10 Ways to Make Detoxing a Daily Practice BY JEN CASEY
When the weather gets warmer and we come out of winter hibernation, we often feel the need to do a cleanse, or detox. We crave the feeling of cleaning out, fresh starts, and lightening up. The definition of detoxification is to remove toxic substances or qualities, which is what we essentially do to prepare for a new season. We detox around our home, our closet, our car, and often our diet. It feels great and leaves us with new motivation to set new goals and intentions. What we fail to remember is that we can keep the “clean out” momentum going by making detoxing a daily practice. Who says we have to wait until spring? After all, a healthy body, mind, and environment require attention 365 days a year. When we get too comfortable in any of these areas and overindulge, or fail to nurture what is most important, we start to feel symptoms like headaches, sluggish digestion, respiratory problems, rashes, hormone imbalance, brain fog, and lethargy. These arise from toxic overload—an abundance of chemicals we are continually consuming, slathering on, and breathing in. Many chemicals, even though they might be used in small amounts, can add up if they are being used on a daily basis.
JEN CASEY is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner with Bite Club Nutrition. She focuses on holistic, diet-free approaches to weight loss and balancing hormones through nutrition and lifestyle. Book a free 30-minute online nutrition appointment with Jen or one of our other nutritionists at 25
March/April 2022