The Good Life - July/August 2016

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THE The Magazine of


NATURE’S FARE MARKETS Live well. Live organic.

























6 Juice or Blend? Choose the best option for your optimal health



to our Planet

16 Going to Waste



10 The Science and Nature of Vitamins

By: Jennifer Dyck, nd

13 Skin Deep: Acne and Diet

By: Shelby Entner, nd

20 Why You Need the Sunshine Vitamin


22 Taking Care of Me

By: Natalie Grant



26 Abdominal Training

By: Rachel Doell



12 Auto-Immune: a Matter of Balance

By: Lisa Kilgour, rhn



Recipe: Shaved Fennel & Roasted Cherry Salad


18 Mexican-Inspired Barbecue

Recipe: Black Bean Chipotle Veggie Burger

By: Tori Wesszer

21 An Anti-Cancer Diet


By: Lisa Kilgour, rhn






28 Summer Survival Guide

I N EVERY ISSUE 5 Noteworthy Notions 31 Nature’s Fare Markets Update


the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  3

NATURE’S FARE CALENDAR HOLISTIC NUTRITION CONSULTATION Book your complimentary ½ hour appointment in-store today. JULY July 7


July 12


July 13


July 19


July 21



ty painrthe

Parking Lot



Party in the Parking Lot

Charity BBQ

15% off on all regular priced in-stock items. Charity BBQ. Prizes. Live Music. Samples



August 9


August 16


August 23


August 25


15% off on all regular priced in-stock items. July 16  West Kelowna

July 9  Langley Lisa Kilgour is Nature’s Fare Markets’ Registered Holistic Nutritionist

Check online for event details:  Dates subject to change.

SALE FLYER Find our flyer in-store or at SALE START DATES

July 14

August 18

July 28



JUNE 16–29,


© 2016 Nature’s Fare Markets. The materials in this magazine are suggestions only. Nature’s Fare Markets does not guarantee results. NOW OPEN

4 | July/August 2016


Noteworthy Notions





Join the 50,000 Canadians who have become pain-free, through research-proven, all-natural pain relief from Genuine Health. Genuine Health provides the fastest all-natural relief from pain with synergistic, whole-food ingredients­—including BiovaFlex® the most potent form of researchproven eggshell membrane that relieves pain, decreases inflammation, and helps to repair damaged tissue—for results in only 5 days.

Ethically crafted with the health of the planet and its roommates as priority, routine was created by sisters Neige and Pippa at the base of the Rocky Mountains in beautiful Calgary, AB. We’ve got you covered with a deodorant for every body type and scent preference—12 scents and 3 formulas including vegan and one for sensitive skin. Routine contains only clean, wholesome ingredients. No nasty aluminum zirconium, aluminum chlorohydrate, parabens, triclosan, or propylene glycol because we love all the people and why would we put that in anyone’s products!?

EAT GREEK YOGURT Daiya Mornings are a whole lot sweeter with the new Greek yogurt alternative from Daiya. Grab a spoon and seize the day. You’re going to love the rich, velvety texture of these Greek yogurt alternatives. They are packed with protein and bursting with real pieces of peak-season fruits, while being dairy-free and soy-free. Soon you’ll see it’s worth waking up for.


WATCH TOMATOLAND: HOW MODERN INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE DESTROYED OUR MOST ALLURING FRUIT by Barry Estabrook Based on a James Beard award-winning article from a leading voice on the politics of agribusiness, Tomatoland combines history, legend, passion for taste, and investigative reporting on modern agribusiness and environmental issues into a revealing, controversial look at the tomato, the fruit we love so much that we eat $4 billion-worth annually.

NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY SERIES: COOKED by Michael Pollan Explored through the lenses of the four natural elements—fire, water, air, and earth—Cooked is an enlightening and compelling look at the evolution of what food means to us through the history of food preparation and its universal ability to connect us. Highlighting our primal human need to cook, the series urges a return to the kitchen to reclaim our lost traditions and to forge a deeper, more meaningful connection to the ingredients and cooking techniques that we use to nourish ourselves.

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  5




Once in the realm of ‘health foodies,’ juices and smoothies have gone mainstream. No wonder—delicious, nutritious, and portable, they are the perfect on-the-go food for everyone. Or are they? We asked Nature’s Fare Markets’ holistic nutritionist Lisa Kilgour to talk to us about the upside—and the downside—of these popular drinks. 6 | July/August 2016

NFM: First, can you define what a juice and a smoothie are? LK: Juices have had the liquid separated from the fibre of fruits or vegetables. Smoothies are simply a blend of fruits or vegetables, with the fibre intact. NFM: What’s the difference to our bodies? LK: It’s all about the speed of nutrient uptake. Foods need digestive power for us to get the nutrients out of them. In a juice, because the fibre has been removed and the cell walls broken down, our bodies take in the nutrients and the sugars quickly, which can affect our blood sugar. Because the fibre is intact in smoothies, the uptake of nutrients and sugars is slower. NFM: So which is better? LK: Well, they are just different—and there’s a time and a place for both of them. It depends on your body, and why and what you want to blend or juice. Juices are especially good for people with a chronic health or digestive issue where the body needs lots and lots of nutrients in a way that takes less energy. I don’t recommend juicing every day for most people because of the faster uptake of food energy. Every healthy person can benefit from a smoothie because it requires more digestion, and releases that food energy slower. If a smoothie doesn’t tide you over long, it’s a good sign that a meal would have been a better option.

hasn’t eaten yet. Some people feel nauseous for that reason. ‘Chewing’ or swishing your smoothie or juice around in your mouth gets the saliva enzymes going, and makes a huge difference for your digestion. And cold juices and smoothies are hard on the system. Room temperature is best. NFM: How would someone know what is better for them? LK: Not everything is good for everyone. It’s important to be attuned to your body’s wants and needs, to understand what works for each of us, as individuals. It’s simple: If you juice and feel good, keep doing it. If you don’t, stop—even if you’ve read something somewhere, or it works for someone else. NFM: Do you drink juices or smoothies? LK: At first I felt fantastic drinking juices, and then something shifted. After a while, I’d get a high boost of energy, and then crash. Juicing doesn’t usually work for me except when I travel, as my energy output is higher; and when I’m sick, and need more nutrients. NFM: Do you have a favourite juice or smoothie? LK: My favourite juice is Calm at Nature’s Fare Bistros. The fennel and apple taste great, and is balancing for my body. My favourite smoothie of all time is peach, strawberry, basil, real vanilla, and bit of honey. Shockingly fantastic.

DO use fresh, organic ingredients and no added sugar. DO add 1–2 tsp of good quality oil—like olive or coconut oil, full fat yogurt or avocado—to juices and smoothies to slow down the digestion of sugars, and increase the absorbency of fat-soluble antioxidants. DO choose a whole food form of protein (yogurt, if you tolerate dairy, or hemp) over a refined protein powder. DON’T overdo the fruit—more than one or two at a time will spike your blood sugar. DON’T overdo cruciferous vegetables—too much chard, kale, and deep leafy greens can reduce thyroid function. DON’T blend too long as heat can affect vitamins and minerals.



NFM: So smoothies aren’t good meal replacements? LK: Well, having a smoothie at lunch is better than not eating at all but it’s not a good meal replacement. It’s important to know that the motion of chewing is very important because it sends a signal to your stomach to start the digestive process. Until the invention of blenders, juicers, and food processors, people never had to digest food without chewing. If people overdo smoothies, they tend to have a lot of bloating and heaviness, and are hungry all the time because their body is expecting water—and thinks it

Drink Dos and Don’ts

Juices are best drunk on an empty stomach. Vitamins and antioxidants start dissipating the moment you break down a fruit or vegetable. Ideally, drink your juice or smoothie right away, or within a few hours—and keep it for no more than 48 hours.


Black pepper or cayenne stimulate stomach acid and aid digestion.

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory. Smoothies give you energy so don’t indulge late at night.

Fresh herbs and spices add punches of flavour and antioxidants.

Sources: | | |

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  7

If you’re already feeling overwhelmed, extensive changes to your lifestyle might seem out of reach. Certain nutrients and supplements can give your body a helping hand to create a little breathing room. Once the pressure’s off, you can focus on things like meditation, exercise, and healthy eating without getting even more stressed! The brain naturally makes chemicals that help cope with stress, such as the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). GABA is the brain’s “braking system.” Typically, when stress becomes overwhelming, the brain responds by producing more GABA, which in turn calms signals in the brain that can lead to anxiety, insomnia, and other physical or emotional symptoms of stress. Unfortunately, if you’re prone to stress, or find you have a hard time coping, your brain may not be making enough GABA. Supplementing with GABA may help achieve a sense calmness and clarity similar to the state of relaxation found in meditation. Certain amino acids are also helpful for fighting stress. L-theanine, the “feel-good” amino acid in green tea, calms the brain by boosting certain neurotransmitters, such as GABA, and increasing alpha brain waves associated with a state of relaxation. L-theanine helps diminish feelings of stress, worry, and anxiety, and, in turn, can actually help you improve focus and concentration.

While green tea is arguably a delicious and pleasant way to consume L-theanine, a person who drinks 6–8 cups of green tea a day may consume between 200–400 mg. L-theanine supplements save you from having to drink pots of green tea to get the benefits of this relaxing amino acid. Herbal remedies are another safe, effective way to relieve stress. Kava kava (Piper methysticum) has a long history of use in South Pacific Island cultural rituals as a natural mood enhancer. Kava kava is known to promote tranquility and decrease anxiety. The benefits of this powdered root extract come from kavalactones, compounds that have a calming effect, helping to decrease the physical impact of stress, increase happy feelings, and encourage restful sleep. Stress is inevitable, but your reaction to it isn’t. With a few adjustments to your lifestyle, and a little help from diet and supplements, you’ll soon find yourself able to catch whatever life throws at you. • 1-800-663-8900

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The Science and Nature of Vitamins DR. JENNIFER DYCK, nd • Our soil is depleted. Due to farming practices like the use of synthetic fertilizers, 70% of the world’s topsoil is gone, and what remains is depleted of minerals. • Our fruits and vegetables, therefore, aren’t as nutritious as they used to be. Broccoli, for example, had 130 mg of calcium in 1950; today, only 48 mg. Organic produce fares better. • We often buy food from other countries where produce is picked before it’s ripe. Buying local is important—for nutrition and to support local communities. • We are under stress, exposed to pollution, and lack sleep.

Who should take vitamins and when? You need vitamins if…

“Vita” means life in Latin—and speaks to the essential role vitamins play in our health as they convert food into energy, and help our bodies to grow and function well. But what and how much we need can be confusing, so we asked Dr. Jennifer Dyck to help us understand how to decide what’s right for us.


busy naturopathic doctor, Dr. Jen works in research and development, and public education with Natural Factors™, one of North America’s largest manufacturers of nutritional products.

Don’t we get all the vitamins we need from food? Although it’s possible, many of us simply don’t get what our bodies need because of environmental and lifestyle factors:

DR. JENNIFER DYCK, nd works with people of all ages and health concerns and follows the Six Naturopathic Principles to assess, educate, treat, and support her patients in health and the process of healing. Dr. Jen has an active family practice in Victoria, BC where she has a special interest in treating digestive complaints, balancing hormones, and optimizing brain health. 10 | July/August 2016

• Your diet isn’t perfect, • You’re not getting enough sleep, or • You are stressed.

How do I find out what—and how much—I need? A knowledgeable vitamin specialist can help to guide you—like those in Nature’s Fare Markets stores who are well trained in Natural Factors’™ products. And if you can, you can be tested by a qualified practitioner to find out exactly what your deficiencies are—if any. When patients come to me for tests, I also ask about lifestyle, if they are on prescribed medications, and family history to know what they may be pre-disposed

to. It could be that you just need certain minerals—say if you drink a lot of coffee— instead of a complete multivitamin.

We ask how does nature create an orange? There isn’t just vitamin C in an orange, there are bioflavonoids and other things that work in concert that allow them to work beneficially.

When confronted with the sea of options, how can people decide what vitamins to buy? First, find a store with well-educated product advisors—not all information is on a label —then ask: • Is the product Canadian owned and operated? Health Canada is strict and more rigorous than many other countries so you can be assured of quality. • Is the product backed by science? • Have the product ingredients been tested for contaminants including mercury, lead, dioxins, PCBs, pesticides, and GMOs. Make sure the company is committed to quality ingredients. Natural Factors™ is now ISURA certified—an independent, Vancouver-based facility with state-of-the-art ability to test for GMOs and contaminants.

Western Canada to meet amazing health food store retailers and the public. When I’m on the road I don’t eat as well as I should, so I take a multivitamin to make sure I’m getting the basics. In the summer when I’m at home and shop at the local farmer’s markets I don’t take anything.

What vitamins are recommended most? • Vitamin D, especially in this area of the world

Organic compounds containing atoms of one or more different elements.

• Omega 3s for brain and cardiovascular health

They are vulnerable to heat, light, and chemical agents (cooking, food preparation, processing, and storage must be appropriate to preserve vitamins in food).

• A very good whole food-based multivitamin… …all Natural Factors™, of course!

Vitamins are categorized as:

What’s new and exciting in current research? There’s a subset of beneficial plant micronutrients called phytonutrients. There’s now a lot of research into how to harness the power of these phytonutrients, to concentrate food in a pill form, rather than isolating just the vitamins and minerals. At Natural Factors™, we ask how does nature create an orange? There isn’t just vitamin C in an orange, there are bioflavonoids, enzymes, and other things that allow them to work beneficially in concert. That’s the promise behind the Whole Earth & Sea™ whole-food supplement line, a concentration of 47 local organic, nonGMO fruits and vegetables, most of which are grown in the Okanagan. We now have concentrations in our multivitamins we’ve never seen before.

• Water-soluble (vitamin C and eight B vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12, folate, biotin, and pantothenic acid); or • Fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E, and K).

MINERALS* Pure inorganic elements containing atoms of the same element. They are more stable to food preparation (although loss can occur when they are bound to other substances in foods, such as oxalates found in spinach and tea, and phytates found in legumes and grains, making them unavailable for the body to utilize). Minerals are categorized as: • Major or Macro- (needed in quantities of 100 mg/day or more): calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfur; or • Trace or micro-: iron, iodine, zinc, chromium, selenium, fluoride, molybdenum, copper, and manganese.

It’s so exciting…I love my job because it’s about science and nature.

Each has a unique role and function in our bodies. For example, vitamin A promotes eyesight, and vitamin K helps blood to clot. Calcium helps to prevent osteoporosis, and iron prevents (iron-deficiency) anemia. *Other minerals, such as lead, are contaminant minerals and not nutrients because they can cause harm by disrupting normal bodily functions and processes (e.g., lead poisoning).

What vitamins do you take? I love to travel throughout

Time Magazine:

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients that help our bodies carry out necessary physiological processes. About 40 of these are essential for life, and because our bodies cannot synthesize enough, we rely on our diet to provide what we need.


• What kind of dose do I need: therapeutic or preventative? Vitamins and minerals exist in different forms. Ask your naturopath or holistic nutritionist to find out what you need and how much you should take.

Sources: Columbia University:

VITAMINS & MINERALS: What’s the difference?

NBC News: nutrition/t/nutritional-value-fruits-veggies-dwindling/#. VkuLv7x2nWo

New York Times: dont-take-your-vitamins.html?_r=0

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  11



Auto-Immune: a Matter of Balance LISA KILGOUR, rhn They’ve studied very diverse groups, from Amazonian tribes to the Amish, and found surprisingly low rates of allergies and autoimmune diseases. One of the most amazing facts I’ve learned in my research is how relatively new these conditions are. Allergies first became recognized during the Industrial Revolution and were only found in the upper classes. Hay fever actually became posh since it was only the very rich who suffered from sneezing and wheezing every spring.


t’s a bit scary that auto-immune diseases are on the rise. Conditions like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Crohn’s Disease, Colitis, and MS are rising year after year. And sadly, our understanding of what’s causing them isn’t growing quite as rapidly. What we can say is our life today is very different from our life 100 years ago. For one, it’s much cleaner and our frequency of interactions with bacteria in our life is much lower than it was in the past. Our immune system evolved around a huge ecosystem of bacteria living in the body (mostly in the gut). And the conversation between our bacteria and our immune system may play a key role in auto-immune diseases.

For example, certain bacteria and even parasites can balance the immune system and stimulate the production of a type of immune cell called Regulatory T cells. Without these cells the immune system can become overactive, leading to higher rates of asthma, allergies, and auto-immune conditions. In his book “An Epidemic of Absence,” author Moises Velasquez-Manoff describes this connection beautifully: “The immune system that finds itself without microbial pressure grows jumpy (allergies), and turns against the self (auto-immunity).” Scientists have been baffled for generations at the lack of asthma and allergies in peoples living very traditional lives.

We’re just beginning to uncover how different strains of bacteria in our gut help to regulate our immune system. And while we learn more about these conditions, there are a few things you can do today that can help strengthen your inner ecosystem of bacteria, and possibly (we just can’t say for sure right now) balance your immune system and reduce your risk of auto-immune disease. PROBIOTICS Seed your gut regularly with a good quality probiotic. My favourites are multi-strain, human strain probiotics. EAT THEIR FAVOURITE FOODS Bacteria love a varied diet, full of plant-based foods and fermented foods. NATURE Spend time outside, get dirty, and grow your own food. Your immune system loves time spent outside. Very smart immune system.

LISA KILGOUR, rhn is Nature’s Fare Markets’ Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She is Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition and provides free half hour one-on-one nutrition consultations in our stores. Check out the appointment schedule on page four and book your free appointment in-store today. Learn more:

12 | July/August 2016



Skin Deep: Acne and Diet BY SHELBY ENTNER, nd

acne. Fermented dairy such as yogurt seemed less problematic which may have been due to the beneficial bacteria which lowered IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), the main hormone within milk that is suspected to be the link to acne. Eating cheese, milk, ice cream, etc. had a higher association with acne in both groups. After three years of study there was a markedly elevated association between food and skin in these two groups.


cne is a common condition for both the young and old. Many people have had memorable episodes with bad skin in their teen years but many continue to suffer well into adulthood. Our skin is a good reflection of what is going on within our bodies. Adult acne can be caused by multiple factors including hormonal imbalances, elevated insulin, food sensitivities, some medications, and poor hydration and elimination. Depending on the severity, acne can cause emotional distress and lead to scarring of the skin. The emotional scarring from bad skin can lead to increased depression, anxiety, and even a higher rate of suicide attempts. While a common condition, there are few mainstream treatments that are successfully treating acne. The most successful approach to treating acne is to determine and treat the underlying cause, diet being an especially important component of healing the skin.

It has been commonly said in naturopathic medicine that the skin is a reflection of the health of the digestive system. Since the skin and the gut are also two important routes of elimination in the body, symptoms in these two organ systems are often correlated to each other. The relationship between diet and acne has been controversial for many years based on some poorly researched articles published in the late 1960s. Our entire medical belief about there being no connection between diet and acne is based on these publications which have sadly been viewed as legitimate studies for over 50 years! In recent years there have been more studies exploring the connection between diet and acne. One of the most recent studies has come out of the Harvard School of Public Health. The study involved 50,000 women and 4,000 teenage boys and showed that milk was strongly associated with

SHELBY ENTNER, nd is a sought-after naturopathic physician, speaker, and expert. After receiving her doctorate in 2002, Dr. Entner went on to practice in the United States for several years before returning to BC and eventually founding Vero Health in Vernon. She enjoys a busy practice with her awardwinning team of practitioners and staff and loves living in the Okanagan with her young family.

Another study was published in the journal Dermatology in 2005 and was focused on whether fish oils were beneficial for acne prevention. The study showed that fish oil could help to reduce inflammatory acne by inhibiting an inflammatory chemical called leukotriene B4. Within the cells of the skin the sebaceous glands produce this chemical and the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in fish oil was able to inhibit its production. Eating fish or taking fish oil supplements could stop inflammation in the skin cells and decrease acne breakouts. The connection between diet and skin is well researched and reliably traced in the medical literature, and in the changes we can see when diet modifications are added to a whole-person approach to acne. Evaluating a person’s lifestyle, digestive system, skin care regimen, hormones, stress factors, and diet can help to ease the emotional and physical pain associated with acne. Start a conversation about your skin with a naturopathic physician and look to the gut when considering the best treatment options for healing and prevention of this common and painful issue. the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  13






othing marks the beginning of summer quite like the arrival of local cherries. At this time of year our stores and local markets are filled with fresh, ripe cherries, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a terrific season. Cherries are native to Eastern Europe and Asia Minor regions. There are several species of cherries, but the two most popular are wild or sweet-cherry, and sour or tart-cherry. BC is home to well over a dozen varieties of cherries. They are especially suited to the growing area of the Okanagan, Similkameen, and Creston Valley. The hot, dry summer days and crisp, cool nights provided by lake and mountain breezes provide excellent growing conditions. Botanically, 14 | July/August 2016

the fruit is considered a “drupe” (stone fruit). Some other common drupe family fruits are plums, peaches, and apricots. Cherries not only taste delicious, they are packed with beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that assist the body with a variety of health issues. The antioxidants

help protect the body against cardiovascular ailments, and signs of aging. They are also a good source of natural melatonin, and if cherries are consumed 30 minutes before bed they can help improve sleep. Tart cherries are proven to help reduce inflammation associated with arthritis and gout.

You can’t be a chef in the Okanagan and not love cooking with cherries. With all of the varieties available here, there are great options for sweet or savory recipes, or just eating them straight off the trees. Chef Nick Johnston creates the tasty dishes you find at the Apple Bistro in Nature’s Fare Markets.

Buy It There are a few key things to look for when picking up a bag of cherries. The colour, on both the inside and outside, will be an indicator of ripeness. If you are buying a red cherry (most commonly a Bing or Lapin in the Okanagan) you will want a dark, ruby red skin that is shiny, and blemish- and crack-free. If the cherries are cracked, this is a sign that they have had excessive moisture and they may have a more watered down taste. The inside of the cherries should be a little lighter in colour, still shiny, and just be dripping the tasty red juice. They should also have a medium softness. If they are really soft and easily crushed, it’s just a sign of being overly ripe. So you do want a cherry that is somewhat firm.

Shaved Fennel & Roasted Cherry Salad

Prep It Here in the Okanagan, we are really lucky to have an abundant supply of cherries, as it’s one of our major crops. This gives chefs, and home cooks, tons of opportunities to play around with different preparations. Of course, my favourite is eating them right off the tree at the peak of freshness but there are a ton of other ways to use the juicy, red treats. The first thing you want to do with your fresh cherries is clean them and get rid of the pits. If you are going to be processing lots of them, I would recommend getting a cherry pitter, which will make the job a lot quicker. If you don’t want to go that route, a straw or chopstick can be used as well. To do it this way, just hold the cherry stem up and push the straw down through the stem, hitting the seed and pushing it through the bottom. Providing the cherries are perfectly ripe, the seed will just come out the bottom, no problem.

Pair It Because they are ready so early in the summer, there are a ton of other great summer ingredients that marry well with cherries. Almost any other stone fruit—peaches, nectarines, plums, and apricots— are all natural mates with cherries and will go lovely in any dessert, jam, or chutney. Most people just think sweet when looking to use cherries, but they also make a great ingredient to be used with many savoury ingredients: things like game meats, pork, nuts, almost all varieties of cheeses (even those really strong pungent ones), or even grains like quinoa and farro.

1 ½ cups cherries, pitted and halved

Cook It Most people will consume cherries raw; this is classic. And after that, they will look straight to baking them into cakes and other pastries. One thing I love to do with cherries is to preserve them to maintain that taste of summer well into the fall and winter. This can be done a couple ways—by jarring them in a simple syrup or even pickling them in a light vinegar solution. Drying them is also a hugely popular method; great with the home dehydrator, and they will stay good for a long time. I am also a big fan of cooking them down, adding flavours like ginger and cracked black pepper, and using it as a condiment for various meats or on a Friday night cheese plate.

4 cups


¼ cup


½ cup

feta cheese, crumbled

2 tbsp

mint, julienned



3 tbsp

olive oil

1 tsp

apple cider vinegar

1 tsp

cracked pepper

1 tsp


1. Make the Dressing: Zest and juice the orange into a small bowl. Add olive oil, salt, pepper, and vinegar. Whisk together and set aside. 2. Place the cherries on a parchment-lined sheet pan and roast at 350°F for 10–15 minutes. This will dry them out slightly and accentuate their flavour. 3. Thinly shave the fennel. A mandolin works best, but a sharp knife could be used as well. 4. In a medium bowl, mix the fennel with the cherries, feta, pistachios, and mint. 5. Toss the mixture with the dressing. Cool in the fridge for about an hour before serving. This will help soften the fennel and let the flavours incorporate. We recommend using organic ingredients whenever possible. It’s better for you and supports a sustainable environment and community.

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  15


to our Planet


Going to Waste

ome things just don’t make sense. We live in one of the most favoured countries in the world, and are among the world’s best-fed people…and yet we waste so much. Canadian households, according to a recent study by the Value Chain Management Centre, literally toss millions of dollars worth of perfectly edible food into their garbage cans every year…over 50% of the total $31 billion wasted. That’s more than packaging and processing (18%), retail stores (11%), farming (9%), the food service industry (8%), and transport and distribution (3%). Actual costs are much higher because not enough data was available to include hospitals, prisons, and schools. And the biggest reason is our attitude to our abundance. Because so much is available to us at a reasonable cost, food has become disposable, taken for granted. Other reasons cited in the study include overbuying, confusion about safe consumption and expiry dates, and an aversion to ‘ugly’ (less than perfect) food. One in four produce items are thrown away in the average Canadian household. Stats Canada figures show that per capita wastage of edible food at retail and consumer levels was about 172 kg (380 lbs.) broken down like this: • 122 kg total fresh and processed fruits and vegetables • 6 kg of dairy projects • 10 kg of boneless poultry • 16 kg of boneless red meats • 18 kg of oils, fats, sugar, and syrup. And that adds up to more than $700 per person, per year.

16 | July/August 2016

Worldwide Worries

• Ask for smaller portions in restaurants.

And we are not alone—this is a problem in developed countries, worldwide. Global food production must increase by 60% in the next 30 years, in order to meet the demands of the growing population. And yet the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization says that nearly one-third of all food worldwide is lost or wasted—about 1.3 billion tons per year. Enough, states the report, to help the approximately 860 million people who are malnourished. The European Parliament declared 2014 a European Year Against Waste, in an attempt to cut food waste in half by 2025, and to mitigate an estimated 40% growth in food waste if nothing was done.

Organize your fridge: • Older food at the front, newer at the back.

Small Steps Lead to Big Change Everyone can participate in the solution by simply being mindful about how they manage and shop for food. Make a plan: • Shop with a list to make sure you use what you buy. • Eat your leftovers the next day, or freeze them for another time.

• Put all the most perishable items in one place.

• Wrap tender greens in paper towels to extend their life.

One in four produce items are thrown away in the average Canadian household.

Compost: • If you must toss out that produce, chop it up for your compost bin—or start one. Get creative: • Make soup! Collect raw veggie, meat, and fish scraps and bones in separate freezer bags until you have enough to make stock. Same for cooked scraps.

Costs to Pocket, People, and Planet

As food is wasted so are the time, energy, and money used for growing, processing, packaging, and marketing. The full cost of global wastage, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, comes at a heavy price—about USD $2.6 trillion per year, including USD $700 billion of environmental costs, and USD $900 billion of social costs. • 28% of the world’s agricultural land grows crops that are wasted, equaling the combined landmass of China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. • Water wasted on these crops equals the flow rate of the Volga or Zambezi Rivers, and could cover the entire world’s water needs.

• Increased agriculture and fishing to serve an increasing population means further exploitation of forest and marine habitats, and effects on our biodiversity. • Wasted food emits 3.3 gigatons of greenhouse gases—if this were a country it would represent the third largest in the world.

• Purée leftover meat/fish and/or veggies with stock or water and seasonings for a quick and satisfying soup.


• Spoon unused tomato sauce or purée, or pesto, into ice cubes trays. When frozen, pop out and freeze in a bag to keep them fresher longer. Use one or two or as needed to enhance soups, stews, and other dishes.

At Nature’s Fare Markets, our commitment to sustainability means we look for every opportunity to respect food, people, and resources, and…

• Freeze leftover herbs. • Make baked chips from leftover tortillas or naan. Break into pieces, brush with olive oil, and dust with herbs or spices. Bake at 400°F for 15 minutes, flipping them over halfway through. • Make breadcrumbs or croutons from leftover bread. • Grate citrus peel to add zing to almost anything. • Use overripe bananas in your smoothies, banana muffins, and breads. Teach your children—talk to them about food waste and get them involved in

“Ugly” Produce We use ‘ugly’ fruit in our soups and smoothies in our Bistro.

take stock Collect raw or cooked meat, fish, and veggie scraps into separate reseable bags and freeze until you have enough to make stock. learning respectful and practical food management skills. Plan your vacation with all the money you save! Practice gratitude—for the food you eat and the people who grew it for you—and honour their efforts by using it all! Think outside the kitchen: • Shine your shoes with banana peels. • Add orange, cucumber, or cantaloupe peels to your bath. • Make a natural skin exfoliant using salt, oatmeal, fruit, or yogurt (there are tons of resources online!)

Food Scraps We give our food scraps to local farmers in our communities— including someone who provides safe shelter to animals in need, and the BC Wildlife Park in Kamloops. Reduce Garbage We provide our Bistro juice pulp and coffee grounds to a local composter. Compost We offer composting bins in all our stores, and work to continue to reduce our carbon footprint.

Sources: | | | | | |

Vitamin and mineral supplement. These products may not be right for you. Always read and follow the label.

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  17



Mexican-Inspired Barbecue BY TORI WESSZER

Our barbecues, like most, include a variety of people with a mish-mash of food intolerances and preferences. I thought I would be super efficient and make veggie burgers that were also gluten-free, but those recipes are hard to find! So I made my own.

TORI WESSZER is a Registered Dietitian and self-proclaimed foodie. Her nutrition philosophy embraces moderation and quality without deprivation. She started up Fraîche Nutrition on a whim in August 2014, inspired to help share her love of food and educate others on simple healthy eating at the same time. Tori believes that food and nutrition has become overly complicated, and hopes to help others live healthier lives one wholesome recipe at a time. 18 | July/August 2016

Website: Instagram: fraichenutrition

Black Bean Chipotle Veggie Burger GLUTEN-FREE

398 ml canned black beans, rinsed and divided in half 1/3


red onion, finely diced

2 tsp


1 tsp

chipotle chili powder

1 tsp

sea salt

1 cup

cooked brown rice

½ cup cilantro, roughly chopped 2 tbsp

vegetable oil

1. In a large bowl, mash half of the black beans with a fork. 2. Add the rest of the black beans to the bowl along with the remaining ingredients. Stir to combine. Shape mixture into 4–6 patties (depending on size). Set aside. 3. Prepare the Chipotle Mayo. 4. Heat vegetable oil over medium heat in large frying pan. Cook in batches until golden brown and crispy, about 4 minutes per side. Take care when flipping the patties so they don’t break apart. Serve immediately with your favourite burger toppings.

Chipotle Mayo ½ cup mayonnaise 1–2 tsp chipotle hot sauce 1. In a small bowl, whisk ingredients together. Adjust amount of hot sauce to taste. Set aside.

Try these Burger Toppings Avocado slices

Tomato slices

Sliced red onion

Chipotle mayo


the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  19




Why You Need the Sunshine Vitamin

h gloriously sunny days are here! Spending more time outside, and eating more fresh and delicious seasonal fruits and veggies, don’t just make us feel better now– they are essential to make our bodies work better, longer, from the inside out. And it’s thanks to Vitamin D. To learn more we checked in with our friend and Naturopathic Doctor Shelby Entner.

Why do we feel lighter and more energetic in the spring and summer? We can thank Vitamin D for that…it’s called the ‘sunshine vitamin’ for good reason. In the winter, because there’s less sunshine and fewer daylight hours, because we bundle up, and stay inside—we can feel blue and lethargic. That’s because we’re not getting enough Vitamin D. All those things get in the way of soaking in Vitamin D’s goodness. A professor of mine once said that unless we are living in a bikini at the equator, we are not getting enough!

So what does Vitamin D do for us, and what happens over time if we don’t get enough? Our bodies need Vitamin D to absorb and regulate the calcium and phosphorus that create and maintain strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D also regulates insulin levels, supports our immune, brain, and nervous systems, and helps our genes, muscles (including the heart), and lungs to function well. When we don’t get enough we compromise those functions and, research tells us, increase our risk of depression, heart disease, and cancer. Adults can also develop osteoporosis, and children, rickets.

What’s the best way to make sure we get enough?

food doesn’t have the nutrition it did 100 years ago, it’s important to be mindful about getting enough. Natural sources like the sun, and eating Vitamin D-rich whole foods are your best bet. Go outside for at least 15 minutes every day. Expose as much of your skin as possible to direct sunlight. No sunscreen, sunblock, or shade—even clouds and clothing prevent absorption of Vitamin D. If you’re concerned about sun exposure, mid-to-late afternoon is best. Eat Vitamin D-rich foods: • Cold water fish (salmon, tuna), fish oil, liver, cheese, and egg yolks • Maitake and portobello mushrooms • D-fortified foods like cow, soy, and almond milk, and cereals

Can you take too much? Vitamin D is fat soluble, which means it accumulates in your fat. If you take too much, your body can’t clear it easily, and calcium levels will be affected, which in turn impacts your heart, blood vessels, lungs, and kidneys. You may experience headaches, muscle pain, a metallic taste in your mouth, nausea or vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.

What about supplements? I highly recommend supplements because many of us just don’t eat properly. My preference is an easily absorbed liquid fish oil supplement, which is great for kids, too. Many come in flavours like lemon, raspberry, and orange. Look for one that is ethically fished and screened for toxicity. I consider Vitamin D one of my Top 3 essential supplements, along with B vitamins and Omega 3s. How much you need depends on your age, weight, lifestyle, if you are pregnant, or taking certain medications, so it’s always good to check with a professional to make sure you are getting the right amount. Generally, kids need 1,000 IUs a day and adults need 2,000 IUs. Your family doctor can do a simple Vitamin D test, which costs about $60, and is worth every penny because too little, or too much, affects so much.

DID YOU KNOW? Vitamin D deficiency is most

Up to 80% of hip

common in infants, the elderly, dark-skinned people, or those who live at higher latitudes.

have a Vitamin D deficiency.

An SPF 30 sunscreen

reduces Vitamin D synthesis by 95%.

fracture patients

A higher intake of fruits and veggies means you also get more phytonutrients, fibre, and other vitamins and minerals.

Because we live in a northern climate, and Sources:

20 | July/August 2016

Storage and cooking reduces the potency of any vitamin–

eat fresh and raw for the full benefit.



An Anti-Cancer Diet LISA KILGOUR, rhn

system needs fat to function properly. Look at your skin, is it dry? If so, you need more fat. Add at least one teaspoon of healthy, unprocessed fat to each meal—healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, organic butter, and avocado. ANTIANGIOGENIC FOODS These are powerful anti-cancer foods. Many types of tumours will trigger the growth of blood vessels so they can grow quickly. Antiangiogenic foods slow the growth of arteries and blood vessels, making it harder for the tumour to grow. These are healthy foods like green tea, turmeric, berries, kale, and citrus. Vincent Li has a great TED Talk on this topic.


RELAXATION Okay, this isn’t a food but it’s important. And I know that saying no to stress is easier said than done, but every minute you spend in a relaxed state you give your body and immune system a chance to heal. Every moment of ahhhhh counts.

Cancer has touched so many lives. Most of us either know someone personally who has experienced cancer or have had cancer ourselves.

t’s become so common that I’m regularly asked about a cancer preventative diet or what to eat while healing from cancer. It’s a very popular question.

Google “cancer” and “diet” and you’ll get incredibly scary, confusing, and frustratingly inconsistent information. One website will say a food or supplement is supportive and the next will say not to use it. You just can’t win. But, from my research and my experience working in integrative cancer care, an anti-cancer diet (both for prevention and healing) can be simple, straightforward, and

effective. I won’t be talking about any “miracle cures”; instead these are research-proven and effective dietary recommendations. And for many of you, they’re foods you’ll already find in your cupboard. ENJOY WHOLE FOODS These are foods that are ingredients, not ones that have ingredient lists. Fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, etc. are very healing foods. Processed and packaged foods can contain questionable ingredients, refined sugar, and are usually missing important nutrients. HEALTHY FATS Most of us are unknowingly eating a low fat diet, and our immune

SUPPLEMENTS The most important cancer preventative supplements are simple ones like vitamin D, fish oil, lycopene (especially if prostate cancer is of concern), and medicinal mushrooms like reishi. Right now you might be thinking—why didn’t she talk about pH, sugar, or specific anti-cancer superfoods? Yes, you’re right, I could talk about many other things but from my experience this is a great place to start. And, lastly, stressing about doing everything perfectly is not healing. But enjoying the food you eat and the life you live is. Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy some lovely whole foods.

LISA KILGOUR, rhn is Nature’s Fare Markets’ Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She is Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition and provides free half hour one-on-one nutrition consultations in our stores. Check out the appointment schedule on page four and book your free appointment in-store today. Learn more:

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  21



Taking Care of Me BY NATALIE GRANT

Let’s face it, being a Mom is beyond a fulltime job. There are no weekends off, no holidays, no paid vacation days, or even sick days, and I feel like it’s been go-go-go since my babies were born. I’m okay with that, mostly; after all this is the life I chose. But what I’m not okay with is what I forgot about in the past seven years—me!


f there is one thing I have learned it’s that in order to be the Entrepreneur, Wife, and Mom I need and want to be, I really have to start taking care of myself. This is something all of us Moms tend to forget to do, or don’t make time to do. After moving to the Okanagan I was completely drained and exhausted. We had just moved into our new home, in this new and

I knew something had to change. I had to start making time to take care of me.

NATALIE GRANT is the founder and creative director of Boombaloo, a media company for the modern family. Boombaloo engages, captivates, and inspires readers by offering reliable and updated information; they aim to foster a sense of community by showcasing hidden talent, unique individuals and families, delicious recipes, and new products.

22 | July/August 2016

slightly unfamiliar city, and while I was beyond excited about our new life here, I was constantly focusing on the kids (who were about to start a new school) and all those other Mom things that we tend to take on and worry about. The emotion and stress of it all was just so apparent in my mind and body—and even in the dark circles under my eyes. At that point I knew something had to change. I had to start making time to take care of me.

Website: Instagram: boombaloomagazine

When I have been asked in the past as to what activities I like to do to relieve stress, the number one answer I would always reply with was both running and yoga, hot yoga to be more specific. Both have always been so beneficial to me for both mind and body and they both serve me well today. Running allows me to hit the pavement and burn off a negative day, while yoga provides me with this inner peace and calmness. If you are a yoga fan, then you know exactly what I am talking about. More recently I joined a local gym (Pure Gym & Juicery) and fell in love with spinning! Have you ever tried it? To be honest, the first time I wanted to die. After 10 years of not being on a bike I honestly thought my thighs were going to catch fire. But I didn’t quit. I signed up for another class and from that point on I was hooked. The cardio, the energy, the adrenalin, and the way the instructor pushes you to go for more is so incredibly motivating. It was just what my mind and body needed. Spinning is my therapy, the me time that works with my schedule and my life, and while I only commit to two days a week right now, it’s just what I need.

So after committing to my weekly cardio routine, I was feeling better but I felt like I needed something more. I’ve never been good at taking medications, vitamins, or supplements of any kind but I realized it

was time to learn. With a quick visit to my local Nature’s Fare Markets I found products I honestly cannot live without; my whole family is now addicted.



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the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  23




Greener Pastures


Once upon a time, all over this vast land, cows roamed the fields, grazing on nothing but sweet, green grass and clover.

ound idyllic? Not so much anymore. While it seems like the most natural thing in the world, as farming has become more industrialized over the past few decades, livestock are fed anything but their natural diet. Instead of fresh pasture and dried grasses, cows in large-scale factory farms are fed soy 24 | July/August 2016

and corn-based diets—and often “by-product feedstuffs”—waste products from the manufacture of human food, garbage, bakery goods, potatoes, pasta, and even candy. “When cows are fed grain, and not their natural diet,” explains Roland Siegmund, our Director of Purchasing & Vendor Relations, “it can ruin their digestive systems, and

cause a proliferation of E. coli which contaminates groundwater systems.” This diet changes the quality of meat and dairy from these animals, and causes inflammation in our bodies when consumed. Knowing this, and with a commitment to provide the healthiest possible food for our

customers, Nature’s Fare Markets offers a variety of grass-fed meat and dairy products—and have for years, says Roland—even though they’re not always easy to find. “We buy milk and cheese from grass-fed cows from Grass Root Dairies in Salmon Arm, and yogurt from Tree Island Gourmet Yogurt in the Comox Valley—and are lucky to have such great local suppliers. But because of our Canadian climate where grass may not be accessible all year, it’s a challenge to find farms that can produce enough to consistently supply any great quantity.”

And so, Roland looks further afield to source products like macaroni and cheese from Nudge, quark from Grass Roots Dairies, butter from New Zealand, and beef, bison, and cold cuts from the US.


Demand for these products is rising, he says, as awareness increases about how much healthier these products are—for humans and animals—and hopes that it becomes the new standard. After all, it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Why grass-fed? Compared to commercial, grain-fed products, pasture-raised meat, eggs, and dairy offer more “good” fats, fewer “bad” fats, and: • Are lower in fat and higher in heart-healthy omega-3s • Have 10x fewer inflammatory omega-6s

A ruminant is an animal that has a complex 3- or 4-chambered stomach. This allows them to properly digest their food by fermenting it, regurgitating it, chewing it (the cud), and then swallowing it again to break down tough fibres in their diet.

• Have 5x more heart-healthy conjugated linoleic acid or CLA (full fat meat and dairy) • Are richer in antioxidants like vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene • Are higher in thiamin and riboflavin B vitamins • Are higher in calcium, magnesium, and potassium

There are about 150 species of wild and domestic ruminants that include cattle, goats, sheep, giraffes, yaks, deer, antelope, and marsupials.

• Are hormone-, antibiotic-, and drug-free

PASTURED EGGS These eggs are from chickens that were truly raised as free-range, meaning that that roam freely outdoors on a pasture where they can forage for their natural diet, which includes seeds, green plants, insects, and worms. Compare to Commercial Eggs: 3–6 times more bone-building, immune system-enhancing, mood-elevating vitamin D 1/3

less cholesterol

¼ less saturated fat 2/3

more vitamin A

2x more omega-3 fatty acids 7x more beta-carotene

Sources: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin at Madison  |  |  Wikipedia Mother Earth News  |  Journal of Lipid Research  |  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  |  Journal of Animal Science

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  25



Abdominal Training BY RACHEL DOELL


he thought of building a set of six pack abs for many feels unattainable, but it’s not as far off as you may think. Before I started to practice clean eating, I would have never thought I could achieve the stomach I currently have. Six months after having my first child, with a strict clean-eating diet and a lot of weight training, I sprouted my first set of abs! I can tell you from experience that it required a ton of dedication. Making smart choices in the kitchen and following a proper workout plan are so essential in the abdominal development process.

Where Are Six Pack Abs Created? The Gym or The Kitchen? This is a longstanding debate. Where do visible abdominal muscles get birthed? The truth is that 80% of your success is going to come from what you put in your mouth. Yes, 80%! Here are some tips for creating those six pack abs in the kitchen: Keep a food journal By tracking your daily food intake you can look back on what was successful and what was not. Where are the areas for improvement? What food groups are you consuming too much or too little of?

RACHEL DOELL is an instructor, personal trainer, mother, and wife who loves health and fitness. Her fitness company, Daily Routine Fitness, ( features simple ways to fit living a healthy life into your everyday routine. Read her blog and find workouts: 26 | July/August 2016

How many calories does your body need? Figuring out the amount of calories you need to be consuming every day is important. Remember, you can’t just swap calories either! It doesn’t work to exchange the 400 calorie brownie for your 400 calorie lunch! You need to make calorie choices that will deliver nutrition to your muscles and fuel your body. Too much sugar = stored fat Your body only requires a certain amount of sugar to be taken in daily. When you eat foods with high sugar content, your liver’s sugar stores become full, and any excess

sugar now gets converted into fatty acids, also known as fat. If you’re looking to see definition in your stomach, cutting out excess sugars that the body cannot process is one of the first things you will want to try. The process of cutting sugar out is not easy and will take work. Try adding more bitter foods to your diet to help your hormones and taste buds balance in the process.

Lower Your Body Fat Percentage In order for your abs to show through, you will need to lower your body fat percentage and build a strong abdominal wall. If your

abs are small and weak, they will look that way no matter how low your body fat is. Adding more resistance and weight training to your program support your body in the hypertrophy process of building the muscles you need for abdominal definition. During this stage, you will add more proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to your diet to encourage new muscle growth in your abdominal wall. Yes, your calories will go up, but you will also be burning more with the highintensity weightlifting workouts needed to build your abdominal muscles. If your body fat is on the higher end, you will need to

lean your body out in order to see definition. This does not mean endless hours of cardio! It requires getting smarter with your food combinations and adding some interval training workouts to your regular fitness routine 2 to 3 times a week for 30 minutes. A great abdominal workout works your upper and lower abdominals as well as your obliques. If you are just focusing on doing 100 crunches a day or the abs machine you bought at 2am on the home shopping network, you’re going to be sadly disappointed with your results.


Six Pack Abs Workout

Here is one of my favourite abdominal workouts that requires no fancy equipment or gym membership.

If you’re new to working out, start with 30 seconds of each exercise and try to work up to 90 seconds. Focus on bringing the belly button into the spine and keeping your abdominal wall flat. This means not allowing your belly to bulge out and cause strain to the abdominal wall. If you have just had a baby you want to be extra careful with these movements and I highly recommend seeking the assistance of a pelvic floor specialist before beginning the program.

PLANK I love this exercise because it is challenging for everyone, from beginner to advanced, if done right. When performing you want your hands to be under your shoulders, elbows slightly bent, and a straight line from the back of your neck to the heels of your feet. If you need a modified version, simply come to your knees and focus on the form of your upper body.

REVERSE CRUNCH I love the reverse crunch because it uses the whole abdominal wall for support, while working our deep abdominal muscles that are key in definition. When performing this exercise keep your shoulders open and your upper back pressing into the floor. Slowly raise your legs and bum off the floor while bringing your belly in. Keep your toes above your hips, pause at the top, and slowly lower to your starting position.

SCISSORS This is a great exercise for toning the lower abs or the pouch that sits on the lower portion of our bellies. Focus on relaxing your shoulders, belly flat, and breathe out of the nose with each movement. Lower one leg at a time only to the point where you can maintain control through your core and there is no strain on your lower back. the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  27



Summer Survival Guide your health with harmful chemicals. Many conventional bug repellant for personal use contain N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide, or DEET, Picaridin, and/or IR3535 as the main ingredient. They essentially create a barrier on your skin which prevents the bugs from smelling you, but this barrier also comes with some health risks. DEET has been linked to neurological problems and skin irritation. Both Picaridin and IR3535 have been studied less and have less known side effects, but like DEET, IR3535 can potentially melt plastics.

Choose Natural

Summer is here—bring on the sunshine and outdoor living! But…no bugs and burns, please!


wo of the most common products used in the summer time are sunscreens and bug sprays; while both are needed to help protect us, they can contain an alarming amount of potentially harmful chemicals and it’s important to select products that are safe and effective.

Sunscreen There are two main ways sunscreens protect against the sun: minerals or chemicals. Mineral-based sunscreens use ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which literally create a physical barrier on the skin, reflecting the sun. Chemical-based sunscreens create a barrier using ingredients like oxybenzone, retinyl palmitate, avobenzone, octisalate, and homosalate. Many of the chemicals mentioned are known endocrine disruptors, and can interfere with reproductive and thyroid hormones. Also, as many as 75% of commercial 28 | July/August 2016

sunscreens potentially contribute to skin cancer and are not recommended for children or pregnant/breastfeeding women.

Bug Repellant Nobody wants to be bitten by insects that can potentially be carrying some serious diseases, but you also don’t want to risk

As with anything, it is important to read labels and only use the product as intended. For sun care, we recommend selecting a mineral-based sunscreen without the harmful chemicals, as well as antioxidant supplements to help protect from the inside out. For bug repellents we recommend essentials oils such as neem, citronella, tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus. They can be found in natural formulas or make yourself, and it is always best to apply them to clothing rather than directly on the skin. The Environmental Working Group website is a great resource to help select products that are safe for you and your family.


Bug Spray

30–50 drops of essential oil: choose from citronella, clove, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar, and lavender natural witch hazel distilled or boiled water 1. Fill small spray bottle half full with water. 2. Add witch hazel to fill almost to the top. 3. Add 30–50 drops of essential oils. 4. Shake well before each use.


NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY? Never-ending “To Do” List? TRY NU LIFE’S ENERGY FOR MIND, BODY & SOUL. With 9 types of Ginseng NU LIFE’s Energy is the naturally-derived, fast-acting, long lasting fatigue-fighter that positively donates energy and makes you feel alert, but not wired!


Chronic Ailments Relief Below: Within 3-5 days most men can lead a normal life again. Stops dribbling, burning and rushing frequently to the bathroom. Get up once a night or not at all. If you are considering surgery, try the tea first. Best product on the market. I had 100% relief. I don't have to get up anymore during the night. My sex #4A NPN 80051642 life has changed completely. I'm a new man today. Thanks a million times for this incredible tea. Oleg Kerler, Thornhill, ON After the first year drinking the tea, my PSA went down to 4.5; after the second year it went to 2.9; after the third year it went to 2.3. I highly recommend it. A real life saver. Thomas M. Thurston, Forsyth, GA.

High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is called the silent killer. With this natural medicine many people can get it in the ideal range of 120/80. Dr. C. Hammoud M.H., PhD recommends this effective product with fish peptides and herbs. True success stories: I was on 3 blood pressure drugs. That did not work. After starting Bell Blood Pressure Formulation my readings are generally well below 120/80. Dona A. Anderson, 76, Sooke, BC. At work my driver’s medical test #26 NPN 80063321 was too high at 170/100. After taking Bell product #26 for a few days, my BP went down to 128/84, which allowed me to pass my work medical. Kris Geier, 48, Windsor, ON.

Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Most adults sleep badly (69%). Consequently they are tired and less productive all the next day. Snoring bothers a bed partner. Most snorers not knowingly also interrupt breathing intermittently all night (sleep apnea). Sleep apnea often develops into major health problems: High blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, irregular heart beat and it is linked to higher risk of cancer. Bell Sound Sleep #23 has helped tens of thousands. I bought Sound Sleep for my sleep apnea as recommended by a friend. I started to sleep like a baby. #23 NPN 80027595 I got rid of my mask and all the gadgets of the CPAP breathing machine I hated for 3 years. Great product. I will always use it. Works wonders for me. Gene Fairchild, 83, The Villages, FL. Much more info on the Bell website.

Natural health products gently address the root causes of health issues, unlike medications that only address the symptoms, often with harsh side effects.

Men can perform anytime

EroxilTM #6 helps most men to perform like in their 20’s. Evidence of a few GUARANTEED hundred testimonials on our website with full names and towns. All 100% true: Eroxil is the best of all the supplements for men I’ve tried. Boosts my sex drive and I’m able to function #6 NPN 80051008 anytime. Angus Gutke, 45, Calgary, AB. Regained virility in three days. My libido was restored for good sex. I’ve also given it to friends with the same results. One of them is a diabetic and overweight. Dr. Louis Rolland, 72, St. Hyacinthe, QC. Wow! I feel like thirty years ago. My partner said I should have done it a lot sooner. She is one happy camper again. John Warner, 81, ON.

Women can climax again

ErosynTM #7 is the only product that helps most women to restore libido, desire and the ability to climax. There is no drug or natural product like it. Evidence from our website: Erosyn saved my marriage. I’m overjoyed! My libido is back. Words cannot describe how grateful I am. Carla Daunais, 32, St-Hubert, QC I’ve been married for thirteen years and never experienced climaxes in the last twelve years - until I took Erosyn. My new sex life is exciting! What a miracle! Jeane Adams, 37, American Fork, UT My sexual desire is greater now than it was for thirty years. It’s wonderful to have such ecstatic joy. I’ve tried others that didn’t work. Eve Jameson, 58, Kingman, AZ Literally hundreds more testimonials from delighted women on the Bell website.

Bladder & Yeast Infection

A diuretic to help relieve mild urinary tract infections.True success stories by women: Bladder & Yeast Infection #31 works within a day or two! My experience in the last 4 years is that whenever I feel symptoms of an infections I take two capsules for a day or two and the infection is gone. I love this product. Pat Pearce, 53, Brantford, ON 30 years of bladder infections gone! For 30 years my doctor prescribed antibiotics. As soon as the medication finished the next bladder infection came back. After 2 days taking Bell # 31 I noticed #31 NPN 80038535 a complete relief of my infection I had all these 30 years. God bless you all for helping all of us women. Emell Whitaker, 69, Bronx, NY.

Blood Sugar Imbalance

Stop the blood sugar “roller coaster” vicious cycle of cravings and appetite to eat sweets and starchy foods (incl. bread, noodles, cereals, rice, potatoes, French fries, beans, peas) that cause high blood glucose levels, which then brings your pancreas to automatically pump insulin into your blood stream. Subsequently the high level of insulin precipitates low levels of blood glucose and more cravings for more sweets and starchy foods, which should be avoided. Truthful statements from real people: My medical indicated pre- #40 NPN 80040208 diabetic. I took #40. When re-tested readings were fine. This helped my metabolism and my weight is down 25 lbs. I am grateful to the health food store people for their advice. Michael O’Brien, 60, Rutherglen, ON.


Pain free in 2 weeks. This is what happened to me personally. I tried drugs, acupuncture, magnets, physio and others. Finally special processed shark cartilage helped me. Since then I helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Nick A. Jerch, President. Cancelled knee replacement. I was in pain and limping. I have no more pain now and can square dance for hours. Anton Melnychuk, Porcupine Plain, SK. I tried another brand and the pain came back. 2 weeks on Bell #1 NPN 80042283 and the pain is gone again. Gert Dupuis, Hanmer, ON. On our website people write: “Can walk again for hours”; “Can climb stairs without hanging on to railing”; “First time in 15 years I can sleep at night”. Also guaranteed for rheumatoid arthritis and sciatica. Hundreds of testimonials on our website with full names and towns. Shark bones/cartilage was previously a thrown away by-product of the food industry. No sharks are caught for their cartilage. Don’t let any activist confuse you.

Stop Heartburn and Reflux Naturally

Prevent reflux by having an alkaline balanced stomach with the Bell Acidic Stomach & Alkaline Balance #39. You may not need more antacids or drugs ever after. Many millions suffer needlessly. Read the guarantee. Alkaline balanced cells and body gives us more comfort, better digestion and strengthens our immune system to fight all illnesses including cancerous cells which we have in our body every day. Truthful actual experiences from real #39 NPN 80053642 people: Reflux gave me a sore throat and I could not sing in the church choir anymore. After taking Bell #39 I have no more reflux and rejoice in singing again. Helene Giroux, 65, Quebec, QC. Have family history of heartburn. For last 10 years I suffered a lot with acid reflux. I told all family members about #39 being all natural, giving quick relief with no side effects and no antacids needed anymore. Michael Fasheh, 49, Port Ranch, CA.

Allergies are a modern epidemic

By Dr. Chakib Hammoud, M.H.,PhD.

What people experience: I tried numerous other remedies all my life that were not effective. Since I discovered Bell Allergy Relief, I do not have a stuffy nose and itchy eyes when #24 NPN 80043542 pollen season comes around. I don’t have to walk around like a doped zombie anymore. Leonard Waldner, 44, Delia, AB For twenty years my life was miserable with sneezing, watery eyes and sinus pressure year-round on most days. I was amazed. On the third day, all of my allergies were gone. It was like magic. Becky Gerber, 25, Dover, OH

60 MORE NATURAL MEDICINES on the Bell website. All guaranteed to help. President’s own story: 15 years ago I started to have arthritis, prostate, kidney, snoring and sleep apnea problems, which were all helped quickly with natural health products. I made it my life’s purpose to help others. Nick A. Jerch

We believe most people can improve or overcome their ailments, if they try. All products have NPN licences. All are guaranteed. To ensure this product is right for you, always read the label. No money is paid for testimonials.

Available in all health food stores and in many participating pharmacies and grocery stores. If they don’t have it in stock or don’t want to order it for you, order it on our website, or call us with Visa or MasterCard. S&H $9.95. No S&H charges if three or more bottles are ordered.

Store locations on website.


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NATURE’S FARE MARKETS SAVE A BAG We donate 5¢ to charity for each reusable bag used. Thank you for your support and choosing reusable shopping bags! Our total donations as of the end of March 2016: Food Bank: $31,065.69 BCSPCA: $4,346.50 Langley School District Foundation: $3,602.60 BC Wildlife Park: $457.85 Animal Care Society: $412.10 We have raised $9,448 for our previous Save-a-Bag charity, the Sierra Club.



COMMUNITY EVENTS Nature’s Fare Markets Wins at CHFA West CHFA West is Western Canada’s largest natural health and organics annual trade event and was held this year at the Vancouver Convention Centre May 12–15. The CHFA Industry Achievement Awards are presented to companies in the natural health and organic products industry for outstanding achievements. Sheila Young Wins Excellence in Retail Sales Award

Nature’s Fare Markets Wins the Brock Elliott Award for Excellence in Retailing for Western Canada For the fifth time we won the Canadian Health Food Association’s (CHFA) Brock Elliott Award for Excellence in Retailing for Western Canada. We are so proud to win again this year. We simply couldn’t have done this without the support of our team, our customers, and our vendors.

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Sheila Young, Vitamin Manager at Nature’s Fare Kamloops, for winning the Canadian Health Food Association’s Excellence in Retail Sales Award. Sheila was recognized as someone who exemplifies customer service, and who has outstanding product knowledge and merchandising skills. Sheila has been a member of our Nature’s Fare family for 12 years.

Sheila Young is presented with the CHFA Excellence in Retail Sales Award

The 3% Club is all about giving. Through this program, Nature’s Fare Markets helps all types of local groups, clubs, businesses, and organizations give back to the community. Participating organizations collect receipts from purchases made at Nature’s Fare Markets and we give them back 3% of the total spent! In 2015 we had 102 participating organizations and we gave back $24,303.28 to help support their programs and needs.

All B Corps must re-certify every two years in order to maintain their B Corp status. Each time we re-certify, we undergo a rigorous analysis of our business processes, which includes questions about how we treat our employees, how much we give back to our communities, and how sustainable we are.

Ask for more information:

The minimum number of points a business must achieve to receive certification is 80.

Nature’s Fare Markets is a five time winner of the CHFA Brock Elliott Award

B Corp Certification We are thrilled to announce that Nature’s Fare Markets has officially re-certified as a B Corp with 105 total points!

We have gained an additional 25 points over the past two years by continuing to improve our company through the addition of programs that benefit our staff, our communities, and the environment. We are proud to be a company using the power of business to be a force for positive change in the world. Nature’s Fare Markets was the first retailer in any sector to become a Certified B Corp in Canada.

Find out about events and contests happening in Nature’s Fare Markets’ stores and our communities.



You’ll love the new features Lots of delicious recipes, great articles about healthy living, and we have expanded our shopping section. Sign up for our newsletter to get recipe ideas, special offers and event updates.

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o l l He ! N E P O OW N E R A WE


LOCATIONS Kamloops 1350 Summit Drive 250.314.9560

Kelowna 1876 Cooper Road 250.762.8636

Langley 19880 Langley Bypass 778.278.1300

Penticton 2210 Main Street 250.492.7763

Vernon 3400 30th Avenue 250.260.1117

CONNECT WITH US   Lowest Price Guarantee

We will beat any local competitor’s advertised sale price on vitamins and supplements by 10%!

West Kelowna

Fare Points

Reach 50,000 Fare Points ($500 spent in-store on all regular priced items) and receive a 15% Off Reward Coupon to use on all regular priced items on one future visit of your choice.

3480 Carrington Road 250.707.3935

5% Discount Days

Save 5% on select days on regular priced merchandise. Senior’s Days: Wed & Thurs Family & Student Day: Sunday

White Rock 15180 North Bluff Road 778.291.1321 Open seven days a week Store Hours & Online Orders:

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