3 minute read
Hit or Myth The Truth About Plant-based Diets
Plant-based preferences are going mainstream, globally, because the benefits—for people and the planet—are undeniable. In China, people are encouraged to reduce meat consumption by 50%. In the US, 600% more people identify as vegan than three years ago; and 350% and 400% more, in the UK and Portugal respectively, compared to a decade ago. In Canada, our new Food Guide emphasizes protein from plant-based sources. Yet myths about plant-based diets abound. To get the facts, we checked in with Nicola Anderson, Education Specialist/RHN/ROHP, at plantbased nutrition company Vega.
What are the benefits of a plant-based diet?
So many! Plant-based foods are nutrient dense (richin fibre, vitamins, and minerals), easily digestible sincethey are typically consumed in their whole form,minimally processed, and low in saturated fats. Plantbaseddiets also help Mother Earth with a reducedcarbon footprint.
Also important is nutrient density—the nutrientsderived from a food, per calorie. We’re not talkingabout calorie counting but bang per buck. How many macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbs) and micronutrients(vitamin, minerals) are you getting per calorie?
Plant-based foods are nutrient-dense because theyhave fewer calories and more nutrients per calorie.
What are the myths surrounding plant-based diets?
There are a few!
PLANT-BASED DIET MYTH #1 You can’t get enough protein on a plant-based diet.
Protein is essential to living and plays a variety ofroles in our body—everything from tissue repair, tomuscle cell and tissue development, and helping tocarry oxygen through the blood for energy.
Every whole food contains protein in varying levels.When we say “protein” we’re also talking about aminoacids—20 different ones—split into two categories:
• Essential amino acids only obtained from food, and
• Non-essential amino acids found in food andnaturally created by the body.
While it’s beneficial to get protein from multiplesources to ensure a full amino acid profile, it’s notdifficult to meet the daily recommended value on aplant-based diet. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains,nuts, and seeds contain protein. Great sources arequinoa, beans, tofu, lentils, tempeh, oats, broccoli, andnuts and seeds.
PLANT-BASED DIET MYTH #2 You need to drink milk to get calcium.
We often hear this, but plant-based sources of calciumare abundant and more sustainable, like:
• Dark leafy greens, particularly cooked collardgreens, turnip greens, and kale;
• Chia and hemp seeds, hemp milk, almonds/almond butter;
• Broccoli, figs, and blackberries; and
• Tahini and molasses.
Types of Diets
Always check with a qualified health practitioner to make sure you are meeting your unique nutritional needs.
Vegetarians exclude animal and animal by-products, fish, and shellfish
Lacto-ovo vegetarians exclude animals; include dairy and egg
Lacto vegetarians exclude animals, animal by-products, eggs; include dairy products
Ovo vegetarians exclude all animals and dairy; include eggs
Vegans exclude all animals and animal-derived products, including honey
Flexitarians part-time vegetarians who also eat animals, dairy, and fish
Pescatarians exclude animal and dairy products; include fish
Pollotarians exclude animal and by-products, except for poultry
Pollo-pescetarians exclude animals and by-products; include poultry, fish/seafood
Fruitarians mostly raw fruit
PLANT-BASED DIET MYTH #3 Athletes can’t be strong on a plant-based diet.
This is possibly one of the biggest myths! To gain muscle, we must do two things:
• Work out to break down muscle tissue, and then
• Refuel/rebuild with high-quality protein.
Our body converts protein into individual amino acids to help repairand rebuild muscles—most importantly the branched-chain amino acids(BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine, and valine.
Leucine, in particular—immediately after a strength workout—helps tostimulate protein synthesis. Try a post-workout meal of a cup of lentilsand at least 1 oz of pumpkin seeds. I’m also a huge fan of post-workoutprotein smoothies, to hydrate and get adequate amounts of BCAAs.
PLANT-BASED DIET MYTH #4 Plant-based diets are boring.
I couldn’t disagree more! Try new foods—colourful plant-based options areendless. Think about eating the rainbow; the more colours you eat, themore diversity in nutrients and flavour.
Get creative with herbs and spices—garlic, ginger, and citrus—to boostflavour as well as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Q What’s your favourite plant-based dish?
Pretty much anything with or on noodles is my jam—a Soba Noodle Bowlis a staple in my house. It’s super quick to prepare, flavourful, and fresh.
Soba Noodle Bowl

Grab the recipe on www.naturesfare.com