Aaron Haiman: From Birding Passion to YouTube Channel Written by Mariana C.
Today we are undergoing what has been called “The Sixth Extinction” due
to the huge number of species that are disappearing from our planet. There are about 8 million species of plants and animals on Earth. It is estimated that currently one million of those species are threatened with extinction. Added to this, we are running out of time to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. According to the UNEP, we only have until 2030 before it’s too late. But what can be done? Environmental issues often seem too large for a citizen to participate in the solution, yet it turns out that volunteering and community science can be two powerful tools to fight biodiversity loss. Aaron N.K. Haiman is an environmental scientist with a passion for birding. He has been involved in habitat restoration and cleanup projects, invasive species control and monitoring, banding and migration count efforts, and constantly volunteers with bird-focused organizations. He has a project called “A Birding Naturalist” which now includes a blog and a YouTube channel. In this feature, Aaron tells us about his project, his work on conservation, and how we too can get involved. A picture of Aaron leaning to the side and smiling beside a plant with yellow flowers and long green leaves.. Copyright statement, leave blank if uncertain. All rights reserved.
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