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EpiCor - A CenturyOld Phenomenon Benefits Us Today

by Alina Hornfeldt


If you haven’t heard of EpiCor before, don’t worry, you are not alone. EpiCor is an ingredient used in supplements that supports the health of your respiratory system and sinuses, aids digestive health, and most notably, maintains the body’s immune defenses. It is a whole food fermentate created from yeasts. It is a natural, minimally processed, whole food as opposed to being chemically synthesized, an extract or created from byproducts. The story of how EpiCor was discovered is fascinating, as well as how it’s made and its benefits. Let’s dig a little deeper into this lesser-known yet valuable health-enhancing ingredient.

EpiCor was originally discovered almost by accident. In the late 1800s, a young boy by the name of C.W. Bloomhall lived and worked on his family’s farm. He observed that when the farm animals ate the family’s table scraps, which included sour milk that had caused the food to ferment, they were healthier and more robust than the animals who were fed only a diet of grains. In 1943, Bloomhall decided it was time to put the phenomenon he had observed on the farm to the test. He founded a company called Diamond V in order to create a one-of-a-kind fermentation process to create a specialty yeast to aid the health, productivity and immune functions of livestock. To this day, the Bloomhall family still owns Diamond V, the largest and most renowned manufacturer of unique microbial fermentation products designed for animal health and welfare worldwide.

In 1998, another curious observation was being made at the factories that created Diamond V. Employees who worked closely with the yeasts and were regularly exposed to them had significantly fewer sick days than the employees working exclusively in the office. The factory employees did not use as much sick leave, and the actual health care claims per person showed a dramatically lower amount than companies with similar demographics and size. The company decided to find out what was happening and began commissioning pilot studies comparing the two groups of employees at the company. As it turns out, the factory employees with exposure to the yeast culture

The story of how EpiCor was discovered is fascinating, as well as how it’s made and its benefits.

indeed had stronger immune systems. What the researchers discovered was that the factory employees had higher white blood cell activity, lower levels of pro-inflammatory immune complexes, and higher levels of an antibody secretion that is found in the body’s mucous membranes, such as the nose. After this discovery was made, the company wanted to share their findings with the world and develop a product that was all-natural and whole food-based designed specifically for humans.

EpiCor is created by using a proprietary fermentation process that creates a unique variety of metabolites that contribute to health and well-being in the body. Beginning with baker’s yeast, the microorganisms are deprived of oxygen which then causes them to create a wealth of beneficial compounds and metabolites: proteins, peptides, antioxidants, polyphenols, organic acids and nucleotides. It is then gently dried, rigorously tested and packaged as EpiCor, a wonderful ingredient for use in a variety of different supplements available from many brands and in conjunction with other ingredients for specialty results.

These days, many people are in search of a supplement that can aid one’s immune function as we face the global pandemic that is COVID-19. Reading labels and searching out supplements that contain EpiCor may be one way to give your immune system the support it needs in these difficult times. It must have been kismet when young C.W. Bloomhall deduced the effects of fermentation over a hundred years ago.

Alina Hornfeldt is the marketing manager at Mastel’s Health Foods. The staff at Mastel’s is experienced, deeply knowledgeable and available to help you find those supplements that best suit your needs. Mastel’s is located at 1526 St. Clair Ave., St Paul. For more information, call 651-690-1692 or visit Mastels.com. See ad, page 18.

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