5: Different grazing areas of livestock in Bunyala Over 78% of respondents had space for growing fodder for their animals and this area constituted less than 0.5acres in 92% of the cases; however, fodder supply from the farms did not satisfy the demand throughout the year. The season with serious deficit is the dry season (November to February) and most grazing takes place in the forest during that period Utilization of wood and non-wood forest products Ninety five (95%) percent of the respondents live within a distance of 2km from the forest. Eighty percent (80%) of this people benefit from Bunyala forest. This people visit forest weekly for this benefits (Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6: Frequency of visiting the forest by well-being categories

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However, the poor depend on the forest more than other well-being categories and 80% visit the forest at least once per day for medicinal herbs, cultural practices (sacred place), cultivation (PELIS), fodder (maize stalks), grazing, basketry, timber and environmental conservation. Thus any forest intervention introduced in that area should take their interest in the forest into consideration. It is not surprising that the very poor appeared never to visit the forest as they are usually negligent if we go by the characteristics given by the community. They prefer being given assistance than work for themselves to sustain their livelihoods. Those who had never visited the forest (24%) benefit from the forest in terms of water, ecotourism and forest products. 2.3 COOKING ENERGY CONSUMPTION Figure 2.7 shows that the main types of cooking fuel are firewood (49%) and charcoal (28%). Most of the fuel wood used is produced on-farm (86%) whereas 14% comes from the forest.

Figure 2.7: Types of cooking fuel in Bunyala About 69% of the respondents who use charcoal get it on-farm while 25% and 8% buy from individuals and market respectively. The species preferred for firewood and charcoal are Eucalyptus spp, Grevillea robusta and indigenous species. Majority of the population use firewood at the rate of 1-2 head-loads per week. Most of those in the poor and very poor well-being category use firewood at the rate of 34 head-loads per week. One bag of charcoal is used for 3-4 weeks in most cases (75%) whereas it takes only 1-2 weeks in other 25% (Figure 2.8).

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Figure 2.8: Average number of head loads per week used per households in Bunyala Majority of community members are aware of the energy saving devices (82%), however, only 41% have used an energy saving jiko in their homes. The challenges of using the jiko were perceived as small capacity (52%) and keenness in using it (20%) and cracking in the process of using it. 2.4 COMMUNITY FOREST PRODUCT UTILIZATION The community members living around Bunyala forest depend a lot on a variety of resources from the forest, both wood and non-wood products for food and income generation. Table 2.2: The non-wood and wood products provided by the Bunyala forest community members Non-wood products Honey Mushrooms White ants(‘kumbe kumbe’) Herbal medicine Grass for animals and thatching Fish

Wood-products Firewood Timber Whithes

Services Water Carbon-sequestration Eco-tourism

Farm hand-tools

Scenic/aesthetic value Soil conservation Habitat for birds, reptiles and primates

The main sources of water are springs and borehole. The other sources are stream, well and combinations of these sources (Figure 2.9). Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Figure 2.9: Main sources of water for domestic use.

2.5 WORKING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KFS AND BUNYALA COMMUNITY There exists good working relationship between KFS and the community in Bunyala as perceived by 88% of the respondents. The impact of this relationship is reflected on the activities community undertook to promote environmental conservation such as, raising tree seedlings and plantation establishment (57%), assisting in fighting forest fires and community policing by reporting those who participate in illegal activities in the forest (Figure 2.10).

Figure 2.10: Impact of good relationship between community and KFS in Bunyala

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Tree planting, dominant trees, fruit trees and constraints to tree planting About 53% of respondents had planted trees in the forest within the last five years and the tree species they planted included Markhamia lutea, Cupressus lusitanica, Bischofia javonica, Zanthoxylum gillettii (Eshikhuma), Eucalyptus and Cordia africana and Syzygium guineense (Emisemwa). The most common on farms trees species in Bunyala are Eucalyptus spp, Markhamia lutea, Cupressus lusitanica, Grevillea robusta and Persea americana (Avocado). The dominant fruits trees on farms are avocado, guava, pawpaw and mangoes and constitute 46% of the total fruit trees. The most common indigenous trees planted were Markhamia lutea and Croton megalocarpus among others. The most widespread exotic species in the area were Eucalyptus spp, Grevillea robusta and Cupressus lusitanica. However, naturally regenerating species are Markhamia lutea, Psidium guajava and Croton megalocarpus. The main reasons for planting trees included firewood, charcoal and income (42%). Fifty seven (57%) indicated that trees on their farms met their demand for various products while 43% of the respondents, trees on their farms did not satisfy their demand for various forest products hence got products from outside the farm. Therefore eighty nine percent (89%) of respondents still have plans to plant more trees in their farms, the tree species they intend to plant were Eucalyptus spp, Grevillea robusta, Cupressus lusitanica and Pinus patula among others.

2.6 SOCIO-CULTURAL UTILIZATION OF THE FOREST The surrounding communities utilize the forest for the following activities: • • •

Prayer/Religious ceremonies Culture (Circumcision) Leisure walks

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CHAPTER 3.0 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS Stakeholders play various important roles in the management and utilization of resources in Bunyala forest. The important stakeholders range from local groups, government institutions, Non-governmental organizations, research institutions, private companies and the county government. The integration and good working relationship of different stakeholders would ensure: • • • • •

Resource ownership Promotion of environmental accountability Collective decision making Sustained long-term resource management on sustainable basis Strengthened social security, respected traditional user-rights and access

Table 3.1 Stakeholders indicating their roles and responsibilities Stakeholder Roles Category: Primary Kenya Forest a) formulate for approval of the Service (KFS) Board, policies and guidelines regarding the management, conservation and utilization of all types of forest areas in the country; b) protect forests in Kenya in accordance with the provisions of the Forests Act; c) collaborate with individuals and private and public research institutions in identifying research needs and applying research findings; d) provide forest extension services by assisting forest owners, farmers and Associations in the sustainable management of forests; e) collect all revenue and charges due to the Government in regard to forest resources, produce and services; f) develop programmes and facilities in collaboration with other interested parties for tourism, and for the recreational and ceremonial Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Responsibilities Protect Bunyala Forest Collaborate with Bunyala CFA and other stakeholders in forest management and protection Ensure there is good relationship between KFS and the members of the community adjacent to the forest To ensure that the Bunyala Forest community legally benefits from the Forest resources To educate the community on the various forest resources available for utilization and the procedure for getting permission to utilize these resources Ensure effective implementation of the Forests Act, 2005 Co-implementation of the forest management plan. Conflict resolution, ecotourism Page | 28


Roles use of forests;

Responsibilities devt.

Bunyala CFA

a) protect, conserve and manage such forest or part thereof pursuant to an approved management agreement entered into under this Act and the provisions of the management plan for the forest; b) formulate and implement forest programmes consistent with the traditional forest user rights of the community concerned in accordance with sustainable use criteria; c) protect sacred sites and protected trees; d) assist the Service in enforcing the provisions of this Act and any rules and regulations made pursuant thereto, in particular in relation to illegal harvesting of forest produce; e) with the approval of the Board enter into partnerships with other persons for the purposes of ensuring the efficient and sustainable conservation and management of forests; f) keep the Service informed of any developments, changes and occurrences within the forest which are critical for the conservation of biodiversity; g) help in firefighting; and h) advocacy a) Formulate policies regarding conservation, management and utilization of all types of fauna except domestic animals) and flora; b) Advise the local communities on the establishment of wildlife sanctuaries. c) Provide wildlife conservation education and extension services to create public

To collaborate with KFS and KWS in enhancing security of forest resources

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

To inform KFS and KWS of any illegal activities in Bunyala forest To represent the Bunyala forest community in important forums To act as an interface between the community and other stakeholders To ensure that the Bunyala Forest community legally benefits from the Forest resources Undertake forest rehabilitation

To ensure security of fauna in Bunyala Forest To collaborate with the Bunyala Forest community and other stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of conservation measures and efforts To exercise CSR for purposes of ensuring the community benefits Page | 29


County government of Kakamega

Min. of Interior and National Coordination (Deputy County Commissioner , Asst.County Commissioner , Chiefs, Asst.Chief NGOs (Nature Kenya, etc)

Roles awareness and support for wildlife policies; d) Sustain wildlife to meet conservation and management goals. e) conduct and co-ordinate research activities in the field of wildlife conservation and management; f) provide advice to the landowners of Bunyala community on the best methods of wildlife conservation and management and be the principle instrument of the Government in pursuit of such ecological \appraisals or controls outside urban areas as are necessary for human survival.; g) render services to the Bunyala farming community necessary for the protection of agriculture and animal husbandry against destruction by wildlife; a) Roads improvement b) Cess collection c) Infrastructure in intervention zones d) Rural afforestation e) Soil and water conservation f) Financing IGAs Observance of Law and order by the community and security of government and private property

Responsibilities from the proceeds of Tourism and other activities involving forest resources To ensure the safety of the community and its property from dangerous and destructive wild animals To ensure the effective implementation of the Wildlife Protection and Conservation Act Human-wildlife management (including compensation) Enforcement of the wildlife act Protection, conservation and reservation of flora and fauna Carry out research on biodiversity of degraded areas of the forest rehabilitation/conservation Capacity building Financing Community mobilization Planning of environmental activities Environmental awareness To collaborate with KFS, KWS, Bunyala CFA and other stakeholders in promoting law and order and security of forest resources

a) Participation in development Training and capacity building process. Advocacy and awareness creation b) Support to constitutional rights Resources mobilization to clean and healthy environment

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Stakeholder Roles Category: Secondary National a) Co-ordinate the various Environment environmental management Management activities being undertaken by Authority the lead agencies and promote (NEMA) the integration of environmental considerations into development policies, plans, programmes and projects. b) take stock of the natural resources in Kenya and their utilization and conservation; c) establish and review in consultation with the relevant lead agencies, land use guidelines; d) examine land use patterns to determine their impact on the quality and quantity of natural resources; e) carry out surveys which will assist in the proper management and conservation of the environment; f) undertake and co-ordinate research, investigation and surveys in the field of environment and collect, collate and disseminate information about the findings of such research, investigation or survey; g) mobilize and monitor the use of financial and human resources for environmental management; h) identify projects and programmes or types of projects and programme, plans and policies for which environmental audit or environmental monitoring must be conducted under this Act; i) initiate and evolve procedures and safeguard for the prevention of accidents which may cause environmental Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Responsibilities To collaborate with KFS, KWS, Bunyala CFA and other stakeholders in forest protection, conservation and management To educate the Bunyala Forest community on the importance and benefits of the forest and the best protection and conservation methods and activities To assist in the Enforcement of environmental laws and order. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and Environmental Audit( EA) on plan implementation activities

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Roles degradation and evolve remedial measures where accidents occur; j) monitor and assess activities, including activities being carried out by relevant lead agencies, in order to ensure that the environment is not degraded by such activities, environmental management objectives are adhered to and adequate early warning on impending environmental emergencies is given; k) undertake, in co-operation with relevant lead agencies, programmes intended to enhance environmental education and public awareness about the need for sound environmental management as well as for enlisting public support and encouraging the effort made by other entities in that regard; l) publish and disseminate manuals, codes or guidelines relating to environmental management and prevention or abatement of environmental degradation; m) Render advice and technical support, where possible, to entities engaged in natural resources management and environmental protection. n) Prepare and issue an annual report on the state of the environment in Kenya. Research To carry out research on Institutions(KE factors/issues and problems that FRI, affect the physical, biological, KALRO,KIRDI, chemical, social and economic NMK,Universiti environment es

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Carry out research on Bunyala forest to determine its influence in different environmental cycles; to come up with biodiversity management and protection strategies and to give recommendations proper sustainable forest resources utilization methods. Page | 32

Stakeholder Water Resources Management Authority

Financial institutions

Sugar milling Companies

Roles a) to develop principles, guidelines and procedures for the allocation of water resources; b) to monitor, water levelsand quality from time to time in the streams and rivers on Bunyala forest management strategy; c) to receive and determine applications for permits for water use; d) to monitor and enforce conditions attached to permits for water use; e) to regulate and protect water resources quality from adverse impacts; f) to manage and protect water catchments; g) in accordance with guidelines in the national water resources management strategy, to determine charges to be imposed for the use of water from any water resource; h) to gather and maintain information on water resources and from time to time publish forecasts, projections and information on water resources; i) to liaise with other bodies for the better regulation and management of water resources; To promote sustainable economic and social development while ensuring environmental protection

To ensure members of Bunyala forest community are empowered to improve their economic status to prevent invasion of the forest

a) Infrastucture development b) Supporting Conservation

To exercise corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Environment (and especially Forestry) Sector to promote forest protection and rehabilitation efforts Providing alternative livelihoods to community memebers through

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Responsibilities To collaborate with KFS, KWS, Bunyala CFA and other stakeholders in the rehabilitation of degraded forest areas To ensure that any activity relating to water abstraction in the forest is thoroughly examined for its potential impacts on the forest ecosystem To help in educating the community on water catchment management and protection

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Stakeholder (Mumias, West Kenya and Butali) County Government (Ministry of Agriculture)

Roles activities

Responsibilities markets for sugarcane and direct employment at the factories.

Promote modern and appropriate crop and livestock production practices within the Bunyala

Carry out sensitization campaigns to farmers to adopt appropriate crop and livestock practices Promotion of on-farm forestry Information dissemination Soil and water conservation Food security Technical support and training onfarm management

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This Participatory Forest Management Plan for Bunyala forest offers an opportunity for the local community and other stakeholders to get involved in planning, management and utilization of the forest with the aim of improving livelihoods, ecosystem health and equitable resource distribution. This plan will ensure: • • • • •

Conservation goals are attained with minimum conflicts between the managing institutions, the communities and the other stakeholders involved. Inclusion of the forest adjacent communities through the CFA and the other stakeholders in decision making. Livelihood improvement. Resource distribution Sustainable forest management

4.1 VISION FOR BUNYALA FOREST To be the best co –managed, developed and sustainably utilized forest in Kenya 4.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVE To enhance participatory approach in the management of Bunyala forest to deliver the desired socio-economic and environmental benefits to the people. Specific objectives 1. Contribute to poverty reduction, employment creation and improvement of livelihoods through sustainable use, conservation and management of forests and trees. 2. Enhance soil, water and biodiversity conservation through sustainable land use and trees and forests management. 3. Promote the participation of the private sector, communities and other stakeholders in forest management to conserve water catchment areas. 4. Promote farm forestry and forest extension to farmers to benefit by producing timber, wood-fuel and other forest products through improved tree management technologies. 5. Promote forest research, training and education to ensure a vibrant forest ecosystems.

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4.3.1 Policies and legal framework Sustainable conservation and management of Bunyala forest will depend on the accurate situation analysis, the enabling policy and legislative framework and the management measures put in place to redress challenges facing the forest. The government’s commitment to conserve and sustainably manage natural resource is clear and has been demonstrated through promotion of awareness creation and enactment of various laws and implementation of relevant policies. The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 Section 67 of the Constitution gives every person the right to cleans and safe environment which is to be protected for the benefit both the present and the future generation. This constitution enshrines a number of rights that every citizen enjoys, one of which, in Section 42, is to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures. Under Section 69, the Constitution also obligates the State in respect of the environment to: a) ensure sustainable exploitation, utilization, management and conservation of the environment and natural resources, and ensure the equitable sharing of accruing benefits; b) work to achieve and maintain a tree cover of at least ten per cent of the land area of Kenya; c) protect and enhance intellectual property in, and indigenous knowledge of, biodiversity and the genetic resources of the communities; d) encourage public participation in the management, protection and conservation of the environment; e) protect genetic resources and biological diversity; f) establish systems of environmental impact assessment, environmental audit and monitoring of the environment; g) eliminate processes and activities that are likely to endanger the environment; and h) Utilise the environment and natural resources for the benefit of the people of Kenya. It also gives every person a duty to cooperate with State organs and other persons to protect and conserve the environment and ensure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources. Forests Act, 2005 The Forests Act, 2005 is the guiding legislation in forestry sector. There is also a draft forest policy that has guided forestry in Kenya. The Forests Act, 2005 requires that all forests be managed through approved management plans and participation Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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of stakeholders. Communities living adjacent to the Bunyala Forest have a provision to enter into a management agreement with the Kenya Forest Service. The Forests Act, 2005 provides for stakeholder participation in forest management. It recognizes Community Forest Associations (CFAs) as major stakeholders in the management and conservation of forests and provides for their participation through joint management agreements, as well as representation in Forest Conservation Committees. Joint management arrangements will be developed to ensure communities benefit, while protecting the forest estate for purposes of water, soil and bio-diversity conservation, carbon sequestration and sustainable production of wood and non-wood forest products. There are various sections of this Act that provide for guidelines and opportunites for participatory forest management and conservation. These provisions allow for the Director KFS with the approval of the Board to enter into an agreement with any person for joint management of any forest which may enjoin such person to use or refrain from using such forest or any part thereof in a particular manner in order to ensure the conservation of biodiversity. The Act also allows a member of a forest community together with other members or persons resident in the same area, to register a community forest association under the Societies Act, which may apply to the Director for Permission to participate in the conservation and management of a state forest or local authority forest in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Where there is no management plan in respect of the area, or where the association proposes that there be a new management plan, the application shall be accompanied by a draft management plan. The Forests Act, 2005 is the guiding legislation in forestry sector. There is also a draft forest policy that has guided forestry in Kenya. Sessional Paper No 1 of 2007 on Forest Policy The objectives of the Draft forest policy are to:(a) Contribute to poverty reduction, employment creation and improvement of livelihoods through sustainable use, conservation and management of forests and trees; (b) Contribute to sustainable land use through soil, water and biodiversity conservation, and tree planting through the sustainable management of forests and trees; (c) Promote the participation of the private sector, communities and other stakeholders in forest management to conserve water catchment areas, create employment, reduce poverty and ensure the sustainability of the forest sector; (d) Promote farm forestry to produce timber, wood fuel and other forest products; (e) Promote forest extension to enable farmers and other forest stakeholders to benefit from forest management approaches and technologies; and (f) Promote forest research, training and education to ensure a vibrant forest sector.

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Page | 37 Sessional Paper No. 6 of 1999 on Environment and Development Every person in Kenya is entitled to a clean and healthy environment and has a duty to safeguard and enhance the environment. As envisioned in the paper, Kenya should strive to move along the path of sustainable development which aims at meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of the resource base to meet those of future generations. The overall goal is hence to integrate environmental concerns into the national planning and management processes and provide guidelines for environmentally sustainable development. The draft environmental policy is geared towards sound environmental management for sustainable development. This is envisaged in the principle of prudent use, which requires that the present day usage should not “compromise the needs of the future generations”. The policy envisages the use of the “polluter pays principle”, where one is expected to make good any damage made to the environment. The policy aims at integrating environmental aspects into national development plans. The broad objectives of the national environmental policy include: • • • •

Optimal use of natural land and water resources in improving the quality of human environment; Sustainable use of natural resources to meet the needs of the present generations while preserving their ability to meet the needs of future generations; Integration of environmental conservation and economic activities into the process of sustainable development; and Meet national goals and international obligations by conserving bio-diversity, arresting desertification, mitigating effects of disasters, protecting the ozone layer and maintaining an ecological balance on earth. The National Land Policy The National Land Policy adopted by the cabinet as Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009, acknowledges environmental problems faced by Kenya. These include degradation of natural resources such as forests, wildlife, water, marine and coastal resources as well as soil erosion and the pollution of air, water and land. In its section 129 the policy provides for ecosystem protection, urban environment management, environmental assessment and audits to be undertaken to conserve and manage the environment. Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA), 1999 Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act No. 8 of 1999, provide a legal and institutional framework for the management of the environmental related matters. It is the framework law on environment. The main objectives of the Act are to:

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• • •

Provide guidelines for the establishment of an appropriate legal and institutional framework for the management of the environment in Kenya; Provide a framework legislation for over 70 statutes in Kenya that contain environmental provisions; and Provide guidelines for environmental impact assessment, environmental audit and monitoring, environmental quality standards and environmental protection orders. Enforce compliance with the provisions of the act.

Under EMCA there are various regulations as follows: a) The Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003 The regulation provides the basic procedures for carrying out Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and Environmental Audits (EAs). b) Environmental Management and Coordination (Water Quality) Regulations, 2006 Regulation 8 of these regulations provides for compliance with water quality standards. c) Environmental Management Regulations, 2006





Part II, 4 (1) of the Regulations states that no person shall dispose of any waste on a public highway, street, road, recreational area or in any public place except in a designated receptacle. Water Policy (Sessional Paper No. 1 of 1999) The main objective of the water policy is the supply and the distribution of water resources throughout Kenya. It recognizes that increased human activity in the catchment areas has reduced forest cover and hence is a threat to water resources. Water Act, 2002 The Water Act 2002 lays out a mechanism for development of a national water resources management strategy, for the protection, management, use, development, conservation and control of water resources. The national strategy shall encompass a mechanism for determination of important water catchments as a link to the forest sector. The strategy devolves the authority over the conservation of such catchment to local stakeholders who manage the catchments in collaboration with the water management authority, also established under the Act. The strength of this Act is in its endeavor to promote participatory forest management in water catchment areas through Water Resource Users Association (WRUAs). This is achieved through the devolution of roles and responsibilities to the stakeholders. In furtherance to the Water Act 2002, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) in collaboration with other stakeholders prepared a set of regulations which were gazetted in September 2007 to give Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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guidelines on water permit acquisition and adherence to specified conditions and enforcement of user fee charges. County Governments Act The Act empowers county governments to protect the environment and natural resources with a view to establishing a durable and sustainable system of development. In addition, the county governments are responsible for development planning and control including the county spatial plans. The Land Act, 2012 The Act in section 19 provides for conservation of land based natural resources. This is executed through the National Land Commission. Physical Planning Act (1996) The Act provides for the preparation and implementation of physical development plans and for connected purposes. Section 5(1) (f) requires local authorities to ensure the proper execution of physical development control and preservation orders. It creates harmonious coexistence as it provides for: • • • • •

Planning for conservation Human settlements Planning for public utilities Planning for public purposes Planning for transportation The Agriculture Act CAP 318 (1955) This is an Act of Parliament that promotes and maintains a stable agriculture, providing for the conservation of the soil and its fertility and stimulates the development of agricultural land in accordance with the accepted practices of good land management and good husbandry. The Agriculture (Farm Forestry) Rules, 2009 The objective and purpose of these Rules is to promote the establishment and sustainable management of farm forestry for the purposes of maintaining a compulsory farm tree cover of at least 10 percent of any agricultural land holding; conserving water, soil and biodiversity; protecting riverbanks, shorelines, riparian and wetland areas; sustainable production of wood, charcoal and non-wood products; providing fruits and fodder; and carbon sequestration and other environmental services. The rules require that every person who owns or occupies agricultural land shall establish and maintain a minimum of 10 percent of the land under farm forestry which may include trees on soil conservation structures or rangeland and cropland in any suitable configurations provided that the species of trees or varieties planted shall not have adverse effects on water sources, crops, Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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livestock, soil fertility and the neighborhood and should not be of invasive nature, and that no agricultural landowner or occupier shall grow or maintain any Eucalyptus species in wetlands and riparian areas. The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013 The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013 is an act of Parliament to provide for the protection, conservation, sustainable use and management of wildlife in Kenya and for connected purposes. The Act applies to all wildlife resources on public, community and private land as well as territorial waters. The implementation of the Act is guided by the following principles; • • • • •

• •

Wildlife conservation and management devolution wherever possible and appropriate to those owners and managers of land where wildlife occurs; Effective public participation in Conservation and Management of wildlife; Ecosystem approach is encouraged in the conservation and management of wildlife wherever possible; Wildlife conservation and management shall be encouraged and recognized as a form of land use on public, community and private land; Benefits of wildlife conservation shall be derived by the land use in order to offset costs and to ensure the value and management of wildlife do not decline; Wildlife conservation and management shall be exercised in accordance with the principles of sustainable utilization to meet the benefits of present and future generations; Benefits accruing from wildlife conservation and management shall be enjoyed and equitably shared by the people of Kenya. Compensation for damages to crops as well as persons injured or killed by wild animals is favorable as compared to the previous act. The Tourism Industry Licensing Act (Cap 381) Section 3 of this Act covers issues relating to license required for certain tourist enterprises. Subsection 1 states that: No person shall on or after the appointed day carry on, or assist in carrying on, any regulated tourist enterprise otherwise than under and in accordance with the terms of a license issued to him and for the time being in force. Subsection 3 refers to carrying on an enterprise activity in subsection (1) of this section includes negotiating, soliciting, canvassing or accepting business for that enterprise and engaging in correspondence with a person who may become a customer of that enterprise, or with the agent of such a person, concerning business of that enterprise. Grass Fires Act, Cap 327 Section 3 of this Act prohibits the burning of vegetation without authority in the forest. Subsection 1 states that: No person shall set fire to any vegetation which is not his property unless he has lawful authority to do so. Subsection 2 further states that: Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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No person shall willfully or negligently kindle any fire which by spreading, may damage or destroy the property of any other person. Energy Act of 2006 This Act in Section 103:(Renewable energy) mainly promotes the development and use of renewable energy technologies, including but not limited to biomass, biodiesel, bioethanol, charcoal, fuel wood, solar, wind, tidal waves, hydropower, biogas and municipal waste 4.3.2 Linkages with relevant existing planning documents This plan has been developed in consideration of other existing planning documents. Links to Kenya Forest Service strategic plan 2009 to 2014 and Draft Strategic Plan The Kenya Forest Service strategic plan 2009 to 2014 details the direction of forest conservation in Kenya. The plan is implemented through ecosystem based plans that are implemented through the participatory forest management plans. This management plan will contribute towards the strategic plan of KFS while still meeting the needs of the Forest Adjacent Communities (FAC). This management plan will also relate to the draft strategic plan 2015-2019 once it becomes effective. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) In September 2000, the United Nations general Assembly adopted the Millennium Declaration on core development issues including development and poverty reduction. Among the eight MDGs, goal number seven seeks to ensure Environmental Sustainability and forests conservation is key to addressing this. These goals are envisaged to be attained by the year 2015 that responds to the world’s main development challenges. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a proposed set of targets relating to future international development. The 17 goals by a UN General Assembly’s Open Working Group are to replace the MDGs on expiry at the end of 2015. This plan will relate directly to both Goal 13 ‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’, and goal 15 ‘Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss’. Kenya’s Vision 2030 Vision 2030 is the country’s new development blueprint covering the period 20082030. It is based on 3 key pillars; Economic Pillar, Social Pillar, and Political Pillar. The economic, social and political pillars of Kenya Vision 2030 are anchored on the Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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following foundations: macroeconomic stability; continuity in governance reforms; enhanced equity and wealth creation opportunities for the poor; infrastructure; energy; science, technology and innovation (STI); land reform; human resources development; security and public sector reforms. National Environment Action Plan (NEAP) 2009 – 2013 and Draft County Environment Action Plan (CEAP) 2015-2019 The NEAP highlights priority themes and activities for the country towards achieving sustainable development. Key highlights in the themes are Human settlements, human and environmental health, human settlement and environmental pollution, infrastructure, and energy supply. Challenges include: averting land degradation; controlling air and water pollution; preventing loss of biodiversity; maintenance of aesthetic values; radiation emissions; enforcement of legislation; and solid and liquid waste management. Proposed interventions in CEAP include: integration of environmental concerns into projects, programmes and activities; enforce regulations; promote cleaner production technologies; rehabilitation of degraded areas; control and mitigation of radiation emissions; encourage public private partnership; encourage use of appropriate building technologies and materials; and improvement of sanitary accommodation and hygiene promotion. 4.3.3 Linkage with regional and international agreements and conventions Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival and it accords varying degrees of protection to more than 33,000 species of animals and plants. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) The Convention has three main goals: 1. conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity); 2. sustainable use of its components; and 3. fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources Rio Declaration on Environment The Rio Declaration consisted of 27 principles intended to guide future sustainable development around the world. Some of the relevant principles include; Environmental Protection in the Development Process, Public Participation and Indigenous Peoples.

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Page | 43 Lake Victoria Basin Commission The East African Community established the Lake Victoria Basin Commission in 2001 as a mechanism for coordinating the various interventions on the Lake and its Basin and serving as a centre for promotion of investments and information sharing among the various stakeholders. The commission envisages a broad partnership of the local communities around the Lake, the East African Community and its Partner States as well as the development partners. The commission’s activities are focusing on the harmonization of policies and laws on the management of the environment in the Lake and its catchment area, continuation of the environmental management of the Lake, including control and eradication of the water hyacinth, management and conservation of aquatic resources including fisheries, economic activities in the development of fishing, industry, agriculture and tourism and development of infrastructure, including revamping the transport system on and around the Lake. The Commission further places emphasis on poverty eradication and the participation of the local communities. It is expected to make a significant contribution towards reduction of poverty by uplifting the living standards of the people of the Lake region. This is to be achieved through economic growth, investments and sustainable development practices that are cognizant of the environment. 4.4 FOREST MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATION ZONATION The Table 4.1 gives the zones and the zonation criteria that could apply to Bunyala forest. The zones identified in the forest are; Productive zone (plantation areas), protection zone this consists of total protection and conservation areas, then there is subsistence areas, and intervention zone. The community has used this criterion to zone the forest as in the sketch in Figure 4.1 Table 4.1 Criteria for forest zonation Zone


Management objective

Management options

Responsible body

Productive zone

Areas designated for commercial forest production • Standing plantation • Backlog areas

Commercial Production of round wood products

• Commercial


Natural forest zone

a)Protection • Water catchments and natural forest areas such as along river banks and the natural rehabilitated

To conserve unique biodiversity and water sources

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production and extraction of wood and NWFP • PFM • PELIS • Plantation management research • Nature based enterprises • Research and education

KFS, KWS, Community Research institutions

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areas along the riparian area • Rich in biodiversity b)Conservation area • Degraded NF areas • Low biodiversity • Natural forest not designated for total protection Interventio Community farmlands of up to n zone a maximum of 5 Km from the forest boundary

Management objective

Management options

Rehabilitate degraded areas and support community livelihood

• •

Rehabilitation Utilization NTFP

Responsible body

KFS, KWS, Community ,Research institutions, NGOs

Enrichment planting Promote tree planting and IGAs to reduce pressure to the forest

• On-farm tree planting

• Nature based enterprises • Efficient fuelwood use • Community participation

KFS, NGOs, CFA, KEFRI, Relevant Govt line Ministries, private sector

Figure 4.1: Bunyala Forest Zonation (Resources and Vegetation) Source: Drawn by Bunyala Community Forest Association members Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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CHAPTER 5.0 MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES The management programmes describes the objectives, strategies, activities and lead institution in each of the programme highlighted below. 5.1 PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION PROGRAMME

5.1.1 Background Forest protection deals with ensuring forest resources are not destroyed by human, animals, fires, pests and diseases. The KFS has rangers who carry out forest protection. However, it is difficult to patrol the expansive forest boundary line, but with the community participating in protection, this task will become more manageable. In conservation, this PFMP is intends to address the forest degradation for the purpose of restoration and livelihood improvement. Successful restoration of these areas will require identification of degraded areas and implementation of restoration/rehabilitation programmes. In addition, there will be need to introduce and diverse Nature Based Enterprises (NBEs) to address livelihood needs of the community. The Natural Forest with key biodiversity and water catchment areas for several streams that originate from the forest and River Lusumu are treated in this programme. Awareness creation among communities neighbouring the forest on the importance of protecting and conserving these natural resources will be intensified. There are interventions that have been put in place such as enactment of forest management legal framework, formation of community legal entities, awareness creation, research and education, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and engagement of communities in forest management.

5.1.2 Management Challenges Over a long time, the communities adjacent to the forest have relied on forest products and services. This has resulted into forest degradation and in some instances extinction of some plant and animal species. Currently the forest faces the following challenges: cattle grazing/overgrazing, illegal logging, game poaching, inadequate awareness on the importance of forest conservation and protection; and lack of comprehensive database (species, degraded and vulnerable areas) on the status of the forest. Besides, absence of programmes to save threatened, endangered, vulnerable or almost extinct diversity species; and inadequate community involvement in endangered and endemic species management of the forest.

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The other challenges in forest protection include; pests and diseases, fires, encroachment, charcoal making, cattle grazing/overgrazing, illegal logging and game poaching. These are attributed to by pressure on land due to increase in population, poverty, and absence of clear guidelines on the engagement of communities in the management of the forest. Similarly, KFS has limited capacity due to underfunding, inadequate staff and equipment, insufficient capacity building of staff and research programmes.

5.1.3 Programme Objectives The objectives are as follows: Objective 1: To control and prevent ecosystem disturbance for improvement and protection of biodiversity in Bunyala Forest. Objective 2: To restore degraded forest areas and protect water catchments from human activities Objective 3: To promote conservation and protection of endemic and endangered species and maintain biological diversity, ecological functions and productivity of Bunyala forest. Objective 4: To promote sustainable utilization of the natural forest to improve livelihoods Objective 5: To use collaborative approach to protect Bunyala forest resources and infrastructure

Figure 5.1a: Plate on overgrazing in Bunyala Forest that is threat to young seedlings & causing soil erosion

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Figure 5.1b: Plate on KFS rangers & community scouts issued with gumboots used before a joint patrol

Figure 5.1c: Community participating in forest rehabilitation in Bunyala

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Table 5.1: Management interventions on protection and conservation programme Management Activities/Actions objective


Responsible agency

Time frame

1.To control and prevent forest disturbance and to improve and protect biodiversity in Bunyala Forest

No. of livelihood projects



Signed Forest Management Agreement



Zonation map in place



Report on extraction limits

KFS, CFA & Research institutions


No. of IGAs supported



KFS, CFA & CBOs, County government & KFS


County Government, WRMA, WRUAs & CFA


2. To restore degraded forest areas and protect water catchments from human activities

Promotion of alternative livelihood options for community members adjacent to the forest Signing of a forest management agreement with the community Forest Association with conditions aimed at ecosystem protection Zoning of the potential utilization and livelihood protection zone for community forest utilization activities Set standards based on sustainable yields on extraction of resources from the forest Supporting community income generation projects through sharing/retention of revenue collected from the forest resources Organize community sensitization meetings on the appropriate soil protection, conservation and erosion control methods, and choice of water catchment species

Plant and conserve riparian vegetation along river courses.

Attendance lists Lengths in kilometers of terraces dug, other soil erosion prevention methods that are in place, colour of water in the nearby streams/rivers Km of riverbanks done

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Management Activities/Actions objective

Responsible agency

Time frame

No. of the degraded sites identified & mapped No. of projects developed Ha of degraded areas rehabilitated

KFS, NEMA, CFA, Research institutions & NGOs NGOs, CFAs/CBOs & KFS


Key biodiversity species documented

National Museum of Kenya (NMK), KFS, CFAs


No. of hectares recovered



No. of threatened species identified

KFS, KWS, CFA , NMK & Research institutions


No. of species identified

KFS, KWS, Bunyala CFA and Research institutions


Research findings

Research institutions


Zonation maps



No. of meetings held



No. sensitizations meetings &



Identify and map all degraded area

Undertake the rehabilitation exercise: KFS, CFA/CBOs and relevant NGOs to incorporate rehabilitation programme in their activities Identify biodiversity hotspots in the livelihood support zone and initiate protection measures Identify and recover all encroached forest lands Identify and restrict access to areas with threatened, endangered and vulnerable species. Declare some areas as refuge areas for the treatment and propagation of such species Inventory and mapping of location / habitat with abundance of endemic species Initiate research on factors precipitating loss of endangered species Zonation of forest into areas for species protection Create awareness to the community members on the importance of natural forests Create awareness for the community to understand the

3. To promote conservation and protection of endemic and endangered species and maintain biological diversity, ecological functions and productivity of Bunyala forest.


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Management Activities/Actions objective

4.To promote sustainable utilization of the natural forest to improve livelihoods

Wildlife and Forest barazas, No. of legislation and attendance policies Equip communities No. of cases to use wildlife and reported, No. forest resources in a of trainings sustainable manner Organize trainings No. of for community scouts trainings, no. to enhance their of scouts capacity for wildlife trained conservation and protection Initiate arrangements The amount for remuneration of spent community scouts for purposes of motivating them towards wildlife protection Engaging community Recruitment members as scouts in letters/signed protected species contracts zones to assist KFS in protecting these species Ecotourism development No. of tour guides trained, Tourism facilities developed Promote payment of environmental services Promote sustainable harvesting of herbal medicine Sustainable soil, water and sand harvesting

5.To use collaborative approach to protect Bunyala forest resources and infrastructure


Developing an integrated security programme involving the community, KWS and KFS to boost joint forest security efforts

Development of access roads to areas

Earnings from environmental services No. of permits issued to herbalist No. of permits issued to extractors No of organized patrols, No of officers deployed, arrests made, cases prosecuted Km of the road improved, No

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Responsible agency

Time frame





CFA, KFS, NGOs, County government




County Government, KFS, KWS, CFA, private sector & NGOs KFS, private sector, CFA & NGOs CFA, KFS & Herbalist




KFS, MoALF, private sector,




KFS, County Government,

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Management Activities/Actions objective

with prevalence of insecurity and erect barriers at entrance and exit from the forest. Engaging and training community members as scouts and informers to help with monitoring and surveillance against illegal human activities, pests and diseases and forest fires. Purchasing of vehicles that can withstand all weather roads to access partially accessible insecure forest areas Improve security monitoring communication systems and equipment


Responsible agency

Time frame

of barriers mounted

Private sector, CFA

Recruitment letters, No trained Budget and expenditure records

KFS, CFA, KWS, county government


Number of vehicles purchased

KFS, County Government


equipment purchased for use

KFS, County government


5.2 PRODUCTIION PROGRAMME The productive programme covers all areas meant for plantation development. The plantations are managed produce round wood for industrial development and support community livelihood thereby relieve pressure on natural forest.

5.2.1 Background Bunyala Forest is located in an area with a very high population density, a factor that has led to illegal activities and degradation of the forest. There is scarcity of land for food production and this exerts pressure to the forest. Plantation Establishment for Livelihood Improvement Support (PELIS) has been reintroduced to engage community in plantation establishment while providing them with farming land for food production. This programme has been of great benefit to the local community in Bunyala Forest resulting in reduction on the forest threats and livelihoods improvement as well as creating a sense of forest ownership, which has enhanced effective protection and management of plantations.

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5.2.2 Management Challenges The high demand for round wood from the local and external markets and rapid population growth rate against a finite land resource has led to poaching of trees from the forests plantations. However, PELIS programme has enabled enhanced rate of plantation establishment and also brought renewed community interest in forest protection due to benefits accrued.

5.2.3 Programme Objectives Objective: To produce round wood for industrial growth and revenue generation to improve livelihood and protect the environment

Figure 5.2a: PELIS undertaken in Bunyala forest

Figure 5.2b: Bunyala Forest Station tree nursery Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Table 5.2: Management interventions on production programme Management Activities/Action objective To produce Prepare and update round wood plantation management for industrial plan growth and Implement plantation revenue management plan generation to improve livelihood and protect the environment Keep and update plantation records Improve seedlings production in tree nurseries in Bunyala

Indicators Plan in place Plan regularly updated No. of acreage planted Ha of other silvicultural operations conducted Filed records

No. of nurseries established No. of tree seedlings produced Streamline and manage No. of Ha allocated PELIS for PELIS Established PELIS area boundaries Survival count report Increase in food produced Planting in unstocked Ha planted areas and replanting in Survival count areas of poor report establishment Protect plantations from Km of fire breaks fires, diseases and cleared pests Pest and diseases reports Length in kilometers for fire breaks cleared & established, the quality of the young plantation Mapping of water No. of water resources in plantation sources mapped areas Maximize revenue revenue reports through integrated harvesting Control damage to Damage plantation by wildlife assessment and domestic animals reports

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Responsible agency

Time frame







KFS, CFA, NGOs, County government


KFS, CFA, County government




KFS, CFA, KEFRI, Interior and coordination ministry, County Government






KFS, CFA, KWS, County Government, Interior and coordination


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5.3.1 Background Sustainable protection and conservation of Bunyala Forest requires implementation of various intervention measures. These measures must focus on easing the current pressure exerted on the forest and abatement of encroachment onto the forestland. This programme therefore seeks to reduce pressure on forests through on farm tree growing to provide wood products that are currently exploited from the forest such as fuelwood and building materials, reduced consumption of forest products through promotion of alternative energy sources and energy saving devices (Figure 5.3) and alternative income generating activities such as apiculture. Poverty is a challenge to conservation of resources and the measures must therefore, support livelihood activities. The measures also have an inbuilt component of training and capacity building to support community institutions in forestry programmes and community Participatory Forest Management (PFM) institutions. At intervention zone the local communities practices Nature Based Enterprises (NBEs) and sustainable agriculture as one way of reducing pressure on the forest. The livelihoods of the local communities are expected to improve through NBEs. The NBEs include bee keeping, fish farming, woodlots establishment for commercial, ecotourism and production of energy saving devices.

5.3.2 Management Challenges Limited knowledge and skills in on-farm forestry and effective land use planning among community members has affected their participation in effective protection and conservation of the forest. Human wildlife conflicts between is also a major challenge, especially primates (monkeys and baboons) destroying crops and snake bites.

5.3.3 Programme Objectives Objective 1: To promote farm forestry, energy saving devices and nature-based enterprises Objective 2: To undertake Measures to reduce Human – Wildlife conflicts in Bunyala Forest.

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Figure 5.3: Improved cook stoves installed and used by community

Table 5.3: Management options within intervention zone Management objective To promote farm forestry, energy saving devices and nature-based enterprises



Responsible agency

Time frame

Promote tree nursery enterprises for seedlings production by individuals and groups Promote on farm tree planting including carbon credit programmes

No. tree nurseries No seedlings raised for sale

KFS, CFA, NGOs, County government


Ha of farmlands panted No farmers planting trees


Promote on farm charcoal production Collaborate with stakeholders to initiate nature based enterprises

No. of movement permits issued No of NBEs initiated No of community members benefiting

KFS, County Government, CFA, NGOs, Private institutions KFS,CFA KFS, County Government, CFA, NGOs, Private institutions KWS, County government, KWS, CFA, Min of Interior and coordination KWS, County


To undertake Community Measures to sensitization on how to reduce Human report, handle, and – Wildlife coexist with wildlife conflicts in Bunyala Forest Provision of assistance/

Attendance lists No of game farms No of reports received No of complaints

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Management objective

Activities/Action compensation to wildlife destruction

Indicators received and addressed

Create awareness for No. sensitizations the community to meetings & understand the Wildlife barazas, and Forest legislation Attendance list and policies

Responsible agency

Time frame

government, KWS, CFA, Min of Interior and coordination KFS, KWS, CFA


5.4 COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME 5.4.1 Background Community participation has become a key aspect of promoting Natural resource management and conservation. In the case of Bunyala Forest, it is important to fully involve the community in forest management and conservation, given the prevailing poor socio-economic condition that make it a potential threat to the forest and its resources. Without an adequate plan for fully involving the community in forest management and conservation, the forest may be under threat of invasion and degradation since most of the community members fully depend on the forest as their main source of livelihood.

5.4.2 Management Challenges Community participation faces the following challenges: •

• • • • •

Inadequate understanding and access to the Forests Act 2005 and related legislation such as EMCA 1999, Water Act 2002, Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 and Agriculture Act (Cap 318) Inadequate understanding and knowledge on environmental conservation Negative attitude towards conservation since Forest Adjacent Communities do not see direct benefits Partial application of the law for instance in penalizing offenders Poor governance and low capacity of the CFA Inadequate involvement of community in forest management

5.4.3 Community Participation Programme objective Objective: To ensure community participate in Bunyala Forest management and conservation

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Table 5.4: Management interventions on community participation programme Management Activities/Action Indicators Responsible strategies agency Management objective : To ensure community participate in Bunyala Forest conservation and management The community Identify and assess assisted to potential IGAs for establish nature support based enterprises (NBEs) Implement viable IGAs Value addition and market linkage of products

Capacity building the community on value addition to non woody forest products

Improve governance in community groups

Baseline information Assessment report Funding proposals done Level of household incomes New markets accessed Quantity of produce sold Revenue collected from sales Number of workshops/semin ars organized, No. of the trained persons Improved products

Time frame

KFS, County Government, NGOs and CFA


KFS, County Government, CFA and NGOs KFS, County Government, CFA, private sector and NGOs



Organizing and funding of community forest user groups, training workshops and seminars Establishing systems and mechanisms for capital access to facilitate non woody forest products value addition Carry out organization No. of the capacity assessment meetings, no. of for the CFA participants Identify capacity No. of meetings building needs held

KFS, County government, NGOs and Bunyala CFA


KFS, private sector






Train to address needs Number of trainings Exchange programme Number of to learn from exchange visits experiences of others Develop strategic plan No. of meetings, for the CFA strategic plan in place Define the roles and Reduced conflicts responsibilities of the user groups. Develop mechanisms Benefit sharing for benefit sharing mechanism in amongst CFA place members

KFS, NGOs & CFA KFS, County government, NGOs & CFA KFS, County government, NGOs & CFA KFS & CFA


KFS, County Government & CFA


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Management strategies



Develop a good CFA management management structure. structure in place Promote advocacy programme within the CFA Integrating community groups in Forest protection

Involving community forest user groups in forest security programmes Formation of a Community Forest Security Committee to enhance community involvement in forest security protection Initiation of arrangements for funding and support of the Community Forest Security Committee in its functions Recruit, train and facilitate community forest scouts Organise and conduct joint patrols Advocate for impartiality of application of forest rules

No. of advocacy awareness meetings Reduced forest threats

Responsible agency

Time frame

NGOs, County government, CFA KFS, County government, NGOs & CFA KFS and CFA




Regular meetings, no. of forest cases addressed



Number of proposal developed

KFS, County government, NGOs and CFA


Number of scouts trained

KFS, County government, NGOs and CFA KFS, NGOs and CFA KFS & County Government


Number of patrols done Number of warning letters issued to the forest officers

2015-2019 2015-2019


5.5.1 Background This section deals with the various infrastructure and equipment in Bunyala forest. These include: roads, firefighting equipment and fire towers, vehicles, buildings (residential and non-residential buildings), CFA office, dispensary, power (electricity), water, bridges and culverts, machinery e.g. tractors, office furniture and tree nursery.

5.5.2 Management Challenges Roads in Bunyala are poorly maintained and some become impassable during rainy periods. The road connecting from Kakamega to the station is all-weather road Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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maintained by Kenya Rural Roads Authority. However, the forest roads which are supposed to be maintained by KFS are in a dilapidated state. The road from station to Musidi road lacks a connecting bridge while others have temporary bridges. The station has very low fire danger rating and incidences of fire outbreaks have been relatively few, occurring occasionally in the dry spell of December to February. More often than not, they are associated with grazers and those collecting honey from trees in the forest. The forest station, however, does not have fire towers or firefighting equipment. The station has no machinery (vehicles, tractors, graders etc) except the CFA’s one motorbike donated by Nature Kenya. Buildings are in poor state, worn out, lacking paint, and leaking roof and are inadequate (numbers), especially staff houses. The station also lacks some basic buildings such as store, offices for sub-ordinate staffs and rangers, and an armory. The station is within the main electricity grid that serves Navakholo town center, market, health center and the surrounding schools but so far electrification has not been connected to the forest station. Although the forest station is well served with the main mobile service providers’ network, some areas of the forest do not receive good network coverage. There is no infrastructure for radio communication and the security system uses mobile cell phones for communication. The forest station lacks piped water. Residents and workers of the station fetch water from the nearby Ewuoni River (a tributary of River Lusumu) and rely on rain water for domestic use and other uses within the station. The CFA has one computer with accessories, office desk, chairs, cabinet but all these are stationed in a rented office due to lack of electricity and security within the station. Furniture in the KFS office e.g. tables and chairs are old and require replacement. The forest station has no health facility but there are a number of health facilities (mainly private) distributed around the forest. Navakholo Sub-district Hospital is the biggest health facility closest to the forest. Three tree nurseries exist in Bunyala station that is managed by KFS, Bunyala CFA and Lusumu WRUA. Furthermore, there is inadequate staff housing, administration office units, communication equipment and electricity. There are also personnel for instance, the ratio of rangers to the forest area is low, that is Bunyala forest station has a forest ranger to area ratio of 1:230.7ha.

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Figure 5.4a: Plate on Community Forest Scout standing outside CFA office

Figure 5.4b: Plate on Office equipment issued to Bunyala CFA

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Figure 5.4c.: Motorbike handed to Bunyala CFA, by GEF-UNDP project for forest protection

5.5.3 Programme objectives Objective: To strengthen and maintain infrastructure, equipment, human resource and local community institutions for effective management and conservation of Bunyala Forest.

Table 5.5: Management interventions on Infrastructure, Equipment and Human Resources Development Programme Management Activities/Action Indicators Responsible Time strategies agency frame Management objective: To strengthen and maintain infrastructure, equipment, human resource and local community institutions for effective management and conservation of Bunyala Forest Assessment of infrastructure and staffing needs for the forest

Undertake inventory of resources at the station and for the entire forest Make inventories of available infrastructure and personnel Assess the staffing level requirement for the forest Assess the training needs of the staff

Inventory reports prepared



No. of infrastructures and personnel documented Employment/r edeployment of staff No. of meetings held







Undertake a survey of infrastructure needs

Reports written



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Management strategies

Ensure adequate infrastructure



Responsible agency

Time frame

Condition of the vehicle



Length of kilometers maintained


Length in kilometers graded, No. of culverts installed Length in kilometers cleared, mandays Availability of water

KFS, County Government, Kenya Rural Roads Authority KFS, County Government, Kenya Rural Roads Authority KFS


Kakamega County Water services Company


Grading and fixing of culverts for all main roads serving the forest

Rehabilitation, clearing bushes and maintenance of drains for all roads Ensure adequate water flow through regular check-up and maintenance of water pipes and serving systems Purchase vehicle for the forest especially for patrol and local transport and travel activities Liaise with Kenya Power to ensure electricity supply at the forest stations Construct fire towers at higher points within the forest. Provide at least four fire rating boards Provision of equipment such as computers, GPS, radio sets and digital cameras

Ensure adequate staff for effective forest management

Maintain maintenance records of the vehicle and other machines Repair the roads serving the forest

Determine optimal staffing levels Deploy/ Recruit more staff to address the problem of staff shortage Encourage team building between


Number of vehicle purchased, log-book



Availability of electric power

KFS, Kenya Power


No. of fire towers constructed Number of fire rates erected Number of computers, GPS, radio sets & digital cameras purchased Number of the current staff Letters of appointment





KFS, County Government, private sector & NGOs






Number of team build



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Management strategies


Improve welfare of the staff

CFA and all the stakeholders Conduct regular trainings and seminars for staff Provide amenities to the staff at the station

Ensure staff needs and views are taken into consideration and action taken Provide necessary equipment and occupational gear for working Improve staff remuneration package


Responsible agency

Time frame



KFS, County government, Private sector & NGOs KFS


KFS, County government, Private sector & NGOs KFS



Number of trainings/semi nars Provision of housing

Level of satisfaction by staff

Number of equipment provided

Letters of promotion




5.6.1 Background There are various partners in Bunyala forest as described in the stakeholder analysis. Despite having several institutional partners undertaking issues relating to forest protection, conservation and management, there is minimal collaboration and focus in approach. To implement the management plan, a coordinated partnership arrangement is crucial. The partners include those in public, private sector, nongovernmental organization, community members and development partners. The stakeholder analysis identified roles and responsibilities for each partner. The programme objective is to develop partnership arrangements for effective implementation.

5.6.2 Management Challenges The challenges in Partnership arrangements include; conflict among stakeholders, poor leadership, lack of institutional framework to support partnership, lack of commitment, inadequate funding to support meetings, seminars and other forums inadequate participation and poor communication.

5.6.3 Programme objectives Objective: To develop synergy among stakeholders for efficient implementation of the plan Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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The proposed strategies to address the above challenges are shown in Table 5.6: Table 5.6: Management interventions on partnership and networking programme Management Activities/Action Indicators Responsible Time strategies agency frame Management objective: To develop synergy among stakeholders for efficient implementation of the plan Building institutional arrangement for partnership

Strengthening partnerships

Improve Networking with stakeholders and other CFAs

Identify potential partners

Number of

partners identified Develop working Signed MoUs & modalities e.g. MOU, agreements management agreement Joint planning and Number of implementation meetings Form a stakeholder Number of forums forum for Bunyala held forest CFA to formalize partnership with other stakeholders


Develop forest management agreement between CFA and KFS


Develop an elaborate sharing scheme/mechanism to ensure fairness and equity in distribution of costs and benefits Joint meeting between CFAs and other stakeholders

Costs and benefits

Organize and conduct exchange visits for learning and experience sharing Enhance networking skills within partners

agreement signed



KFS, CFA & Other 2015-2017 stakeholders

KFS, CFA & Other 2015-2019 stakeholders KFS, CFA & Other 2015-2019 stakeholders KFS, CFA & Other 2015-2017 stakeholders KFS & CFA




Management agreement

sharing mechanism developed

Number of meetings held, Number of forums organized Number of exchange visits

Number of trainings conducted

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

KFS, CFA & Other 2015 stakeholders

KFS, CFA & Other 2015-2019 stakeholders

KFS, CFA & Other 2015-2019 stakeholders

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5.7.1 Background This programme will entail information and data collection and dissemination on flora and fauna species of interest in Bunyala forest and monitoring of their trends and distribution in the forest. Research forms a crucial programme in the plan and is aimed at filling the knowledge gaps that will ensure effective management. In Bunyala Forest, research and monitoring has been conducted through institutions and projects such as the BIOTA, research institutions and universities. Current status Following are some of the monitoring and research activities recently carried out for the forest:

• • • •

Forest inventory (indigenous and exotic trees) Monitoring of degraded and rehabilitated sites Socio-economic study of forest adjacent communities. Biodiversity surveys.

5.7.2 Management Challenges

• Low partnership and collaboration • Low facilitation and funding • Lack of prioritization of research areas 5.7.3 Programme objectives Objective: To obtain relevant and timely information on the status of Bunyala forest and threats to guide decisions for the management of the forest. The strategies proposed are; promote research and environmental education and conservation within the forest, disseminate research findings and develop monitoring systems.

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Table 5.7: Management interventions on research and monitoring programme Management Activities/Action Indicators Responsible Time strategies agency frame Management objective: To obtain relevant and timely information on the status of Bunyala forest and threats to guide decisions for the management of the forest Undertake applied research

Disseminate research findings and innovations

Conduct detailed survey on flora and fauna existing in the forest Identify and classify wildlife according to their conservation status (endemism, threat category and so on) Conduct studies to inform on improved/participatory forest management practices Conduct studies on water resources (Quality and quantity) Conduct studies on soil conditions to determine the forest health Develop innovative incentive mechanisms (PELIS, Carbon Credits, employment of youth, IGAs) Organize informative public meetings to disseminate research findings and innovations Develop feedback mechanism Publish findings in journals and through popular media (brochures, leaflets, posters, radio programmes, newsletters) Electronic posting/circulation of results on websites of relevant institutions

Number of flora &

NMK, KFS, KWS, KEFRI, NGOs, Universities




Studies conducted



Status of water





Levels of income



Number of





KFS, CFA, Private sector


fauna recorded

Studies conducted to identify status of species


Status of forest health


Scheduled for feedbacks

Number of publications/medi a programmes

Website developed/numb er of visits to website

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Management strategies


Promote Forest Monitoring


Responsible agency

Time frame

Synthesize findings for use for public education and within learning institutions Develop indicators for monitoring forest condition Develop monitoring protocols

Number of

CFA, Schools, WCK



Involve community members in monitoring activities Make monitoring a regular activity to closely check any changes in the forest ecosystem Document and widely disseminate forest condition trends

Number of trained


publications distributed

Forest condition indicators developed Monitoring protocols in place



CFA members

Data collected



Number of



dissemination meetings

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CHAPTER 6.0 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 INTRODUCTION Planning is an essential part of the management process. The management plan is the main instrument that specifies how management is to be conducted in the future. In forestry, Participatory Forest Management Plans (PFMPs) are often instruments not just for planning but also for operational management. These plans don’t just document the way to reach management goals in the future (strategic), but also describe how to manage the forest in the present (tactical). This chapter provides an overview of crosscutting issues which include and institutional arrangements for plan implementation that takes into account a collaborative approach of the lead institutions, ie KFS and Bunyala CFA, Government agencies, County Government, Non-Governmental Organizations and private companies. Some of the important cross-cutting issues include: gender mainstreaming, reproductive health, nutrition and H.I.V/ AIDS, marginalized groups, Indigenous Knowledge.

6.1.1 Gender mainstreaming Taking action on gender involves Identification of the people involved in PFMP. The first step is to adopt democratic elections-mirroring the number of constitutional aspects e.g. women, men and youth representatives in the Bunyala CFA. The PFMP should put into account different outcomes and impacts it will have on men, women, young men, young women and the forest adjacent community in Bunyala forest and all other stakeholders who might be involved during its implementation. Mainstreaming takes into account aspects of planning and this ensures that the process takes into account number of men, women, young men, young women etc. Planning uses gender analysis tool (SWOT analysis - strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which are applicable during implementation process. Other things to consider are timing of the PFMP-activities at certain times can limit participation of men and women or how roles and responsibilities are allocated. In the implementation phase there are some aspects that ensure gender continues to be taken into account.

• Gender balance amongst participants (during trainings, cross visit, meetings, • •

workshops etc.) Everybody from the target group participates in the PFMP. Bunyala CFA community is mixed (sexes, background, roles and responsibilities) so that there is a better overview of the needs of the target forest adjacent community group.

The follow up phase of the PFMP is the point where identification of what needs to be done ensures that the PFMP is sustainable. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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6.1.2 Reproductive Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS The Bunyala PFMP needs to adopt Health, Nutrition & HIV/AIDS programs to provide health education and palliative care to ensure that individuals and communities have the knowledge and resources to lead healthy lives. The focus of these efforts will be on communities where malnutrition is high and the need for family planning, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS awareness and education is evident. The following areas of health skills, maternal and child health and nutrition, family planning, adolescent reproductive health and HIV/AIDS should be emphasized. In particular, emphasis of the service will be to at-risk populations, such as orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIVs). The importance of comprehensive, holistic care should be strongly reflected in the program design. The plan should not only provide education and assistance in health care, but also train community leaders and individuals to develop expertise in home-based care and support, such as maternal and child care, psychosocial counseling, or HIV/AIDS-related care, compassionate Agro-forestry so that they can help their communities lead healthier lives. The primary objectives of the Health, Nutrition & HIV/AIDS programs will be to: 1. Reduce prevalence of malnutrition 2. Reduce levels of morbidity 3. Improve infant and young child feeding and care practices for women and children 4. Prevent and manage diseases, including HIV/AIDS 5. Promote sound nutrition and healthy lifestyles

6.1.3 Marginalized groups The physically challenged and the vulnerable people need to be included in all activities of the Bunyala CFA as now it is their right in the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

6.1.4 Indigenous Knowledge Cultural, norms and practices, customary rights, intellectual property rights Indigenous people with a historical continuity of resource-use practices often possess a broad knowledge base of the behavior of complex ecological systems in their own localities. This knowledge has accumulated through a long series of observations transmitted from generation to generation. Indigenous people have depended for long periods of time on local environments for the provisions of a variety of resources; they have developed a stake in conserving and in some cases, enhancing biodiversity. Indigenous people are aware that biological diversity is a crucial factor in generating the ecological services and natural resources on which they depend on. Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Indigenous people are aware of a large variety of uses of local biodiversity including medicinal uses which have been incorporated in the modern medical industry. The PFMP will enhance indigenous conservation measures such as;

Total protection of riparian areas and cultural forests such as the Tiriki and Bunyala cultural sites. Protection of some tree species such as Ficus spp as it offers food and shelter to a wide range of birds, bats and primates.

6.2 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION There will be need for developing proposals for donor and government interventions in financing or supporting the acquisition of the various resources required for the effective implementation and achievement of the objectives of the management programmes. Resource mobilization will be primarily the responsibility of both Bunyala CFA and KFS, with assistance from other stakeholders such as County government, NGOs and private sector who shall be playing the lead roles. 6.3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR PLAN IMPLEMENTATION The key institutions for implementing the PFMP are KFS and Bunyala CFA. Other institutions and stakeholders include: County Government of Kakamega, KWS, NEMA, MMUST, WRMA, KEFRI, Key government Ministries e.g. Agriculture, Environment and Mineral Resources, National Museums of Kenya, relevant NGOs, financial institutions, Tea Factories, Pan paper, Research Institutions and organizations, International organizations e.g. Birdlife International amongst many others. The successful implementation of this plan will require a collaborative approach to be initiated and coordinated by the lead institutions (KFS and Bunyala CFA).

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Head of Conservancy (Western)

County Government of Kakamega

Ecosystem Conservator, KFS (Kakamega County)

Forest Conservation Committee (FCC)

Forest Station Manager (Buyala Forest Station)

Local Level Forest Management Committee

Donors/ Development Agencies

Bunyala CFA

Line Government Agencies Water, KWS, NEMA, Agriculture, KEFRI, WMRA

NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

Figure 6.1: Institutional arrangements for Bunyala PFMP implementation

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CHAPTER 7.0 PLAN MONITORING AND EVALUATION 7.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter highlights the monitoring and evaluation methodology that will be applicable for Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan. The Bunyala PFMP sets the basis and manner in which the community represented by the Bunyala CFA will be able to sustainably utilize forest resources available in the forest. The plan is basically a guide for any agreement that is to be made between KFS and the community that is highly dependent on the forest. The plan will assist the stakeholders come to sound decisions as far as management of the forest is concerned. The forest is an important natural and cultural asset for the community and the nation as a whole. Thus, it should be understood that forest resource management and cultural resource management are interdependent processes. Cultural resources refers to a wide variety of values attached to the forest and uses including but not limited to tree preservation, public access, recreation, aesthetic and spiritual values and education. The plan is to provide ways for the management units to fulfil their mission of stewardship in the Bunyala Forest which is an important water catchment for Lake Victoria, in harmony with other stakeholders. This plan has been developed in consultation with various stakeholders including Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Bunyala CFA, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), National Museums of Kenya (NMK), KEFRI, WRMA, NEMA, Relevant NGOs and research and learning institutions. The planning process has been a long term process and was provoked by the conflicts between the community and the forest management and the many threats to the forest ecosystem coupled with serious and/or irreversible environmental damage emanating from utilization of the forest. 7.2 MONITORING There is need to prepare a monitoring tool with verifiable indicators, a time schedule which will guide the monitoring process. Monitoring will be done regularly by relevant parties including research and learning institutions. Resource mobilization will be vital for the monitoring process to facilitate the implementation of this plan. 7.3 MONITORING INDICATORS (BIOPHYSICAL AND COMMUNITY BASED INDICATORS) Monitoring indicators will measure the Participatory forest management plan’s impact, outcomes, outputs and inputs that will be monitored during implementation that will be used to assess progress towards management objectives and help to identify problems during implementation of the PFMP. 7.4 DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE INDICATORS During the plan implementation impact-indicators will be identified to provide a basis upon which the plan performance can be measured. Performance indicators Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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will be based on the various actions proposed in the forest management programmes which are aimed at achieving the objectives of the programmes. 7.5 RESPONSIBILITIES UNDP-GEF through Nature Kenya funded the preparation of this Bunyala Forest Participatory Forest Management Plan. KFS, KWS and other partners in the management of the Bunyala Forest will provide the necessary assistance in the monitoring of the progress of this plan implementation based on a signed Forest Management Agreement (FMA) monitoring and evaluation modalities determined by the parties to the agreement. 7.6 MONITORING PLAN The matrix table 7.1 presents the programmes, indicators of success, means of verification, the organizations responsible and the assumptions for monitoring this plan. Evaluation will be based on assessment of the achievement of the monitoring indicators. 7.7 EVALUATION Evaluation of the progress of the plan will be very important to address emerging issues as far as the plan implementation is concerned. The purpose of evaluation is to broadly establish the impact of plan’s interventions on the lives of the Bunyala Forest Community members and on the status of the forest as an ecosystem. In evaluation it will be important to assess the plan rationale/ appropriateness with respect to the needs of the community so as to establish the extent to which it relates to the identified community needs, to check the soundness of the plan design, assess the extent to which key pre-conditions for plan success (assumptions) were assessed and accounted for in advance and determine the suitability of the objectives and activities in responding to community-defined development priorities. 7.8 REVIEW, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The PFMP will be reviewed following its expiry in 2019. This will be guided by the end term review report and those from continuous monitoring. Monitoring will be done continuously through reports while evaluation will be done mid-term and at the end of the five year implementation period. User friendly monitoring and evaluation tools will be developed to assist the community in carrying out monitoring and evaluation.

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Table 7.1 Bunyala PFMP Monitoring Matrix Programmes and Objectives Protection and Conservation Programme

Verifiable Indicators Area in hectares rehabilitated Encroached area recovered Community participation and Objective 1: To control and involvement in forest protection prevent ecosystem disturbance and management increased for improvement and protection Endangered and endemic of biodiversity in Bunyala Forest species identified and adequately protected Objective 2: To restore No. of livelihood projects degraded forest areas and initiated protect water catchments from Km of riverine conserved human activities Organized patrols

Means of verification Assumptions KFS, KWS and CFA The Plan is records successfully Photographs implemented Monitoring and Good working evaluation reports relationship Surveys between stakeholders Consultative meetings Availability of Measurement of Financial, forest cover material and human resources

Objective 3: To promote conservation and protection of endemic and endangered species and maintain biological diversity, ecological functions and productivity of Bunyala forest. Objective 4: To promote sustainable utilization of the natural forest to improve livelihoods. Objective 5: To use collaborative approach to Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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Time frame 2015-2019

Programmes and Objectives Verifiable Indicators protect Bunyala forest resources and infrastructure

Means of verification

Productive Zone Programme

Objective: To produce round wood for industrial growth and revenue generation to improve livelihood and protect the environment

Intervention Zone Programme Objective1: To promote farm forestry, energy saving devices and nature-based enterprises Objective 2: To undertake Measures to reduce Human – Wildlife conflicts in Bunyala Forest

Area established with plantations Quality of plantations Quantity of forest products harvested Revenue accrued to the KFS and CFA through establishment of ecotourism sites and PELIS within the forest Income generated from sales of forest resources

Community members access and benefit from forest resources and products Economic status of Bunyala forest community members No farmers planting trees No of NBEs initiated and income generated by forest resource user groups No of game farms Number and types of products in the market Number and type of technologies adopted Number of people employed

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019


Time frame

Survey maps The Plan is KFS records successfully implemented Resource inventory Forest management Availability of agreements. funds for plantation development


There is full Surveys KFS, KWS and collaboration from all Bunyala CFA records and reports stakeholders Community Availability of feedback meetings funds for initiating income generating projects


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Programmes and Objectives

Verifiable Indicators Reduced reports of animal destruction No. sensitizations meetings & barazas

Means of verification

Community Participation Programme

Knowledge of the community on the forest and all its available resources and the procedures required to access the resources Composition of governance and decision-making structure Working relationship between community, KFS and KWS Rangers and management

Number and type of infrastructure developed Number and type of equipment bought Number of people employed Number of people trained Number of community scouts Resources available for forest management

KFS, KWS, CFA and The Plan is WRMA records successfully implemented Monitoring and Availability of evaluation reports funds

Potential partners identified.

Signed MoUs &

Objective: To ensure community participate in Bunyala Forest management and conservation

Infrastructure, Equipment and Human Resources Development Programme

Objective: To strengthen and maintain infrastructure, equipment, human resource and local community institutions for effective management and conservation of Bunyala Forest Partnerships and Networking

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

KFS, KWS and CFA records Community feedback meetings Surveys


Time frame

The Plan is 2015-2019 successfully implemented Cooperation from CFA/ community members Good working relationship between KFS and CFA Availability of funds

There will be full Page | 77



Programmes and Objectives Programme

Verifiable Indicators Memorandum of understanding and management agreements Objective: To develop synergy developed among stakeholders for efficient Stakeholder forum for Bunyala Forest station conducted. implementation of the plan. An elaborate benefit sharing scheme/mechanism to ensure fairness and equity in distribution of costs and benefits is developed. Joint meeting between CFAs and other stakeholders conducted. Number of exchange visits conducted.

Means of verification Assumptions agreements cooperation by Partnership all stakeholders agreement signed involved. Number of meetings held /exchange visits Number of forums organized

Time frame

Research and Monitoring Programme


Objective: To obtain relevant and timely information on the status of Bunyala forest and threats to guide decisions for the management of the forest.

Number and type of research and surveys undertaken Technologies innovated and adopted State/ quality of the forest ecosystem New knowledge on the forest and its components

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Research reports Monitoring and evaluation reports

The Plan is successfully completed All stakeholders will fully collaborate Availability of funds

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REFERENCES Althof, A.J. (2005): Human Impact on Flora and vegetation of Kakamega Forest, Kenya – Structure, Distribution, and Disturbance of Plant Communities in an East African Rainforest. PhD thesis, University of Koblenz, Germany, Dalitz, H. 2007: Regeneration of Tropical upland trees- Spatio-temporal dynamics of feed-back processes. In BIOTA East Interim Report 2006, BIOTA East Africa, Bonn, germany, 21-35. Calvo, R.N. & C.C. Horvitz, (1990): Pollinator limitation, cost of reproduction and fitness in plants: A transition-matrix demographic approach. American Naturalist 136, 499-516. Eggleton, P., D.E. Bignell, S. Hauser, L. Dibog, L. Norgrove & B. Madong (2002): Termite diversity across an anthropogenic gradient in the humid forest zone of West Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 90, 189-202. Environmental Management and Co-Ordination Act Chapter 8 of 1999: Section 44 (Protection of hill tops, hill sides, mountain areas and forests); Section 48 (Protection of forests); Section 49. (Conservation of energy and planting of trees or woodlots); Section 50 (Conservation of biological diversity); Section 72 (Water and pollution prohibition); Water Quality Regulations, 2006 and Waste Management Regulations, 2006 Holldobler, B. & E.O. Wilson (1990): The Ants. Belknap Press, Cambridge, USA. Holstein et al. (2010) A Short Guide to Kakamega Forest. BIOTA East Africa Kakamega Forest Ecosystem Management Plan, 2010-2020 (November 2010 edition) by KFE Managers, KFE Stakeholders, KWS Biodiversity Planning Department, KFS Planning Department Kyoto_Protocol.htm,CITES.htm, Rio_Declaration_on_Environment_and_Development.htm, Convention_on_Biological_Diversity.htm Mitchell, N. (2004): The exploitation and disturbance history of Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya. Bielefelder Okologische Beitrage 20, BIOTA East Report No. 1, ed. By B. Bleher & H. Dalitz. Wagner, P. and W. Bohme (2007): Herpetofauna Kakamensis – The amphibians and reptiles of Kakamega forest, western Kenya. Bonner Zoologische Beitrage 55 (2), 123-150. Wagner, P., J. Kohler, A. Schmitz & W. Bohme (2008): The bio geographical assignment of a west Kenyan rain forest remnant: further evidence from analysis of its reptile fauna. Journal of Biogeography 35 (8), 1, 349-1,361.

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Wood, T.G. (1988): Termites and the soil environment. Biology and Fertility of soils 6, 228-236. http://www.KenyaLaw.org (Laws of Kenya) Agriculture Act (Cap. 318): The Agriculture (Farm Forestry) Rules, 2009 Energy Act, 2006: Section 103 (Renewable Energy) Grass Fires Act (Cap 327): Section 3 (Burning of Vegetation without Authority) Forests Act 2005: Sections 35, 36 and 45 Kenya Forest Service (2010) Briefs on Kakamega Forest Zone. Tourist Industry Licensing (Cap 381): Section 3 (License required for certain tourist enterprises) and The Tourism Industry Licensing Regulations Water Act (Cap 372): Section 14 (Catchment Areas) and Section 17 (Protection Areas) Wildlife (Conservation and Management) Act (Cap 376): Section 15 (Protection Areas) http://www.wikipedia.org

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APPENDICES Appendix 1: List of Bunyala Forest Tree Species Scientific Name Acacia lahai Acanthus eminens Albizia gummifera Aningeria altissima Antiaris toxicaria Bischofia javanica Bosquia phobcoros Bridelia micrantha Celtis mildbraedii Chrysophylium albidium Compretum molle Cordia africana Cordia millennii Crodea brownii Croton macrostachyus Croton megalocarpus Cupressus macronata Diaspyrus abysinica Entada abyssinica Erithryna abysinica Fagara macrophylla Ficus capensis Ficus exasperate Ficus sur Ficus vallis chodea Funtumia latifolia Grevilia robusta Harugana madagascarensis Maesopsis eminii Markhamia lutea Olea capensis Persia americana Phoenix redinata Polyscious fulva Prunus africana Psidium guajava Sepium eliptica

English/ Trade Name Red thorn Bear’s breech Rain tree/peacock flower Anegre Upas tree Bishop wood Mitzeerie Hackberry

Scarlet cordial Scarlet Cordial Croton Croton Common cypress

Red hot poker tree Ficus tree Ficus tree Ficus tree Rubber tree

Parasol tree Guava

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Local Name Omunyenya Echofu Ekhasi Omulongo Omukkangu Olundu Omutororo Omulanda ngombe Omunyali Omululu Omulaha omukkamaji Omukamaji Omukhonge Omuchwichwi Omuchohi Omutarakwe Omukha Omuchembe Omulaha omukalukha Esikhumwa Omukhuyu/omukasi Omuchereke/Kunga Omuruva Omukhuyu musacha Omutondo Omukuluveria Omusirwa Omutere Omusiola Omuyukuyu Ovakato Ekhindu Omuove Omutali Omupera Omusachi Page | 81

Scientific Name

English/ Trade Name

Local Name

Spathodea nilotica Syzigium guineensis Trelipsium madagascarensis Tremma orientalis Trichilia roka Vernonia auriculifolia Vitex keniansis

Nandi flame

Omutungutungu Esikoye Omululusio Omuchasa Omunyama Omululusia Omofutumbwe

Charcoal tree Banket mahogany Meru oak

Appendix 2: List of Bunyala Forest Mammals and Primates Scientific Name Canis aureus Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti Cercopithecus mitis stuhdlmanni Colobus guereza Cricetomys Hystricomorph hystricidae Lepus microtis Paraxerus Perodicticus potto Ibeanus

English Name Silver backed Jackal

Local Name Ekibwe

Red tail monkey


Blue monkey


Black-and-white Columbus Endivisi monkey Giant porched rat Emunje Porcupine Enjekeche African hare Enduyu Bush squirrel Emuna Eastern potto Endabamwezi

Appendix 3: List of Bunyala Forest Bird Species Scientific Name Andropadus .g. ugandae Andropadus latirostris Bostrychia .h. brevirostris Bycanistes subquadratus Camaroptera brachyura Cisticola c pictipensis Cisticola chubby Colius striatus Cuculus .s. solitaries. Dryocichloides poliopterus Elminia longicauda Euplectes macroura Eupletes capensis Fremomela turneri

English Name Little greenbul Yellow whiskered greenbul Hadada Ibis Black and white casqued hornbill Grey backed camaroptera Singing cisticola Chubb’s cisticola Speckled mousebird Red chested cuckoo Grey winged robin chat African blue flycatcher Yellow mantle widowbird Yellow bishop Turner’s Eramomela

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Local Name

Nasinganga Eng’ang’a Enduchu Esifwi Amayoyo Eswi Esikhokhochole Wachacha

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Scientific Name Hirundo senegalensis Ispidina .p. picta Laniarius luehderi Lanius .c. humeralis Linurgus olivaceas Lonchura scutata Lophaetus occipitalis Malaenornis fisheri Melaconotus blanchoti Melaenornis pammelaina Merops .m. muelleri Merops aplaster Merops pusillus Musacara lends Muscicapa adusta Nigrita canicapilla Numida meleagris Phyllastrephus lypochloris Platysteira cyanea Ploceus baglafetch Ploceus bicolor Ploceus cucullatus Pogoniulus bilineatus Pycnonotus barbatus Serinius mozambicus Serinus citrinelloides Serinus dorsostriatus Serinus mozambicus Spermatophaga ruficapilla Streptopelia .c. somalica Terpsiphone viridis Trachylaemus elgonensis Treron . c. gibberifrons Turdus pelios Uraeginthus bengalus Vidua macroura Zosterops senegalensis

English Name Mosque swallow African pigmy kingfisher Luhder’s bushshrike Common fiscal Oriole finch Bronze mannikin Long crested eagle White eyed slaty flycatcher Grey-headed bush-shrike Southern black flycatcher Blue headed bee – eater Eurasian bee – eater Little bee- eater Chapins flycatcher African dusky flycatcher Grey headed negrofinch Helmeted guineafowl Toro olive Greenbul Common wattle eye Baglafecht weaver Dark back weaver Village weavers Yellow rumped tinkerbird Common bulbul Yellow fonted canary African citril White belled canary Yellow fronted canary Red headed blubil Ring-necked dove Africa paradise flycatcher Yellow billed barbet African green pegion African thrush Red-checked cordon-bleu Pin tail whydah Yellow white eye

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Local Name Esindu Esikhupi Wachacha wefweko Naulia ugeni Esikhokhochole Kwesule Nalulele



Eusi Esoko Esicholio Enyiru

Pata musimga Esikhupi Esichoki


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Appendix 4: List of participants in the Plan Development Appendix 4a: List of the Local Planning Team Organization/ Institution Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Okello Belle (Dr) Mwai Muraguri Alice Anyona Benedict N. Kakuku Reuben O.Ochanda Elly O. Tinda Philip O. Kukali Patrick W. Erima Joseph Kuludu James O Maua Charles Koech Anastacia Mwaura Herman Kiruaye Chelang’a Maiyo Duncan Osale Wechuli B. Wetta Joel Siele Leonard Muhanga Jennifer Adero

KFS- HoC Western Office KFS- Kakamega County KFS-Kakamega Central KFS-Bunyala Forest Station KFS, Kakamega KFS, HoC Western Office Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA KEFRI-Kakamega KEFRI KWS-Kakamega WRMA Ministry of Devolution & Planning NEMA, Kakamega MoALF-NAVAKHOLO Nature Kenya Nature Kenya Nature Kenya

Appendix 4b: List of participants’ village sensitization meeting on 20th September 2012 at Sirgoi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Name Philip Osembo Kukali Jacob Sangura Benedict Kakuku Stephen Odunya Wilson Makhanu Caleb Masinde Saphania Mulindi Jane Wamalwa Francis Oketa Amina Nyongesa Patrick Erima Charles Wasidia Emilly Muniangi Jane Ongalo Ben Siteti Safari Burudi Jason Sifuna

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Organization/ Village Bunyala CFA Bunyala Forest Bunyala Forest Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Page | 84

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.

Name Joseph Oyalo Fredrick Kukura Josephat Nambongo Gerishom Liwa Protus Makete Naomi Vuguza Rose Wamalwa Jacob Sangura Benedict Kakuku Stella Sisa Paulina Ayuma Titus Udoto Elphas Wamalwa Luka Wakhanu Justmore Efumbi Roselyne Makha Acastin Mutili Josephine Wetende Judith Makhulu Lenard Wanyama Geoffrey Wamalwa Paul Mukami Suferis Wanyama Julias Wasike Samuel Wawire Manuel Mukhwana Francis Wangwe Josephat Wambwaya Sylvanus Wepo Dismas Mzee Wilson Mayende Rael Amunga Wilson Muhami Bonface Wawire Frichala Siminyu Patrick Wanyama Simon Ndombi Absolom On’gunya Roselyne Muhomi Caleb Wanjala Samson Sambiri Iris Nyaranga James Maua Mwai Muraguri Joel Siele Jeniffer Adero

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Organization/ Village Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Matoyi KFS-Bunyala F. Station KFS-Bunyala F. Station Lukhuna Sirigoi Bushiri Bushiri Matoyi Munungo Lukhuna Matoyi Lukhuna Matoyi Lukhuna Matoyi Matoyi Matoyi Makhulu Mwembeni Matoyi Wamiro Matoyi Lukhuna Lukhuna Makaraya Mulaha Mukhweso Matoyi Matoyi Murrum Simuli Makaraya Matoyi Matoyi Assistant chief Nature Kenya KEFRI, Kakamega KFS-Kakamega Nature Kenya Nature Kenya Page | 85

Appendix 4c: List of participants village sensitization meeting on 26/9/2012 at Musidi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Name Joseph Kulundu Patrick Erima Adah Waswa Piwari Mbachi Pius Nyongesa Jacob Sangura Stephen Odunya Protus Makete Jomoto Robinson Isaac Simwa Namanda Raula Chengole Matayo Abdloni Egesa Wanjala Aineah Namachano Francis Nyikuri Nashon Sifuna Simon Chengole Adam Olunga Joshua Olunga Frankline Lufuyo Patrick Itutu Joshua Mukavana Benjamin Erima Pereneta Wanjala Janetrix Webo Dimina Makokha Margaret Musi Herman Egessa Adija Erima Florence Wafula Rehema Waswa Disma Bukhebi Beatrice Nyongesa Daniel Kakai Robai Mayende Roselyne Makokha Anne Oyugi Wycliffe Erima Sifuna Wandioli Philemona Masika Reuben Mayende

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Organization/ Village Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala Forest Station Bunyala Forest Station Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Page | 86

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.

Name Heston Makega Richard Kaula Caleb Maende Jason Sifuna Sephania Mahundi Joseph Ogallo Jafari Burudi Aonda Akimo Charles Wanjala Chrispine Masika Geshom Liwa Josephat Wafula Antony Erima Benard Wanjala Joyce Mwombe Rashidi Aonda Harisson Masika Musa Siriwa Kennedy Ochanji Gideon Wafula Josepaht Kaula Christine Shole Florence Mayende Rose Egesa Pamela Otie Pamela Wanyama Marcellah Cheng’ole Carolyne Nkwoba Brian Owino Stella Wawire Allan Auma Sarah Nyongesa Shakilla Achim Grace Musudi Josephat Wambogo Justmore Efumbi Asmau Kwova Jane Ongalo Amina Nyongesa Judith Wanjala Fatuma Otunga Frances Oketa Jane Wamalwa Ben Siteti Benjaman Ronald Oyuki

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Organization/ Village Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Village Elder Village Elder Page | 87

Name 89. Isaac Shusheswa 90. Isaac Simwa 91. Yusuf Muchere 92. Lilian Musi 93. Edward Ohero 94. Henry Asaka 95. Benjamin Kakuku 96. Abai Webuye 97. James Maua 98. Otunga Sebastian 99. Joel Siele 100. Phillip Osembo 101. Jennifer Adero

Organization/ Village Village Elder Village Elder Village Elder Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala C.F.A Bunyala Forest Station Bunyala C.F.A K.E.F.R.I Nature Kenya Nature Kenya Bunyala C.F.A Nature Kenya

Appendix 4d: List of participants village sensitization meeting on 3rd October 2012 at Siyenga Sub-location Name Organization/ Village 1. Joseph Kilimoh Bunyala CFA 2. Philip Kukali Bunyala CFA 3. Adah Waswa Bunyala CFA 4. Obedi Baraza Village Elder 5. Wilimina Okumu Village Elder 6. Ester Namuyu Village Elder 7. Cosupita Nalika Village Elder 8. Christopher Manyasi Village Elder 9. Anthony Erina Bunyala CFA 10. Moses Walula Bunyala CFA 11. Benard Wanjala Bunyala CFA 12. Esiton Wawire Bunyala CFA 13. Edward Osale Bunyala CFA 14. Gerishom Erima Musidi 15. Abdi Erima Bunyala CFA 16. Alex Nyongesa Bunyala CFA 17. Benjamin Ongacho Musidi 18. Nathan Makokha Bunyala CFA 19. Joseph Nyongesa Musidi 20. Bonface Muketo Bukhakunga 21. Caleb Mwombe Bunyala CFA 22. Yohan Masika Bunyala CFA 23. Justmore Efumbi Bunyala CFA 24. Wikiliff Kere Bunyala CFA 25. Joseph Wanjala Bunyala CFA 26. Jasphar Waswa Bunyala CFA 27. Mwanaidi Wawire Bunyala CFA 28. Noel Wawire Bunyala CFA 29. Violet Wanjala Bunyala CFA Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Name Jane Ongalo Amina Nyongesa Carolyne Wafula Joseph Echacho Saphania Mulindi Patrick Erima Justus Barasa Protus Makete Francis Okete Josephat Amalemba Pius Nyongesa Florence Wafula Lilian Musi Joel Siele Jacob Sangura Eluid Wafula Abubakar Nandikove Roselyn Makokha Otunga Sebastian Leonard Muhanga

Organization/ Village Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Village Elder Bunyala-CFA Bunyala-CFA Bunyala-CFA Bunyala-CFA Bunyala-CFA KFS-Bunyala Forest Station KFS-Bunyala Forest Station Bunyala-CFA Local Administration Nature Kenya KFS-Bunyala Forest Station Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Bunyala CFA Nature Kenya Nature Kenya

Appendix 4e: List of participants Socio-economic wealth ranking on 24/4/2013 at Matoi Name Organization/Institution 1. Lilian Musi Assistant Chief 2. Malick Shanguya Assistant Chief 3. Charles Otwsa Assistant Chief 4. Patrick Erima Bunyala- CFA 5. Philip Kukali Bunyala- CFA 6. Joseph Oyalo Bunyala- CFA 7. Josephat Wambogo Bunyala- CFA 8. Stephen Mato Bunyala- CFA 9. Emily Muniagi Bunyala- CFA 10. Addah Waswa Bunyala- CFA 11. Everline Nasumba Bunyala- CFA 12. Jane Ongalo Bunyala- CFA 13. Wilimina Okumu Village Elder 14. Obedi Barasa Village Elder 15. Otsimi Khayo Village Elder 16. Isaac Shitseswa Village Elder 17. Ronald Wasike Village Elder 18. Francis Wangwe Village Elder 19. Sylvanus Wepo Village Elder 20. Sylvester Owino Village Elder 21. Rose Nanjala Village Elder Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

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22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

Name Eiphas Wamalwa Inviolate Lichuma Bonface Wawire Luka Wakhani Samson Sambiri Moses Wekulo Leonard Muhanga Benedict Kakuku Joshua Okello James Maua Mugaisi Ligare Yusuf Muchere Edward Ngero Charles Koech Alphonce Wekulo Jeniffer Adero

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

Organization/Institution Pastor Church Elder Mulwanda Church Elder Assistant Chief Senior Chief Nature Kenya KFS-Bunyala Forest Station KFS, Kakamega KEFRI KEFRI Snr Lishundu Assistant Chief- Shimuli KEFRI Assistant Chief Nature Kenya

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SPECIES Cup.lus P. pat P. pat P. pat B. japonica Unstocked B. japonica Unstocked B. japonica Cup.lus B. japonica Cup.lus Cup.lus P. pat Cup.lus Cup.lus B. japonica P. pat B. japonica P. pat — Cup. lus Cup. lus Cup. lus Cup. lus Unstocked Cup. lus Cup. lus P.Pat P.Pat P.Pat Cup.lus

PLANTING YEAR 2000 2009 2008 2008 1957 — 1981 — 1981 1981 1998 2006 2003 2002 2006 1982 1982 2009 1957 2009 — 1981 2007 1981 1981 — 2009 2013 2009 2009 2009 1997

AGE 15 6 7 7 58 34 34 34 17 9 12 13 9 33 33 6 58 6 34 8 34 34 6 2 6 6 6 18

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019

DENSITY 550 250 250 300 75 — 175 — 125 550 450 350 450 350 300 210 225 400 75 400 — 175 450 150 75 — 150 750 120 400 400 175

M.DBH 103.7 — — — 646 — 352.5 — 481 311.5 66.9 80.2 180.7 155.2 85.4 434.4 407.6 — 638 — — 447.9 — 460 500 — — — — — — 116.4

M.HT 9.5 — — — 26.9 — 17.8 — 22.8 22.3 6.9 5.2 14.2 10.1 5.2 21.1 13.5 — 19.8 — — 28.6 — 27.3 24.02 — — — — — — 11.9

AREA 13 2.8 8.2 24.6 7 8.7 9.6 3.4 0.7 1 2.6 2 16.3 10 9.5 2.8 2.9 14.4 4.9 12.6 8.3 22.9 3.2 13.3 15 13 7.5 17.7 3.9 6.8 12.4 15.3


Coppice of 2007 Not mapped Not mapped Unstocked mature mature

mature mature poorly established Not mapped poorly established Not mapped mature Not mapped mature mature Unstocked poorly established replanted poorly established

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SPECIES Cup.lus Cup.lus Cup.lus Cup.lus Cup.lus Unstocked Unstocked Unstocked Unstocked Unstocked

PLANTING YEAR 2008 2014 2010 2009 1981 — — — — —








AGE 7 1 5 6 34

DENSITY 600 800 700 750 150 — — — — —

M.DBH — — — — 427.4 — — — — —

M.HT — — — — 27.2 — — — — —

AREA 2.1 15.6 29 2 14.6 28.6 12.7 25.5 15.7 6.6





P. pat B. japonica

2010 2010

5 5

180 780

— —

— —

27 20.5

E. saligna B. japonica

2011 2011

4 4

180 750

11 29.3

Bunyala Participatory Forest Management Plan, 2015-2019



mature Unstocked Unstocked Unstocked Unmapped Unmapped very poorly established, to be replanted very poorly established, to be replanted very poorly established, to be replanted

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