The Good Life May/June 2014

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THE The Magazine of


Nature’s Fare Markets Live well. Live organic.

May/June 2014







Beneficial Bees

One Woman’s Journey to Wellness

Lost in the Supermarket

Healthier, Happier, Smarter




May/June 2014

Good Nutrition

Good Feature 4

Tropical Dilemma Is it Ethical to Buy Red Palm Fruit Oil or Coconut Oil?

Good to our Planet

7 Beneficial Bees By: A. Vogel

One Woman’s Journey to Wellness Why Coconut Water? The nature’s Fare Nutritionist

Lost in the Supermarket By: Lisa Kilgour, rhn


Good Health

What we’re Eating

Coconut + Recipe: Thai Inspired Spring Pea Soup

13 20

Oil for Oral Health?


MCTs, Coconut Oil & Alzheimer’s

Healthier, Happier, Smarter By: SISU

Good Beauty


11 12 14

Coconut Care DIY

In every issue

3 Noteworthy Notions 23 NEW! Stay Aware 23 Nature’s Fare Markets Update

Good Fitness



Fit Tip

Get Up & Run!



Flyer Sale (starts)

Lecture: “Joint

May 1


All Stores

June 3

Pain” with Frank Silva from SISU Tuesday

Lecture: “Take Control of Your Hormones” Dr. Marita Schauch from Preferred Nutrition

Ask the Nature’s Fare Nutritionist: Lisa

May 5



Flyer Sale (starts)

May 6



June 5

May 7



Ask the Nature’s Fare Nutritionist: Lisa

May 8



June 6

June 4

Wednesday Thursday Friday

Kelowna Kilgour Penticton All Stores Kilgour Vernon

Lecture: “Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition” Julie Daniluk from Preferred Nutrition

Lecture: “Unlocking Your Potential with Medicinal Mushrooms” with Jason Watkin from Purica

May 6

June 11



June 17



June 18



June 19





Ask the Nature’s Fare Nutritionist: Lisa

May 9


Promotion: Natural



Factors Bonus Bottle Sale

May 12–16

All Stores

Flyer Sale (starts) May 15


June 19 All Stores

Ask the Nature’s Fare Nutritionist: Lisa

May 16


Flyer Sale (starts) Thursday

All Stores

Dates subject to change. See store or online for event details.



Dates subject to change. See store or online for event details. © 2014 Nature’s Fare Markets. The materials in this magazine are suggestions only. Nature’s Fare Markets does not guarantee results.

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Noteworthy Notions  Supplements Naka Nutri Herbal detox

Ascenta NutraSea Great tasting omega-3 supplement in a balanced formula for overall health and well-being. NutraSea is beneficial for the maintenance of good health, and in support of cardiovascular health and brain function. It is also beneficial in the development of the brain, eyes, and nerves in children and adolescents. Available in a variety of flavours and strengths.

Help detoxify and cleanse your body with this herbal liquid formula. Naka’s Nutri Herbal Detox contains burdock root for its ability to eliminate toxins and its skin cleansing effects. Dandelion root helps to flush away toxins, support liver health, and enhance bile flow. Astragalus root is also a part of this formulation for its adaptogen qualities and support for immune system responses. Finally, milk thistle is included for its unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to support the liver and blood.

Flora CircuVein Do you suffer from unsightly varicose veins? CircuVein works to repair, strengthen and tone blood vessels, provide antioxidant support against further free radical damage, and reduce inflammation. The swelling, pain, heaviness, leakage, and poor blood flow is gradually reduced over the course of a couple months. Isn’t it a relief to know that in just two short months your legs could be free from varicose veins? CircuVein is safe for long term use, sustainable, and vegan so you can confidently take it, knowing it will repair your veins and have your legs looking beautiful in no time.

Food So Delicious Organic Coconut Milk “Creamer” Coconut milk “creamer” is a delicious, healthy alternative to traditional creamers. Soy-free and made using only organic Non-GMO Project Verified coconuts, they’re the perfect addition to enhance your favorite morning beverage. Available in a choice of three scrumptious flavours: original, vanilla, and hazelnut.

Book Grain Brain —by David Perlmutter,


club rea

The Organic Life md

Renowned neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, blows the lid off a topic that’s been buried in medical literature for far too long: carbs are destroying your brain. Dr. Perlmutter explains what happens when the brain encounters common ingredients in your daily bread and fruit bowls, why your brain thrives on fat and cholesterol, and how you can spur the growth of new brain cells at any age. He offers an in-depth look at how we can take control of our “smart genes” through specific dietary choices and lifestyle habits, demonstrating how to remedy our most feared maladies without drugs.

Sign up for the Book Club at


The Organic Life chronicles a year in the life of a hopeful organic farmer and his sceptical girlfriend and reveals that a changing climate, financial insecurity, demanding physical labour, and corporate agriculture threaten the sustainability of one of the world’s most traditional livelihoods in modern-day America. It’s a story that’s filled with sweat, blisters, sun, and rain as well as a compelling passion for life, food, and the earth, which seems unique to farmers. It shows one such farmer’s 21st-century approach and demonstrates that this can be a viable and fulfilling profession. In this way, The Organic Life is a look at sustainable farming – not merely how the farm itself is viable, but also how the farm sustains its keepers.

the good life The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  3



Tropical Dilemma Is it Ethical to Buy Red Palm Fruit Oil or Coconut Oil? Twenty years ago, most people believed that saturated fats were a cause of life threatening health problems like heart disease and stroke. People were advised to avoid saturated fats at all costs – in fact, most people were told to refrain from eating any fat at all. Today, it has become clear that some fats are actually beneficial for reducing heart disease and stroke. Polyunsaturated fats like those found in nuts, avocados, fish, and olive oil are now recommended by doctors as methods for lowering bad LDL cholesterol. Although unsaturated fats have been cleared for consumption, there is still some debate regarding saturated fats found in items like coconut oil and red palm oil. Both of these tropical oils have wide reaching health benefits, including their ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels, protect against heart attack and stroke, maintain good blood pressure and circulation, protect against cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, and liver disease, and fight mental degeneration related to Alzheimer’s disease. With a resume like that, it seems like people would be consuming these oils by the tub-full. And while tropical oils like red palm fruit oil and coconut oil are gaining popularity in North America as a result of their extensive healthful properties, there are environmental concerns that may mean buying these oils may not be ethical or sustainable. 4 | May/June 2014

Red Palm Fruit Oil

Coconut Oil

Red palm fruit oil has been a staple of indigenous people in Africa for over 5,000 years. In fact, the oil was revered by tropical cultures for its healing properties. It is derived from the fruit of oil palms and varies in shades from red to white. Virgin red palm fruit oil is an orange red colour, whereas more processed versions are pale yellow or translucent. Virgin red palm fruit oil contains the highest concentration of vitamin A found in nature. It is this concentration of alpha and beta carotenes that gives red palm fruit its colour. Virgin oil is also an excellent source of phytonutrients, antioxidants, co-enzyme Q10, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. As the oil is processed it loses its nutrient values and as a result, its red colour.

Coconut oil comes from a different species of palm tree than red palm fruit oil. Coconut oil is derived from the flesh of mature coconuts, the fruit of the Cocos nucifera palm tree, whereas red palm oil is taken from the red fruit of the African oil palm Elaeis guineensis. Worldwide, coconut oil is quickly becoming recognized as an extremely versatile superfood. With benefits ranging from weight loss, to brain function, to cosmetic cure-all, the demand for coconut oil continues to rise.

It is important to note the difference between red palm fruit oil and palm kernel oil. The former is extracted from the fruit of the oil palm tree, whereas palm kernel oil is taken from the tree’s seeds. Palm kernel oil is one of the most commonly used oils worldwide, second only to soybean oil. In addition to its popularity as a culinary oil and for use in cosmetics and body care products, palm kernel oil has also been used as bio diesel. Unlike red palm fruit oil, palm kernel oil does not contain high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and phytonutrients. Sustainability Concerns

There are three main concerns surrounding the production of red palm fruit oil and palm kernel oil: the deforestation of the rainforest, the destruction of orangutan habitats, and the food versus fuel debate. Stationed in areas of Africa, South East Asia, and tropical regions of South America, there is great concern that the palm oil industry is destroying rainforests and degrading animal habitats. South Asian palm oil farms are clearing large portions of the rainforest in order to plant hectares of oil palms. The high demand of palm kernel oil and the promise of great profits have driven many companies to the palm oil business. With the bottom line in mind, sustainability and environmental protection has taken a backseat to wealth. While palm kernel oil is in far greater demand than red palm fruit oil, there is still valid environmental concerns that arise as a result of any oil palm farming. Safe Choices

Although there is a prevailing view that all palm oil should be

Sustainability Concerns

Coconut trees live and produce fruit for up to 60 years. They are nicknamed the “third generation tree” because farmers from multiple generations are able to harvest coconuts from the same trees. Coco palms are heartier than their oil palm cousins and are able to grow in sandy, nutrient-lacking soil. As a result, it is not necessary to level large areas of rainforest in effort to find acceptable growing conditions. In fact, many coconut palm farms were previously sugar cane farms that have been transitioned as the demand for coconut products increases. Further, Greenpeace recognizes that most coconut palm farms are owned by small scale growers. While this is the case now, there is concern that large corporate investors will be aware of the coconut oil trend and change family farms into large plantations, similar to what currently exists in the oil palm industry. Most environmental agencies agree that coconut palms are a wonder crop, extremely sustainable, long lasting, and low maintenance. Coconut trees are left to produce fruit year after year, as opposed to oil palms that are often harvested using the slash and burn technique. That being said, there is caution given to introducing coconut palms to different ecosystems as their presence in non-native zones can result in the loss of a number of different bird species. Safe Choices

Unfortunately there are no local choices for coconut oil, but there are fair trade and organic options that are grown and produced by sustainable companies. Maison Orphée, a company from Quebec, produces a high quality virgin coconut oil made from organic coconuts. The oil is sourced from the Philippines and is ECOCERT fair trade certified. Artisana Foods offers a raw, organic coconut oil sourced from South Asia. The company is partnered

the good life The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  5

avoided due to environmental concerns, there are some companies that are growing oil palms in a sustainable manner. While buying red palm fruit oil is certainly not supporting local, it can mean supporting fair trade and developing economies. Nutiva produces red palm fruit oil that is grown on organic, family farms in northwest Ecuador. Nutiva also has created social programs in the area by building a small clinic for the local doctor and hiring a full time soccer coach and providing uniforms for youth teams. To address concerns of deforestation and destruction of orangutan habitats, a Swiss company formed the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2004. The RSPO certifies farmers’ processes and practices to ensure sustainability. Alpha Health, a local company in British Columbia, Canada, markets red palm fruit oil that has been certified by the RSPO for its environmental commitment. Even though Nutiva red palm fruit oil is grown and produced in Ecuador, a region that is not native for orangutans, the company ensures that they have minimal environmental impact by limiting farm size to approximately 25 acres. These farms are interspersed throughout regional forests which also encourage natural plant and animal growth. Without question, consumers should be extremely careful when choosing to buy red palm fruit oil. By purchasing a product that is certified by the RSPO or that clearly states its growing and production processes, consumers can be sure that they are choosing a sustainable option that does not contribute to environmental destruction.

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with the Rainforest Alliance, the Rainforest Action Network, and the Cornucopia Group, all of which are agencies that are working towards creating agricultural reform in high risk areas.

Comment &


Tell us how you use coconut in your life and you could win an iPad mini. Enter contest and see details: gococonutcontest/

GOOD  to our


Beneficial Bees Bumblebee Facts • Bees have smelly feet! After feeding they leave a scent on the flower which tells other bumblebees to avoid landing since there won’t be much pollen left! • Bumblebees’ tails can be one of four different colours – blonde, white, red or brown. • Bumblebees rarely nest in the same location two years in a row. • Bumblebees don’t swarm and aren’t aggressive. • Bees sometimes use “buzz pollination.” The bee holds onto the flower while producing a high-pitched buzz that releases any pollen that would otherwise stay trapped inside.

Bees can be seen as unwelcome pests but we should remember the important role that they play in our ecosystem and the benefits they provide to farmers and gardeners. Furthermore, when compared to wasps, bees are generally less aggressive and reluctant to sting unless they are provoked.

estimated at $1.2 billon annually (worldwide: $250 billion!). Although many other insects, such as wasps, butterflies and beetles, also pollinate flowers, bees are by far the most important as they actively collect pollen. They even have specially designed pollen baskets in their hind legs to carry it.

There are three different types of bees that commonly visit domestic gardens. The most easily recognized are the fluffy bumble bees which are easily spotted due to their large size, bright striped bodies and awkward bumbling flight. Then we have the more dull coloured honey bees, famous for making honey, and finally, a number of small inconspicuous solitary bees which, unlike the social honey and the bumble bees, live alone.

In addition to making delicious honey, the honey bee provide us with propolis, an antiseptic resinous substance collected from trees. The bees use propolis to sterilize their nests and it is becoming increasingly used in complementary medicine.

So why have bees earned the prestigious title of “beneficial insects?” Probably their most important role, both economically and ecologically, is as pollinators. Through their actions in collecting nectar and pollen, a wide variety of commercial plants such as fruit crops, oil-seed rape and beans and also wild flowers are pollinated. With approximately one third of the food we eat relying on bees for pollination, their commercial value in Canada alone has been

Despite their importance, many bee species are declining and roughly one quarter of our native species are now endangered. This is primarily as a consequence of herbicides killing wild flowers and the destruction of suitable nesting habitats. In addition, honey bees are under continued threat from the Varroa mite, a tiny blood sucking mite that has ravaged both commercial bee hives and wild honey bee colonies. Bees should always be seen as welcome visitors to your garden and can be encouraged by planting nectar rich plants such as red clover, foxglove, and hazel. Providing suitable nesting sites may also help.

• Bumblebees with short tongues reach the nectar of long tube-shaped flowers using a technique called “nectar robbing.” They bite a small hole in the side of the flower, then stick their tongue through the hole and suck out the nectar. • Males do not collect pollen, so if you see a bumblebee with pollen on their hind legs, it’s a female queen or worker. Bee Involved 1. Help to support bee research For each unit of A.Vogel Allergy Relief products purchased, A.Vogel will donate to a regional bee research centre to help create more bee friendly habitats. 2. What you can do Bees and other pollinators should always be seen as welcome visitors to your garden and should be encouraged by planting a variety of local native plants that vary in colour, shape, and blooming season. Providing suitable nesting sites may also help, and avoid pesticides or insecticides. 3. Adopt bees – even in the city! Anti-pesticide regulation, great floral diversity, and the lack of pollinators all contribute to the fact that the city is a great, even ideal, environment to keep bees. For more information

the good life The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  7


The PGX Satisfast Protein Bar for nutrition and weight control ®



PGX Satisfast Protein Bars are 100% vegan and gluten-free. They contain PGX as well as energy-enhancing plant proteins and other raw foods, all coated in organic dark chocolate, and available in three popular natural flavours: Dark Chocolate Coconut, Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Very Berry Dark Chocolate. Mmmm… Made with easy-to-digest brown rice and pea protein, with whole-food sweeteners and low glycemic stevia, PGX Satisfast bars are certified gluten-free, Raw™, non-GMO, and USDA organic.



Coconut Care DIY Nature’s All-in-One Personal Care Solution? Coconut oil is well known for its remarkable healing powers for a number of ailments. Not only does it have medicinal qualities, but it has cosmetic attributes as well. Coconut oil can be used for a variety of health and beauty applications like homemade moisturizers, shampoos, and even make up remover. Substituting coconut oil for more traditional beauty products is an easy and inexpensive way to avoid unnecessary and potentially toxic chemicals. One reason why coconut oil is so great for beauty is because it contains lauric acid, an anti-microbial agent which is added to

many beauty products. Lauric acid is an excellent cleanser and easily lifts dirt and bacteria from skin pores. Additionally, lauric acid fights oxidation that occurs as the ingredients in beauty products age. It keeps coconut oil fresher longer, meaning that free radicals are not applied to the skin at any time. There are many ways to use coconut oil as an ingredient in do-it-yourself personal care products. Always choose unrefined or virgin coconut oil, as the refined version often contains additives that can reduce the effectiveness of the pure oil.

Use plain coconut oil head to toe: • hair frizz tamer • hair conditioning treatment • make up remover • cream to reduce under eye puffiness

H a i r CARE

Coconut Avocado Hair Mask 1 fresh avocado

• night cream

¼ cup organic coconut oil

• lip balm

2 tbsp honey

• after sun skin care • first aid salve (sooths burns, scrapes, and bug bites) • nipple soother for nursing mothers • cuticle conditioner • personal lubricant

In a small bowl, mash avocado with a fork until smooth. Mix in melted coconut oil. Drizzle in honey and stir until well combined. Generously apply on hair and scalp and massage in. Leave on for 30 minutes. Shampoo hair clean.

• stretch mark treatment


Coconut Oil Shaving Cream ¾ cup grated shea butter soap 2 tbsp coconut oil 1/4 cup aloe vera gel ¼ cup witch hazel 5-10 drops essential oil Mix grated soap and coconut oil into a heat safe bowl. Set over a pot of simmering water to create a double boiler. Allow ingredients to melt, remove from heat. Add aloe, witch hazel, and essential oils. Blend mixture using a hand blender or an electric mixer. Store in a bottle. To easily get your shaving cream into a small necked bottle, spoon into a plastic bag. Cut off one corner of the bag to form something similar to a pastry bag. Squeeze mixture into a bottle.


Coconut Oil Natural Deodorant 1/3 cup coconut oil ¼ cup baking soda ¼ cup arrowroot starch

S k i n CARE

Firming & Softening Coffee & Coconut Oil Body Scrub ¼ cup used coffee grinds from coffee maker or French press


Coconut Oil Toothpaste 4 tbsp coconut oil 4 tbsp bentonite clay

½ to 1 cup coconut oil

½ tsp real sea salt

Strain the coffee grinds well and put into a storage jar. Melt the coconut oil and pour over coffee grinds. Stir to combine. Leave to set at room temperature or refrigerate to set more quickly. Stir a few time as it sets to get an even consistency.

10–15 drops of peppermint essential oil

Use in the shower and scrub all over your body paying close attention to rough skin on the elbows and feet. Scrub hard in circular motion with your hands. Do this for a few minutes then rinse with cold or cooler water.

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2–3 tbsp filtered water A few drops of stevia (optional) Mix coconut oil, clay, and salt together in a small bowl. Slowly add water and cream together using the back of a spoon. Add stevia if desired. Stir in essential oils. Store in an airtight container.

4 tbsp cornstarch (for antiperspirant characteristics) 5–10 drops of essential oils for fragrance Mix baking soda, arrowroot starch, and cornstarch in a bowl. Add coconut oil and blend. Add the essential oils. You may need to add more coconut oil or baking soda to achieve desired consistency. Transfer mixture to a small, glass jar. Apply mixture as you would lotion to underarms. Store in a cool place as coconut oil liquefies in temperatures above 72°F.


One Woman’s Journey to Wellness


by Kim Cameron, Kelowna Community Food Bank Food as Medicine It was Hippocrates who first implored, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food.” Colleen Colleen Harrison Harrison, a woman who lives with extreme food allergies, knows that Nature’s Fare Markets takes that statement to heart. It’s been a tough decade for Colleen Harrison: watching her father lose his fight with cancer, suffering from food allergies impacting her quality of life, waging her own battle against Stage 4, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and surviving a debilitating car accident that would eventually cost Harrison her teaching career. With every medical crisis she’s faced, Nature’s Fare Markets has been there to help her along the path to recovery and eventually, to wellness.

Leading the Way in Nutrition Education Just after her father’s death in 2000, Harrison began seeing a naturopath who diagnosed a persistent skin rash as intolerance to gluten. In her quest to eliminate gluten from her diet, she turned to the only place she could Nature’s Fare Markets.

much more than just another grocery store – it became my health and nutrition classroom,” Harrison states.

Bridging the Gap Following her accident and subsequent loss of income, Harrison struggled to make ends meet on provincial disability benefits. Although she qualified for assistance from the Kelowna Community Food Bank (KCFB), her food and skin sensitivities require that she only eat whole, natural foods. The KCFB worked to provide her with as much fresh food as possible, however, Harrison’s requirements were beyond their Special Needs programming. KCFB staff appealed to Nature’s Fare Markets management for help. Harrison now receives the equivalent value of a monthly KCFB food hamper in the form of a Nature’s Fare Markets gift card.

Where Fresh is Best Nature’s Fare Markets became her go-to spot for easy-to-prepare meals, made with fresh, organic ingredients. Harrison recalls, “I don’t know how I would have been able to eat as healthfully and nutritionally without The Apple Bistro at Nature’s Fare Markets. I learned to take their ready-made salads and side dishes, and with a few ingredients of my own, turn them into complete, affordable dishes I could stretch out over several meals. Even when other health food stores came to town, it was Nature’s Fare Markets’ commitment to fresh, “They really ‘just get it’,” marvels Harrison local, whole foods that kept me coming back.” who uses her gift card to purchase supplements and the organic foods she needs to Beyond providing the nutritional care she support her health. needed, the staff at the store provided much needed physical and emotional support after “Food is my medicine,” says Harrison. “As I Harrison’s 2006 car accident. reflect on my health journey over the years, I can say that Nature’s Fare Markets and their “I was unable to lift anything over five pounds,” staff have not only been, and continue to be remembers Harrison. “There was always a staff my health, nutrition and lifestyle coaches, but member in the aisle ready to help me reach also my cheerleaders, councillors, support items, take them to the cashier, or push my group, and friends. They have been an integral cart. The staff showed genuine care and empapart of my healthcare team.”  thy in every interaction – they not only understood, but were so supportive and encouraging.”

“Nature’s Fare Markets was the only place that even knew what I was talking about; they were also the only place in town that carried glutenfree products,” says Harrison, who began attending Nature’s Fare Market’s nutrition planning seminars, and working with in-store staff to overhaul her diet to improve her overall health. “Nature’s Fare Markets became so the good life The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  11



Why Coconut Water? Coconut water is the new “it” drink. Often seen in the hands of celebrities in the tabloids, coconut water is definitely the new trend. In the United States, sales of coconut water have been doubling each year since 2011. The question is, does coconut water have enough health benefits to sustain the trend and maintain its popular position?

Found inside young, green coconuts, the mineral rich water is touted as nature’s new sports drink. Packed with potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and amino acids, coconut water has more minerals and electrolytes than any sports drink on the market. Low in sugar and calories, coconut water is also fat free and low in carbohydrates. The concentration of minerals is what makes coconut water so hydrating. Containing more potassium than

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four bananas, the nutty, sweet tasting liquid is also an excellent cure for hangovers!

Nutritionists do caution people that coconut water still contains a small amount of sugar so it shouldn’t become a direct replacement for water. Additionally, for those individuals who are involved in intensive training, coconut water alone may not be enough to facilitate whole body recovery. After extreme workouts, like running a marathon for example, the body requires carbohydrates, sugar, and sodium in larger amounts than is available in coconut water. Additionally, athletes should supplement with protein after a workout to help muscle recovery. Overall, coconut water is an excellent choice for hydrating. It is lower in calories and sugar than standard sports drinks or juices and

supplies the body with much needed minerals and amino acids. There are some studies that have shown that the antioxidants present in coconut water may be powerful enough to fight cancer-causing free radicals, however further research is needed to confirm these findings.

Superpower Morning Smoothie 1 handful organic kale 1 organic banana (preferably frozen) 1 cup coconut water 2 tbsp nut butter 1 tbsp flax oil or other omega 3 oil ¼ tsp ground cinnamon 1 serving protein powder (optional) Put all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.



Oil for Oral Health? The Revival of an Ancient Oral Health Technique Thinking about making the switch to a natural toothpaste? Look for these helpful ingredients to improve your oral health regime: • Tea Tree Oil: a natural antiseptic killing harmful bacteria, plaque, and boosts gum health. • Neem: effective for improving gum health and preventing cavities. • Myrrh: increases circulation to gums and mucus membranes, while working as an antioxidant and antimicrobial.

Oil pulling, also known as oil swishing, is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that is currently experiencing a grand revival. The practice involves swishing vegetable oil in the mouth for around 20 minutes. The lipids in the oil bind to toxins and bacteria and remove them, leaving behind a clean mouth and whiter teeth. Improved oral health is the main motivation for oil pulling, because along with decreased amounts of bacteria, oil pulling also results in reduced levels of yeast (thrush), reduced fungal overgrowth, stronger teeth, and reduced risk of gingivitis. The technique may also result in better breath, less nasal congestion as a result of colds or allergies, and reduced tooth sensitivity. Additionally, oil pulling may be helpful for people with TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) as it is said to reduce jaw pain.

2. Measure the oil: One to two teaspoons is a good amount of oil to start with, as the taste and texture are often difficult for most people to stomach the first few times. If using coconut oil, you may want to either melt the oil before putting it in your mouth (be careful that you don’t make the oil too hot!), or allow it to melt in your mouth before beginning to swish.

1. Choose your oil: Any vegetable oil can be used, but many prefer coconut oil both for its taste and for its additional health benefits.

3. Swish: Swish for approximately 20 minutes. As you swish, the oil will change consistency and become more white and viscous. There is a

Coconut oil is considered to be a good substitute for mouthwash because it contains a high concentration of vitamin E, a known antioxidant. It is also a good source of vitamins A, D, and K, which are good for the immune system, bone and tooth health, and blood clotting, respectively. Sesame oil is another favourite for oil pulling because of its nutrient profile. Tip: It is best to oil pull first thing in the morning before eating or drinking.

fine line between swishing enough and swishing too much. As you swish, the oil absorbs saliva and toxins, which causes the change in texture. If you swish for too long, your body may begin to reabsorb the toxins. 4: Spit out the oil: The oil you spit out should be white and thick. If you reach this point before 20 minutes, spit the oil out. Do not spit the oil out into the sink as it is so thick it may cause the sink to clog over time. 5: Rinse: Finally, rinse your mouth out with warm water to remove all of the oil. Brush and then floss your teeth. Note: Some people may experience a detoxification reaction during their first few oil pulls. This may show itself as mild congestion, headache, or mucous draining.

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The Nature’s Fare Nutritionist

Lost in the Supermarket Lisa Kilgour, rhn is Nature’s Fare Markets’ very own Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She is Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition and provides one-on-one consultations and speaks for select vendors in our stores. Come in and speak to BC’s favourite nutritionist.

Why has it become so difficult to know what and how to eat? Has it always been this hard to feed ourselves properly? Are you tired of feeling like you know what’s healthy and then find out from a health expert that you were completely wrong? Arg! I am aware of the irony here. My entire livelihood is based on helping people find a healthy diet and more than once I’ve been that health expert that has added to your confusion…and I’m very sorry about that. The truth is, I really wish it were easy to eat well, even though that would mean I would be out of a job. I wish we all could go grocery shopping and be 100% 14 | May/June 2014

confident in our choices. But, I do believe we can get back to a simpler time when food choices were easy… and I can’t wait! So, instead of telling you what you “should” eat and just add to your confusion, I’d like to discuss why grocery shopping has become so difficult and hopefully help to reduce some of your confusion. If a food “says” it’s healthy… If a food “says” it’s healthy…then it probably isn’t. Real, healthy food doesn’t have a label on it, any health claims, or an advertising budget, because real food doesn’t have the profit

margin to allow for this. An advertising campaign (especially a TV commercial) is incredibly expensive…and you pay for this campaign when you purchase these foods. These product’s prices may be high, but the actual cost of producing that food is quite low. Locally grown produce or organic meats may have a similarly high price tag, but in this case, most of your money is going directly to the cost of producing that food. Yet, this food won’t “tell” you it’s healthy. An apple doesn’t have a label that talks about its high fibre and vitamin content. Grass-fed meats don’t advertise their anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer fat on the label. Instead, they are simply food.

Nutritional Profile vs. Ingredients Processed food producers love having the nutritional profile on their packaging because they can manipulate the ingredients to make the nutritional profile of a food product appear to sing! Whatever nutritional paradigm is currently the trend can be created by ingredient manipulation. Low sodium? They switch to MSG. Low fat? They add some extra sugar to keep the flavour. Low sugar? Artificial sweetener is used instead to keep it sweet. Real, whole food may not have such a wonderful nutritional profile, but their ingredients really do sing. Organic, unhomogenized whole milk yogurt does have more saturated fat than the government guidelines recommend, but the fat is high in CL A , which may help to reduce fat around your waist. Unpasteurized sauerkraut may have more sodium than you think you’d like, but it’s from sea salt and this food is incredibly healing for the gut. Always look for healthy ingredients in your food – ingredients you can recognize, and ignore the nutritional profile. It doesn’t tell you anything about how healthy a food is.

A really great filter… You may have seen me shopping at Nature’s Fare Markets – I’m there a lot. I choose to do the majority of my shopping there for one BIG reason – it makes my shopping easy. A good local retailer like these guys filter out much of the not-so-great products, only stocking their shelves with higher quality products, like those that are from smaller producers who don’t have the huge marketing budgets needed to survive in the big stores. These producers take pride in making a high quality product full of healthy ingredients, and making our job as customers much easier.

Take a deep breath, and enjoy! Lastly, I want to leave you with one last important point – make eating joyful! Once you’ve traversed the grocery store and crafted your meal, take the time to sit down, relax, and savour every single bite. Focus on the joy – not any guilt. Chew, taste, and fully experience your lovely meal.

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What we’re eating

Coconut Besides the fact that coconut has become the one of the hottest Head Chef, Natu re’s Fare Markets ingredients on the market today, its many forms, from water, flour and butter, make it a great ingredient to just play and experiment with in the kitchen today.

Nick Johnston

There are over 1,300 varieties of coconut. The highest concentration of coconut palm trees can be found in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and the Philippines. The name is derived from the Spanish and Portuguese word “coco,” which means grin, or monkey face. European traders added the ending “nut” to the word. The health benefits of coconut are numerous. Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside young, green coconuts. This water is one of the most hydrating substances on Earth, and has even been used to replace blood plasma in emergency IV situations. Coconut milk is white and is produced from the grated meat of a mature coconut, It is versatile and works well as a non-dairy substitute for cow’s milk.

Did you know? • Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos built himself a coconut palace, a massive building made with 72% coconut lumber, to impress the Pope during his visit • People in the Philippines make an alcohol called Lambanog out of the sap of an unopened coconut flower – at 45% alcohol, it is powerful stuff! • Burning coconut husks is a known mosquito repellant • Technically the coconut is not a nut at all, but a drupe. Other drupes include peaches, plums, and cherries.

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Coconut oil is extracted from the meat of a mature coconut. Coconut oil is rich in medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat that promotes weight loss and lowers unhealthy cholesterol. MCTs are digested differently from other fat molecules. Instead of using bile from the gallbladder for digestion, MCTs are digested directly by the liver and released into the bloodstream. Digested MCTs become ketones, which are extremely helpful for lowering bad LDL cholesterol and increasing good HDL cholesterol (which is essential for brain function, muscle function, heart health, and energy). Fat from coconut oil is not stored in the body but is instead quickly released, which boosts metabolic rate. The digestion of MCTs also promotes the conversion of LDL cholesterol to pregnenolone, a molecule that is a precursor to many hormones. This conversion helps to regulate thyroid function and blood sugar release. Coconut oil is also linked to improved brain function as the presence of MCTs can inhibit the growth of a peptide known as Amyloid-B, found in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, MCTs encourage the existence of good HDL cholesterol, which is necessary for proper neuron transmission and other brain functions.

Buy It

When choosing a whole coconut, look for one that is reasonably heavy and that sounds like it has some liquid inside when it is shaken. An overripe coconut will not have any residual liquid and could have a soapy flavour. Be sure that the coconut is free from any punctures or cracks and that there is no liquid dripping out of any of its three “eyes.” Whole coconuts can keep in the fridge for up to two months. Once the coconut is cracked open it will only stay fresh for a couple of days. The meat can be cut out of the coconut and frozen for up to eight months. The best coconut oil is unrefined, which means it is minimally processed. Unrefined oil may also be called virgin or extra virgin. Whenever possible, choose an organic and raw coconut oil – it may cost a bit more but the benefits make it worth it, plus you are supporting a company that is practicing sustainable farming techniques and is not contributing to destruction of the rainforest or animal habitats. High quality coconut oils are extracted using an expeller press or a cold press process (extracts while keeping the oil under 49° C). Coconut oil should be a whitish colour and have a pleasant coconut aroma and flavour.

Prep It

Coconut is available in many more ways than the traditional shredded coconut that we have seen in our kitchens for years. Over the last few years, the market has been flooded with a variety of coconut products such as sugar, oil, flour, milk, cream, butter, and of course whole coconut. Most of these coconut products come ready to use and can be substituted for similar conventional products. Preparing a whole coconut is a bit of a process ,but can be well worth the work. . First, bore a hole into one of the eyes of the coconut with a cork screw. Drain out the coconut water. Put the drained coconut into a 350° F oven for about 15 minutes to loosen the flesh from the shell. Next, firmly hold the coconut on a sturdy surface and rotate it along its equator while tapping it with the back of a heavy chef knife. After a few turns and hard taps, it will begin to crack apart. The flesh should easily pop out. Peel off the dark skin and discard. Now it’s ready to eat!

Pair It

Coconut has long been a staple in the cuisines of India, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries. In today’s age of fusion cooking, it has become a staple ingredient in Western kitchens that goes beyond the dried and shredded coconut that’s used in desserts. Of course, it does still lend itself well to the sweet pantry, but savoury flavour pairings are what make this a truly versatile ingredient. It gives spicy dishes a complex cooling effect. It goes wonderfully with strong, hot spices, such as curry spices, chili peppers and ginger. It is also used frequently in desserts with such ingredients as bananas, pineapple, chocolate, citrus and vanilla.

Cook It

When it comes to cooking coconut the versatility of it is truly endless. If you want to substitute different coconut products into your diet there are some easy ways to do it. When sautéing vegetables, add a touch of coconut oil instead of the standard oil you might be using. By using coconut milk or cream instead of dairy products you can make many soups or sauces vegan friendly. If you want to challenge yourself, using coconut sugar and flour instead of the conventional ones can open all sorts of exciting doors in the bakery.

Thai Inspired Spring Pea Soup 2 tbsp coconut oil

1 cup onion chopped 2 tbsp garlic minced 1 tbsp ginger minced

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1 tsp green chili minced

Heat coconut oil on medium heat in a soup pot. Add onions and sweat them until they are translucent. Add garlic, ginger, lemongrass and green chilies to pot and cook until aromatic.

use We choose to ever organic when e possible becaus it’s better for or ts you and supp a sustainable and environment community.

1 tsp dried lemongrass

2 tbsp lime juice

3 cups coconut milk

Add lime juice, coconut milk, and vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer.

3 cups vegetable stock

2–3 Kaffir lime leaves

2 cups fresh peas

2 tbsp fresh basil chopped 2 tbsp fresh cilantro chopped

Add Kaffir lime leaves and cook 30 min. Remove from heat and discard lime leaves. Add peas and half of the basil, cilantro, and mint to the liquid and puree with either a blender or an immersion hand blender.

2 tbsp fresh mint chopped salt and pepper to taste

¼ cup coconut flakes, toasted

Season with salt and pepper to your liking. Garnish with remaining cilantro, basil, mint and toasted coconut and serve.

the good life The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  17



Fit tip

Get Up & Run!

Warmer weather tends to make us feel like we should get out and get some exercise. One of the easiest, more effective, and most inexpensive ways to exercise is running. Not only is running great for your heart health, it also helps build strong bones and connective tissues. It takes strength and stamina to run continuously, but once you build up your endurance you will be able to burn calories and strengthen your heart muscle regularly! Beginner runners should remember to start slowly; going too far too fast will likely result in injury which could sideline your foray into running before it even begins. Before beginning your run make sure to take five to ten minutes to warm up. Complete some light aerobic exercises like marching, jumping jacks, or a light jog to get your heart rate up and your muscles warm. Next, stretch your leg, back, and neck muscles. Start with a slow pace until your body has adjusted to the exercise. Slowly increase your pace until you feel like you have


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reached a speed where you are able to run but still breathe regularly. Breathe evenly through your nose and mouth. Only taking oxygen in through the nose is not sufficient during periods of exertion. Your cells need more oxygen to function at an optimal level. Breathing should correspond with your foot strikes on the ground. Depending on your speed, you should inhale for a number of foot strikes and exhale for the same number. There are certain safety considerations when running. First, always run against traffic. Second, be visible. Wear bright clothing during the day and reflective gear at night. Be aware of bumps and cracks in the pavement, and most importantly limit your number of distractions. While running to music helps people stay motivated, it is also a hazard because it limits your ability to hear noises around you. If you need to run to music, either keep the volume low or only use one earphone. One of the most common mistakes made by beginner runners is trying to do too much too quickly. It takes time to build up strength and endurance, so don’t be discouraged or

push yourself too hard. Another mistake that is often made is running in the wrong shoes. Because running is a high impact sport you need to protect your bones and joints by wearing a supportive shoe. Visiting a specialty running store to have a shoe fitting is one of the best ways to ensure that you have the right shoe for your body and running style. The most important thing to remember when beginning running is sticking to a plan that works for you. A great way to stay motivated is to join a running club. Having people with similar goals and ambitions will help you to achieve yours! Furthermore, running with other people is a great way to meet new friends and expand your social circle. Most of all, running should be a rewarding and fun – at least most of the time! Remember that if you do find yourself stuck in a rut, change things up a little bit. Instead of running, try swimming, or yoga, or biking for a day. Let the new activity refresh your motivation and inspire you to get back on the road!


Things New Runners Need to Know:

1. There is strength in numbers: Join a running group or make a regular date with a friend for support and motivation 2. Make a plan: Whether it’s run/walk intervals, time goals, or distance goals, having a plan will help you to stay on track. 3. Fuel yourself properly: Hydrate well and eat properly before and after running. 4. Be realistic: Know that there will be bad days! Keep the successes and good days in mind you carry you through. 5. Know your limits: You know how much you can really do – don’t push yourself past your maximum.




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the good life The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  19



Healthier, Happier, Smarter SISU Kids’ essentials help your little ones spring into summer Children lead busy lives with a combination of school, organized sports, music lessons, and other activities. These mental and physical demands combined with their natural growth and development force the body’s systems to work harder, using up more nutrients. Despite our best attempts to provide them with a balanced, whole-food diet rich in fruits and vegetables, high-quality proteins and natural fats, children’s diets can experience nutritional gaps or fail to deliver adequate amounts of all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals they need in order to reach their physical, mental, and intellectual potential. High-quality supplements, specially designed for children are a convenient and safe way to help bridge nutritional gaps and provide extra nutrients to keep up with their growing bodies and minds. A good multivitamin is “nutritional insurance” and helps provide children with the essential building blocks of a fully-complemented diet. SISU U-Cubes™ are pectin-based gummies made with non-GMO ingredients and everything else you look for in a children’s multivitamin. They are great-tasting and naturally-flavoured with kids’ favourite natural grape, cherry, and orange flavours in each bottle, naturally-sweetened with sugar cane juice and tapioca syrup, and contain only pure, natural colours from maqui berry, black carrot, and turmeric. Unlike other multivitamin gummies, SISU U-Cubes™ contain no beef or pork gelatin or other ingredients parents wish to avoid such as vegetable oil, high-fructose corn syrup, or 20 | May/June 2014

brown rice syrup. What’s more, they are made in small batches to ensure the highest quality and freshness. One of the most important kids’ supplements… what it is and what it does Babies are born with an intestinal tract that is completely sterile. Soon after birth, bacteria begin to colonize the entire gastrointestinal system and form the unique and complex blend of both “good” and “bad” bacteria that are so critical to our health. Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that naturally inhibit the gastro-intestinal tract. They help maintain an infection-free environment in the intestines and are involved in digestion and the production and absorption of nutrients. Many key immune factors are also found in our intestines and there is a direct link between probiotics and immunity. In children and infants, the immune system is still in the process of developing and maturing and probiotics are particularly important in order to build and maintain a healthy gut flora and a robust immune system. Food-borne illness, the flu, dirty fingers in the mouth, travel, antibiotics prescription, and a number of other factors can easily disrupt the natural balance leading to symptoms that range

from gas, bloating and diarrhea to reduced nutrient absorption from food, less-efficient digestion, reduced immune function, and increased vulnerability to viral and bacterial infections. Studies confirm that Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria probiotics help relieve tummy problems, including diarrhea and constipation, reduce the number of colds and stomach flus, and improve other common childhood complaints such as allergies and eczema. SISU Kids Dophilus Plus Chewable combines both Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria strains in delicious, natural cherry-flavoured tablets with all natural sweeteners that kids love to take as a daily happy treat.

Tested on Humans for Pets

OregaPet is a complete line of natural First Aid and Oral Hygiene products formulated to disinfect your pet inside and out! With the power of Mediterranean Oregano oil, OregaPet is the natural way to prevent and treat infections and infestations, speed wound healing, reduce inflammation, clean teeth and gums, and support your pet’s overall health and vitality. Naturally powerful products that pet owners have been waiting for!

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FIRST AID GEL • Kills infection causing bacteria • Speeds healing of wounds & burns • Treats hotspots & pressure sores • Relives pain & inflammation • Made with oregano oil & HMI honey

OregaPet is a division of Joy of the Mountains

DENTAL SPRAY • Kills resistant strains of plaque causing bacteria • Prevents and treats gum infections and tooth decay • Helps prevent dental related diseases like arthritis and heart, liver or kidney failure



MCTs, Coconut Oil, & Alzheimer’s Coconut oil is nature’s richest source of medium chain triglycerides (MCT), a classification of fat that is based on the configuration of the fatty acid molecules. Medium chain triglycerides are unique because unlike other forms of fat which must be mixed with bile from the gallbladder to facilitate digestion, MCTs are digested directly by the liver. During digestion, MCTs are converted to ketones and then released directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the gallbladder and bile completely. This conversion of fat to ketones is what makes MCTs and coconut oil such a compelling alternative treatment for degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. Ketones Ketones are the result of the body’s digestion of medium chain triglycerides. Similar to how carbohydrates are converted to glucose when digested, MCTs are converted to ketones, which are then released directly into the bloodstream. Science suggests that Alzheimer’s disease may be caused by a peptide called Amyloid-B, which is the main component of deposits found in the brains of patients with the disease. Recent studies have suggested that ketones created from the digestion of MCTs protect against, and offset the effects of, Amyloid-B peptide. Furthermore, there is evidence that shows that ketones are actually able to restore and renew neurons and nerve function in the brain. Cholesterol Early onset of Alzheimer’s disease may be caused by trouble with the transport of cholesterol from the bloodstream to the brain. Making up only two percent of the mass of the human body, the brain contains 25 percent of 22 | May/June 2014

the body’s total cholesterol. Used in a number of brain functions, cholesterol is essential, and some scientists have suggested that defects in cholesterol metabolism in the brain may be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Healthy fats like those found in coconut oil, and ketones specifically, are responsible for lowering the levels of bad LDL cholesterol and raising the levels of good HDL cholesterol.

Why the Rise? The low fat craze of the 1990’s may have contributed to the rise in cases of Alzheimer’s disease over the past 15 years. People were directed to avoid fats at all costs and instead choose carbohydrates and proteins. Unfortunately, this prescription meant that people also stopped eating healthy fats that help to maintain proper cholesterol levels and result in ketone production. Consuming more carbohydrates resulted in excess glucose levels in the blood, which in turn caused the depletion of good HDL cholesterol necessary for proper brain function. Additionally, the overzealous use of prescription cholesterol drugs like statins may also have a role in the increased number of Alzheimer cases. Statin drugs lower all types of cholesterol, including the good cholesterol that is an essential component of healthy brain function. Dosage A therapeutic dosage of MCTs from coconut oil is about 20 grams per day, which is equal to two tablespoons of coconut oil. Because taking this much coconut oil at once may cause an upset stomach, it is recommended to start slowly, with a half tablespoon per day and then work up to 20 grams.

Stay Aware Stop Bill C-18 Bill C-18, also known as the “Agricultural Growth Act” was introduced in December 2013, and if passed will give more power to multi-national agribusiness (ex. Monsanto) while simultaneously increasing Canadian farmers’ costs and reducing their autonomy.

the approval is unlawful because it failed to assess whether the GM salmon could become invasive, potentially putting ecosystems and species such as wild salmon at risk.

Stop the Arctic Apple

Say No to GM Salmon Two Canadian environmental groups – Ecology Action Centre (NS) and Living Oceans Society (BC) – are asking a court in Canada to decide if the federal government violated its own law when it permitted the manufacture of the genetically modified (GM) “AquAdvantage” salmon. The legal challenge asserts that

The small BC company called Okanagan Specialty Fruits has asked the Canadian and US governments to approve a genetically modified (GM) “non-browning” apple. The GM apple could be approved in 2014. Contamination from GM apples threatens the future of our apples, and the farmers who grow them. GE-Crops-and-Foods-Not-on-the-Market/Apple

Nature’s Fare Markets Update Events

Awards Our founder, Rick Monahan, was inducted into the Canadian Health Food Association’s Hall of Fame. As the organizations highest honour, this award recognizes outstanding contribution to the development and growth of the health food industry. Congratulations, Rick!

GMO OMG: This April, we showed the documentary GMO OMG to approximately 620 viewers in theatres in Kelowna, Penticton, and Vernon.


The film showed director and concerned father, Jeremy Seifert, in his search for answers to the question that is of growing concern to citizens the world over: What’s on your plate? Visit to learn more. One night Only

Vernon Towne Theatre | 2910 30th Ave

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Doors: 6:30pm Show: 7pm


Students & Seniors (60+)



Buy at Nature’s Fare, at the door, and


Brenda Watson: We proudly hosted Brenda Watson of Renew Life on April 10th when she presented “The Heart of Perfect Health: Silent Inflammation & Its Effects on Your Health” to over 230 of our customers at Nature’s Fare Markets Langley. Watch for the presentation coming soon on our YouTube channel.

Contributions Save-a-Bag: We donate 5¢ for each reusable

SAVE A BAG bag you use. As of the end of March 2014,

$24,625.48 has been raised for the Food Bank and $9,188.61 for the Sierra Club. Our Langley store has raised $572.00 for the Langley School District Foundation.

Fare Points

Help us

Grow a forest Earth week April 21–25

We’ll plant a tree when you spend $100 or more

Fare Points: We reward Fare Points members with big discounts! It’s free to join and easy to collect points since you earn them whenever you shop. Ask your cashier for a membership form the next time you shop and let the rewards begin!

Watch the forest grow:

Earth Week: We celebrated Earth Week this year by growing a forest with The Carbon Farmer. During April 21 – 25, we planted a tree for every customer who spent over $100, reaching our goal of $3,000. Together, helped reforest the natural Boreal forest by planting 1,472 trees in Manning, Alberta. Kamloops: 221 trees Penticton: 160 trees Kelowna: 472 trees

Vernon: 215 trees

Langley: 251 trees

West Kelowna: 153 trees

Learn more and view our virtual forest at:

New Seasonal Favourites Blueberry Zinger Muffin

Made with a medley of hearty oats, flax, and spelt. Bursting with fresh blueberries and topped with zingy lemon glaze.

Arabian Freekah Salad

Chewy freekah, toasted pistachio, crisp cucumbers, and a mix of fresh herbs tossed in creamy dressing made with lemony sumac.

Fruit Burst Muffin

This gluten-free muffin is bursting at the seams with berries and fruit! Bite into blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and silky peaches.

Available at the Kamloops, Kelowna, Langley, Vernon, and West Kelowna locations. Product and pricing may vary per location. See in-store for details.

the good life The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  23



Take a deeper look into the products you buy and where you buy them. Nature’s Fare Markets is proud to be Canada’s first Certified B Corporation retail company. There are over 900 companies internationally that are certified. These companies have met rigorous standards of transparency as well as social and environmental performance. Every product they sell increases their positive impact on the world. ANT E CH


Find out more at


Live well. Live organic.

Ethically assisting our customers on their journey to better health.

Shop smart

Lowest Price Guarantee We will beat any local competitor’s advertised sale price on vitamins and supplements by 10%! Fare Points Reach 50,000 Fare Points ($500 spent in-store on all regular priced merchandise) and receive a 15% Off Reward Coupon to use on all regular priced merchandise on one future visit of your choice. 5% Discount Days* Senior’s Days (60+): Wednesday & Thursday  |  Family & Student Day: Sunday *On regular priced merchandise.

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Kamloops 5 – 1350 Summit Drive 250.314.9560 Kelowna 120 – 1876 Cooper Road 250.762.8636 Langley 120 – 19880 Langley ByPass 778.278.1300 Penticton 104 – 2210 Main Street 250.492.7763 Vernon 104 – 3400 30th Avenue 250.260.1117 West Kelowna 104 – 3480 Carrington Road 250.707.3935 Mail Order 1.800.406.6646

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