1 minute read

Do I Need to Do a Cleanse?

Written by Lisa Kilgour, rhn

The days are getting longer, the sun is getting warmer and the plants are coming back to life. I love spring! You might also be noticing that your body is perking up too. It might be asking for different foods or lighter meals, or you might even be thinking…do I need to go on a cleanse?

Spring is a wonderful time to support your body’s natural detox cycle and there’s a reason you might be feeling extra “cleanse-y” right now. Your body triggers its own internal clean-up each spring and this is a great time to support this natural process.

In many health circles, it’s believed that you just need to let your body do its thing, that there’s no need for cleanses or detoxification protocols, but I believe there’s a place for them. You live in a different world than what your body’s natural detox process was meant for. Your natural detox cycle is wonderful at handling day-to-day toxins, but what about the chemical soup we live in today? Air pollution, water pollution and hormone-disrupting chemicals are everywhere. Just walk down the cleaning aisle of a conventional grocery store and you’ll get an idea of the chemical soup I’m talking about.

The World Health Organization says that air pollution increased by

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