2011 Seed Catalog

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Nature’s Crossroads

2011 Seed Catalog


Nature’s Crossroads Earth-Friendly Seeds for Midwest Gardeners Dear Fellow Gardeners, Welcome! We welcome you to take a look at our on-line 2011 catalog filled with an amazing assortment of organic seeds. It has surpassed even our highest expectations! We had aimed at bringing you at least a dozen seeds grown in the region and it turns out that we were able to bring you many dozens! Our aim is to continue to re-build the local seed supply and every purchase you make significantly supports these efforts. Our success is largely due to our close relationship with our sister organization, LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Jeff led a strong effort to grow and save seeds for our catalog and he has certainly done his job. Of special note are the hot peppers grown at LIFE in partnership with the Chile Woman. Even the infamous Bhut Jolikia, the ‘Ghost Pepper’. We tried one of these babies last year and WOW! But of course, we have lots of great varieties for those with tamer tastes such as our NC exclusive, the Trusty Tomato, as well as Midwestadapted kale, Cornfield Pumpkins, and Farmhouse Hollyhocks. And of course, we have many other varieties that are not yet grown locally, but are tested and used at the farm and are known to be excellent choices for the Midwest gardener. Have you signed up for the Midwest Natural Gardening Guide? It is an awesome resource where you will get bi-weekly gardening tips and thoughts. Go to www.naturescrossroads.com to sign up. A last note, of course you see that we are not sending out a fancy, eye popping, full color seed catalog in the mail. This was a conscious choice. We know that many folks love them…and they are a hint of spring in the cold days of January. We also know that some folks may ultimately need something in paper from us but we hope that we can remain predominantly paperless, and thus much more environmentally and economically sustainable. Would love your feedback on this too. Great Gardening in 2011! Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Art Sherwood General Manager and Co-owner Nature’s Crossroads, Earth-friendly Seeds 230 W. Church Lane Bloomington, IN 47403 812-327-9612 (phone) 812-824-3727 (fax) support@naturescrossroads.com P.S. A HUGE thank you and congratulations to Abby Carver, for your fine efforts on this catalog!

Nature’s Crossroads

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Nature’s Crossroads

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A little about us... PURPOSE: Our purpose is to provide gardeners in Indiana and surrounding states with the organic/Earth-friendly seeds, fertilizers and supplies that make sense for where we grow. PHILOSOPHY: We believe in running a company that is good for the community, good for the earth, and economically viable. Our mission is to rebuild the supply of locally grown, locally adapted, Earth-friendly seeds for farmers and gardeners in Indiana and surrounding states. We are working to build a network of seed savers (farmers and gardeners) as well as a community of organic gardeners and farmers to turn those seeds into food for their families and communities. THE TEAM: Nature's Crossroads was founded by two Hoosier farmers, Art Sherwood and Jeff Evard, who have many years of growing experience and are passionate food activists. Art works as the company's General Manager and Jeff is the Chief Agronomist. Both are also co-managers of our sister business, LIFE Certified Organic Farm, which grows and tests many of our seed varieties. There are several more wonderful Hoosiers working to make Nature's Crossroads successful including Team Coordinator Maggie Sullivan, Fundraiser Coordinator Laura Brown-Cano, Operations Manager Bobbi Boos, and Head Designer Gwen Fluhr. Our offices are in a funky historic building on south Walnut Street in Bloomington.


Ordering made simple! TO ORDER

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1317002-PLANT Calabrese Broccoli Plant ORG, LOC This heirloom variety immigrated in the late 1880’s. Direct seed in mid spring and again in late July. Large central head and good side shoot production, although less than DiCiccio. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-up Only

1317201-PLANT Snowball Cauliflower Plant ORG, LOC This cauliflower variety does well in limited space. The bright white, medium sized heads have tight curds and are well protected with tight wrapper leaves. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-up Only

1317001-PLANT DiCiccio Broccoli Plant ORG, LOC This broccoli does very well treated as a cut-and-come-again variety. Medium sized and open central head with prolific sideshoot production. Variable in maturity. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-up Only

Cabbage 11317101-PLANT Red Express Cabbage Plant ORG, LOC This red cabbage does well with tight spacing - as close as 10”. Expect 1.5-2lb heads that mature quickly. Uniform with deep color and great flavor. Very short growing time compared to full season varieties. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-up Only

Nature’s Crossroads



Jump start your garden with certified organic seedlings custom-grown for you by Nature's Crossroads and LIFE Certified Organic Farm! Seedlings are available for pick up in Bloomington and Indianapolis at a variety of farmers' markets in April and May (visit our website for details). Shipping is also available east of the Mississippi when you order a mailable six-pack of plants. All plants are custom grown so place your order at least TWO MONTHS before shipping/pick-up date.


Chard 1318013-PLANT Fordhook Giant Chard Plant ORG, LOC Dark green leaves on thick snow white stems are a garden standard. Performs well throughout the season providing greens- even in the heat of summer. 30 days baby, 60 days bunching. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-up Only 1318003-PLANT Rainbow Chard Plant ORG, LOC Colorful stems with green leaves Thin stems in vibrant shades of pink, white, yellow, orange, and red. Leaves are held high on uniform plants. Plant at 12” spacing for large heads. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Red Express

Fordhook Giant


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1319101-PLANT Lemon Cucumber Plant ORG, LOC About the size, color, and shape of a large lemon but the taste is mild and sweet. Large vine bears over a long period. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

1320004-PLANT Green Sleeves Dill Plant ORG, LOC Very uniform dill variety. The very dark ferns have great flavor and the plants are slow to bolt making it a good variety for continual sowing for a steady supply. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

1318601-PLANT Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC Heat tolerant and slow to bolt lettuce variety. Plant any time for large heads of lime green lettuce. Reliably produces tender heads year after year. Popular for large ruffled leaves and ease of growing. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

1319104-PLANT Straight 8 Cucumber Plant ORG, LOC Just like the name says, this vigorous variety produces plenty of cylindrical 8-inch fruits that are great for slicing. Dark green color. Approximately 65 days to maturity. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

1320001-PLANT Sweet Genovese Basil (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Large leaves on tall plants make this a great choice for pesto. Sweet flavored and aromatic. Pinch back often for maximum bushiness and leaf production. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Eggplant 1315001-PLANT Black Beauty Eggplant Plant ORG, LOC This is the big one. Fruits are a deep purple and best harvested while skin is still shiny. Fairly early ripener for its size. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1315002-PLANT Long Purple Eggplant Plant ORG, LOC Oriental-type eggplant with an incredible deep purple skin. Slender fruits are best used at 8-10””. Plants stand between 2 and 3 feet and produce prolifically. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1315003-PLANT Rossa Bianca Eggplant Plant ORG, LOC Old Italian heirloom with gorgeous softball size round fruit. Color is mostly white, changing to shades of lavender towards the stem. Non-bitter and creamy fruit is great for eggplant parmesan. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP


Kale 1318501-PLANT Lacinato Kale Plant ORG, LOC Also known as dinosaur kale, this superfood has the darkest green, strap-shaped leaves of any kale. Great flavor and cold hardy. Does well spring and fall. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1318503-PLANT Improved Dwarf Siberian Kale (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! This kale variety is more resistant to heat meaning a longer season into the spring for overwintered crops. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1318502-PLANT Red Russian Kale (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! Also known as Red Russian Kale, this variety has very tender, slate green leaves with purple stalks. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Nature’s Crossroads

1318602-PLANT Buttercrunch Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC Heat tolerant and long standing. Very dark green, spoon shaped leaves are arranged in a tight rosette. The Buttercrunch thick leaves are great on sandwiches or in a salad. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1318612-PLANT Freckles Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC Gorgeous romaine lettuce is green with red speckles. This heirloom is also heat tolerant with good taste. 55 days to maturity 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1318604-PLANT Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC Bolt tolerant and non-bitter in summer, this variety weathers the cold of winter with little protection. Ruby red leaves give way to green at the base. Striking. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1318605-PLANT Oakleaf Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC Drought tolerant, this dark green lettuce will form spiky rosettes that are juicy and stay sweet. Cold tolerant. Plant first in early spring and then late summer. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

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1318608-PLANT Red Deer Tongue Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC This heirloom leaf lettuce has a rich nutty flavor. Triangular leaves have rich red color over dark green base. Good variety for cut and come again 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1318607-PLANT Rouge d’Hiver Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC Red romaine. Great for harvesting over extended period. Will turn bitter in summer, so best planted early spring or for deepest reds and mildest taste make a late summer planting. Enjoyed into December outdoors at LIFE Farm in Morgan County 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only



1322001-PLANT Green Flesh Honeydew Plant ORG, LOC Smooth, distinctive yellowish rind and an ambrosia aroma. Thick green flesh is smooth and sweet. Average fruit size of 2-3lbs 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

1316002-PLANT Cal Wonder Pepper Plant ORG, LOC Large upright plants with consistent yields of dark green, sweet, blocky, peppers. Large fruit will ripen to deep red. Sets fruit all season. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP

1322004-PLANT Honey Rock Melon Plant ORG, LOC Lovely cantaloupe variety producing sweet melons with salmon-colored flesh. Great for home gardens. Approximately 80 days to maturity 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Okra 1319501-PLANT Clemson Spineless Okra (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! Loads of smooth and thick pods on 4-5 foot plants. 56 days 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

1316011-PLANT Chocolate Beauty Pepper Plant ORG, LOC Beautiful rich chocolate brown blocky sweet peppers. Excellent for stuffing. 85 days to maturity. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1316004-PLANT Corno di Toro Pepper Plant ORG, LOC Excellent set of fruit on this tall pepper plant. The sweet red peppers are excellent for frying or anywhere sweet red peppers are called for. 8-10”” fruit 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP

Black Beauty

Sweet Genovese


Black Seeded Simpson


Marvel of Four Seasons


Parris Island Cos

Nature’s Crossroads


1318606-PLANT Parris Island Cos Lettuce Plant ORG, LOC Uniform heads are tall and keep leaves high. Slate green outer leaves give way to tender and creamy hearts. Also excellent for giving a salad mix body. Variety was named after Parris Island, South Carolina, in 1952. 6-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

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Transplants Golden Cal Wonder 1316005-PLANT Golden Cal Wonder Pepper Plant ORG, LOC Rich golden orange sweet and blocky peppers. Matures from a medium green fairly quickly. Kept well the 2’ plants will continue to set fruit all season. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1316001-PLANT Jalapeno Pepper Plant ORG, LOC This is an early strain of the classic hot pepper. Medium heat in the 2””-3”” cone shaped peppers. Prolific, with a bush habit, the fruit will ripen red and produce all season. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1316009-PLANT Purple Beauty Pepper Plant ORG, LOC Blocky, with good yields. Matures from green to very deep purple. To preserve the outstanding color of this pepper, use raw in salads or veggie plates as the flesh returns to green when cooked. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP

Potato 1324001 Beauregard Sweet Potato Slips ORG Grows well in Midwestern states. Skin is dark red-orange and sweet potato is moist and sweet. Average yield is 3-4 pounds per plant. Each slip will grow one plant and form several sweet potatoes. 12 slips $12.00 • SHIP



Black Beauty Zucchini

Rhubarb 1323002-PLANT Glaskins Rhubarb Plant ORG, LOC Bright red stalks allegedly have the lowest concentration of oxalic acid. Plants are quick to mature and stalks never get bitter. English heirloom variety has been popular in the United States for almost a century. Can harvest the first year. 1 plant in 3” pot $4.50 • SHIP 1323001-PLANT Victoria Rhubarb Plant ORG, LOC Victoria rhubarb is well-known for its fast maturity and bright colors. After one year’s growth, enjoy juicy, medium sized red and green stalks. Stalks are sweet and not tough or stringy; a popular choice for forcing or for commercial growers. 1 plant in 3” pot $4.50 • SHIP

Squash 1313001-PLANT Black Beauty Zucchini Squash Plant ORG, LOC Bush-type plants produce a lot in a little space. Dark green squash (also known as zucchini) is tender and succulent. Produces over a long period. For continuous harvest, sow until mid summer. Harvest fruits at 6”-12” in length for tender squash. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Nature’s Crossroads


1313402-PLANT Burgess Buttercup Squash Plant ORG, LOC Great winter squash with deep orange, firm, smooth flesh that is packed with flavor. 3-5 lb blocky fruit has dark green rind with distinctive button on bottom. Stores very well 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1313403-PLANT Butternut Squash (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! A classic winter squash featuring deep orange, fine grained flesh with excellent flavor. Each vine bears 3-5 fruit that weigh 2-5 lbs each. Excellent storage ability; will keep into spring. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1313004-PLANT Delicata Squash Plant ORG, LOC Long, oblong-shaped winter squash with yellow/cream base and dark green stripes on outer skin. Interior is golden with fine texture. Average size around 1 or 2 pounds. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1313003-PLANT Early Prolific Straightneck Squash Plant ORG, LOC Summer squash yields prolific golden fruit with slightly bumpy skin. Firm, nutty flavor is best when squash is small, about 6-8 inches long, and warts have not yet formed. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

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Table Queen Acorn

1313401-PLANT Table Gold Winter Squash Plant ORG, LOC Vigorous acorn-type winter squash. Vines produce 3-5 squash weighing 2-3 lbs each. Harvest when fruit turns yellowish 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1313405-PLANT Table Queen Acorn Squash (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! Acorn-style winter squash. Semibush habit of 3 feet across makes this a space saver in the garden. Produces 3-8 squash with dry golden sweet flesh and durable dark green rinds. Short keeper 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1313404-PLANT Spaghetti Squash Plant ORG, LOC Vigorous spreading habit. Vines produce 3-5 squash weighing 2-4 lbs. Harvest when fuit turns yellowish. Boil or bake and fork out strands for vegetable ‘spaghetti.’ 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Sunflower 1321801-PLANT Autumn Beauty Sunflower Plant ORG, LOC This mix of sunflower varieties puts on a display of saucer sized blooms in hues of gold, crimson, yellow, and copper. Great beneficial attractant 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Nature’s Crossroads

Autumn Beauty

1321802-PLANT Black Mammoth Sunflower Plant ORG, LOC One huge blossom, often as large as a platter. Bright yellow petals will brighten up the garden. Choose site carefully as the plants often reach 12’, casting a long shadow. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1321803-PLANT Lemon Queen Sunflower Plant ORG, LOC Light yellow blooms on multiple branches make for a good cutting variety. Forms a bushy plant 4-5’ high. Thin to 1’ spacing for larger blooms. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1321804-PLANT Velvet Queen Sunflower Plant ORG, LOC These dark crimson and gold flowers really stand out. Nice cutting variety with multiple saucer-sized blooms. Reaches a height of 5 feet. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Tomatillo 1314102-PLANT Toma Verde Tomatillo (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! A traditional variety of tomatillo typically used in mole and salsa. Bright tangy flavor. Tall plants will sprawl. Fruits are ripe when they fill out the husk and fall. 4-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Velvet Queen

Tomato 1314003-PLANT Black Prince Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! This one’s great flavor and unique dusky purple color make it stand out from others. Medium/small fruit (about 5 ounces). This fruit will quarter nicely into fresh salads. Harvest promptly. Indeterminate vines. This tomato is thought to have originated in Irkutsk, Siberia. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1314001-PLANT Cherokee Purple Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! This beefsteak-style purple/black tomato has green shoulders, a dense, juicy texture, and an excellent smoky flavor. The Cherokee Purple is one of the most popular black tomato varieties. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1314025-PLANT Kentucky Beefsteak Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! A classic beefsteak-style tomato developed in Kentucky. This plant provides good yields of approximately 2 pound orangered tomatoes. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP

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1314027-PLANT Peacevine Cherry Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! An abundant producer of small, flavorful bright red cherry tomatoes. Alleged to have a calming effect due to their high concentration of various amino acids and Vitamin C. Indeterminant. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1314030-PLANT Pink Brandywine Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! Produces one-pound pink tomatoes with the classic brandywine shape. Brandywines are one of the best known heirloom tomato varieties, attributed to an Amish community living along Brandywine Creek in Pennsylvania in 1885. Potato leaf variety. Indeterminant. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP

1314014-PLANT San Marzano Tomato Plant ORG, LOC A vigorous Italian heirloom variety. Long and pointed fruit is firm and has an excellent concentrated flavor. Perfect for canning or sauce. Deep red fruit may display green shoulders that are perfectly ripe. Indeterminate 70 days. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1314009-PLANT Tigerella Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! Red fruit with distinctive tiger stripes and great flavor. The small fruit (2” diameter) grow in large clusters. Tolerates cool summers well, perhaps due to its origination in England. Good disease resistance. Very vigorous and prolific indeterminate vines 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP

1314031-PLANT Principe Borghese Cherry Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! This Italian heirloom cherry tomato is popular for sun drying because it maintains color and flavor well. Abundant producer. Indeterminant. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP 1314004-PLANT Purple Calabash Tomato (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! Deep purple fruit is flattened with deep pleating (think flat with ruffles). High yielding and vigorous for an heirloom. Best for fresh slicing in a mixed color tomato salad or for a Bluebloody Mary cocktail. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP


Nature’s Crossroads

1314018-PLANT Trusty Tomato Plant ORG, LOC A Nature’s Crossroads exclusive, hearty beefsteak tomato flavor. Heirloom tomato, grown for over 70 years. Fruit is bright red with green shoulders. 80 days to maturity, Indeterminate. 1 plant in 3” pot $3.00 • SHIP

Watermelon 1322501-PLANT Allsweet Watermelon Plant ORG, LOC Large, sweet, oblong fruit weigh in at an impressive 20-30 lbs. Dark green tiger stripes. Deep crimson flesh and incredible sweetness crowd pleaser. Melons have few seeds and a tough rind to protect from bruising. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

History of the Trusty Tomato... Trusty is a Nature’s Crossroads exclusive. This is the real deal. In 2006, a Morgan county gentleman by the name of Emory Trusty entrusted to us his heirloom tomato. He had been growing this variety for 70 years. An old German type, it is nearly seedless and full of hearty beefsteak tomato flavor. In 2009, the Trusty tomatoes at LIFE Certified Organic Farm produced lots fruit that ranged from 5oz. all the way to a pound and a half! Emory claimed that one year he grew a five pounder by pinching out all the fruit but one. Fruit is bright red with green shoulders.

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1322502-PLANT Crimson Sweet Watermelon Plant ORG, LOC Striped dark and light green watermelon. Medium large melons are a classic oblong shape and usually fall somewhere in the 20 lb range. Juicy and sweet. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only 1322503-PLANT Sugar Baby Watermelon (LIFE) Plant ORG, LOC Grown from LIFE Indiana seeds! This short season watermelon features a solid dark green rind that resists cracking and is filled with rich, sweet watermelon flavor. Expect 2-5 fruit that weigh 5 -12 lbs (basketball size) and fits well in a fridge or small cooler. Will develop a distinct golden yellow patch where the melon touches the ground when perfect. 2-Pack $3.00 • Pick-Up Only

Nature’s Crossroads

Kentucky Beefsteak

Principle Borghese Cherry

Purple Calabash

San Marzano


Toma Verde

Crimson Sweet

Sugar Baby

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Our Partners at LIFE...

LIFE CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARM We are very pleased to be working with our sister company, LIFE Certified Organic Farm in Morgan County, Indiana. LIFE cultivates 14 acres of open farm fields, plus ½ an acre of greenhouses, to produce a wide variety of fruits and vegetables including many heirlooms, traditional varieties and specialty crops. The greenhouses, primarily unheated, let the farm extend the season of warm weather crops (tomatoes, peppers, squash, etc.) and produce cool weather crops (lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.) year-round. In the early spring, supplemental heat is provided to start seedlings that ensure a strong spring planting in the outdoor fields. Surrounding the farm are 40 acres of woods, maintained for wildlife habitat and limited timber. LIFE provides test gardens for our seed varieties and has also been producing seeds of their own for the Nature’s Crossroads catalog. These locally-adapted versions of favorite open-pollinated heirlooms are wellsuited to the variable temperature springs and hot muggy summers we know here in the Midwest. LIFE has also developed many techniques for isolating and saving the seeds from rare varieties.


Nature’s Crossroads

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Midwest Varieties

Midwest Varieties




1319005-A Hickory King ORG,LOC Large oval kernels are excellent parched or ground into a fine, white meal. Two ears average per stalk. The plants are very tall, over twelve feet with moderate fertility is common. Plant Hickory King when soil is thoroughly warmed to 65 degrees in mid to late May. Makes a great living trellis for pole beans. May also be used to create half shade for summer lettuce plantings. Long season corn at approximately 100 days. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $3.49

1319102-A Marketmore 76 ORG,LOC LIFE strain selected for drought tolerance. Long and always dark green, this variety does great creeping over mulch as it does not self-trellis well. High Yields. Dark green and slender 8-9” fruit, takes a week longer to bear, but bears longer than most other slicers. Shows disease resistance and adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Excellent for fresh use. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $3.49

1318503-A Dwarf Siberian Kale ORG,LOC Indiana grown! This kale variety is more resistant to heat meaning a longer season into the spring for overwintered crops. Tastes excellent steamed or in put into stir fries. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318502-A Ragged Jack Kale ORG,LOC Indiana grown! Also known as Red Russian Kale, this variety has very tender, slate green leaves with purple stalks. Best for salads as baby leaf and full size for very light cooking. Sow thickly to harvest baby leaves as cut-and-come-again. Leaves are tender compared to other kales. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50

1319004-A Pennsylvania Dutch Butter Flavored ORG,LOC Large ears filled with translucent yellow kernels. Pennsylvania Dutch pops very well and has a certain richness to the flavor that is surprising. We were popping by mid August. 80 days. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 75 seeds per packet. $3.49

Nature’s Crossroads

1319105-A Snow’s Fancy Pickling ORG,LOC Stock seed obtained from Seed Savers Exchange. This variety did amazingly well in our summer dry spell. Sweet and firm to the largest sizes, we used this one in salads as well as for incredible dill pickles. It is an heirloom from Illinois producing cucumbers about 5” long and an inch or two in diameter. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

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Midwest Varieties

Black-eyed Susan


Farmhouse Hollycock

Flower 1321011-A Aunt Honey’s Black-eyed Susan ORG,LOC Indiana grown! Black-eyed Susans (also known as Rudbeckia hirta) are well-known in Indiana for their cheery yellow flowers with black center. Drought tolerant perennials. This strain was collected years ago from a planting made by Jeff ’s grandma “Aunt Honey”. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. $2.50


1321803-A Lemon Queen ORG,LOC Light yellow blooms on multiple branches make for a good cutting variety. Forms a bushy plant 4-5’ high. Thin to 1’ spacing for larger blooms. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 75 seeds per packet. $3.49


1316002-A California Wonder ORG, LOC Thick walled and juicy, our strain was selected for finishing out red peppers early and for 1321801-A demonstrated resistance to Autumn Beauty Sunflower ORG,LOC diseases. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. This mix of sunflower varieties Contains at least 40 seeds per puts on a display of saucer sized packet. $3.49 blooms in hues of gold, crimson, yellow, and copper. Seeds grown 1316501-A in Indiana by LIFE Certified Aji Dulce Pepper Organic Farm. ORG, LOC Contains at least 50 seeds per Truly mild version of the aji dulce. packet. $3.49 Resembles a miniature habanero but this Puerto Rican baby lives 1321012-A up to its sweet name. Chinense. Farmhouse Blend Hollyhock Heat index of 6 out of 10. ORG,LOC Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 Original seed obtained from Shelby County Indiana. Self 1316502-A seeder and blooms the second Aji Limon Pepper year and every year thereafter ORG, LOC if simply allowed to drop seed, A tiny brilliant yellow chile with before the stalks are cleaned up. a fresh lime taste. Very high Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE yeilding, grows well in containers. Certified Organic Farm. Heat index of 7 out of 10. Contains at least 30 seeds per Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 packet. $3.49


Nature’s Crossroads

Basque Chile 1316503-A Apple, Paprika Pepper ORG, LOC A tingly red paprika chile from Hungary. Annuum. Larger than most paprikas. Heat index of 4 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316505-A Basque Chile Pepper ORG, LOC 3.99 The chile is mildly hot and ripens to bright red. Heat index of 4 out of 10. Packet contains 15 seeds. $3.99 1316506-A Belize Sweet Habenero Pepper ORG, LOC From a chile grower in Punta Gorda, this hardy chile can boast of being a hurricane survivor. Chinense. Heat index of 1 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316507-A Bere Bere Pepper ORG, LOC Popular Ethiopian chile. A crucial ingredient for the famous East African condiment. Heat index of 6 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316508-A Bhut Jolikia,Red Pepper ORG, LOC Handle with care! No joke! Over 1 million Scoville units! (A hot jalepeno has 5000 Scoville units!) Chinense. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99

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1316509-A Black Cuban Pepper ORG, LOC Ornamental with deep purple leaves and small dark purple fruits that ripen to red. Will grow into a tall bush both in a pot and in the garden. Annuum. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316510-A Chilhuacle Amarillo Pepper ORG, LOC Yellow velvet is here at last. Use for all kinds of cooking, and of course, mole! Annuum. Heat index of 2 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316511-A Chilhuacle Negro Pepper ORG, LOC Elusive and rare mother of mole chiles. Black velvet. Annuum. Heat index of 3 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316512-A Chilhuacle Rojo Pepper ORG, LOC Red velvet. Makes a fine mole. Annuum. Heat index of 3 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316515-A Elsita Pepper ORG, LOC Very thick brown to red chile from St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Beautiful fuzzy stems and leaves. Annuum. Heat index of 5 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99

Nature’s Crossroads


Fatali, Red

1316516-A Espanola Pepper ORG, LOC A shiny brilliant red ristra chile of medium heat. Thick flesh is good for roasting and baking chile rellenos. Annuum. Heat index of 3 out of 10. Packet contains 15 seeds. $3.99 1316517-A Fatali, Chocolate Pepper ORG, LOC More elongated than the other colors; these dark chocolate bites carry all the heat of the other colors. Chinense, Africa. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99



Midwest Varieties

California Wonder

Fatali, Red Pepper ORG, LOC If the yellow doesn’t kill you, the red might! Red knobby habanero from Central Africa. Heavy producer in Indiana. Chinense. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 15 seeds. $3.99 1316520-A Firebird Pepper ORG, LOC Crowned by the Chile Woman as the 2008 beauty winner. Multicolored and compact. Grows well in containers. Annuum. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99


Specialty Chile Peppers... We are proud to offer a selection of specialty chile pepper seeds grown by our sister business LIFE Certified Organic Farm with rare chile pepper seed stock provided by the Chile Woman (our good friend and Bloomington neighbor who offers an excellent selection of chile plants and products). Please note that these special seeds are available in small quantities only - 5, 10, or 15 seeds per packet depending on the variety.

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Midwest Varieties

Githeo Miris Pepper ORG, LOC A taste of this Maldivian chinense will spread a glow throughout your body. Chinense. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316522-A Grac de Bodes Pepper ORG, LOC A towering chinense from Brazil with an abundance of curvy red chiles. Chinense. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316523-A Guachinango Pepper ORG, LOC Also known as Huachimongo. Rare Jalepeno with thick walls and more elongated than most. Heat index of 5 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316525-A Habanero, Chocolate Pepper ORG, LOC A deep rich chocolate brown suffuses this volvanic chinense. Very Prolific. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316527-A Habanero, Peach Pepper ORG, LOC This makes a beautiful potted plant. The color and shape of the chiles drew crowds both in the greenhouse and at markets. Grows well in containers. Chinense. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316528-A Inca Drop Pepper ORG, LOC Red hot chiles will light an interior bonfire of joy as the delicious heat warms your bones. Grows well in containers. Heat index of 7 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316529-A


Isleno Mulato Pepper ORG, LOC These glossy, green Poblanos mature to a rich chocolate brown with a smoky licorice flavor when roasted. Annuum. Heat index of 3 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316530-A Jamaican Hot Yellow Pepper ORG, LOC This Jamaican pepper has rough skin and a different shape than the red, but shares the same citrus taste. Chinense. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316012-A Japanese Shishito ORG, LOC Indiana grown! A popular Japanese variety, these peppers are small, thin-walled, and have an intriguing sweet-hot flavor that is generally pretty mild. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 15 seeds per packet. $2.50 1316531-A Lantern Pepper ORG, LOC Crowned the winner of the 2002 chile beauty pageant by the Chile Woman. A Peruvian chinense with purple veined leaves and stems topped with orange lantern shaped chiles. Grows well in containers. Chinense. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316533-A Naga Morrich Pepper ORG, LOC Another of the hottest of the hot. These serpent chiles from Bangladesh bite back. Heat:10, Species: Chinense, Country: Bangladesh. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316534-A

Nature’s Crossroads

Navajo Pepper ORG, LOC Mild to medium green to red chile for roasting and stuffing. Annuum. Heat index of 3 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316536-A New Mex R. Naky Pepper ORG, LOC A very mild, but good sized New Mexican type. Annuum. Heat index of 2 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316537-A Paradisco Malaku Pepper ORG, LOC This pepper came from Hungary and is one of their mildly spicy paprika peppers. Wonderful for drying and grinding into powders. Annuum. Heat index of 2 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316538-A Pepperbells Pepper ORG, LOC This pepper variety from South Africa is similar to the Pepperdew. Has a sweet pepper flavor with just a touch of heat. Heat index of 2 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316539-A Piment Mesa Pepper ORG, LOC A bright yellow milder Spanish pepper. Grows very well in containers. Annuum. Heat index of 3 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316541-A Puerto Rican Jelly Bean Pepper ORG, LOC Don’t confuse these jelly beans with their wimpy counterparts. Grows well in containers. Annuum. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316542-A

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1316543-A Sandia Pepper ORG, LOC A popular chile. Long, hot and a deep crimson color when mature. Annuum. Heat index of 4 out of 10. Packet contains 15 seeds. $3.99 1316544-A Scotch Bonnet Chocolate Pepper ORG, LOC These chiles come from Jamaica and are the primary ingredients of jerk sauces. A hot, fruity and smoky flavor. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316546-A Scotch Bonnet, Red Pepper ORG, LOC A later, but larger red variety from the West Indies. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316547-A

Scotch Bonnet, Yellow Pepper ORG, LOC Wow! An excellent pepper. Blisteringly hot but with a wonderful subtle fruity taste. Chinense. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316548-A Seven Pot Pepper ORG, LOC So called because one chile is spicy enough to heat up 7 pots of food. Also called Seven Pod. Chinense, Trinidad, Heat scale: 10 Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316549-A Shishito Pepper ORG, LOC This green chile is also called the hip or buttock pepper because of its unusual end shape. Grow next to the Peter pepper and see what happens. Annuum. Heat index of 1 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99

1316550-A St. Lucia Pepper ORG, LOC World renown heralds this red habanero from the West Indies. This chile goes by many appellations: Madame Jeanette, Surinam Red, Bonda Man Jacques and seasoning pepper. Delicious! Chinense. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99 1316552-A Sweet Datil Pepper ORG, LOC The heady fragrance and taste are the same as the habanero-hot Datil but without any heat. Ripens to a glossy red. Grows well in containers. Chinense. Heat index of 1 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316553-A Tepin Purple Pepper ORG, LOC Small purple colored pea-shaped wild peppers. HOT! Annuum. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99


Naga Morrch


Piment Mesa

Puerto Rican Jelly Bean


Tepin Purple

Texas Wild Pequin

Nature’s Crossroads

Midwest Varieties

Puta Pario Pepper ORG, LOC Tiny wild red pepper, very hot. Grows well in containers; wrap stems around a trellis. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99

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Midwest Varieties

1316554-A Texas Wild Pequin Pepper ORG, LOC Highly requested. Small red pea shaped peppers with plenty of snap. Grows well in containers. Annuum. Heat index of 10 out of 10. Packet contains 15 seeds. $3.99 1316555-A Tlacolorero Pepper ORG, LOC Under Development for 2012. A personal favorite of the Chile Woman. An outstanding combination of beauty and flavor. Black, glossy and mild. Annuum. Heat index of 3 out of 10. $3.99 1316556-A Urfa Turkish Cherry Pepper ORG, LOC A mildly spicy cherry variety from Turkey via the USDA international seed bank. Annuum. Heat index of 2 out of 10. Packet contains 10 seeds. $3.99 1316557-A Zimbabwe Bird Pepper Pepper ORG, LOC A long season pepper with tiny triangular pods. Very prolific. Frutescens. Heat index of 9 out of 10. Packet contains 5 seeds. $3.99

Squash 1313407-A Black Futsu ORG, LOC Very rare. This dark, knobby, pumpkin-shaped squash ripens from black green to a rich mahogany in storage. Medium keeper through January here. Give it plenty of room to ramble such as along a fence. Recommended for flavor. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 15 seeds per packet. $3.49


1313402-A Burgess Buttercup ORG, LOC Great winter squash with deep orange, firm, smooth flesh that is packed with flavor. 3-5 lb blocky fruit has dark green rind with distinctive button on bottom. Stores very well. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 20 seeds per packet. $2.50 1313403-A Butternut Squash ORG, LOC A classic winter squash featuring deep orange, fine grained flesh with excellent flavor. Each vine bears 3-5 fruit that weigh 2-5 lbs each. Excellent storage ability; will keep into spring. Let squash ripen on vine until fully mature for best keeping qualities. Locally grown seeds from LIFE Certified Organic Farm in central Indiana. Certified organic, 85 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1313804-A Cornfield Pumpkin ORG, LOC Historically grown by farmers between corn crops. Produces multiple 10-15 pound pumpkins that are great for classic jacko-lanterns or roasted pumpkin seeds. 90 days to maturity. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 10 seeds per packet. $2.50 1313004-A Delicata ORG, LOC Sweet is an understatement. Texture very similar to sweet potato. Produces 3-6 fruit each 1-2lbs. Interior is golden with fine texture. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

Nature’s Crossroads

1313405-A Table Queen Bush Acorn ORG, LOC Seeds grown in Indiana! Acornstyle winter squash. Semi-bush habit of 3 feet across makes this a space saver in the garden. Produces 3-8 squash with dry golden sweet flesh and durable dark green rinds. Table Queen is a short keeper but very prolific and tolerant of poor soils. Great for cutting and half and baking (about 6� diameter at maturity). Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 20 seeds per packet. $2.50

Tomatillo 1314102-A Toma Verde Tomatillo ORG, LOC Indiana grown! A traditional variety of tomatillo typically used in mole and salsa. Bright tangy flavor. Tall plants will sprawl. Ripe when they fill out the husk and fall. Try companion planting with corn. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 30 seeds per packet. $3.49


1314003-A Black Prince ORG, LOC Indiana grown! Great flavor and unique dusky purple color make this one stand out. Medium/ small fruit (5 ounces) will quarter well into fresh salads. Harvest promptly. Indeterminate vines. Black Prince is thought to have originated in Irkutsk, Siberia. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

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1314001-A Cherokee Purple ORG, LOC Indiana grown! This beefsteak-style purple/black tomato has green shoulders, a dense, juicy texture, and excellent smoky flavor. The Cherokee Purple is one of the most popular black tomato varieties. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314019-A Costoluto Genovese Tomato ORG, LOC Costoluto Genovese is a fullflavored old Italian tomato variety. This plant is particularly well suited to Indiana’s fluctuating weather and hot/cold summers. Produces medium sized fruit that are just packed with flavor. Its juiciness and prolific production make this a great juicing tomato. The fruit is red and has very complex pleating making it among the most beautiful of the ugly. Also available in one of our heirloom tomato seed saving kits. Seeds grown in Indiana, certified organic, 75 days to maturity. Packet contains at least 25 seeds. $3.39

Nature’s Crossroads

Midwest Varieties

1314038-A Cherokee Chocolate ORG, LOC Original stock from outstanding plants at Homestead Growers in Sheridan, Indiana. These brick orange/red fruit give way to deep purple flesh. Taste is excellent and asked for by name at the markets. Indeterminate vine, one of the first heirlooms here at Life Farm. 72 days. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

Black Futsu

Burgess Buttercup



Table Queen

Black Prince

Cherokee Chocolate

Cherokee Purple

www. naturescrossroads.com


Midwest Varieties

1314020-A Cow Tit ORG, LOC The name says it all, although the deep red color would be a little disturbing on a cow. Long, thin fruit that is very good in fresh sauce or sliced lengthwise and roasted. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314021-A Evergreen Tomato ORG, LOC Evergreen is a tangy green tomato that makes for a great slicer. Included with red, yellow, and purple tomatoes this variety will stand out in a tomato salad or platter. Evergreen tomato fruits average about 10 oz. in size and will turn just the slightest tinge of amber near the blossom scar when ready to harvest. The interior will occasionally show pink mottling. Seeds grown in Indiana on LIFE Certified Organic Farm, certified organic, 80 days to maturity, Indeterminate. Also available in one of our seed saving kits. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314017-A Garden Peach ORG, LOC Original stock from the Chile Woman (Susan Welsand). Canary yellow fruit with the unexpected fuzz of a peach. Decent Yields mid-season, well worth the effort. Short indeterminate vines. Managed to ripen a load even with the parched summer of 2010 and only mulch with no irrigation. 75 days. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49


1314040-A Great White ORG, LOC The LIFE strain sometimes exhibits a dime sized starburst of light pink around the blossom scar. Very productive and healthy vines. Medium sized Indeterminate. 80 days. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314002-A Green Zebra Tomato ORG, LOC Green when fully ripe. Fruit is tangy with distinctive tiger stripes. Indeterminate vines are productive through the entire season. Flesh is very rich tasting. Fruits average about 3 ounces. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Certified organic, 75 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314022-A Humboldt Wild Pink ORG, LOC This variety is truly a wild type cherry tomato, much larger than currant tomatoes, and keeps the pink fruit rolling out. Demonstrated superior tolerance to pests in a hot dry summer. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314023-A Indiana Red ORG, LOC Large red ox heart tomato with outstanding flavor and large size. Has performed very well producing multiple perfectly formed hearts. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

Nature’s Crossroads

1314024-A Japanese Black Truffle Tomato ORG, LOC Despite its name, the Japanese Black Truffle (or Trifele) is said to originate in Russia. This pearshaped fruit moves from greenish yellow shoulders to a chocolate brown fruit and finally to a deep red at the blossom scar. Produced loads of fruit for us in a cold and overcast summer. The flavor is deep and smokey like most black tomatoes. Seeds grown in Indiana on LIFE Certified Organic Farm, certified organic, 75 days to maturity, Indeterminate. Also available in one of our seed saving kits. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314025-A Kentucky Beefsteak ORG, LOC Indiana grown! A classic beefsteak-style tomato developed in Kentucky. Provides good yields of approximately 2 pound orangered tomatoes. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314026-A Orange Russian Tomato ORG, LOC Orange Russian is the only oxheart-shaped tomato that has been discovered with stripes. Our plants produced multiple tomatoes that weighed over a pound, but half-pound fruit were much more common. Small seed cavity and just excellent flavor. The strawberry swirls on top of an orange base translate through the entire fruit.Available in one of our heirloom tomato seed saving kits. Certified organic seeds grown in Indiana on LIFE Certified Organic Farm. 80 days to maturity, Indeterminate. $3.49

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1314029-A Pineapple Tomato ORG, LOC Full flavored, sweet and fruity. This yellow beefsteak type can grow quite large. Deep golden yellow, punctuated with red swirls throughout. The Pineapple Tomato is perfect sliced and eaten on its own. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. 85 days to maturity, indeterminate. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

1314028-A Persimmon ORG, LOC 3.49 Indiana grown! A beefsteak-style tomato with exceptional flavor. Persimmon plant produces half-pound to one-pound fruits with a unique golden orange appearance. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

1314030-A Pink Brandywine ORG, LOC Indiana grown! Pink Brandywine produces onepound pink tomatoes with the classic brandywine shape. Brandywines are one of the best known heirloom tomato varieties. They are attributed to an Amish community living along Brandywine Creek in Pennsylvania in 1885. Potato leaf variety. Indeterminant. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

1314031-A Principe Borghese (cherry) ORG, LOC Indiana grown! This Italian heirloom cherry tomato is popular for sun drying because it maintains color and flavor well. The Principe is an abundant producer. Indeterminant. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314032-A Punta Banda Cherry ORG, LOC Originally collected in Baja California, this variety is drought and heat tolerant, making it a great choice for container growing. Semi determinate, the large red cherry tomatoes poured out of the trial garden all season. Stock seed from the Chilewoman of Bloomington. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

Costoluto Genovese

Garden Peach

Great White

Green Zebra

Indiana Red

Kentucky Beefsteak

Orange Russian

Pink Brandywine

Nature’s Crossroads

Midwest Varieties

1314027-A Peacevine Cherry ORG, LOC Indiana grown! An abundant producer of small, flavorful bright red cherry tomatoes that are alleged to have a calming effect due to their high concentration of various amino acids and Vitamin C. Indeterminant. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Midwest Varieties

Principle Borghese 1314004-A Purple Calabash Tomato ORG, LOC Purple Calabash is one of ugliest beauties with a deeply pleated shape. Deep purple fruit is flattened with deep pleating. High yielding and vigorous for an heirloom. Fruits are about 3” in diameter with intense sweet and tart flavor. Also available in one of our heirloom tomato seed saving kits. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. 85 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314007-A Red Pear Tomato ORG, LOC Small saladette tomato with pear shape. Deep, robust flavor and high yields. Very vigorous indeterminate vines require staking or caging and produce all season. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Very prolific.Seeds. 80 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314033-A Rose Tomato ORG, LOC Standard leaf plant produces high yields of crimson/pink fruit. Early to set fruit and sets well in high temps on the farm this year. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49


Peppers Red Pear

Purple Calabash

1314034-A Ruby Queen Tomato ORG, LOC A large and solid tomato. Excellent flavor. Smooth skin with very fine texture. Deep crimson, with shades of gold near the shoulder. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. 85 days to maturity, indeterminate. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314035-A Super Sioux Tomato ORG, LOC Durable tomato for continental summers. Produces small to large,red, fruit. Semi-determinate. Trellis for best results. Rich tomato flavor. Stock seed from the Chile woman of Bloomington. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314009-A Tigerella Tomato ORG, LOC Red fruit with distinctive orange tiger stripes and great flavor. The small fruit (2” diameter) grow in large clusters. Very vigorous and prolific indeterminate vines. Tolerates cool summers well. Good disease resistance. Also available in one of our heirloom tomato seed saving kits. 6075 days to maturity, heirloom. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Washington Cherry 1314018-A Trusty Tomato ORG, LOC Trusty is a Nature’s Crossroads exclusive, a large heirloom tomato bred in central Indiana for over 70 years. Hearty beefsteak flavor and large fruit. Also available in one of our heirloom tomato seed saving kits. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. 80 days to maturity, Indeterminate. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49 1314037-A Washington Cherry ORG, LOC Large fruited cherry type. Determinate in growth, plant early and then again midsummer for firm, tangy,red fruit for about two months. Keeps well on the vine. Tolerates cool, cloudy weather very well. Selected for tolerance to leaf molds and mildews. Great choice for unheated season extension. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Seeds grown in Indiana by LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $3.49

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We have three tales of how we were founded. All are true and all have helped shape who we are as a company.... .........we were founded by a couple of Hoosier organic farmers who were frustrated that the only places they could find high quality organic seeds were in California and Vermont. .........we were founded by a couple of Hoosier food activists who were increasingly alarmed, disgusted, and fed up with the way our seed supply is being controlled by mega-corporations whose interests are focused on chemical products for farmers and genetic modification of everything. .........we were founded by a couple of Hoosier farm supporters who were awed and humbled when their 80-year-old neighbor entrusted them with seeds from a tomato variety he had been carefully cultivating and seed saving for more than 50 years.

NATURE’S CROSSROADS IS BORN All of these events led to the envisioning of Nature’s Crossroads Earth-Friendly seeds in 2007. We ran a few pilot programs in local schools and local stores in 2008 and 2009 before officially launching in December 2009. During the 2010 growing season we offered seeds through our web store, in 17 select retail stores around Indiana, and through educational school fundraisers at 6 local schools. We also supported over 60 gardening organizations in the Midwest through fundraisers or seed donations. In 2011 we plan to expand all our distribution channels while also increasing the supply of locally grown, Midwest-adapted seeds.

Nature’s Crossroads

www. naturescrossroads.com


Join the Local Seed Movement!

BECOMING A LOCAL SEED SUPPORTER. Becoming a Local Seed Supporter is a great way help us build a stronger Midwestern seed supply--and it's a good deal to boot! For just $20, members receive 7 seed packets of their choice (excluding short-run varieties), a 5% discount on purchases all year, and access to member-only Nature’s Crossroads events. Members also receive priority access to our products with limited access such as special varieties of heirloom tomato seedlings and our web-based gardening classes. Perhaps more importantly, by joining you help support the growth of our local seed supply and the expansion of Midwest-adapted strains of vegetables, fruits, flowers, and herbs. Your membership dollars help us expand our network of local, sustainable seed suppliers and to also help them develop new strains of locally-adapted, organically grown seeds that will thrive in organic gardens and farms. Building a strong, sustainable seed supply is a key component to building a strong local food system that supports family farms, quality food, a healthy ecosystem, and a vibrant Midwestern rural economy. HOW IT WORKS. After you purchase a Local Seed Supporter membership, we will upgrade your member account so that you will see member prices on all our products (5% discount on all products). We’ll send you a gift certificate code to use for your seven free seed packets (from our 2011 catalog) and will also add you to our members-only mailing list with monthly announcements about upcoming special products and events. Local Seed Supporters will be the first to hear about our new products and special offers which means the first chance to take advantage of first-come, first-served programs like our heirloom tomato seedling program where you can select your favorite varieties and your preferred shipping date. WHY JOIN? Becoming a Local Seed Supporter is a great way to show your support of the local food economy. Our membership program is similar in several ways to the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model that is used by many small farms. Their primary goal is to connect farmers with eaters and to help people understand where their food comes from. We’re working to do the same with seeds – to show the faces behind the seed production and explain the benefits of locally-adapted organically grown seeds. CSA programs also strengthen farms because the customers invest in their farmer in the winter, before the crop has been planted. This investment expresses support for the farmer’s endeavor and also provides income at a time when farmers have no produce to sell but need to spend money preparing for the upcoming season.


Nature’s Crossroads

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Broccoli 1317002 Calabrese Broccoli ORG This heirloom variety immigrated along with Italian gardeners in the late 1880’s. Direct seed in mid spring and again in late July. Calabrese produces a large central head and good side shoot production, although less than DiCiccio broccoli. Certified organic, 60-90 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 200 seeds per packet. $2.50 1317001 DiCicco Broccoli ORG This broccoli does very well treated as a cut-and-come-again variety. Medium sized and open central head with prolific sideshoot production. Variable in maturity. It’s also known as “Italian Sprouting Broccoli” for its copious production of small to medium-sized shoots well into summer. Freezes well. Certified organic, heirloom. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Beans 1312006 Fiskeby Edamame Soybean ORG Use this versatile bean fresh as edamame. Good cool weather performance and high protein content. 75-80 days. Contains at least 120 seeds per packet. $2.50 1312001 Golden Wax Bush Bean ORG 2.5 A productive and early yellow wax bean. Deep golden in color. Great flavor. Sow 2”” apart in rows 2-3’ apart. Plants grow about 20”” tall and do not need support. Certified organic, 45-60 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50 1312004 Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean ORG Great old-fashioned green bean flavor at any size. Brown seeds. Pole-type plant needs 6-foot support and will produce heavy yields of medium dark green beans. Works great when combined with corn. Certified organic, 65 days to maturity. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

Vegetable Seed

Vegetable Seeds

We source certified organic vegetable seeds from multiple growers across the country. All varieties are selected based on their performance in Midwestern gardens and farms, based on trials at LIFE Certified Organic Farm. Nearly all our vegetable varieties are open pollinated to allow for seed saving.

1312002 Provider Bush Bean ORG A standard variety for high yields and early season performance. Dark purple seeds germinate well in cooler spring soils. Compact bush-type plant needs no support and produces good yields of 5-6”” long stringless green beans. Certified organic, 50 days to maturity. Contains at least 60 seeds per packet. $2.50 1312003 Royal Burgundy Bush Bean ORG Great burgundy-colored bean is beautiful when used raw in salads (turns vivid green when cooked). Brown seed germinates well in cooler spring soils. Bush-type plant needs no support. Certified organic, 51 days to maturity. Contains at least 60 seeds per packet. $2.50 1312009 Royalty Purple Pod ORG Great purple-colored bean is beautiful when used raw in salads (turns vivid green when cooked). Easy to see when harvesting. Brown seed germinates well in cooler spring soils. Contains at least 60 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Bulls Blood 1312007 Tendergreen ORG Bush-type plant produces heavy yields of green beans that can be eaten fresh, frozen, or canned. Popular due to its short growing season. Heirloom. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

Beets 1311001 Bulls Blood Beet ORG This beet is grown for both its dark red leaves and it’s deep red roots. The leaves bring color to cold season salad mixes and have a nice crisp flavor. Harvest the baby beets while they are exceptionally sweet and tender. Performs well in the heat.Certified organic, 64 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311002 Chioggia Beet ORG White and red concentric rings in the root are reminiscent of a bullseye (sometimes called “candy-striped beet”). Two-inch round roots look and taste great when sliced thinly and served in a salad. Green tops add contrast and are tasty as well. Sow in early spring and late summer. Certified organic, 65 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. 2.50



PeppersRed Express

1311003 Detroit Dark Red Beet ORG This is a great beet that is easy to grow and has large and uniform roots with robust flavor. Roots are an intense crimson color and are excellent both fresh and pickled. Stores well and is especially sweet after the first frosts. Very nutritious greens are packed with vitamins. Make several plantings at 2-3 week intervals for a continuous supply. Certified organic, 65 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 400 seeds per packet. $2.50


1317102 Red Acre Cabbage ORG 2.5 A medium to large cabbage. Good raw variety. Deep red leaves to the core. Matures mid season just in time for summer picnics. 77 days. Contains at least 125 seeds per packet. $2.50 1317101 Red Express Cabbage ORG 2.5 This red cabbage does well with tight spacing - as close as 10”. Expect 1.5-2lb heads that mature quickly. Uniform with deep color and great flavor. Very short growing time compared to full season varieties. Certified organic, 55 days to maturity. Contains at least 125 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Chanteney Red Core


1311101 Chanteney Red Core Carrot ORG This heirloom carrot performs well in high clay soils. Its roots are deep orange and coreless and store quite well. High yields and great taste have made this a garden favorite. Direct seed when soil is workable and thin to 2-4 inches apart. Plant at 2 or 3 week intervals into July. Certified organic, 70 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 1000 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311103 Danvers Carrot ORG This flavorful carrot performs in a wide range of garden soils. Strong tops make harvesting easy in heavy clay soil. Split and crack resistant. 65 days. Contains at least 1000 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311102 Scarlet Nantes Carrot ORG 2.5 Small to medium carrot tops make this variety great for smaller or tightly spaced garden. Superb flavor with 7” orange-red blunttipped roots. Carrots are good keepers. Direct seed when soil can be worked. Certified organic, 62 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 1000 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Scarlet Nantes

Marketmore 76


1317201 Snowball Cauliflower ORG This cauliflower variety does well in limited space. The bright white, medium sized heads have tight curds and are well protected with tight wrapper leaves. Summer sow for fall harvest. Certified organic, 55-70 days to maturity. Contains at least 100 seeds per packet. $2.50


1319001 Brocade Corn ORG Bi-color ears are 8” long. This organic hybrid offers great flavor and holds sweetness for a few days after harvest. Very tender. Certified organic, 60-85 days to maturity, hybrid. Contains at least 120 seeds per packet. $2.50 1319003 Oaxacan Green Dent ORG Sturdy 7-foot stalks support 10” ears with bright green kernels. Traditionally used by Zapotec UREplanting L I Indians in a Three Sisters FAsquash) with P (corn, beans, and O CR to make green flower corn used tamales. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Straight 8

1319002 True Platinum Sweet Corn ORG White, open-pollinated sweet corn with excellent flavor from 7” ears. 80 days to maturity. $2.50


1319101 Lemon Cucumber ORG About the size, color, and shape of a large lemon but the taste is mild and sweet - perfect for summer salads. Large vine bears over a long period. This variety is particularly good for short season climates due to its fast growth. Certified organic, 65-70 days to maturity. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50 1319102 Marketmore 76 Cucumber ORG Dark green and slender 8-9” fruit, takes a week longer to bear, but bears longer than most other slicers. Shows disease resistance and adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Excellent for fresh use. Certified organic, 65 days to maturity. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

Suhyo Long 1319104 Straight 8 Cucumber ORG This vigorous variety produces plenty of cylindrical 8-inch fruits. Dark green color. Approximately 65 days to maturity. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50 1319103 Suhyo Long Cucumber ORG Long, slender fruit reach 12”. Dark geen with ridges. Nearly seedless, this variety is sweet and non-bitter at all stages. Certified organic, 60 days to maturity. Contains at least 45 seeds per packet. $2.50

Eggplant 1315001 Black Beauty Eggplant ORG Fruits are a deep purple and best harvested while skin is still shiny. Fairly early ripener for its size. Broad shaped fruits are perfect for grilling. Certified organic, 74 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50 1315002 Long Purple Eggplant ORG Oriental-type eggplant with an incredible deep purple skin. Certified organic, 75 days to maturity. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Black Beauty 1315003 Rossa Bianca Eggplant ORG Old Italian heirloom with gorgeous softball size round fruit. Color is mostly white, changing to shades of lavender towards the stem. Non bitter and creamy fruit is great for eggplant parmesan. Certified organic, 75-85 days from transplant, heirloom. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50


1313406 Small Mix Gourds ORG 2.5 This blend of gourds has an interesting mix of different shapes and colors. Small birdhouses, apple, egg, bottle shapes in an array of whites, greens, yellows and oranges. Especially good for small gardens. 75-85 days. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50


1318001 Amaranth Red Garnet ORG This beautiful plant can be used as cooking greens, grain or left to grow and it will naturally feed the birds. Leaves, flowers, stem, and seeds are all a brilliant red. Tall plants are a stunning addition to any garden. Certified organic. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50


PeppersSmall Mix

Rossa Bianca

1318010 Astro Arugula ORG The distinctly nutty flavor of this variety definitely makes it worth growing. More finely serrated leaves than other arugula. Slow bolting and vigorous, best direct seeded in spring and fall. 28 days baby 40 days full size. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318018 Bloomsdale Spinach ORG Popular heirloom providing heavy yields of crinkled, glossy, dark green spinach leaves both spring and fall. Approximately 45 days to maturity. $2.50 1318011 Curly Cress ORG Curly Cress (Cressida) is very fast growing. Flavor similar to watercress. Direct seed thickly in bands 3-4 inches wide. Grows well in containers. 10-14 days Contains at least 1000 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318013 Fordhook Giant Chard ORG Dark green leaves on thick snow white stems are a garden standard. Performs well throughout the season providing greens- even in the heat of summer. 30 days baby, 60 days bunching. Contains at least 200 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Astro Arugula 1318004 Mizuna Mustard ORG This Japanese mustard is mild and tasty. Works well in a salad mix or stir fry or try it on a cheese sandwich. Harvest at any stage from baby to full size head. Plant tolerates partial shade but prefers cool weather. Leaves are feathery and serrated with small leaves (3”” to 6””) best for salads. Certified organic, 40-60 days to maturity. Contains at least 600 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318007 Purple Orach ORG A deep purple leaf with a tasty, spinach-like flavor. Looks great in a salad mix and will do well in the summer months as a replacement for spinach. Plants grow big, up to 5 feet tall, with large arrow-shaped leaves that have tons of vitamin C. Certified organic, 45 days to maturity. Contains at least 175 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311401 Purple Top White Globe Turnip ORG Turnips are great root vegetables for winter storage and this variety thrives in Midwest gardens. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Purple Orach

Rainbow Chard

1318003 Rainbow Chard ORG Thin stems in vibrant shades of pink, white, yellow, orange, and red. Green leaves are held high on uniform plants. Sow until late summer. Thin to 12”” spacing for larger heads. Plants will grow about two feet tall and both the leaves and stems are delicious. Good container plant. Sometimes called “”Swiss Chard.” Certified organic, 50 days to maturity. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318005 Red Giant Mustard ORG This variety is a classic pot green with mild mustard flavor. Leaves are blistered dark red underlayed with green. Sow densely for smaller leaves. Hardy to frost and heat, sow early spring to late summer. Variety from Japan has better insect resistance than many others.Certified organic, 43 days to maturity. Contains at least 800 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318015 Rhubarb Chard ORG A ruby red- stemmed chard with dark green leaves overlayed in burgundy. Performs well all season and is slow to bolt. Great in containers and used as an edible landscape plant. 40 to 60 days. Contains at least 100 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Rhubarb Chard

1318014 Seven Top Turnip ORG This open pollinated variety quickly grows in the spring and fall. Used only for the tops, the dark green leaves grow in profusion. Great for steamed greens. 40 days. Contains at least 700 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318002 Slow Bolt Arugula ORG Spicy flavor with a characteristic nuttiness make this a salad mix favorite. Fast growing and tolerant of cold weather, plant in early spring and late summer for best quality. Harvest the whole plant at once or cut only individual leaves. Best used when leaves are 2-3””. Freezes well. Certified organic, 43 days to maturity. Contains at least 750 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318012 Southern Giant Mustard ORG This mustard grows well in the heat of summer. Young leaves will liven up a summer salad and full sized leaves are great as steamed or cooked greens. Also grows well in the cooler parts of the year and will sweeten up with a few light frosts. 50 days. Contains at least 800 seeds per packet. $2.50

Seven Top Turnip

1318016 Spicy Mesclun Mix ORG An outstanding mix of vibrant lettuce, spicy mustards, and cool asian greens. This fast growing mix is a great salad and especially easy to grow. Sow patches every few weeks for consistant production. Keep well watered for best flavor. 30 days. Contains at least 1200 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318009 Tat Soi ORG A very fast growing Asian green with dark, spoon-shaped leaves. Mild taste is great raw or in stir fry. Sow thinly for larger stems or more thickly for leafy baby greens. Harvest Tat Soi after about 20 days for baby greens or it let grow approximately three more weeks for the full-sized rosettes. Certified organic, 21-45 days to maturity. Contains at least 700 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318017 Tyee Spinach ORG This highly bolt-resistant hybrid is great for all seasons. The plants hold their dark green leaves high, keeping them clean and dry. Widely adapted for year-round planting.Certified organic. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed White Stemmed Pak

PeppersRed Winter

1318006 White Stemmed Pac Choi ORG Dark, glossy green leaves are held high on thick white stems. Fast growing. Thin to 10”” for full-size heads, or sow thickly for braising greens. Also known as “”bok choy”” or “”Chinese cabbage”” featuring wide celery-like stalks and large smooth green leaves. Certified organic, 45 days to maturity. Contains at least 150 seeds per packet. $2.50

1318503 Red Winter Kale ORG A refined version of Red Russian, this strain is super hardy and has some of the most tender leaves of all kale. Performs well in the winter garden. Fast growing and disease resistant. Very sweet when steamed although the purple stems turn green.Certified organic, 50 days to maturity. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50

1318501 Lacinato Kale ORG Wrinkly dinosaur kale This superfood has the darkest green, strap-shaped leaves of any kale. Great flavor and cold hardy. Plant early and late for consistent supply of tender leaves. Thick, crinkled leaves gave it the nickname “dinosaur kale.” Certified organic, 48 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

1318601 Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce ORG Heat tolerant and slow to bolt lettuce variety. Plant any time for large heads of lime green lettuce. Reliably produces tender heads year after year. This heirloom variety has been popular for over 150 years. Certified organic, 45 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318602 Buttercrunch Lettuce ORG Heat tolerant and long standing. Very dark green, spoon shaped leaves are arranged in a tight rosette. Plant successive crops for continual harvest. Can pick outer leaves or harvest entire heads. Certified organic, 70 days to maturity. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50


1318502 Red Russian Kale ORG Very tender, slate green leaves with purple stalks. Sow thickly to harvest baby leaves as cut-andcome-again. Leaves are tender compared to others. Certified organic, 25-50 days to maturity. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50



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Buttercrunch 1318612 Freckles ORG Gorgeous romaine lettuce is green with red speckles. This heirloom is also heat tolerant with good taste. 55 days to maturity. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318603 Green Salad Bowl Lettuce ORG Much like the Red Salad Bowl with long wavy and deeply cut leaves but these are green. Nonbitter and slow bolting. Certified organic, 45 dyas to maturity. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318611 Jericho Lettuce ORG A medium green romaine-type lettuce. Very tall and performs well in the heat of summer. Very slow to go bitter or bolt. Direct seed or transplant. 50-60 days. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318604 Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce ORG Bolt tolerant and nonbitter in summer. weathers the cold of winter with little protection. Ruby red leaves give way to green at the base. Heads are 8”-12” in diameter with light green leaves tipped with reddish-bronze on the outer leaves.Certified organic, 4555 days to maturity, heirloom. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Marvel of Four Seasons 1318605 Oakleaf Lettuce ORG Drought tolerant, this dark green lettuce will form spiky rosettes that are juicy and stay sweet. Cold tolerant. Plant first in early spring and then late summer. Leaves are long and lobed, reminiscent of oak leaves, and grow in tight clusters. This old standard (introduced in the lat 1700’s) is a proven performer.Certified organic, 45 days to maturity. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50 1318606 Parris Island Cos Lettuce ORG Uniform heads are tall and keep leaves high. Slate green outer leaves give way to tender and creamy hearts. Also excellent for giving a salad mix body. Heads are 10””-12”” in height and width. Variety was named after Parris Island, South Carolina, in 1952. Certified organic, 70 days to maturity. $2.50 1318608 Red Deer Tongue Lettuce ORG This heirloom leaf lettuce has a rich nutty flavor. Triangular leaves have rich red color over dark green base. Good variety for cut and come again. Heirloom variety was a favorite among pioneer families.Certified organic, 45-60 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 1000 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads


Parris Island Cos

1318607 Rouge D’Hiver Lettuce ORG Red romaine. Great for harvesting over extended period. Will turn bitter in summer, so best planted early spring or for deepest reds and mildest taste make a late summer planting. Enjoyed into December outdoors at Life Farm in Morgan County. Heirloom variety developed in Europe in 1800’s (also known as Cimmaron). Certified organic, 45-60 days to maturity, heirloom. $2.50 1318610 Waldmanns Dark Green Lettuce ORG Standard dark green leaf lettuce used for sandwiches and salads. Open heads for baby or full size production. Tolerates drier conditions and is very slow to bolt. 30 days baby 60 days full size. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50

Okra 1319501 Clemson Spineless Okra ORG Forms loads of smooth and thick pods on 4-5 foot plants. Best harvested at 4 inches but will grow to twice that size. Very flavorful. Plants need full sun for best production. Pods will stop forming if left unpicked. 56 days. Contains at least 60 seeds per packet. $2.50


1311205 Evergreen Bunching ORG Grow for its flavorful leaves and stalks. Will not form a bulb. The flavor is mild, not quite sweet. Plant early in the spring and harvest when stalks are about 12” Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50


1311201 Long White Bunching Onion ORG Tasty stalks. Harvest anywhere between 60 and 120 days of growth. Plant in early spring when soil can be worked and again in late summer. For earliest onions, start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost. Space seedlings 2-3”” apart. Certified organic, 60-120 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311204 Rossa di Milano ORG A rare, beautiful red Italian midseason storage onion. The “Rose of Milan” is somewhat barrelshpaed with excellent mediumhot flavor. Grows 4-5” with tight skins. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Clemson Spineless

Pea 1312501 Oregon Sugar Pod Pea ORG Produces large and reliable yields of tender 5”” long classic stir fry snow peas. Although a bush type, plants typically reach 4 feet in height. Certified organic, 65 days to maturity. Contains at least 75 seeds per packet. $2.50 1312502 Progress Fresh Shelling Pea ORG Dwarf vines produce a lot of peas in a little space. Large, plump pods yield 7 to 9 sweet peas. Vines have some disease resistance and grow to about 18”” without need of support. Plant in very early spring and late summer. This is an heirloom shelling pea variety with excellent flavor. Certified organic, 60 days to maturity. Contains at least 75 seeds per packet. $2.50 1312504 Sugar Daddy Pea ORG Very similar to Sugar Snap peas, they are thick walled , sweet, and succulent. Vines easily grow to 60 inches and require trellising for best production. Plant as early as ground can be worked and again late summer. Long harvest period and heat tolerant. 68 days. Contains at least 90 seeds per packet. $2.50


Peppers Oregon Sugar Pod

Long White


1316002 Cal Wonder Pepper ORG Large upright plants with consistent yields of dark green, sweet, blocky, peppers. Large fruit (3”x4”) will ripen to deep red. Sets fruit all season. This has become the standard bell pepper and is still the largest open-pollinated heirloom bell pepper available. Certified organic, 75 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50 1316003 Chinese Giant Pepper ORG Heirloom sweet pepper introduced in 1900. Large peppers are 4””x4”” or with thinning can reach an incredible 5””x6””. Compact plants with concentrated set. Peppers turn from green to red when mature and are excellent for stuffing or eating fresh in salads.Certified organic, 75 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50 1316011 Chocolate Beauty ORG Beautiful rich chocolate brown blocky sweet peppers. Excellent for stuffing; also gorgeous in salads. 85 days to maturity. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Sugar Daddy

1316004 Corno di Toro Pepper ORG Excellent set of fruit on this tall pepper plant. The sweet red peppers are excellent for frying or anywhere sweet red peppers are called for. 8-10”” fruit have a long, curved shape and turn bright red or yellow when ripe.Certified organic, 75-85 days to maturity. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50 1316005 Golden Cal Wonder Pepper ORG Rich golden orange sweet and blocky peppers. Matures from a medium green fairly quickly. Kept well the 2’ plants will continue to set fruit all season. Nice large bell peppers similar to California Wonder.Certified organic, 70 days to maturity. $2.50 1316006 Habanero Orange Pepper ORG This one is a scorcher, tested at 215,000 Scoville units. Handle with care when harvesting. Remove seeds before cooking for more flavor and less heat. Green fruit ripens to a golden orange. Plant produces many 2”” long by 2.5”” wide wrinkled hot peppers that turn shiny red when mature. Certified organic, 100 days to maturity. Contains at least 30 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Golden Cal Wonder 1316001 Jalapeno Pepper ORG This is an early strain of the classic hot pepper. Medium heat in the 2””-3”” cone shaped peppers. Prolific, with a bush habit, the fruit will ripen red and produce all season.Certified organic, 70 days to maturity. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50 1316007 Joe E. Parker Pepper ORG Very productive strain of anaheim chile. Green chiles are packed with flavor and can be harvested green or let go to deep red. Medium sized plant with prolific yields of 7”” long peppers that are mildly hot.Certified organic, 85 days to maturity. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50 1316009 Purple Beauty Pepper ORG Blocky, with good yields. Matures from green to very deep purple. To preserve the outstanding color of this pepper, use raw in salads or veggie plates as the flesh returns to green when cooked.Certified organic, 70-80 days to maturity. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Joe E. Parker

1316010 Sweet Chocolate Bell Pepper ORG This pepper plant is more tolerant of colder weather than most. Fruits mature from green to chocolate brown with red undertones. Medium fruit (2.6 ounces) sets heavily. Certified organic, 86 days to maturity. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50


1324001 Beauregard Sweet Potato Slips ORG A wonderful sweet potato variety. Skin is dark red-orange and sweet potato is moist and sweet. Well adapted to cool/short season areas. Average yield is 3-4 pounds per plant. Each slip will grow one plant and form several sweet potatoes. Each order is for 12 certified organic sweet potato slips. Please select either a pickup or delivery option. $12.00

Sweet Chocolate Bell 1313802 Howden Pumpkin ORG The Howden Pumpkin plant produces big 20 lb pumpkins that are deep orange and symmetrically round with nice strong handles. Be sure to allow lots of room to run! Certified organic, 115 days to maturity. Contains at least 10 seeds per packet. $2.50 1313803 Small Sugar Pumpkin ORG Fine-grained and sweet flesh makes excellent pie. Deep orange fruit averages 5 lbs with long handles. Heirloom. Vigorous vines (give them plenty of room). Pumpkins prefer full sun and high organic matter soil but excessive fertilization will encourage vine growth rather than fruit production. Certified organic, 110 days to maturity. Contains at least 15 seeds per packet. $2.50


1313801 Cinderella Pumpkin ORG Flattened pumpkin with very deep ribbing and velvety mahogany orange color. Heirloom variety. Weigh about 25 lbs. Certified organic, 95 days to maturity. Contains at least 10 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed



1311302 Cherry Belle Radish ORG This early red radish will be the first radish to the table and is tops in open-pollinated quality and yields. Plant Cherry Belle every two weeks through spring. Great cherry-red outer color with crisp white flesh. Harvest while young for a milder flavor. Certified organic, 22 days to maturity, open-pollinated. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311306 French Breakfast Radish ORG This attractive elongated radish is mostly red with a white tip. Texture is crisp and flavor is sweet. French Breakfast is best planted in spring. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311303 Pink Beauty Radish ORG A radish like no other, this pinkskinned variety is succulent and sweet with just a little spiciness. Roots will grow to golf ball size quickly; use at any size. Wellsuited to cool climates; does best in early spring. Certified organic, 22 days to maturity, openpollinated. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50


PeppersPink Beauty

Small Sugar

1311304 Purple Plum Radish ORG Rich, deep purple skins yield to snowy white interior, making for a striking addition to any salad or veggie plate. Resists pithiness to large sizes. Plant spring and fall. One and a half inch globes have a sweet, crisp flavor with a bite.Certified organic, 28 days to maturity, open pollinated. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50 1311301 Sparkler Radish ORG Sow this fancy radish spring to summer and again in late summer for deep red, round roots that fade to an icy white at the tips. Sweet flavor, grows quite large. Sow every two or three weeks for a continuous harvest. Sparkler radishes are sometimes used as a substitute for turnips, with a mild flavor when cooked. Greens are also edible.Certified organic, 25 days to maturity. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

White Beauty 1311305 White Beauty Radish ORG white skinned radish has strong tall tops to ward off insects. Firm flesh stays crisp for a long time and strong green tops are slow to bolt. Certified organic, 25 days to maturity. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50


1313002 Bennings Green Tint Squash ORG Summer squash produces lots of very pale (almost white) flying saucer-shaped fruits. Best when harvested at 3”” across. Beautiful when sliced and arranged on plate. Vigorous 3-foot bushes yield about a dozen squash per season. Certified organic, 63 days to maturity. Contains at least 20 seeds per packet. $2.50 1313001 Black Beauty Zucchini Summer Squash ORG Bush-type plants produce a lot in a little space. Medium green squash is tender and succulent. Produces over a long period. For continuous harvest, sow until mid summer. Harvest fruits at 6””-12”” in length for tender squash and to promote new fruit production. Certified organic, 63 days to maturity. Contains at least 20 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Black Beauty

Spaghetti Winter

1313402 Burgess Buttercup Squash ORG Great winter squash with deep orange, firm, smooth flesh that is packed with flavor. 3-5 lb blocky fruit has dark green rind with distinctive button on bottom. Stores very well. Plants are bushy and fairly well-behaved (for winter squash). Sow seeds direcly in garden after all danger of frost has passed.Certified organic, 100 days to maturity. $2.50 1313004 Delicata ORG Long, oblong-shaped winter squash with yellow/cream base and dark green stripes on outer skin. Interior is golden with fine texture. Average size around 1 or 2 pounds. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1313003 Early Prolific Straightneck Squash ORG Summer squash yields prolific golden fruit with slightly bumpy skin. Firm, nutty flavor is best when squash is small, about 6-8 inches long, and warts have not yet formed. These plants grow fast and thrive even in small spaces. Harvest the fruits at 4””-7”” for best flavor and tenderness. Certified organic, 42 days to maturity. Contains at least 20 seeds per packet.

Nature’s Crossroads

Table Gold

Table Queen

1313404 Spaghetti Winter Squash ORG Vigorous spreading habit. Vines produce 3-5 squash weighing 2-4 lbs. Harvest when fuit turns yellowish. Boil or bake and fork out strands for vegetable ‘spaghetti’ with a slightly sweet flavor and firm texture. Also known as vegetable spaghetti, vegetable marrow, or noodle squash.Certified organic, 80 days to maturity. Contains at least 20 seeds per packet. $2.50

1313403 Walthum Butternut Squash ORG A classic winter squash featuring deep orange, fine grained flesh with excellent flavor. Each vine bears 3-5 fruit that weigh 2-5 lbs each. Let the squash ripen on vine until fully mature for best keeping qualities.Certified organic, 85 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

1313401 Table Gold Winter Squash ORG Vigorous acorn-type winter squash. Vines produce 3-5 squash weighing 2-3 lbs each. Harvest when fruit turns yellowish. Certified organic, 75 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1313405 Table Queen Bush Acorn Squash ORG Acorn-style winter squash. True bush habit of 3 feet across makes this a space saver in the garden. Produces 3-8 squash with dry golden sweet flesh and durable dark green rinds. Short keeper but very prolific and tolerant of poor soils. Great for cutting and half and baking (about 6” diameter at maturity).Certified organic, 80 days to maturity. Contains at least 20 seeds per packet. $2.50

1314101 Green Tomatillo ORG A traditional variety used in mole and salsa. Bright tangy flavor. Tall plants will sprawl. Ripe when they fill out the husk and fall. Try companion planting this with corn. $2.50


Tomato 1314015 Amish Paste Tomato ORG Loads of large heart shaped tomatoes make this heirloom a real producer. Amis Paste is a great all-purpose tomato for fresh slicing or canning. It is thought to have originated in the state of Wisconsin. Certified organic, 80 days to maturity, indeterminate. Seed packet contains at least 25 seeds. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Green Tomatillo 1314003 Black Prince Tomato ORG Great flavor and unique dusky purple color make this one stand out. Medium/small fruit (5 ounces) quarter well into salads. Harvest promptly. Indeterminate vines. Thought to originate in Irkutsk, Siberia.Certified organic, 70 days days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314001 Cherokee Purple Tomato ORG Full flavored tomato is a deep purple with green shoulders, averaging 10 oz. Beefsteak-type grows on short indeterminate vines. This is a pre-1890 old Cherokee Indian heirloom with superb sweet flavor and beautiful coloring.Certified organic, 80 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314017 Garden Peach Tomato ORG 2.5 The peach fuzz skin on this tomato is amazing and definitely worth trying. Deep golden yellow fruit hold well on the vine. Small fruits are perfect quartered in a red lettuce salad. Excellent flavor. Indeterminate. 72 days. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50


PeppersBlack Prince

Amish Paste

1314011 Gardener’s Delight Tomato ORG These sweet little gems are best eaten right in the garden. Large clusters of red cherries are prolific and rambling. Certified organic, 70 days to maturity, indeterminate. $2.50 1314002 Green Zebra Tomato ORG Green when fully ripe, makes a great addition to any tomato salad. Fruit is tangy with distinctive tiger stripes. Indeterminate vines are productive through the entire season. Flesh is very rich tasting and a favorite of many chefs. Fruits average about 3 ounces. Certified organic, 75 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314004 Purple Calabash Tomato ORG Deep purple fruit is flattened with deep pleating (think flat with ruffles). High yielding and vigorous for an heirloom. Fruits are about 3”” in diameter with intense sweet and tart flavor. Best for fresh slicing.Certified organic, 85 days to maturity, heirloom. An Indiana-grown version of this variety is also available. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Gardener’s Delight 1314005 Red Beefsteak Tomato ORG Classic red beefsteak fruit has deep, homegrown flavor. Large indeterminate vines need staking or caging for best production. Vigorous vines yield plenty of large bright-red tomatoes with excellent taste and meaty flesh. Certified organic, 85 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314006 Red Brandywine Tomato ORG Perfect balance of tomato flavor and sweetness make this variety one of the best. Very large, 1-2 lb fruit grow on an indeterminate vine. Brandywines are one of the best known heirloom tomato varieties, attributed to an Amish community living along Brandywine Creek in Pennsylvania in 1885.Certified organic, 80-100 days to maturity, heirloom. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. 1314007 Red Pear Tomato ORG Small saladette tomato. Deep, robust flavor and high yields. Very vigorous indeterminate vines require staking or caging and produce all season. Very prolific. Certified organic, 80 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Vegetable Seed

Red Pear 1314016 Roma Tomato ORG This disease resistant tomato variety produces loads of pearshaped fruit. The concentrated set and bright tangy flavor has made this variety a favorite for sauces and canning for those grey days of winter. Determinate. 70 days. Contains at least 30 seeds per packet. $2.50 1314014 San Marzano Tomato ORG A vigorous Italian heirloom variety. Long and pointed fruit is firm and has an excellent concentrated flavor. Perfect for canning or sauce. Deep red fruit may display green shoulders that are perfectly ripe. Certified organic, 70 days to maturity, indeterminate. Seed packet contains at least 25 seeds. $2.50 1314008 Striped German Tomato ORG These fruits are marbled throughout with red and yellow. Fine, high flavor and beautiful appearance will make it a favorite. Medium, indeterminate vines yield well. Good flavor and smooth texture; look beautiful sliced.Certified organic, 78 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads


San Marzano


1314012 Stupice Tomato ORG Originating in Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia?), this will be one of the earliest and most prolific tomatoes in the garden. Fine texture and great flavor in a petite tomato. We think it’s pronounced “stoo-pee-chay” or perhaps “stoopeech-ka” but definitely with large hand gestures. Certified organic, 60 days to maturity, short indeterminate. Seed packet contains at least 25 seeds. $2.50

GARDENING SUPPLIES, SEASONAL PRODUCTS, & NEW ADDITIONS We are constantly adding new products to our catalog including seasonal items like Midwest-adapted garlic and fall-planted flower bulbs. We are also working to source a wider selection of gardening tools, soil amendments, containers, and other supplies appropriate for Midwest gardeners. Check out our website for the latest details on available products and future developments. Looking for that perfect gift? Buy a Nature’s Crossroads Gift Certificate today at www.naturescrossroads.com!

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Bulk Seed

Bulk Seed

BEAN: 1312004- Kentucky Wonder 1312007- Tendergreen 4 oz. $3.75; 1/2 lb. $5.40; 1 lb. $8.25 BEET: 1311003- Detroit Dark Red 1 oz. $4.50; 4 oz. $8.75 BROCCOLI: 1317001- DiCiccio 1317002- Calabrese 1/8 oz. $3.65; 1/2 oz. $5.25 1 oz. $7.50 CABBAGE: 1317101- Red Express 1/8 oz. $4.65; 1/2 oz. $7.00 1 oz. $12.75 CARROT: 1311102- Scarlet Nantes 1/8 oz. $3.95; 1/2 oz. $7.50 1 oz. $15.75 CUCUMBER: 1319104- Straight 8 1/4 oz. $3.75; 1 oz. $4.75 4 oz. $10.00 1319103- Suhyo Long 1/4 oz.$6.50; 1 oz. $16.00 4 oz. $40.00


GREEN: 1318002- Arugula Slow Bolt 1/2 oz. $4.00; 1 oz. $6.00 4 oz. $11.00; 1/2 lb. $16.25 1318003- Rainbow Chard 1/4 oz. $5.40; 1 oz. $9.50 4 oz. $20.95 1318004- Mizuna Mustard 1/8 oz. $3.25; 1/2 oz. $4.25 1 oz. $5.75 1318005-Red Giant Mustard 1/8 oz. $3.50; 1/2 oz. $4.75 1 oz. $6.00 1318006- Pac Choi 1/8 oz. $3.25; 1/2 oz. $4.25 1 oz. $5.75 1318017- Bloomsdale Spinach 1/2 oz. $3.75; 1 oz. $5.25 5 oz. $10.75 1318009- Tat Soi 1/8 oz. $3.25; 1/2 oz. $4.25 1 oz. $5.75

We are pleased to offer a selection of our seeds in bulk quantities to meet the needs of farmers and large-scale gardeners. Depending on the variety, seeds are available in quantities from 1/16 oz to 1 lb. Bulk tomato seeds are sold by the gram with approximately 350 seeds per gram for cherry tomatoes and 280 seeds per gram for larger tomatoes. At this time, the only locally grown seeds we have available in bulk quantities are Red Russian Kale and Improved Dwarf Siberian Kale but we hope to expand the selection in future years. Please contact us directly for information on tax exemption for commercial growers. LETTUCE: 1318601- Black Seeded Simpson 1318602- Buttercrunch 1318604- Marvel of Four Seasons 1318605- Oakleaf 1318606- Parris Island Cos 1318607- Rouge d’Hiver 1/8 oz. $3.25; 1/2 oz. $4.25 1 oz. $5.75 MELON: 1322001- Green Flesh Honeydew 1/4 oz. $6.75; 1 oz. $16.00 4 oz. $23.00 PEA: 1312501- Oregon Sugar Pod 4 oz. $4.00; 1/2 lb. $6.00 1 lb. $10.00

RADISH: 1311302- Cherry Belle 1311303- Pink Beauty 1311306- French Breakfast 1/4 oz.$4.00; 1 oz. $5.50 4 oz. $12.00 SQUASH: 1313001- Black Beauty 1313003- Early Prolific 1/2 oz. $3.25; 1 oz. $5.25 4 oz. $12.00

TURNIP: 1311401- Purple Top Globe 1 oz. $3.50 WATERMELON: 1322501- Allsweet 1/4 oz.$8.00; 1 oz. $16.00 1322502- Crimson Sweet 1/4 oz.$5.75; 1 oz. $10.00 4 oz. $17.75 PEPPER: 1322503- Sugar Baby KALE: 1316001- Jalapeno 1/4 oz.$5.00; 1 oz. $9.00 1318501- Lacinato Kale 1/16 oz. $5.25; 1/8 oz. $7.25 4 oz. $23.00 1/8 oz. $5.25; 1/2 oz. $9.50 1/4 oz. $10.50 1 oz. $12.00 1316002- Cal Wonder TOMATO: 1318502A- Red Russian 1316009- Purple Beauty 1314007- Red Pear, cherry 1318503A- Improved Dwarf 1/16 oz. $6.50; 1/8 oz. $8.50 1314014- San Marzano 1/8 oz. $3.95; 1/2 oz. $6.00 1/4 oz. $13.00 1314006- Red Brandywine 4 oz. $16.50; 1/2lb. $26.50 1314005- Beefsteak PUMPKIN: 1/2 gram $4.00 1313803- Small Sugar 2 grams $6.75 1/2 oz. $3.25; 1 oz. $5.25 8 grams $14.00 4 oz. $12.00

Nature’s Crossroads

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1321006 Ammi Visnaga ORG Also known as “Toothpick Flower” or “False Queen Anne’s Lace.” White umbrella shaped flower, works great as cut flower filler and beneficial insect attractant. Waves of lacy green foliage blooms in midsummer. Contains at least 250 seeds per packet. $2.50 1321801 Autumn Beauty Sunflower ORG This mix of sunflower varieties puts on a display of saucer sized blooms in hues of gold, crimson, yellow, and copper. These are medium-sized sunflowers 5’-6’ tall with 5” diameter blooms. Certified organic. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50 1321004 Bachelors Buttons ORG Wonderful display of blossoms in shades of purple, pink, light blue, and white. Dwarf mix prefers dry soil once established. Will naturalize in the corners of your garden. Also known as cornflowers, grow 18”” tall. Ideal for cutting and an old-time favorite.Certified organic. Contains at least 125 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

1321802 Black Mammoth Sunflower ORG One huge blossom, often as large as a platter. Bright yellow petals will brighten up the garden. Choose site carefully as the plants often reach 12’, casting a long shadow. These sunflowers are also featured in our Sunflower Fort Garden Kit. Certified organic. Contains at least 30 seeds per packet. $2.50

1321003 Dwarf Jewel Nasturtium ORG Distinctive red, yellow, and orange flowers are edible and look great in salads. A garden companion, it attracts beneficial insects. Direct seed 1”” deep space 12-16”” apart. Plants grow 18”” tall and produce many colorful blooms. Does well in cool weather.Certified organic. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50

1321002 Bright Lights Cosmos ORG Wispy and elegant, the flowers will dance in a summer breeze. Light orange, laced by a darker shade, blooms begin midsummer. Plant 1/4”deep, 6-12” spacing. Easy to grow, drought tolerant once established, draws butterflies. Plants grow 2-3 feet tall and bloom from summer until the first frost. Cosmos is a great cutting flower and may resow itself for next year.Certified organic. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

1321803 Lemon Queen Sunflower ORG Light yellow blooms on multiple branches make for a good cutting variety. Forms a bushy plant 4-5’ high. Thin to 1’ spacing for larger blooms. Blooms can be 4””-6”” in diameter with amazing yellow coloring. These flowers are also featured in the Great Sunflower Project, a volunteer effort to study bees in urban and suburban areas to monitor the health of our pollinator community. They are always looking for gardeners willing to plant a few flowers and count the bees that come visit! Certified organic, 100 days to maturity. Contains at least 75 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Flower Seed

Flower Seed

While our focus is on raising edible plants, we believe that flowers are an essential part of every garden to help support pollinators. Butterflies, bees, wasps, and hummingbirds play a valuable role in increasing garden yields and they respond well to borders of flowers and herbs. Several of the flowers we offer are also edible, including nasturtiums and sunflowers!


Flower Seed

Monarda Bee Balm



Pacific Beauty

1321008 Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia) ORG Tithonia or ‘Mexican Sunflower produces brilliant orange daisylike flowers and thrives in heat and humidity. The flowers make great cut flowers and attract beneficial insects and butterflies. Grows best in full sun and rich garden soil. Deer usually pass this one by. 70-80 days. Contains at least 40 seeds per packet. $2.50

1321007 Picotee Mix Cosmos ORG Lacy foliage with mixed white and deep purple flowers. Cosmos does not transplant well and grows best when seeded directly. Very resistant to pests and disease. Great choice for attracting butterflies and other beneficial insects. Blooms midsummer to frost. Contains at least 60 seeds per packet. $2.50

1321005 Monarda Bee Balm ORG Monarda is a gorgeous perennial flower that draws in bees and butterflies like nothing else. Plants grow tall and bushy and can be a little invasive. Keep it under control by dividing in the spring or fall - or give it room to sprawl. Wonderful aroma; flowers and leaves make an excellent summer tea. Certified organic. $2.50

1321009 Purple Coneflower ORG Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is a popular ornamental flower and medicinal herb that is native to Indiana. Seeds need light to germinate; sow shallowly. Store seed in freezer until ready to plant to break dormancy. Grows well in average soils with little shade. Perennial. Contains at least 100 seeds per packet. $2.50

1321001 Pacific Beauty Calendula ORG Also known as Pot Marigold. Direct seed 1/2” deep early spring through summer and thin to 8” spacing. Flowers are medicinal and attract beneficial insects. Plants grow 12”-24” tall and produce many 3” diameter flowers. Will bloom from early summer until first frost.Certified organic, 65-80 days to maturity. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

1321010 Resina Calendula Beautiful shades of orange. This easy to grow flowering herb produces natural oils desired for medicinal and skin salve uses. Annual. 65 days. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Velvet Queen 1321805 Skyscraper Sunflower ORG Exceptionally tall plants have a slightly smaller head than the Mammoth varieties. Makes a great living wall when planted in a row. Thin to 18” to give the flowers a chance to tower above the garden. 70 days. Contains at least 30 seeds per packet. $2.50 1321804 Velvet Queen Sunflower ORG These dark crimson and gold flowers really stand out. Nice cutting variety with multiple saucer-sized blooms. Reaches a height of 5 feet. Bloom size is 4””6”” with velvety crimson petals. Certified organic, 100 days to maturity. $2.50

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2321016 Butterfly Weed UNT This low growing flower is a member of the milkweed family. The bright orange flowers bloom midseason. This plant will appreciate drier and poorer soils than other garden plants.Best started as a transplant and then moved to permanent location. Perennial. $2.50 2321012 Clark’s Heavenly Blue Morning Glory UNT Sky blue flowers fade to white in center. Soaking seed overnight will speed germination. Climbing vine, trellis or grow near fence for best effect. Fastest morning glory to come into bloom. 48 days. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50 2321019 Clasping Coneflower UNT Clasping coneflower (Rudbeckia amplexicaulis) tolerates tough clay soils, but appreciates moderate moisture. Grows 3-4 feet in height. Will spread to fill in an area but is not considered invasive. Plant in full sun to part shade. Perennial. Contains at least 30 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

When supporting local pollinators and other wildlife, it’s important to incorporate native plants. We are pleased to offer this small selection of native Indiana flower varieties. Please note that these seeds are not certified organic as they were grown by a native prairie plant farm that has not gone through the certification process.

2321015 Columbine UNT Columbine is an Eastern native of damp shady woodlands. Once established, the plant will readily propagate itself by seed. Showy, red, nectar producing flowers are very beneficial to native bees and hummingbirds. Recommend starting indoors or a protected area outside and transplanting to a permanent home. Perennial. $2.50

2321017 Ox-eye Sunflower UNT Ox-eye or False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides). Bushy plants grow 2-6 feet. Lovely branched bushes bloom profusely with 2-3 inch yellow flowers. Long blooming and works well as a cut flower. Prefers average soil and moisture and requires a welldrained site ( no puddles after a rain). Perennial. $2.50

2321011 Grandpa Ott’s Morning Glory UNT Once this vining flower begins blooming in early July, it is non stop till frost. Truly deep purple flowers fade into hot pink at the center. The vines tumble over themselves in profusion. Grows to 8 feet with trellising. 58 days. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

2321014 Royal Mix Sweet Pea UNT A large flowered variety that smells divine. This mix is best spring planted. More heat tolerant than other sweet pea type. Works very well as a cut flower. Rambling vines are best trellised or grown near fence or wall for support. Full sun is best. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50

2321013 Love-Lies-Bleeding UNT Beautiful, pendulous ribbons of flowers. A member of the amaranth family, they will eventually fill out with loads of grain for our feathered friends. If left into the fall, will readily reseed for years to come. 60 days. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Untreated Native Flower Seed

Untreated Native Flower Seed


Fruit Seed

Fruit Seed

Melon 1322001 Green Flesh Honeydew Melon ORG Smooth, distinctive yellowish rind and an ambrosia aroma. Thick green flesh is smooth and sweet. Average fruit size of 2-3lbs. Melons have a high sugar content and are good for both storage and shipping.Certified organic, 105115 days to maturity. Contains at least 30 seeds per packet. $2.50 1322002 Hearts of Gold Melon ORG This classic Midwest melon (canteloupe) ruled the markets of the 1930’s. Fruit has a small seed cavity with aromatic, juicy sweet flesh. Fruit normally weighs 2-3 lbs with two or three per vine. Developed around 1895.Certified organic, 90 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1322004 Honey Rock ORG Lovely canteloupe variety producing sweet melons with salmon-colored flesh. Great for home gardens. Approximately 80


Melons are an excellent addition to the garden when space allows. We are pleased to offer several varieties that grow well in Midwestern gardens and farms. For maximum space efficiency, consider growing small melon varieties on a vertical trellis.

days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1322003 Sweet Granite Melon ORG A very early melon for our northern climate. Does better than most in cool summers. Very firm flesh and musky sweet flavor. 70 days. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50


1322501 Allsweet Watermelon ORG Large, sweet, oblong fruit weigh in at an impressive 20-30 lbs. Dark green tiger stripes. Certified organic, 90 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

1322504 Moon and Stars Watermelon ORG Dark Green rind splashed with yellow moons and stars. Crispy, sweet red flesh. Fruit averages 1015 lbs. Best started as a transplant three weeks before planting oudoors in mid to late May. 85 days. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50 1322503 Sugar Baby Watermelon ORG Short season variety. Solid dark green rind resists cracking with rich, sweet watermelon flavor. 8 lb melons are average and fit well in the fridge. Plants may be started indoors in peat pots. Certified organic, 75 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

1322502 Crimson Sweet Watermelon ORG Striped dark and light green watermelon. Medium large melons are a classic oblong shape and usually fall somewhere in the 20 lb range. Juicy and sweet. Certified organic, 85 days to maturity. Contains at least 25 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

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1320001 Genovese Basil ORG Large leaves on tall plants make this a great choice for pesto. Sweet flavored and aromatic. Direct seed in late spring or sow in flats 8 weeks before last frost. This is the classic basil used in Italian and Thai cooking. Leaves can be harvested from the same plants all summer long - harvest often and clip flowers to encourage bushy production. Harvest entire plants before first frost arrives.Certified organic, 60-80 days to maturity. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50 1320018 Bronze Fennel ORG This variety of fennel is used as culinary herb. Any part of the plant will impart a distinct flavor to dishes. Try chopping leaves finely and adding to a salad. Appreciates well drained soil. 5066 days. Contains at least 100 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

1320013 Catnip ORG Long used as a medicinal herb and feline intoxicant. A member of the mint family, easy to grow and very prolific. Does well in containers. Beautiful green foliage makes a great back drop for other garden plants. Perennial. Contains at least 150 seeds per packet. $2.50

1320010 Compact Globe Basil ORG Much smaller leaves than most basil. Compact growth habit lends itself to smaller gardens and works great in containers that can be brought inside. Very good kitchen quality. Tolerates drought and is very slow to bolt. Annual. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

1320009 Cinnamon Basil ORG Spicy flavor goes well with sweet drinks and fruit. Similar size and shape as other basil varieties. Well drained rich garden soil will produce the most flavorful and healthy plants. Deep purple flowers are distinctive in the garden. Annual. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

1320002 Early Belle Leaf Celery ORG Great celery flavor for seasoning with no fibers. Dark green plant is easy to grow and shows disease resistance. The tall leaves are kept upright and clean. Sow in late summer.Certified organic. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50

1320014 Common Chives ORG This is the common garden chive. Grows well in average soil or in containers that can be brought indoors to enjoy yearround. Milder than onion, use in omelettes, stir fry, or salads. Rich in vitamins and minerals. Perennial. Contains at least 200 seeds per packet. $2.50

Herb Seed

Herb Seed

Herbs are a great way to add variety to your garden and your cooking. In addition to the classic culinary herbs such as basil, dill, and cilantro, we are pleased to offer a small selection of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, feverfew, and milk thistle. Consider adding an herb section to your garden this year.

1320015 Feverfew ORG Small white and yellow flowers like daisies. Leaves are used in traditional medicines. Works well in container gardens and can be grown year-round in a sunny window. Perennial. Contains at least 500 seeds per packet. $2.50

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Herb Seed

Garlic Chives 1320005 Florence Fennel ORG Productive and uniform fleshy bulbs. Will tolerate some cool weather. Certified organic. Contains at least 100 seeds per packet. $2.50 1320006 Forest Green Parsley ORG Dark green, frilly leaves and excellent flavor. Grows to heights of 8-12 inches. Sow every few weeks for constant supply. Certified organic. Contains at least 350 seeds per packet. $2.50 1320017 Garlic Chives/Chinese Leek ORG Chinese Leek or Garlic Chives is known for its thick, straplike leaves that can be harvested throughout the season. Full sun to partial shade and a rich garden soil are best for continuous growth. Great in containers. Perennial. Contains at least 100 seeds per packet. $2.50 1320004 Greensleeves Dill ORG Very uniform. The very dark ferns have great flavor and the plants are slow to bolt making it a good variety for continual sowing for a steady supply. Certified organic. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50


PeppersMilk Thistle

Lemon Basil

1320008 Lemon Basil ORG Spreading open habit. Citrus flavor goes well with poultry, vegetable and fish. Grow like standard basil. Works well in containers. Start seed early or direct seed when ground has thoroughly warmed. Annual. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50 1320016 Milk Thistle ORG Milk thistle is a very interesting plant in the garden. Shiny and spiny leaves appear to have been splashed with milk. Very easy to grow, the seed requires light to germinate. Traditional medicines are made from the seeds . All parts are edible. Large showy, pink flowers. Biennial. Contains at least 50 seeds per packet. $2.50 1320011 Purple Opal Basil ORG Use this variety for it’s striking ornamental appeal. Dark purple foliage with lighter lilac colored blossoms. Very drought tolerant and does fantastic in container gardens. Annual. Contains at least 300 seeds per packet. $2.50

Nature’s Crossroads

Purple Opal Basil 1320012 Sage ORG Originating on the Mediterranean Coast, Sage appreciates average soil that is very well drained. Along with medicinal uses, use sage in stuffings, egg dishes, and with beans. Harvest lightly the first season. Best grown as transplant as the seed is slow in germinating. Perennial. Contains at least 75 seeds per packet. $2.50 1320003 Santo Cilantro ORG This sharp and spicy sweet herb is a staple for salsa and Mexican dishes. Variety is slow to bolt allowing for mutiple cuttings. Plant successively every 2-3 weeks for continual harvest. Let some plants go to seed and harvest coriander. Certified organic. Contains at least 100 seeds per packet. $2.50

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6001 Winter Rye for Fall ORG Winter rye is a great cover crop that can be planted up until midNovember in Zone 5. The rye will sprout and start to grow this fall, going dormant during the coldest part of winter. Its roots will loosen your soil while also protecting the soil from winter storms. In the spring, cut or till the rye into your soil and plant your regular crops. Small bag of rye seed covers 32 square feet (a 4’x8’ garden). Large bag of rye seed covers 100 square feet (a 10’x10’ garden). $2.49

Winter Rye

Nature’s Crossroads

6002 Spring Nitrogen Mix ORG Our spring mix of cover crops consists of peas, oats, and hairy vetch along with an innoculant to maximize the nitrogen fixing effects of the legumes. Plant these seeds in August or March to give a little boost of nitrogen and “”green manure”” to your garden. For a spring planting, cut or till into the soil before the peas set fruit and plant your regular crops. For a late summer planting, the cover crop will die back when frosts begin. Small bag of spring mix covers 32 square feet (a 4’x8’ garden). Large bag of spring mix covers 100 square feet (a 10’x10’ garden). $3.49

Spring Nitrogen Mix

Cover Crops

Cover Crops

Cover crops are a great way to improve your soil. Plant spring or fall to loosen the soil, protect it from soil erosion, and provide “green manure” in the spring. At Nature’s Crossroads, we like to focus on improving the soil as the best strategy for improving garden yields.

6003 Cover Crop Combo Pack ORG Enjoy one bag of our winter rye and one bag of our spring mix of peas, oats, and hairy vetch along with an innoculant to maximize the nitrogen fixing effects of the legumes. Plant the rye in the fall and the spring mix in early spring for maximum “”green manure”” effects in your garden. Small combo pack covers 32 square feet (a 4’x8’ garden). Large combo pack covers 100 square feet (a 10’x10’ garden).” $4.99

Cover Crop Combo

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Garden Kits & Collections

Garden Kits & Collections

For Kids 91003 Down and Dirty Garden Collection “ Is there anyone in your household who can’t seem to stay out of the mud? Steer their mud-loving tendencies towards gardening with our Down and Dirty Garden Collection focused on growing root vegetables. Package includes one packet each of carrots, radishes, beets, and turnips plus instructions and a small bar of soap from our friends at Earth Drops. $10.75 91007 Three Sisters Garden Collection Native Americans often grew these three plants together to support each other. Corn provides a pole for the bean plants to climb, the beans provide nitrogen to the soil, and the squash helps cover the soil to keep out other weeds. The key is staggering the planting times so that the corn starts to get tall before the beans start to climb and that both have established themselves before the squash plant unfurls. Package includes one packet each of pole beans, sweet corn, and winter squash along with a summer squash, flower of our choice, and instructions. $10.75


Gardening is a great activity for both adults and kids but sometimes it can be a challenge to get started. With that in mind, we offer a variety of gardening kits and collections. Have a young gardener at home? Try our our Magic Fairy Garden Kit (everything you need to call the fairies to your garden) or our Sunflower Fort Garden Kit (grow a secret hideout behind the flowers). New to gardening? Try our Black Thumb collection with five of our easiest varieties to grow. Are you as passionate about cooking as you are about gardening? Try our Saucy Mama collection!

91004 Pet Rock Garden Collection Are you ready for a small, minimal-care pet to assist you in the garden? We recommend getting a pet rock and are ready to supply you with one that already has an interest in gardening. Our pet rocks do have strong opinions about plants so this collection includes their five favorites along with detailed care instructions. We’ve found that pet rocks love vegetables that remind them of rocks (cherry tomatoes, peas, melons), vegetables that make nice beds or blankets (leaf lettuce) and herbs that are feathery for tickling (parsley). Package includes one packet each of cherry tomatoes, peas, melons, lettuce, and parsley plus your very own pet rock and detailed instructions. 10.75 91002 Sunflower Fort Garden Kit For the young and the young-atheart, here are all the seeds you need to construct a sunflower fort along with detailed instructions. You will need an area about 4’ by 6’, a few pieces of string, and the patience to let it grow. Package includes a collectible tin filled with giant sunflower seeds, medium sunflower seeds, and scarlet runner beans along with detailed instructions. $6.00

Nature’s Crossroads

92002 Magic Fairy Garden Kit Want to attract fairies to your garden? This kit has everything you need to grow their favorite plants along with instructions on how to make your garden more enticing. The kit contains enough seeds for a 4’x4’ garden space. Garden kit contains fairy seed mix (clover, chamomile, bachelor’s button, sweet pea, and cosmos), toy fairy, baubles, and instructions in a collectible tin. $6.00 Coming Soon: Pioneer Garden Collection Rainbow Flower Garden Collection Super Veggie Garden Collection

For Adults

91006 Black Thumb Spring Garden Collection We created this collection for anyone who says “”I can’t grow anything; I have a black thumb!”” Gardening can be challenging but you are sure to succeed with our five easiest garden varieties and detailed growing instructions. All of these can be direct seeded early in the spring and are sure to boost your gardening self-esteem. Package includes one packet each of pea, radish, lettuce, flower, and kale seeds plus detailed instructions. $10.75

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91042 Hoosier Flower Garden Collection Give the gift of a classic Hoosier flower garden of native Indiana flowers- Butterfly Weed, Grandpa Ott’s Morning Glory, Clasping Coneflower, Old Sweet Pea Mix, and Love Lies Bleeding. $10.75 91045 Pollinator Package Garden Collection Support the local pollinator population! This collection contains flowers and herbs that are both beautiful and full of nectar- Bee Balm, Butterfly Weed, Greensleeves Dill, Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower), and Purple Opal Basil. 10.75

91001 Saucy Mama Garden Collection For the gardener-chef, here is a collection of seeds to grow the ingredients for tomato sauce. (Alas, this collection does not include garlic bulbs BUT it does include a coupon for 10% off your garlic order next summer.) We’ve included multiple recipes and gardening tips for inspiration. Package includes one packet paste tomatoes, one packet onions, one packet bell peppers, one packet basil, one packet oregano, and a booklet with recipes. All seeds are certified organic. $10.75 91046 Southern Flavor Garden Collection For Mama, your favorite Southern belle, or anyone else hankering for a taste of the South - Clemson Spineless Okra, Tyee Spinach, Southern Giant Mustard, Crimson Sweet Watermelon, and Brocade Sweet Corn. All varieties grow quite well in the Midwest. Biscuits not included (sorry). $10.75

91010 Spring Garden Collection Looking for a head start on your garden this year? This collection features five favorite spring vegetables that can be directly seeded in the garden, some as early as March when the ground thaws. Package includes pea, lettuce, beet, carrot, and radish seed packets along with planting instructions. $10.75 91011 Summer Garden Collection Do you love the taste of summer with its sweet corn, fresh tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers, and zucchini squash? Then this is the collection for you with all your traditional gardening favorites along with planting instructions and peat pellets to get your tomato and pepper plants started indoors. Package includes corn, tomato, pepper, bean, and zucchini squash seeds along with peat pellets and planting instructions. $10.75

Black Thumb Garden

EverGreens Garden

Hoosier Flower Garden

Pollinator Package

Saucy Momma Garden

Summer Garden

Three Sisters Garden

Down & Dirty

Nature’s Crossroads

Garden Kits & Collections

91008 EverGreens Garden Collection Leafy greens are one of the most nutritious vegetables available and they are also easy to grow. With a little added protection, it’s possible to have fresh greens nearly year-round in all but the coldest climates. Package includes one packet each of lettuce, kale, arugula, chard, and spinach with complete growing directions. $10.75

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Garden Kits & Collections

Butterfly Flower Mix

Seed MixTins 90001 Butterfly Flower Mix Tin Attract butterflies and other beneficial pollinators to your garden. These fluttery insects help improve your harvest while also keeping our ecosystem in balance. Seed mix contains a mix of annual and perennial wildflowers including purple coneflower, wild cosmos, baby’s breath, baby snapdragon, wild annual lupine, red poppy, black eyed Susan, crimson clover, and nasturtium. The seeds are mixed with an inert clay media for easier planting. $6.00 90004 I Love Bees Seed Mix Tin Bees don’t get enough credit for the hard work they do pollinating our fruit and vegetable plants. Give them some love with this mix of their favorite pollen sources. Collectible seed tin includes enough seeds to cover a 4’ by 4’ area. Mix contains dill, fennel, sunflower, borage, bee balm monarda, lemon balm, chamomile, and basil. Seeds are mixed with an inert clay media for easy planting. $6.00


Peppers NC Bird Feeder Mix

Deer Resistant Mix

90002 Deer Resistant Mix Tin This lovely mix of perennial and annual flowers is designed to repel deer. While the flowers are beautiful, they are not tasty to our four-legged friends. We can’t promise this mix will save your tasty green beans from Bambi but at least you will have these healthy and happy flowers to admire while also providing habitat for beneficial insects. Tin includes enough seeds to cover a 4’ by 4’ area. Flower varieties included: White Yarrow (P), Blue Pimpernel (A), Lance-Leaf Coreopsis (P), Foxglove, Plains Coreopsis, California Poppy, Perennial Gaillardia (P), Sweet Alyssum (A), Golden Lupine (A), Hartwegat’s Lupine (A), Perennial Lupine (P), Arroyo Lupine (A), Red Poppy (A), Gloriosa Daisy (P), Scarlet Sage (P), Blue Sage (P), Zinnia (A). The seeds are mixed with an inert clay media for easy planting. **A=Annual P=Perennial Best planted in the fall. $6.00

I Love Bees Mix

Seed-Saving Kits Seed-Saving Kits Become an heirloom seed saver! This collectible tin contains six Jiffy peat pots, twelve seeds from one of our favorite local heirloom tomato varieties (grown on LIFE Certified Organic Farm in central Indiana), and detailed instructions on how to grow tomatoes and save the seeds. Varieties include: 92003 Purple Calabash Tomato 92004 Japanese Black Truffle 92005 Evergreen Tomato 92006 Orange Russian Tomato 92007 Costoluto Genovese 92008 Trusty Tomato 92009 Tigerella Tomato 92010 Red Pear Tomato $8.00

90003 Nature’s Bird Feeder Seed Mix Tin Here’s a collection of flowers and grains designed to make our feathered friends happy. Save yourself the trouble of filling the bird feeder by letting them gorge themselves right off the plant. Collectible seed tin includes enough seeds to cover a 4’ by 4’ area. Mix contains amaranth, millet, and a variety of sunflowers. $6.00

Nature’s Crossroads

www. naturescrossroads.com

Nature’s Crossroads Earth-Friendly Seeds for Midwest Gardeners Thank you for supporting Nature’s Crossroads! Through your support, Nature’s Crossroads can continue to rebuild the supply of locally-adapted, organically grown, Earth-friendly seeds. Your support also helps us increase the number of organic gardeners in our region through our community partner program, our school fundraisers, and our educational outreach. Buy local. Eat Local. Grow Local.

Please visit our webstore today at www.naturescrossroads.com!

230 W. Church Lane Bloomington, IN 47403 812-327-9612 (phone) 812-824-3727 (fax) support@naturescrossroads.com

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