3 minute read
Anxiety, Worry and Fear
by Joyce Sobotta
The past six months have instilled anxiety, worry and fear into the entire country. Fear causes chronic stress. Dealing with fear is the same as dealing with any other emotion. It begins with taking time to be aware of what we are feeling. Then ask if it is real or not. What is the worst thing that can happen?
Anxiety creates an acidic condition and is stored in the DNA. That emotion then becomes a predominant factor in our lives from that moment on. Stress affects physical organs and parts of the body. Generally, all physical unease (stress) has an underlying emotional aspect.
Focus on What’s Good
Challenges can confront us at any time, and often we are not prepared. We need to remind ourselves that we live in a human body, and the need for spiritual and self-care is of utmost importance. We can no longer ignore the darkness that exists in the world right now. The best way forward is to focus more on the brightness we can bring to others… but only after we have cleared a path of lightness for ourselves. In these heavy, dark times of the pandemic, we need to focus on our inner self. Dan Millman, author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, says, “To ascend to a higher rung on the ladder of evolution we must go through a period of discomfort, of initiation.”
Self-Care is Essential
Vibrant health and vitality start by taking good care of ourselves. Many people believe their doctor is the only source of knowledge when it comes to treating or taking care of their physical conditions. That is not the case. Sometimes the condition may simply require basic steps such as drinking more water or getting quality sleep.
Our bodies already know how to stay healthy. All we need is to be mindful and aware of what our body is telling us. Messages come to us with signs, such as indigestion, diarrhea, itching, feeling tired and other conditions and symptoms. We can tune into our body’s unique advice by listening to our innate self including what thoughts continue to appear and what messages are repeated.
How to Activate Innate Wisdom
• Use quality pure essential oils to calm the mind and rejuvenate the spirit • Learn mind/body techniques such as meditation, relaxation exercises and yoga • Take a walk outside in a garden, park or woodland • Spend time planting or digging in the soil • Watch more sunsets; nature is a great healer • Listen to the birds; watch a cocoon transform into a butterfly • Consume quality food and water, taking time to relax while eating • Follow a clean diet by eliminating sugars and processed food • Learn food sensitivities that affect digestion and elimination • Watch or play with children • Clear clutter to create inviting space • Take time to manage finances, work and play • Manage time for emails and phone calls • Take breaks as needed • Focus attention on goals and desires; create a collage • Make a list of what is most important daily or weekly • Take time to connect with a spiritual source for meaning and spiritual guidance • Try the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and other modalities to understand the cause of any anxiety
These simple actions can awaken and trigger personal power to connect to our inner consciousness (intuition) and healing energy. Take time to try several of these mindful actions to ease anxiety, worry and fear.
Joyce Sobotta has a B.S. in education and certifications in holistic aromatherapy and reflexology. She is the founder/owner of Healthy Girls Breast Oil, a homebased, international business. She is available for consultations, personal custom essential oil blends and classes. To learn more, visit Aromatherapy NaturesWay.com. See ad, page 22.
Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living? ~Bob Marley