2 minute read


Support your body’s natural detox process a whopping 8% between 2011 and 2016. Add to that the glyphosate residue found in food as well as the parabens, formaldehyde and phenoxyethanol in conventional creams and lotions, and it’s clear that your body might need help handling this chemical assault.

Over time the chemical strain can add up, leading to symptoms like:

• brain fog;

• constipation;

• diarrhea;

• low energy;

• strong body odour (or a change in scent);

• chemical sensitivities; and

• skin breakouts.

So supporting your natural detox cycle can be helpful. This doesn’t need to be harsh or difficult—we need to give the body the ingredients required to move those toxins out!

Cleanses can also help reset old habits or bring in new ones. You’re generally going to follow a “clean” diet during the cleanse and as long as you set an end date, it can be helpful. Starting any restrictive diet without an end date can lead to feelings of deprivation and bingeing—something you definitely want to avoid.

Also, please note that cleanses aren’t weight loss diets. While doing a cleanse may help your metabolism at a cellular level, normally any weight that’s lost will come back when you’re done. Be sure to keep this in mind as it’s best to have the right expectation. Often we berate ourselves when we gain weight after a cleanse or diet, when it was actually just inevitable.

How’s Your Colon Doing?

Here’s the thing: you’ve gotta have a happy colon first. If you’re even mildly constipated, your body can’t get rid of all of those toxins you’re pulling out of your liver and cells.

Think of it like cleaning your house. You spend all day cleaning out a room, it looks sparkling clean…but all of that garbage is now in the hallway. If your hallway is clogged up, then eventually that garbage

Continued on next page

1 | Avoid excess chemicals whenever possible

Use natural laundry detergent and consider unscented or naturally-scented creams and lotions. Use gloves when using cleaning chemicals or switch them out for natural options (your pets will thank you too).

2 | Stay hydrated

Yes! I know, it’s simple but hard to do. Your body needs you to be hydrated for your detoxification system to work properly. Also, dehydration is a stressor that will raise your cortisol levels…and can cause your body to store extra energy around your belly.

3 | Support your glutathione production

Sulphury veggies like the cruciferous family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) and the onion/garlic family help your body make extra glutathione. Aim for a serving of each every day if you can digest them okay. Also, make sure you’re eating enough protein each day to ensure you’re getting those important glutathionecreating amino acids.

Add a squeeze of lemon to your water or grab a mug of herbal tea like nettle, dandelion or milk thistle to help support your detoxification cycle even more!

4 |

Hop on over to

Nature’s Fare Markets for cleanse supplies!

Grab your herbal cleansing kit, some supportive coldpressed juices, organic cruciferous veggies and a delicious meal kit for dinner. The team members in your store’s wellness department can help find exactly the right detoxification support to suit your body.

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