What is Hydrotherapy? Relation Between Water and Health
The Forms of Hydrotherapy There are various forms of hydrotherapy, baths and water baths, steam and saunas, hot flashes and irrigations, and compresses and wraps. Using the properties of water, various therapeutic effects can be achieved.
Chemical Property of Water The chemical property of water makes it a good solvent for many materials. Water is therefore used to dissolve and aid in the excretion of unwanted substances from the body. Immersion in a hot water tank is one of the techniques that depend on the chemical property of water as a solvent. Naturopathy centre in Mumbai used to immerse the patients in a tank of hot water to allow soluble substances from the skin to dissolve. The same logic applies to irrigation.
The Thermal Property of Water The thermal property is important when therapists want to remove or add heat to the body as a healing measure. Fever and inflammation, for example, can be helped with hydrotherapy, where hot or cold water is used to regulate the temperature of the patient or the particular spot affected. The muscle spasms were also stopped with the application of hot water to the patient using the relevant procedural techniques. The effect of hot and cold water on the nervous system has also been found to be a good solution for most mental disorders.
The Mechanical Property of Water The mechanical properties of water, whether it is in the form of sprays or douches, can be used to stimulate various parts of the body. The mechanical action of the dip can be used to apply pressure to help relieve inflammation, relieve pain, improve movement, and provide resistance to exercise. For people whose body condition is so debilitating that their exercise programs "on land" are very difficult, hydrotherapy can provide a physical environment in which to move forward in order to stimulate the motivation of the patient, which serves to activate the emotional component of the healing process.
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