2013 Annual Report

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Nature Trust of New Brunswick | Fondation pour la protection des sites naturels du Nouveau-Brunswick

Annual Report Conserve. Steward. Educate.

A Year in Review - 2013/14



P1 President's Message P1-2 A Year in Review 2013/14 P2-4 Stewardship Report Insert 2013/14 Donors President's Message

Participants getting into Canoe Kayak New Brunswick's 'big canoe' for a trip to Green Island Nature Preserve. (Photo: Bibo Pohl)

Annual General Meeting – October 4, 2014 Village of Gagetown, New Brunswick The Nature Trust of New Brunswick’s 27th Annual General Meeting took place in the Village of Gagetown on Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014. Over 30 Nature Trust members, board members, staff, and other interested individuals gathered in the Alfred Ashburn Memorial Legion Branch for a presentation by Executive Director Renata Woodward about conservation planning work along the St. John River and then the annual meeting. President Lynn MacKinnon opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and introducing members to all of the board members and staff in the room. Lynn gave the group an overview of some of the past year’s highlights, including the conservation of Seven Days Work Cliff on Grand Manan, the expansion of the Saints Rest Marsh-F. Gordon Carvell Nature Preserve in Saint John, a letter that was sent to DNR expressing concerns over NB's forestry strategy announcement, and the launch of the province-wide ExploreEcoNB app.

is currently in development to be installed in the coming year. Several new nature preserve acquisitions are also in the works (stay tuned!). Communications Committee Wayne Burley, Chair of the Communications Committee, highlighted some of the communications successes over the 2013/14 year, including the implementation of a new logo and look for the organization, the launch of ExploreEcoNB—a project with nine other partners that was managed by the Nature Trust, the Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for Excellence in Land Conservation, and several nature preserve grand openings. Some upcoming changes to membership were outlined and discussed, requiring a vote by members to change a by-law, which was passed. Please see the enclosed letter that outlines some of these changes.

A big ‘thank you’ to the many volunteers and supporters who played such a large role in the success of the Nature Trust over the past year! To acknowledge the importance of ‘stewardship’, we chose it as the theme for our 2nd annual 'On the Rise' fundraising event. Two new preserves were officially protected in the 2013/14 fiscal year thanks to many generous cash and inkind donations to the Nature Trust. We also proceeded with many education projects led by our hard working staff, board, and volunteers. Executive Director Renata and staff have worked above and beyond in many initiatives, including conservation planning, outreach, and managing day-to-day financial and administrative activities. A special thanks to the board of directors, committee members, and partners who have worked so well together in making this past year a successful one. I hope that you enjoy reading this Annual Report and some of the activities and accomplishments of the past year. Please feel free to contact me or the office if you would like to get involved and/or have any questions. I hope that you will continue to support the Nature Trust as we move forward.

Nomination Committee Don Dennison, Past President and Chair of the Nomination Committee, presented the nomination of two incoming board members— Brenda O'Donnell and Edouard Allain—who were Stewardship Committee then elected by acclamation. The Nature Trust is Best regards and with appreciation, Walter Emrich, Chair of the Stewardship pleased to welcome these individuals to the Board Lynn MacKinnon Committee, outlined the positive stewardship of 37 of Trustees for 2014-2015. With the completion existing preserves (see stewardship report on page 2-4 for more information). He also pointed out a series of man made and environmental threats faced by the Nature Trust’s nature preserves in the past year such as illegal harvesting and severe weather events. Despite the issues, the committee is working to fix and restore the preserves and maintain the trails damaged by Hurricane Arthur. Furthermore, the committee is focused on getting larger groups to help out with the stewardship of nature preserves such as the Friends of Blueberry Hill and the Friends of Grindstone Island groups. There is also a lot to look forward to, as new Teamwork to clean up the Meredith Houseworth Memorial Seashore Nature Preserve & Conservation Easement interpretive signage for over 10 nature preserves (Photo: Bibo Pohl) The Nature Trust of New Brunswick, Inc. | La Fondation pour la protection des sites naturels du Nouveau-Brunswick, Inc. is a charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of natural areas of special scientific, educational, or aesthetic value.


Annual Report - 2013/2014

A year in review (continued)

of her two-year term as President, Lynn MacKinnon will now be Past President. Former Past President Don Dennison was elected as Trustee Emeritus and was recognized for his contributions to the organization since 2006. Another outgoing board member is Treasurer Andy Hardie, as well as Trustee Emeritus Mike Dillon who has been involved with the Nature Trust since 1987. We would like to thank them all for their dedication. An executive election also took place and Mike Bonga was sworn in as the new President for the Nature Trust’s Board of Trustees. New board member Brenda O’Donnell who has a strong financial background as an accountant with McCain Foods will be joining the executive as Treasurer. Treasurer’s report Lynn MacKinnon, on behalf of Treasurer Andy Hardie, presented the financial statements for the fiscal year, ending April 30, 2014. A surplus of 33,994 in the general account was

General operation Stewardship Endowment Total

reported. As in previous years, this excess revenue is a result of project funding received prior to the end of the fiscal year, but which was specifically allocated to projects to be completed in 2014/15. Additional revenue in stewardship and endowment accounts was invested according to the Nature Trust’s financial policy. The financial table presents a summary of financial statements for 2014 compared to 2013. This was a strong year in terms of increasing the organization’s financial stability. Executive Director’s Report Renata Woodward took the audience through the successes of programs and projects during her presentation. She highlighted the three pillars of the organization—conservation, stewardship and education—and the organization’s desire to streamline all projects into permanent, self-sustaining programs. She described a new landowner conservation program that is being developed as a result of the St. John River conservation planning initiative. She reminded the audience about the

Gray tree frog (Hyla Versicolor) at Hyla Park. (Photo: Karyn MacPherson)

beauty and accessibility of the network of existing preserves and how can they engage with them. She also outlined the Power of Nature program that is being shaped through involvement of new demographics such as children, at risk youth and Surplus/(Deficit) newcomers to Canada.



Surplus/(Deficit) 2014 2013

471,552 64,496 742,095 1,278,194

437,558 8 0 438,131

33,994 64,448 742,095 840,063

75,009 31,343 11,988 119,363

Renata thanked all board members, stewards, volunteers, funders and staff for their commitment to the organization and their passion for the natural spaces that steers this organization in the right direction.

Stewardship Report

Stewardship is the core of Nature Trust’s work, and is carried out by all of our dedicated Land Stewards, Stewardship Committee members, and volunteers. It is thanks to them that 33 out of 37 nature preserves have been monitored this year, new signage has been installed, trails have been built and maintained, four beaches have been cleaned, and public nature hikes, workshops and paddling events have all been possible. These stewardship activities have increased public awareness and the ecological integrity of our preserves. Steward Evan Young organized a cleanup of Arthur Kyle Nature Preserve with the Fundy Paddlers Club. The island has seen some erosion damage from ice over the last few years and some human-induced changes from the dam. This year, a new management plan was written for Beardsley Hill Nature Preserve by volunteer Sarah Alston, along with a visit in June. Unfortunately, there has been dumping on-site, but hopefully the development of a Friends of Beardsley Hill stewardship group will counter this by engaging the community and increasing awareness. We thank Steward George Peabody for his continued commitment. We welcome Audrey Norman who has taken on the role as Steward of Belding’s Reef Nature Preserve and want to give a big thank


Memorial stone placed on the Saints Rest Marsh-F. Gordon Carvell Nature Preserve (Photo: Jane Barry)

you to Board Member and Steward Wayne Burley for all of his hard work to improve the visitor experience at this site. With the help of the Chance Harbour community, trail maintenance work was completed on four occasions, along with new parking arrangements and signage. On June 14, the opening of the new bridge was celebrated at Blueberry Hill Nature Preserve. Dr. Stephen Clayden familiarized participants with the area during a guided nature walk. Thanks to the Friends of Blueberry Hill, volunteers, and the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield who spent countless hours to make this possible. An additional

60 trees were planted by the 1st Westfield Scouts in September. More work is required to clean up the trails and the newest trail could use some additional boardwalk over the wet areas. The Paroisse Saint-Francois-de-Sales is working with us to get the new Boar’s Head Nature Preserve sign installed and to help build the Friends of Boar’s Head stewardship group. The trail was cleaned up after a number of wind events and the trail markers were refreshed. A CBC Information Morning Saint John radio segment about the preserve aired in September.

CONTACT: 404 Queen St. 3rd Floor | PO Box 603 Stn. A | Fredericton, NB | E3B 5A6 | T. (506) 457-2398 | F. (506) 450-2137

Annual Report - 2013/2014 Hyla Park Nature Preserve was flooded until late August, which put a hold on our Frog Walks. Many trees were also blown down after Hurricane Arthur, which obstructed the trail, but have since been removed. Stewards from Remsoft Inc. noted that beavers have been very active in felling trees and that there may be a new resident Great Blue Heron. A success has been the planting of two new wildlife gardens near the preserve’s entrance and a few Gray Tree Frog sightings.

Participants taking in the view during the Grindstone Island Conservation Easement boat trip (Photo: Nick McPhee)

Gibson Creek Canoeing made the monitoring of Burpee Bar Nature Preserve possible with a canoe trip from James C. Yerxa Nature Preserve to Sugar Island Nature Preserve, stopping at Burpee Bar along the way. Nature Trust board members and funders who took part in the trip reported that the preserve is in great condition.

Stewards from the Village of Black’s Harbour, and volunteers for freeing the beaches, trails, and forest from over 30 bags of garbage.

Steward and Board Member Walter Emrich took a trip to the Dick’s Island Nature Preserve with artist Michael McEwing, and noted that the number of nesting gulls and eiders has declined over the years, which may be due to more Bald Eagles in the area. Also, at least a dozen seals were reported to be seen near the island. Earlier this year, Maritime Daytripping led a very successful paddle to Dick’s Island during St. Andrews Paddlefest.

Cape Enrage Nature Preserve lost a very dedicated, knowledgeable, and caring Steward this year, Mary Majka, who passed away on February 12, 2014. David Christie will continue to steward the preserve and has noted that high waves have taken the interpretive sign away, which means a brand George M. Stirrett Nature Preserve is the Nature Trust’s smallest preserve, but rich in new sign for Cape Enrage is underway. ecological significance, as it is home to the Longtime Stewards Susan and Wayne endangered Furbish's Lousewort. Botanist Eddy visited Caughey-Taylor Nature Jim Goltz, accompanied by 'Conservation on Preserve on several occasions and noted Canvas' artist Micheal McEwing, visited the a high volume of visitors. Neighbours have preserve, finding only four Furbish’s Lousewort worked hard to clear the trail of debris plants. Goltz is disappointed with this find, as from Hurricane Arthur, but more hands are it is much lower than past years. needed. New signs for the Chickahominy and the Taggart’s Brook trails are planned to Thanks to Stewards Evan Young and Sally McIntosh for assuming the stewardship role be installed next year. for Green Island Nature Preserve. With their For her second year in a row, youth Steward help and over 100 other interested visitors, we Frankie Hullet visited Clark Gregory celebrated the grand opening on August 23, Nature Preserve and reported that the 2014. Thanks to Canoe Kayak New Brunswick, trash receptacle that was installed has been McCain Foods, the Andrew and Laura McCain used by visitors. Work has been done to Art Gallery, Town of Florenceville-Bristol, improve trail marking and new trail signs Michael McEwing, Canadian Rivers Institute, and other volunteers for the paddling trips have been installed. to the island to observe the endangered Clark’s Point Nature Preserve, situated Cobblestone Tiger Beetle, as well as the tasty along the St. Croix International Waterway, BBQ, and an amazing art workshop. includes a marsh meadow, softwood and hardwood forests. Although they have not The Friends of Grindstone Island along with had the chance to visit the property yet, the 45 community members joined us on a boat St. Croix Waterways Commission is eager trip to the Grindstone Island Conservation Easement. Passengers had the opportunity to begin their role as Land Stewards. to view the island from the water, hear stories Another successful cleanup and trail from Betty Weston who spent summers maintenance day was held at Connor Bros. growing up on the island, and learn about Nature Preserve at Pea Point, resulting the nesting seabirds from naturalist David in a whole new section of trail from the Christie. Juvenile and adult Bald Eagles, Blacks Harbour ferry terminal and to the Sandpipers, and Great Blue Herons were some Lighthouse Road. Thanks to Eric and Jane of the birds spotted during the trip. Hadley, Walter Emrich, Allan Howes,

In addition to our long standing Stewards Tom, Lena, and Sam Beckley, the Oromocto Youth Stewards of the Environment have been taking good care of James C. Yerxa Nature Preserve, with three monitoring trips over the course of the year and a planned signage installation trip for November. Along with this, employees of KPMG Fredericton spent a volunteer day at the preserve, removing trash from the area. We are very excited about a new partnership with Canoe Kayak New Brunswick, which led to several successful paddling events from MayAugust, including a paddle with Scouts Canada Beavers and their dads to the L’Etang Islands Nature Preserve in celebration of Father’s Day. MacNichol/Orser Conservation Easement, located along the St. Croix River in St. Stephen, protects a large area of bog and forested land. Easement owner Peter Orser reports no changes over the past year. Steward Walter Emrich reported great news from his visit to the Manawagonish Island Nature Preserve: seven Bald Eagles, a Peregrine Falcon nest, and 16 out of 20 nesting platforms being used by the Great Blue Herons. About 80 of the 467 trees planted in 2007 are now above the surrounding ground vegetation and are free to grow. Looks like restoration efforts on this nature preserve are a success. Meredith Houseworth Memorial Seashore Nature Preserve and Conservation Easement was visited by Nature Trust members, along with easement owner Jean-Louis Deveau. The beach was cleaned by 25 volunteers on September 20 as part of the annual Charlotte Isles Cleanup, paired this year with the national Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. The Long Island trip that was planned for Minister’s Face Nature Preserve and Rayworth Beach Nature Preserve by youth Steward Jack Flood, was not able to happen due to unforeseen circumstances. The trip will be re-scheduled for next year. Navy Island Conservation Easement and Nature Preserve was monitored by air this year, with no major changes noted. New River Island Nature Preserve continues to be an important nesting ground for Common Eiders. Stewards Susan and Winston Mott report that the island is in great condition. A paddling trip to the island also took place during the New River Beach Sand Sculpture

CONTACT ONLINE: communications@ntnb.org | www.naturetrust.nb.ca | facebook.com/NatureTrustNB | @NatureTrustNB


Competition, which saw close to 100 participants. Thanks to Canoe Kayak New Brunswick, Maritime DayTripping, and Parks New Brunswick for making this possible.

volunteers. A segment was also recorded for CBC Information Morning Saint John during this visit called Deborah Discovers. A trail through the preserve to the shore was completed, with additional trail markers added. After a year of A restoration day was held on October 18 at the work, board member Jane Barry has secured Pagan Point Nature Preserve thanks to the help of new memorial boulders for the property, one that Steward Jessie Davies. The purpose was to restore identifies the preserve at the roadside in Lorneville damage to the salt marsh and surrounding area and a second that marks the trail head into the due to deforestation. Trail maintenance work and preserve (see photo on page 2). signage installation was also completed. Camping and cutting trees along the shoreline for camp fires A monitoring trip for the newly acquired Seven has increased in the area, causing disturbance to the Days Work Cliff Nature Preserve is underway and natural habitat. to date no changes have been noticed. Pickerel Pond Nature Preserve Steward Christine Antle has been working hard with her neighbours to establish a right-of-way with new adjacent landowners for public to be able to access the property’s beach and pond. She also reports that conditions on the preserve remain unchanged and wildlife continues to flourish. This year was Christine’s last year as a Steward. We thank her for her many years of dedication and welcome new Steward Taylor Gray. Stewards Ida and David MacPherson, as well as two neighbours, removed all of the fallen trees at Sea Dog Cove Nature Preserve and maintained the culvert that was washed out by heavy rain. Thanks to Steward Debbie Logan for mowing the trail, making it more accessible for visitors. Artist Michael McEwing also visited this preserve and completed an amazing painting of Pink Lady Slippers, which he observed on the property in early summer.

With the lease renewed last year, Shea Lake will continue to be conserved by the Nature Trust. Steward Jim Goltz has visited the preserve and remarks that it is in great condition. South Wolf Island Nature Preserve was monitored by air this year. Stewards and ornithologists Tony and Dorothy Diamond are planning a monitoring trip in the next few years. New signage to be installed at the Black’s Harbour ferry terminal is underway. Stewards Gordon Yamazaki and Katy Haralampides had a great time on their trip to Sugar Island Nature Preserve and report that there have been no changes in the past year. The trail running along the Thomas B. Munro Memorial Shoreline on Grand Manan remains in great condition thanks to the Friends of Grand Manan Trails. Steward Peter Cronk has not reported any changes to the preserve over the past year. No changes have been noted for Thompson Marsh Nature Preserve, but a cleanup day should be scheduled for next year. Thanks to our board member Walter Emrich who visited the Von Ziegesar Conservation Easement and reports that the invasive Woodland Angelica appears to be spreading in the property.

Sea Dog Cove Nature Preserve lady slippers by Michael McEwing.

We welcome Saints Rest Marsh/ F. Gordon Carvell Nature Preserve’s new Steward Lee Swanson, who visited the preserve with board members and


2013/2014 Honourary Patron The Honourable Graydon Nicholas Honourary Directors Jessie Davies Robert Stewart Board of Directors Don Dennison - Past President Lynn MacKinnon - President Mike Bonga - Vice President Andy Hardie - Treasurer James LeMesurier- Secretary Jane Barry Wayne Burley Walter Emrich Jane Fullerton Peta Fussell Eric Hadley Roy Hickey Rick Hutchins Sandy Loder Monika Stelzl Vince Zelazny Trustees Emeritus Bill Ayer Mike Dillon Jane Tims Don Vail Dorothy Diamond Ken Hirtle Executive Director Renata Woodward Staff Margo Sheppard Karen Fearneley Jessica Bradford Aaron Dowding

Stelzl, and Alan Howes, along with the network of Stewards. Your commitment to fulfilling the Nature Trust’s stewardship mandate has been demonstrated through your event coordination and participation, report writing, trail work, and preserve monitoring trips. Much of our success over the past year is thanks to you!

Western Isles Conservation Easement and Nature Preserve was monitored by air, as well as by kayak. Little Mowat Island remains undeveloped, and the shoreline is relatively free of garbage. There are no apparent changes to Barnes and Nubble Islands, and the easement requirements have been met. We could not do it without funders who support our stewardship A big thanks to our hardworking and dedicated work. Please see the insert page volunteer Stewardship Committee members for more details. Walter Emrich (Chair), Dorothy Diamond (Past Chair), Sandy Loder, Tony Diamond, Vince Zelazny, Eric Hadley, Roy Hickey, Monica

Our language policy | Notre politique linguistique: We publish items in either French or English, but we do not routinely undertake translation. Nous publions des articles en franÇais ou en anglais, mais nous n'avons pas la possibilité de les traduire, sauf cas exceptionnels.

Annual Report - 2013/2014

2013/2014 Donor Recognition List The Nature Trust of New Brunswick may provide the means for land conservation, but it is the names featured on this list who truly make it possible. Thank you for continually supporting our mission and mandate to conserve, steward, and educate in the beautiful province of New Brunswick. The following corporations, individuals, families, foundations, government offices, groups, and organizations donated generously to the Nature Trust of New Brunswick between May 01, 2013 and April 30, 2014. Thank you.

Donors of land

Mr. Stratis and Ms. Carol Gavaris Ms. Ruth Giberson Mr. Steve & Mrs. Nancy Gilliland Mr. L. Wayne Haynes Life members Mr. John Hickman Ms. Barbara Clayden Mr. Bernie Holland Ms. Leta Clayden Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Janet Hunt Dr. Stephen Clayden Ms. Mary Keith Ms. Susan Kennific Individuals & FaMilies Ms. Millicent T Lane Mr. John Manning 5,000+ Mr. Andre & Mrs. Heather Martin Anonymous Mr. Gerry and Mrs. Lynn McMackin Anonymous Mrs. Susan Mott Anonymous Ms. Agnes Murphy Mr. William and Mrs. Judith Nelson Mr. Garth Nickerson $1,000 - $4,999 Mr. Garth Nickerson in Memory of Joy Belyea Mrs. Sarah Colwell Mr. Richard and Mrs. Jayne Nicki Mr. Rupert Duchesne/Trees in Trust Mr. John O’Keefe Mr. Walter and Mrs. Margo Emrich Mr. Leonard and Mrs. Lynne Owen Mrs. Margaret Jones and Mr. Bill Mr. Richard Cunjack and Ms. Christine Paton Ms. Katherine Lebutt Mrs. Mary Pugh Mr. Michael and Mrs. Lynn MacKinnon Mr. Todd Watts and Mrs. Maria Recchia Mr. Robert Stewart Dr. Mark Roberts Mrs. Jean Robertson $500 - $999 Ms. Shirley G Sharpe Mr. Don Floyd Miss Marion Sherwood Mr. Antony and Mrs. Dorothy Diamond Ms. Kathleen Small Mrs. Ann McCain-Evans Mrs. Isabella Cheves Smythe Mr. Owen and Mrs. Sheila Washburn Ms. Monica Stelzl Dr. Mary Young Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Janice Stockall Ms. Norine Summerby $250-$499 Ms. Elizabeth Tattersall Mr. Michael Bonga Mrs. Beverly and Mr. Edmund Tedford Mr. Wayne Burley and Mrs. Suzanne BonnellMs. Maureen Toner in Memory of Gerald Clayden Burley Mr. Michael Wennberg Mr. David and Mrs. Anita Cannon Walking bridge at Blueberry Hill Nature Preserve built by the Friends of Blueberry Hill Mrs. Pam Whitty Mr. Donald and Mrs. Gail Dennison Mr. John Williamson (Photo credit: Rebecca Breen) Mr. Donald and Mrs. Gail Dennison In Mr. Henry Yates Memory of Mr. Richard B. Fiander Dr. Bong V Yoo Mr. Roger Roy Mr. Philip Gosling Mr. Christian W Schulte Mr. Eric and Mrs. Jane Hadley Mr. Doug and Mrs. Cassie Stanley $10-$74 Mr. Angus and Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Dr. Richard and Ms. Jane Tarn Anonymous Ms. Hope Hunter Mr. Murray and Mrs. Jane Watters Anonymous Mr. John Hunter and Ms. Jane McCulloch Mr. Stephen Wilson Anonymous Ms. Cindy Legarie Anonymous in Memory of Gerald Clayden Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Sandra MacGarvie $75-$149 Anonymous in Honour of Louise Ms. Susan McCracken Mr. Tim Andrew Anonymous in Honour of Rick Ms. Patricia McCulloch Mr. Bill and Mrs. Sharon Ayer Mr. Chistopher Adam Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Janet Ratliffe Mr. David and Mrs. Jane Barry Mr. Curry Alders Mr. Gary and Mrs. Dolores Saunders Ms. Sandra Bernstein Mr. Wilfred Alliston Dr. Leigh Smith Mr. Jan Bonga Dr. Michael and Ms. Chris Antle Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Catherine Stanley Mr. Dale and Mrs. Carol Bray Mr. Samuel Arseneault Mr. Richard and Mrs. Jane Tarn Miss Rebecca Breen Mr. Eugene Austin Mr. William Wilder Mr. Milton Bull Mr. Christopher Ayres Mr. Jules and Mrs. Patricia Burgevin Mr. Paul F. Bakke and Mrs. Carol J. Green $150-$249 Mr. Ansel Campbell Ms. Karen Barrett Anonymous in Memory of Gerald Clayden Mr. E. Thomas Christie Ms. A. Journeay Barteau Mrs. Jean Anderson Dr. Gerry and Mrs. Leta Clayden Mr. Douglas Baston Mr. Michael Bowlin Mr. Robert and Mrs. Ellen Marie Currie Mr. Leigh Bateman Mr. Warren Coleman Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sharon Dallison Ms. Jacquelin Bateman Mr. John and Mrs. Anne Czura Ms. Meaghan Demma Mr. Thomas Beckley Mr. Alan Dockerty Mr. Carl and Mrs. Karen Duivenvoorden Mr. Rheal and Mrs. Bernadette Berube Dr. Lucy Dyer Mr. Richard Bird Mr. Gilbert and Ms. Nancy Farmer Mr. Kevin Gick Dr. Paul and Ms. Mary Bogaard Dr. Graham Forbes and Ms. Lee Swanson Mr. Jeremy Gullison Mr. Peter Toner and Ms. Peta Fussell Mr. Jim and Mrs. Virginia Bradford Ms. Janice Hashey Ms. Lois Ellis

Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Kristie Heard Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Linda Hirtle Mr. Alan Howes Mr. Rick Hutchins Mr. David and Mrs. Rosi Jory Dr. Louis LaPierre Mr. Wayne Leaman Mr. Malcom and Mrs. Barb Mackay Mr. Robert McCavour Ms. Cheryl McCulloch Mr. Fred McElman Mr. Ian and Mrs. Eleanor Methven Mrs. Ruth Miller Mr. D. Palmer

CONTACT ONLINE: communications@ntnb.org | www.naturetrust.nb.ca | facebook.com/NatureTrustNB | @NatureTrustNB

Annual Report - 2013/2014 Mr. Glen Brown Mr. Jim and Mrs. Caroline Bowne in Memory of Mr. Cecil Johnston Ms. Ruth Bulmer Mr. Gordon F. Burtt Mr. Ian and Mrs. Heather Cameron Ms. Marion O.Cameron Mr. Duncan and Mrs. Fay Campbell Dr. Gail Campbell Ms. Han Chen Mr. Roland Chiasson and Mrs. Sabine Dietz Ms. Gay Cochrane Ms. Alexis Christmas Mr. Andrew Clark and Mrs. Shelley Quinlan Mr. Peter Clark Mr. Stephen Clayden in Memory of Mary Majka Mr. Jeffrey W. Clinch Ms. Roberta Clowater Ms. Brenda Cummings Ms. Lisa Currie in Memory of Rev. Keith Nielsen Ms. Csilla Dallos Mrs. Norah Jean Davidson-Wright Ms. Barbara Davis Dr. Huw and Ms. Jessie Davies Ms. Krista Downey Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Susan Eddy Mr. Carl Faulkner Mr. Jean-Guy Ferlatte Ms. Mary Flagg Mr. Chris Flemming Mr. David Foord Mrs. Ellen Foulkes Mr. Joshua Fowler Mr. Tim Fox Mr. Bryan and Ms. Sadie Gagner Miss Ariel Gagnon Mr. William and Mrs. Myrna Gentleman Ms. Anneke Gichuru Mr. Glenwood and Mrs. Jane Tims Mr. Jim Goltz Mr. Murray and Mrs. Carol Goodman Dr. Eric and Ms. Ellen Gozna Mrs. Debra Elmhirst Mr. Charles and Mrs. Janette Grant Ms. Lynn Gulliver Ms. D. Hansen Mr. Tom Hanley Ms. Barb Hatt Mr. Sawyer Helten/Trees in Trust Mr. Roy Hickey Valerie Hicks-McDow/Trees in Trust Mrs. Kathryn Hilder Mr. John Edward Hurley Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Monica Justason Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Kirkby Mr. Tony Lampart Ms. Colleen Lang Mr. Ryan Mrs. Mary and LeBlanc Rev. Philip and Mrs. Roberta Lee Ms. P. Lynne Lenihan Mr. Ian LeTourneau Ms. Gillian Liebenberg Mr. Alan Lindsay Mr. Sandy Loder Mr. Mark and Dr. Caroline Lubbe-D’Arcy Mr. Andrew MacInnis and Mrs. Nancy BlanchardMacDonald Mrs. Alexandra MacLean/Trees in Trust Mrs. Rachel Mak/Trees in Trust Ms. Patti Mann Mr. William Shea and Ms. Susan L. McConologue Mr. Greg McKenna Ms. Sally McAllister Mr. Tim McCarthy Mr. Duncan McGeachy Ms. Janet McIntosh Ms. Sally McIntosh

Mr. Vaughn and Mrs. Mary Mcintyre Mr. John and Mrs. Maggie McLaughlin Ms. Betty McMullen Ms. Heather McNeill Ms. Diane Melanson Ms. Dana Mercer Mr. Paul Meyer and Ms. Beth Johnston Ms. Monique Drapeau Miles Mr. Andrew Mills in Honour of Sara and Stuart Liptay & family Mr. Simon Mitchell Mrs. Teresa Mittleholtz Mr. Robert Morimanno Mr. Santiago Mora Mr. David Nutter Mr. Jacques Paynter Mr. Richard and Mrs. Marilyn Peabody Mr. Ken and Ms. Debby Peck Ms. Joan Pearce Ms. Helen Petchey Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Patricia Poirier Ms. Lois Ramsay Mr. Colin and Mrs. Diana Rayworth

Supporting corporations, foundations, organizations, and government 5,000-$100,000

Aveda and New Brunswick salons: Avalon Salon Spa, Eclips Studio inc., Element5, La Spa Salon and Spa, & Nakai Spa Salon Studio Crabtree Foundation Echo Foundation Environment Canada Fundy Community Foundation Government of Canada-Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk Government of Canada-EcoAction Mountain Equipment Co-Op New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund New Brunswick Wildlife Council PNB Department of Natural Resources PNB Workforce Expansion Program Remsoft Inc. TD Bank Group TD Friends of Environment Foundation Walmart Evergreen


Mr. Anthony Reader Mr. Gerald Redmond Ms. Marilee Reimer Ms. Jean Richard Ms. Martina Riordon Ms. Helen Robidoux Ms. Pamela Russel Mr. Lloyd Salomone Mr. Michael and Ms. Jennifer Sauertieg Ms. Darla Saunders Ms. Tara Savage Ms. Mary Sheppard Mr. Sedgewick and Mrs. Barbara Sinclair Ms. Cynthia Stacey Ms. Dianne Stackhouse Mr. John Steward Mr. Tom Stewart Mr. Donald St.Pierre Mr. George Struz Dr. Cliff and Mrs. Jean Thornley Mr. Melvin and Ms. Sandy Turner Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Megan Vardy Ms. Doreen Wallace Dr. Brad Walters Ms. Angela Watson Mrs. Sarah Whyte/Trees in Trust Ms. Janet Whitehead Mr. Jim and Mrs. Jean Wilson Mr. Blair Williams and Mrs. Heather Fraser in Memory of Patricia Ann Beyea Mr. George Wood Mr. William Wood Mr. Donald & Mrs. Donna Young Mr. Evan Young Mr. Vincent Zelazny and Ms. Martha McClure

AFMNB Young Canada Works Altus Group Limited Capservco Limited Partnership Fredericton Community Foundation Government of Canada-Canada Summer Jobs Mariner Partners Inc. McCain Foods (Canada) Norcross Wildlife Foundation Inc. Northampton Brewing Company, Ltd. Paderno/Trees in Trust RBC Foundation Stewart McKelvey Lawyers TD Community Giving The Greater Saint John Community Foundation Trans Canada Trail VF Services, Inc. Wildav Realty Ltd. Wilson Insurance Youth Heritage Canada


A. P. Hardie Engineering Ltd. McInnes Cooper New Brunswick Museum Scotiabank University of New Brunswick


Moksha Yoga Fredericton RBC Day of Service Grant United Way Greater Moncton & SE NB region- Anonymous donor’s choice


BDA Landscape Architects Cordova Realty Ltd. Crowne Plaza Huntsman Marine Science Centre Johnston Chiropratic Association NATECH Environmental Services Inc. Outdoor Enthusiasts of Fredericton Renforth Boat Club Ltd. Robert W. Davidson Sales Rossmount Inn (2001) Inc. Shannon & Buffett, LLP Chartered Accountants University of New Brunswick - Department of Anthropology United Way Saint John, Kings and Charlotte - Anonymous donor’s choice United Way Centraide of Central NB - Anonymous donor’s choice

CONTACT: 404 Queen St. 3rd Floor | PO Box 603 Stn. A | Fredericton, NB | E3B 5A6 | T. (506) 457-2398 | F. (506) 450-2137

Nature Trust of New Brunswick Membership 2014/15 I want to support land conservation in New Brunswick and become a member of the Nature Trust.

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Completed forms can be returned to: Nature Trust of New Brunswuick PO Box 603 Stn. A Fredericton, NB E3B 5A6 Fax: (506) 450-2137 Email: info@ntnb.org Thank you in advance for your support!

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