20 minute read
Natural Beauty Homemade Solutions for Glowing Skin
by April Thompson
Skin, our largest organ, plays an important role in supporting and protecting the rest of the body. That’s why it should be treated kindly by using natural, chemical-free ingredients. Many U.S. beauty products contain hidden chemicals, including dozens of ingredients that are banned in other counties. Even products labeled “organic” or “natural” can contain potentially harmful petrochemicals, according to the Environmental Working Group.
A natural skincare routine doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Balms, masks, scrubs and toners can be made from healthy, everyday products already present in most homes. “Oats, yogurt, coconut oil, honey: there are many kitchen staples that you can easily use in your skincare routine,” says Marlene Adelmann, founder of the Herbal Academy, in Bedford, Massachusetts, and author of Botanical Skin Care Recipe Book.
As an example, face masks can be made with ingredients from the spice rack, including turmeric and black pepper. “One-ingredient treatments, like a honey or yogurt mask, feel so good and are easy to make,” says Stephanie Gerber, the Nashville author of Hello Glow: 150+ Easy Natural Beauty Recipes for A Fresh New You.
Facial, body and foot scrubs are great beginner creations, according to Stephanie Tourles, author of Pure Skin Care: Nourishing Recipes for Vibrant Skin & Natural Beauty. The Marble Falls, Texas, esthetician recommends starting with a base of sugar or salt and adding an edible oil such as almond, plus a few drops of an essential oil. Essential oils should be diluted—add only six to 12 drops per ounce of finished product. Her favorites are lavender, tea tree, sweet orange and frankincense. Lemon, lime and bergamot are phototoxic and can cause sensitivity if added to any scrub before sun exposure.
“Scrubs are wonderful for softening, soothing and exfoliating the skin,” Tourles says, cautioning that salt scrubs can sting if applied after shaving or waxing. Other common ingredients that can be added are oats, almonds or sunflower seeds ground in a coffee grinder. When mixed with water, cream or yogurt, they offer a moisturizing facial treatment.
Tourles loves homemade body balms using oil and a thickener such as cocoa butter or beeswax. “Balms are easy to make, great for kids and good for dry cuticles and lips. You don’t have to worry
about ingredients spoiling. They condition the skin and smell great,” she says.
In harsher weather, skin requires a little extra TLC. Tourles suggests a hydrating winter toner made with a 50/50 mix of aloe vera juice and rosewater. “Honey is also nice for the face and incredibly hydrating for winter,” she says. “Simply warm a little bit, apply it to your clean face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.”
“People often forget to apply more moisturizer in winter. One of the best things you can do is exfoliate your face with a simple scrub to slough off dry, dead skin. Use gentler ingredients for your face than your body, like oats, baking soda or almonds ground finely,” says Gerber. For chapped lips, she recommends a gentle exfoliant like sugar and honey applied as an antibacterial lip scrub.
“Matcha green tea makes a beautiful mask that astringes and tones skin. Combine it with aloe gel and honey for some soothing moisture in the colder months when our skin needs rejuvenation,” says Adelmann.
Some products are best purchased from a commercial source. “You can make many preparations at home—from masks to cleansing scrubs, cleansers, lotions and creams—but when these recipes contain water, they have a short shelf life. If you are looking for something with a longer shelf life, you’re going to run into more complicated instructions incorporating preservatives,” says Adelmann.
“Moisturizers, creamy cleansers and hand creams have the steepest learning curve to craft yourself,” says Tourles. “Trying to emulsify watery ingredients like herb tea and aloe vera with oils, butters or waxes is like mixing oil and vinegar in a salad dressing; these ingredients want to separate.” According to Gerber, sunscreen is another product worth buying rather than trying to make at home.
Homemade or store-bought products aside, the best skin enhancer is a drink of water, according to Gerber. It doesn’t get easier or more economical than that.
Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.

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Cosmic Weather Report – 6:30-9pm. An indepth presentation about the major transits that are showing up in our headlines, and some ways these developments might find expression in the chapters to come. We’ll look at some relevant astrological events from history and explore the evolutionary lessons that are on the plate for our collective now. $15. Holistic Gateway, 11 Little Canada Rd E #11, Little Canada. Also offered online via Zoom, email AstrologerSaleem@gmail.com to arrange this option. Holistic-Gateway.com/Calendar.
Sound Healing: Heart-Centered Awareness-
Sound Invoking Silence – 7-8pm. Calm your work week by coming into soft, relaxing, inner stillness. Vibration as stress reduction-a peaceful callingin-the-weekend guided meditation/visualization going inward, discovering our infinity. $10. Holistic Gateway, 11 Little Canada Rd E #11, Little Canada. Holistic-Gateway.com/Calendar.
Reimagine Aging Conference – 9:30am-12pm. This virtual conference brings together presenters invested in the aging sector for the latest information on how older adults can live a high-quality, independent life through the use of accessible, adaptive technology. Panelists will share examples of technological innovations, to disprove the notion that aging has to be synonymous with decline. $10. MNHomeCare.org/Reimagine. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14

Divine Messages with Nea Clare –6:30-9pm. Nea Clare is a channel for Spirit and works predominately with The HAO-a collective, multi-dimensional force that shares verbal and energetic messages through her. These events are designed for you to be able to have a personal audience with Spirit, to receive teachings that will awaken your consciousness to the Truth of You. Everyone who attends will receive an audio recording from the event. $30 in advance/$35 at the door. NeaClare.com/events.
Learn How to Dowse: An Online Webinar – 7-8:30pm. Anyone can learn to dowse and change the energy in their home, land, office – wherever they want to remove negative, unwanted energy and to replace that with positive, uplifting vibrations. Participants will be able to verify their work, ask questions, test their new skills, and get feedback on their results. $48.before Nov 6; $68 after Nov 6. AnnetteRugolo.com.
Open House and Micro-Needling Informa-
tional Event – 6:08pm. Discover the finer side of micro & nano needling for treatment of scars, stretch marks, melasma, acne, wrinkles, and for hair restoration. Meet the practitioner, learn about the service and the serums, get your questions answered. Food and gift bags for all participants. Free. Must RSVP to 612.735.9993 or M@MCathcart.com. DynamicFunctional Healing.com.
plan ahead
Women Transform Their Bodies from The Inside Out –This eight-week holistic, live virtual workshop seeks to bring you back into balance and empowers you to reclaim your true, natural, feminine beauty. From a place of compassion and acceptance, you can change your relationship with your body, and change your life—by going deep within, listening to the wisdom of your body, and taking care of yourself. You’ll learn to address your underlying needs and meet the hunger that resides in your soul. Cost: $599. Payment plans available. Early bird discount of $100 if enrolled by December 15. BarbaraBrodsho.com/events.
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Please call or check the websites to ensure the classes or events are still scheduled for that week.
Free Online Classes – The University of Minnesota is among the largest public research universities in the country, offering undergraduate, graduate, and professional students a multitude of opportunities for study and research. Class-Central.com/ University/Minnesota. GROOVE Movement Class – Various days, times and locations. A fun, simple and exciting way to experience dance that nurtures body, mind, heart and soul. No dance experience required. All fitness levels welcome. Classes use all genres of music and include a warmup, dance, stretching, and a brief meditation. AeroDanceFitness.com/Schedule.
Midtown Global Market – Mon-Sat 10am-8pm. & Sun 10am-6pm. If you’re looking for a more unique shopping experience, head to the Midtown Global Market, where more than 50 vendors sell food and trinkets ranging from local produce to Somalian pastries, Middle Eastern olives and Asian spices. There are also cultural events – from musical performances to Irish stepdancing lessons. Free. 920 East Lake St, Minneapolis. MidtownGlobalMarket.org/visit.
Virtual Open House – Online anytime. Stop in to our YourTube channel to meet our practitioners. Learn about the services we offer, what you can expect, and “virtually” visit our new location. Free. YouTube. com/channel/UC-3p504Okp6ldZNhLZn00hw.
Qigong Classes for Health –10:30-noon. A fabulous way to begin each week! Learn how to use the power of your breathing, mind and simple movements to enhance and balance the flow of energy in your body. $15. Holistic Gateway, 11 Little Canada Rd E #11, Little Canada. Holistic-Gateway.com/Calendar.

Weekly Guided & Silent Meditation – 1111:30am. Led by a Prayer Chaplain in the Meditation Room, this meditation is the same one going on concurrently at Unity Village. It alternates affirmative prayer and silence. Donation based. Online. UnityOfTheValleyMN.org /events-classes.
Meditation and Stress Reduction – 12:30-1:15pm. Experience meditation and mindfulness directly through discussion and practice of simple stress reduction techniques. Discover and activate your ability to be patient and to truly enjoy. $15. Holistic Gateway, 11 Little Canada Rd E #11, Little Canada. HolisticGateway.com/Calendar. Hatha for Everyone – 6-7pm. Everyone is welcome to this weekly drop-in class. All levels. Relieve stress, achy joints, improve balance at all levels and increase your sense of well-being. $10. Meditation Center, 631 University Ave NE, Minneapolis. TheMeditationCenter.org. Free Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Join us for a free weekly meditation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Eden Prairie City Hall, 8080 Mitchell Rd, Eden Prairie. Contact: JPatpatia@gmail or 651-730-2078. FreeMeditation.com.
Gentle Yoga for Every Body – 10:30am-noon. A welcoming environment for students of all shapes and sizes. $15 drop-in. River Garden Yoga, 455 W 7th St, St. Paul. RiverGardenYoga.com.
Discover Your Highest Purpose Sri Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, shares wisdom through stories and spiritual insights that bring meaning, connection, and humor to the workings of Spirit in everyday life. Fridays at 7pm.
Watch on Channel 6 or via MCN6.org For more information, visit Eckankar.org, TempleofECK.org or Facebook.com/Eckankar. See ad, page 2.
featured event
Soul Weavers Symposium The Symposium is a journey to personal exploration, discovery and alignment with the emergent Coherent Divine Feminine energies. This event takes place over six weeks, leading up to the winter solstice on Dec. 21. Each week will include workshops with spiritual teachers gathering to empower those who feel called to witness the unfolding of a New Earth, a new frequency and involutionary paradigm. November 14 - December 12 Cost: $333 ($50 off All Access Pass using code: NAT2020) Online All Access package includes access to weekly workshops, opening and closing ceremony, workshop recordings, access to private Facebook group, bonus gifts and discovery pod to integrate with other participants, while building your network.

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DYNAMIC FUNCTIONAL HEALING M. Cathcart, L.Ac. 5313 Lyndale Ave S. Minneapolis dynamicfunctionalhealing.com
Comprehensive holistic care for active adults seeking to enjoy the pain-free, energetic life they crave. Services include acupuncture & herbs, manual therapies, manual lymph drainage, corrective exercise, pelvic floor rehab, and micro/ nano needling. “Because your quality of life matters.”

ZUOBIAO (ROY) YUAN, LIC. AC, Bhakti Wellness Center 7550 France Ave. S, Ste. 220, Edina Roy@BhaktiClinic.com • 612-859-7709
Dr. Yuan has practiced acupuncture and Chinese medicine since 1993, and is a current faculty member at American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. His expertise includes cancer care, musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders, infertility, digestive disorders and eye disease such as macular degeneration. See ad, page 3.
MYOFASCIAL RELEASE & CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Barb Ryan, LMT • 612-922-2389 Bhakti Wellness Center 7550 France Avenue S, #220, Edina
Specializing in persistent, chronic pain relief and mysteries of the body. Serving clients covered by auto insurance and worker’s compensation with a doctor’s referral. Also serving clients seeking the experience of deep relaxation and more self-connection. Skilled and compassionate care. See ad, page 3. AROMATHERAPY NATURE’S WAY Healthy Girls’ Breast Oil Joyce Sobotta • 715-828-0117 text or call
Holistic breast health consults with education on the lymphatic breast self-massage for improved circulation. Consultations about pure essential oils for emotional and physical health. Custom blends created for you. See ad, page 17.
GOLDEN SUN CHIROPRACTIC Una Forde, DC • 952-922-1478 International Village Arcade Building 220 West 98th St, Suite 7, Bloomington Quality chiropractic care. Experience holistic healing and gentle chiropractic adjustments that allow the nervous system to relieve such symptoms as headache, back, neck pain and numbness which allow your body to return to a state of balance and well-being. 25 years’ experience.
CHANNEL OF DIVINE WISDOM Nea Clare NeaClare.com Nea@NeaClare.com • 612-227-3854
You can have a personal audience with your guides and the Archangels and Ascended Masters. Get clarity. Take action. Feel connected. Book your session today and save 25%, using code: IAMWISE17. Or call Nea for a free consult. See ad, page 11.
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Master your business so you can practice your passion. Business coaching for purpose-driven entrepreneurs to clarify your vision, build your confidence and create a soul-centered strategy. Call today for a free Discovery Session and get on your path to business success.
SOUL PURPOSE COACH & HOLISTIC HEALER Barbara Brodsho, MA 612-444-9751 • BarbaraBrodsho.com
Providing spiritual guidance to help live your purpose and thrive utilizing your soul’s Akashic Record. Discover your soul’s innate gifts, create a vocation that aligns with your soul’s passion, and gain new perspective, clarity and insight about your life’s challenges by understanding the lessons your soul chose to experience. Schedule a free discovery session to learn how to create a purposefilled life. See ad, page 17.
PSINERGY NATURAL HEALTH & HOLISTIC WELLNESS SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT 93 Little Canada Rd West - Ste. 100 Little Canada/Roseville 612-217-4325 • PsinergyHealth.com
Offering empirical & sciencebased natural health therapies including Esogetics/Colorpuncture, basic Ayurvedic Medicine, as well as spiritual/energy-based therapies like Access Consciousness Bars, I-Ching, reiki and more. See ad, page 13. PSINERGY TECH André Thomas - A+ Certified 93 Little Canada Rd West - Ste. 100 Little Canada/Roseville 612-234-7237 • PsinergyTech.com
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Whole Person Dentistry observes and deals with the mind, body and spirit, not just your teeth. This approach to dentistry encompasses both modern science and knowledge drawn from the world’s great traditions in natural healing.
NATURAL SMILES DENTAL CARE 4700 Lexington Ave N, Suite D Shoreview 651-483-9800 NaturalSmilesDental.com
We’re an integrative practice committed to promoting dental wellness and overall assistance to the whole person. We desire to participate in the creation of healthier lives, while being sensitive to physical, philosophical, emotional and financial concerns. See ad, page 6.
PURE DENTAL Dr. Amy Ha Truong 6230 10th St. N., Ste 520, Oakdale 651-731-3064 • PureDentalMN.com
Pure Dental offers integrative, holistic, alternative and biological dentistry for your dental health. We take pride in providing quality, holistic dental care and service for our patients. See ad, page 15. SEDATION AND IMPLANT DENTISTRY 1815 Suburban Ave, St. Paul ToothBuilder.com 651-735-4661
We are a holistic dental practice devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile using conservative, state-of-the-art dental procedures that result in beautiful, long lasting smiles! We specialize in safe removal of infected teeth as well as placing ceramic implants and restorations. See ad, page 27.
TOOTH BY THE LAKE 1401 Main St, Hopkins 952-475-1101 • ToothByTheLake.net
We build a foundation of trust by treating our patients as individuals. Understanding how uneasy some patients may feel about their dental visits, we make a difference by providing a relaxing and positive experience. See ad, page 9.
EMOTION CODE HEALING Master Hong Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 9672 63rd Ave N, Maple Grove 763-208-4246 or 914-708-9463
Chronic pain? Suffering from emotions? Relationship problems? Life not going as planned? The Emotion Code is a tool I use to help you break through any emotional and spiritual blocks so you can live your best life. Trial session only $35.
SOUL WHISPERER: RELEASING LOST SOULS Annette Rugolo ReleasingLostSouls.com
Children and some adults have the ability to see the spirits that are living among us. Others will hear or see unexplained noises or movement. Read the first two chapters in my book for free at ReleasingLostSouls.com. I share many experiences that explain what’s happening and what can be done. See ad, page 17.
AROMATHERAPY NATURE’S WAY Joyce Sobotta 715-828-0117 AromaTherapyNaturesWay.com
Education about pure essential oils and the lymphatic system available on my website. I offer consultations and custom blends that work synergistically for a wide range of emotional and health concerns. See ad, page 17.
CAMPFIRE STUDIO Sara Shrode, Graphic Designer Minneapolis, MN 612-554-6304 • CampfireStudio.net Sara@CampfireStudio.net
Ignite the possibilities of your next project by having Campfire Studio design it! Innovative, fullservice graphic design studio that takes the essence of a campfire—warmth, stories, community—and infuses it into every design project we do.
MASTEL’S HEALTH FOODS 1526 St Clair Ave, St Paul Mastels.com • 651-690-1692
Mastel’s Health Foods is Minnesota’s oldest health and wellness store. We carry a full line of vitamins, minerals, supplements, herbs and more. We emphasize organic, biodynamic, biodegradable, holistic and hypoallergenic products and pride ourselves on stocking hardto-find items. See ad, page 17.
BROEFFLE LATIMORE ADULT FOSTER CARE License #1102359 • 763-600-6967 8600 Northwood Parkway, New Hope
Providing a caring and supportive home for adults, no matter their abilities. With 28-plus years of experience, we offer a nurturing and family-like environment for up to four residents who are elderly and/or have developmental disabilities. Residents receive assistance with personal cares, meal prep and feeding assistance, medication administration, transfers and mobility, transportation and advocacy. We treat your loved one like family. BHAKTI WELLNESS CENTER 7550 France Ave. S., #220, Edina 612-859-7709 • BhaktiClinic.com
Bhakti provides a holistic environment where independent practitioners come together to offer an integrative path to wellness; mind, body and spirit. Our providers offer chiropractic, energy therapy, massage, microcurrent therapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy and much more so that you can feel your best, remain healthy & thrive. See ad, page 3.
HEALING TAJ Theodore Rick Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) International Village Arcade Building 220 West 98th St, Ste. 7, Bloomington HealingTaj.com • 763-913-6722 “I love massage, but too often it feels good temporarily and then the pain and tightness comes back again. I have found with AIS that by stretching and lengthening the fibers, almost like a yoga/massage that the pain doesn’t come back again,” Warren King.
DR. ISAAC M. ENGHOLM Deploy Health Family Practice/ Bhakti Wellness Center 7550 France Ave. S, Ste. 220, Edina DeployHealthFP.com • 612-712-4423
Dr. Enghold’s practice offers unlimited office visits, with most lasting over an hour. He offers telehealth and home visits at no additional charge and his patients can call 24/7, which reduces the need to utilize after-hours urgent care or emergency room visits. Memberships are $75/mo for adults, and $25/mo for children (added to adult member). See ad, page 3.
FRAN BIEGANEK, MS, LP Bhakti Wellness Center • 7550 France Ave. S. Suite 220, Edina 612-564-9947 • FranBieganekTherapy.com
As a Licensed Psychologist and holistic practitioner, Fran works with clients to identify areas of potential growth, obstacles to growth, and processes that facilitate healing and transcendence of those obstacles. She provides traumainformed therapy that supports your goals of resiliency, healing and feeling better. See ad, page 3. AM950 THE PROGRESSIVE VOICE OF MINNESOTA AM950Radio.com The only Progressive Talk Radio station in Minnesota. We strive to provide the best progressive programming available and feature national talkers Bill Press, Thom Hartmann, Stephanie Miller, Norman Goldman, and more. We are also dedicated to local programming that creates a community forum for important Minnesota Progressive issues. See ad, page 32.
SILK ROAD WELLNESS Annie Qaiser and Sameen Khan SilkRoadWellness.com
Silk Road Wellness is the first fully halal-certified wellness brand in USA. A bold fusion of East and West, the distinctive skincare and wellness line is a unique combination of traditional healing systems, prophetic traditions and contemporary natural beauty standards. All products are free of artificial coloring, preservatives and fillers and are packaged in eco-friendly and reusable packaging. See ad, page 7.
ALL ENERGY SOLAR 1264 Energy Lane, St Paul 800-620-3370 • AllEnergySolar.com
All Energy Solar is a trusted leader in the solar energy industry. We provide clean, green, solar energy solutions for residential, commercial, agricultural, and government clients. Our team of industry professionals have been focused on providing long-term, trusted relationships since 2009. Our industry experience allows us to confidently handle every aspect of the solar process. See ad, page 2.
ECKANKAR TEMPLE OF ECK 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen 952-380-2200 • Eckankar.org
Are you looking for the personal experience of God? Eckankar can help you fulfill your dream. We offer ways to explore your own unique and natural relationship with the Divine through personalized study to apply in your everyday life. See ad, page 2.

AM950 is the only Progressive Talk Radio station in Minnesota. We strive to provide the best progressive programming available. We feature national talkers Thom Hartmann, Stephanie Miller, Norman Goldman, Amy Goodman, and Brad Friedman. We are also dedicated to local programming that creates a community forum for important Minnesota Progressive issues.

As one of the few independently owned radio stations in the country, we are proud to cover news, issues, and stories that are not carried by the corporate media. The talk radio format allows us to air diverse voices and challenge conventional and establishment thinking, all with the goal of creating progressive change in our community.
Weekend Lifestyle Shows