23 minute read
A Home That Heals Creating a Nurturing Space
Home, whether a humble studio apartment or a dream house, is a critical facet of well-being, a spiritual headquarters from which good health springs. Everyone in the family, including two- and four-legged children, can benefit from an environment that feels like a sacred space. Creating nourishing corners, along with more open areas that feed the senses and a system of functional ease, can be a deep and rewarding act of self-care.
“Our home is by far one of the most significant investments we’ll ever make. Our spaces are not meant to be stagnant, but to evolve through each stage of our lives,” says feng shui expert Bridget Saraka, of Saskatoon, Canada.
Ali English, owner of Eldrum Interiors, in Lincolnshire, England, concurs, “We all need a safe holt to return to, that space where we can be utterly ourselves, utterly at peace.” Sanctuary and Mental Health Investing in harmony does not require a high price tag. “It’s important to have a mental vision of what this means, and for me, there are three major components: peace, order and beauty,” says Texas-based designer Rachel Anne Ridge, who blogs at HomeSanctuary.com. by Marlaina Donato
Like water and wind, harmony within the home should also flow. “Listening to the energies in your home and taking the time to move furniture around until you have a placement that makes your head feel calm is really important,” says English. Feng shui—the ancient Chinese system of creating harmony in personal and professional spaces—prioritizes color psychology. “More times than I can count, I’ve had clients report loss of motivation after painting their homes taupe. They’ve also reported weight gain and digestive disorders,” says Saraka. “It’s best to use colors that reflect light, especially for homes in locations where winter is long and days are short.”
Disruptive clutter is another key player in eliciting discontent, especially for children that are sensitive to environmental stimulus. “A space that is cluttered can cause emotional distress, resulting in less-than-desirable behaviors,” says Saraka. “Something as simple as the lines of the furniture can feel sharp, creating anxiety. It all matters.” Cultivating Comfort Soul-inspiring visuals, satisfying textures and natural, delightful scents are all desirable domestic companions. A small, ambient lamp in a bathroom or a spring-colored sheer in a window can invite the benediction of light. “Step outside the room and then come back in as a guest,” suggests Ridge. “What do you notice with your newcomer’s eyes? What does the room feel like? What smells are you aware of? Do you need to move a cat litter box to another area of the house? Would an area rug soften the hard sounds of foot traffic? Pause on each of your senses and make notes.” Bringing the Outdoors In Incorporating organic elements can boost the vitality of any living space. “House plants are a wonderful way to bring the green world into our homes. Go for organic ones if possible, and if you’re worried you may forget to water them, consider plants like scented leaf pelargoniums; for example, Royal Oak. They thrive on neglect and can also provide some wonderful room fragrances,” says English. She also suggests including natural or quality faux branches and blooms in the home as ways of decorating—berries to provide splashes of rich orange, pine cones dabbed with metallic paint, or even long stems of ivy leaves twisted into garlands.
Having live plants in the home also benefits physical health. “Adding a few real plants to a space can help reduce environmental toxins found in paints and manmade products, as well as electromagnetic frequencies—by-products of electronics.” Ridge concurs, “Cacti can be a charming alternative for those of us who don’t have a green thumb, but still want to enjoy a living plant indoors.”
In the end, a place of sanctuary comes from a place of love. English sums it up best: “If you pour that sense of love into your home, you will, over time, find that mirrored back at you, and you’ll feel it whenever you go through your front door.” Our spaces are not meant to be stagnant, but to evolve through each stage of our lives. ~Bridget Saraka
Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.
SUNDAY, APRIL 5 New Beginnings 1: “Be the Peace” – 9:30 am Meditation, 10:00 am Celebration. “We behold what we are, and we are what we behold.” – The Bhagavad Gita. Join us for centering meditation, practical spiritual principles, uplifting and engaging music, healing affirmative prayer, refreshments and fellowship. Center for Spiritual Living Greenville, at The Whole Health Collective, 530 Howell Rd, Ste 100, Greenville. Love offering. Visit www. CSLGreenville.org, email GreenvilleCSL@gmail. com, or call or text 561-676-7997 to learn more.
TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Self-Mastery: 8-Week Class, April 7 – May 26 – 6-9pm. Registration open first two weeks. Master the Art of Living in Joy! Explore habits and behaviors that no longer serve your growth. Create new empowering thoughts and affirmations in areas of desired improvement. Dedicate to daily spiritual practice and engagement with empowering practices for spiritual growth. Center for Spiritual Living Greenville, at The Whole Health Collective, 530 Howell Rd, Ste 100, Greenville. Love offering plus $40 materials and certification fee. Visit www.CSL Greenville.org, email GreenvilleCSL@gmail.com, or call or text 561-676-7997. Prerequisite waived. SUNDAY, APRIL 12 New Beginnings 2: “Be Free and Rise” – 9:30 am Meditation, 10:00 am Celebration. “...live passionately and compassionately with others.” – Megan McKenna. Join us for centering meditation, practical spiritual principles, uplifting and engaging music, healing affirmative prayer, refreshments and fellowship. Center for Spiritual Living Greenville, at The Whole Health Collective, 530 Howell Rd, Ste 100, Greenville. Love offering. Visit www. CSLGreenville.org, email GreenvilleCSL@gmail. com, or call or text 561-676-7997 to learn more. TUESDAY, APRIL 14 Whole Health Nation Plant Walk – 6:30-8pm. During the plant walk, naturalist and Green River Preserve senior mentor J. E. Bradley will identify and talk about the medicinal, edible and survival uses of the plants around the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Attendees will also learn how the different parts of the ecosystem fit together. $15. Swamp Rabbit Café, 205 Cedar Lane Rd., Greenville. WholeHealthNation.com. Studiobug7@gmail.com. THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Spring Spectacular – 9am-5pm. We are having a Patient Appreciation Day that is also open to the public. Do you wonder what chiropractic is all about? Feel free to stop in for food, fun & door prizes. Meet us & look around with no pressure. We will also do a FREE Brain-Body Connection Scan for anyone who wants it! Free. Auger Family Chiropractic, 1315 Haywood Road, Greenville. 322-2828. CHood@AugerChiro.com. SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Healing Moves for Hips and Low Back – 9am. Stretch and strengthen hips and low back to reduce aches and pains. Relieve sciatica and muscle tight
mark your calendar ness. Learn “first aid stretches” for pain relief when you’re out and about. Instructor Joan Craig is a certified yoga therapist. Register at lagracecenter.com. $20. La Grace Integral Life Center, 2824 Knighton Chapel Rd., Fountain Inn. For questions about the workshop, contact Joan Craig at 561-5925.
SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Rota Psychic Expo Weekend – 10am-6pm. and Sunday April 19. Produced by Julie King. 70 vendors, including a variety of practitioners, spiritual organizations, and those providing tools for sale, all to assist and enlighten attendees and help them thrive during these stressful times. Admission includes free lectures and seminars as well as a raffle. All psychic/intuitive readers and healers are $20 per session, thus enabling patrons to sample the talents of several practitioners. Eclectic vendors offer gifts, books, healing tools, crystals, jewelry, art, music, and much more. Come play with us and uplift your spirits. Online: $6/day; At door: $9/day; Children under 12 free. Blue Ridge Community College, Conference Hall, 49 East Campus Drive, Flat Rock, NC. 831-601-9005. RotaPsychicExpo. com. theRotaPsychicExpo@gmail.com.
SUNDAY, APRIL 19 New Beginnings 3: “Let Go and Live” – 9:30 am Meditation, 10:00 am Celebration. “You lose only what you cling to.” – Buddha. Join us for centering meditation, practical spiritual principles, uplifting and engaging music, healing affirmative prayer, refreshments and fellowship. Center for Spiritual Living Greenville, at The Whole Health Collective, 530 Howell Rd, Ste 100, Greenville. Love offering. Visit www. CSLGreenville.org, email Greenvi lleCSL@gmail.com, or call or text 561-676-7997 to learn more. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 New Beginnings 4: “Harnessing the Power of Habits” – 9:30 am Meditation, 10:00 am Celebration. “...nature waits upon man’s self-discovery.” – Ernest Holmes. Join us for centering meditation, practical spiritual principles, uplifting and engaging music, healing affirmative prayer, refreshments and fellowship. Center for Spiritual Living Greenville, at The Whole Health Collective, 530 Howell Rd, Ste 100, Greenville. Love offering. Visit www.CSLGreenville.org, email Greenvil leCSL@gmail.com, or call or text 561-676-7997 to learn more. .
plan ahead
SATURDAY, MAY 2 Angel Pets Expo 2020 – 10am-4pm. “Supporting Pets. Enhancing lives~All things Pets!” Focus on holistic pet care. 70+ vendors. Pet products and services. Presentations. Artists. Food. Music, Animal Blessing & more! Pet friendly! Family friendly! Call for Vendors and Volunteers! $7 in advance at Eventbrite; $10/door. WNC AG Center ~ Expo Building, 761 Bolyston Hwy., Fletcher, NC. Contact L. Leigh Love at 828-450-4424. AngelPetsExpo.com. Leigh@BrightStarStudio.net. POSTPONED
WANTED: BEACON INC: SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST: part-time afternoons OTR/L one afternoon per month. Exp. working w/child. & adults. Email resumes/refs to BEACONbusiness@BEACONslps.com.
FREE 10 WEEK GRIEF SUPPORT CLASSES in Easley, Greenville and Spartanburg—Every Season! Sign up at Hospice GriefSupport.com or call Interim Hospice at 864-627-7049.
WELLNESS CENTER IN GREER is looking for like-minded individuals interested in renting space for therapy, services, classes, or other forms of collaboration. We are presently looking for a few people to do community promotional work for wellness services. Therapists welcome! Contact Doug 864-884-5115.
LOOKING FOR A VERY HEALTHY ADULT between the ages of 21 and 35, that has never taken antibiotics, was breastfed as a child and has excellent digestion and elimination, to be a fecal donor. The price for each donation I can pay is $25. Call 864-663-7033.
DRIVE CANCER PATIENTS TO TREATMENTS. American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program needs volunteer drivers to drive cancer patients to their treatments. Requirements: ages 18-85, current driver’s license, good driving record, auto insurance, access to safe and reliable vehicle. Online video training and scheduling. To get more info or volunteer, visit visit cancer.org/drive or call 1-800-227-2345. Call same number, three or more business days in advance, if you are a patient wishing to request a ride.
NATURAL HEALTH PUBLICATION seeks experienced part-time sales people and appointment setter for Simpsonville/Greer areas. Work from home. Send resume to InquiryToNAU@UpstateNA.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 9 Greenville Hemp Festival – 2-8pm. The Greenville Hemp Festival will unite over 70 CBD, hemp, wellness and eco-friendly companies from the Carolinas for a fun-filled day of music, educational talks, and the best hemp products in the region. For more info, see news brief, this issue. Free. Hampton Station, 1320 Hampton Ave., Greenville. GreenvilleHemp Fest.com. GreenvilleHempFestival@gmail.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 16 Customer Appreciation Day – 9am-6pm. Fun-filled day dedicated to customers and the community. Vendors, food samples, coupons, giveaways, chair massages, Sherman Chiropractic spinal screenings (9am-3pm), and more. Don’t forget to snap a photo by our spring-themed hay bales! Free. Belue Farms Natural Market, 3769 Parris Bridge Rd., Boiling Springs. 578-0446. market@beluefarms.com.
on going events Note: Dates are subject to change. Please use contact information to confirm dates and times of events. How to submit: All listings must be received by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Please help by following the format as seen below and email listings to Calendar@UpstateNA.com. Non-advertiser calendar entries are subject to availability and are $15 per each submission. Natural Connections – Restorative Nature Ramblings help you and family/friends discover deep mindful connections. Explore local plant powers and experience yourselves as an integral part of the magnificent dynamic living entity we call ‘nature’. Adventure and stillness combine to connect in a way that is fulfilling and rejuvenating. For more information, or to book an event, call June Ellen Bradley at 828-899-2787.
Complimentary Posture Assessments – 10am5:30pm. Get a “reality check” on your posture with yoga therapist Joan Craig. You will see your posture in photos overlaid with a “digital plumbline,” and learn the top priorities to improve your posture with mindful exercise. Free. Choose Joyful Health. Event held at Riverside Tennis Club, 435 Hammett Bridge Rd., Greer. Joan Craig: 561-5925. Joan@ChooseJoyfulHealth.com. Gentle Yoga – 11am. Great for beginners, seniors and anyone looking for a slow, gentle approach to movement on the mat. Chair friendly class. Text ‘schedule’ to 864-444-5523 for complete class schedule. Cost varies; see website. Integrative Yoga Therapy, 101 NE Main St., Easley. www.iyt.yoga. Info@IntegrativeYogaTherapySC.com. Daily Intuitive Readers at Crystal Visions Bookstore – 11am-4pm. Intuitive readers are available daily Monday through Saturday; no appointment necessary. $40 cash/30 minutes. Crystal Visions, 5426 Asheville Hwy. / Hwy. 25 (I -26 Exit 44), Hendersonville, NC. 828-687-1193. CrystalVisionsBooks.com. Vinyasa Flow – 6pm. A breath-inspired flow that incorporates sun salutations, balance and core strengthening. Text ‘schedule’ to 864-444-5523 for complete class schedule. Cost varies; see website. Integrative Yoga Therapy, 101 NE Main St., Easley. www.iyt. yoga. Info@IntegrativeYogaTherapySC.com. Foundations of Optimal Health & Healing – Every 1st Monday. 6-7:30pm. Learn the crucial basic foundations for health and healing. You will be exposed to the many misconceptions about health and how to avoid them. Free. Auger Family Chiropractic, 1315 Haywood Rd., Ste. 2, Greenville. 322-2828. AugerFamilyChiropractic.com. The Path to Optimal Health – Every 3rd Monday. 6-7:30pm. We will discuss nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, mental attitude, posture, sleep and the central nervous system that all make up the path to living a happier, healthier, more vibrant life. Free. Au ger Family Chiropractic, 1315 Haywood Rd., Ste. 2, Greenville. 322-2828. AugerFamilyChiropractic.com. Meditation Monday – 6:30-7:30pm. Beginner to expert level, we come together to create a space bigger than the sum of its parts. Donations welcome. June Ellen Bradley, Zen, 924 S. Main St., Greenville.
Living in the Present with Laura Noone – 1pm. Improving mindfulness of staying in the moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. This program is designed for people who have completed cancer treatment but can benefit anyone with past or present medical issues. Free. Cancer As sociation of Anderson. Event held at Life Choice, 100 Healthy Way, #1100, Anderson. To register: 222-3500. Plant Friends Monthly Meeting – 6:30-8pm. Second Tuesdays from Oct -May. Plant friends celebrates our connection with nature and how to work with plants, gardening tips, resources and joining together in celebration of plant medicine. Bring a mug. A tea will be served of “the plant of the month”. $15.00 per class or $60.00 membership for all 8 classes. June Ellen Bradley, Zen, 924 S. Main St., Greenville, or location to be listed on the wholehealthnation.com plant friends section. J E Bradley: 828-899-2787. Aerial Yoga – 7:30pm. This all-level yoga class with support from the aerial swing can strengthen, increase flexibility and balance. Explore inversions in a safe, fun way! Pre-registration recommended. Text ‘schedule’ to 864-444-5523 for complete class schedule. Cost varies; see website. Integrative Yoga Therapy, 101 NE Main St., Easley. www.iyt.yoga. Info@IntegrativeYogaTherapySC.com.
Yin Yoga – 9:30am. This mostly non-standing yoga practice focuses on joint health and mobility. Text ‘schedule’ to 864-444-5523 for complete class schedule. Cost varies; see website. Integrative Yoga Therapy, 101 NE Main St., Easley. www.iyt.yoga. Info@IntegrativeYogaTherapySC.com. Aerial Yoga – 11:15am. See Tue, 7:30pm listing. Integrative Yoga Therapy. Meetup.com/Upstate-Spiritual-Experiences-Group or Eck-SC.org. Gentle Yoga – 4:30pm. See Mon., 11am listing. Integrative Yoga Therapy. Vinyasa Flow – 6pm. See Mon., 6pm listing. Integrative Yoga Therapy. Gong Bath – 7:30pm. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. An immersion into the healing sounds and vibrations of the gong. Dress comfortably for this deep relaxation experience. Text ‘schedule’ to 864-444-5523 for com plete class schedule. Cost varies; see website. Integrative Yoga Therapy, 101 NE Main St., Easley. www. iyt.yoga. Info@IntegrativeYogaTherapySC.com.
Living in the Present with Laura Noone – 1pm. See Tue., 1pm listing. Cancer Association of Anderson.
Gentle Yoga – 11am. See Mon., 11am listing. Integrative Yoga Therapy.
Aerial Yoga – 11am. See Tue, 7:30pm listing. Integrative Yoga Therapy.
Yin Yoga – 6:30pm. See Wed, 9:30am listing. Integrative Yoga Therapy.

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ACUPUNCTURE OF GREER Ruth Kyle, L.Ac. 106 Memorial Dr. 864-877-0111 • Greer AcupunctureOfGreer.com
Great results with pain, migraines, orthopedic issues, athletic injuries, Meniere’s Disease, endometriosis, stress. Offering DᾹO Needling, the only SC certified practitioner. Twice the relief, lasts twice as long! Cupping. Chinese herbs. Celebrating 15 years serving the Upstate.
AFFORDABLE ACUPUNCTURE Joan Massey, L.Ac. Hope Dennis, L.Ac, M. Ac., Dipl. Ac. 3100 Grandview Dr. 864-406-3800 • Simpsonville AffordableAcupunctureByJoan.com
We offer affordable communitystyle acupuncture. Specializing in pain management, aromatherapy, cold wave laser, Chinese herbs and detoxification techniques. Individual private sessions also available.
HARMONY AND FUSION, LLC 864-214-6720 • Greer HarmonyAndFusionLLC@gmail.com
A balanced approach to stressfree living. Advanced bodywork, reflexology, qigong, EMF solutions, stress elimination, environmental sensitivities, sleep disorders, autoimmune diseases, anxiety disorders, craniosacral therapy, pain relief.
GARNER’S NATURAL LIFE 27 S. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-242-4856 • Greenville 1601 Woodruff Rd., Ste. A/B 864-603-5550 • Greenville GarnersNaturalLife.com
We have all of the natural products that keep you and your family healthy all year long with a friendly, knowledgeable staff. Check out our immune boosting vitamins, pet products, our extensive line of natural cosmetics and much more. Open 7 days a week for your convenience. See ads, page 18 and 36.
AUGUSTA STREET CLINIC Dr. Roger Jaynes, DC, DNBHE 1521 Augusta St. 864-232-0082 • Greenville AugustaStClinic.com
We get to the root cause of your health issues using bio-energetic testing methods and incorporating German-manufactured homeopathic remedies and supplements, oxygen therapy and chiropractic care. 30+ years experience using integrative natural alternatives to modern medicine. See ad, page 4.
LIVINGWELL INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE Clif Caldwell, MD Cheryl Middleton, PA-C Andrea Wininger, MD, FACOG 838 Powdersville Rd, Ste. G 864-850-9988 • Easley LivingWellHealthcare.com
We help women and men who suffer symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as low libido, weight gain, hot flashes, fatigue and many other symptoms. Call for your personal consult today! See ad, page 11.
METAPHYSICAL BOOKSTORE & EVENT CENTER 5426 Asheville Hwy. 828-687-1193 • Hendersonville, NC CrystalVisionsBooks.com
New & Used Books, Crystals, Gemstones, Jewelry, Music, Incense, Candles, Tarot, Statuary, Intuitive Readers, Energy Workers, Event Space, Labyrinth. We buy books! Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
AUGER FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 1315 Haywood Rd. 864-322-2828 • Greenville AugerChiro.com
It’s not normal to live with neck/ back pain, headaches, IBS, allergies, ADHD, insomnia and more. Chiropractic care will get you back to normal. Call us now! See ad, page 16.
ST. JOHN FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Nancy St. John 300 East A. Avenue Easley • 864-855-1523
Pain relief through healing adjustments. We teach you the proper postural positions to follow in all your activities— walking, sleeping, sitting, standing, vacuuming, working at a computer, etc. See ad, page 4.
LIFE PHARMACY & WELLNESS Joe Blizzard, RPh, Ph.D 406 W. Poinsett St. 864-879-2325 • Greer LifePharmacy.biz, Info@LifePharmacy.biz
We are a compounding pharmacy specializing in women’s health, CBD oil/cream treatments, nutritionals, organic skin care, and adrenal fatigue. Clinical solutions for health challenges. See ad, page 20
PALMER DISTINCTIVE DENTISTRY Dr. Daniel Knause 134 Milestone Way 864-332-4822 • Greenville PalmerDMD.com
We practice biological dentistry and adhere to the highest standards of biocompatible dentistry as defined by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). One visit-crowns, and ozone therapy; fluoride-free office since 1995. See ad, page 2.
PALMER DISTINCTIVE DENTISTRY Dr. John J. Palmer 134 Milestone Way 864-332-4822 • Greenville PalmerDMD.com
We practice biological dentistry and adhere to the highest standards of biocompatible dentistry as defined by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). One visitcrowns, and ozone therapy; fluoride-free office since 1995. See ad, page 2.

PALMER DISTINCTIVE DENTISTRY Dr. Debra G. Adams 134 Milestone Way 864-332-4822 • Greenville PalmerDMD.com
We practice biological dentistry and adhere to the highest standards of biocompatible dentistry as defined by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). One visit-crowns, and ozone therapy; fluoridefree office since 1995. See ad, page 2.
METAPHYSICAL BOOKSTORE & EVENT CENTER 5426 Asheville Hwy. 828-687-1193 • Hendersonville, NC CrystalVisionsBooks.com
A beautiful setting for your event! Conference room includes 65 chairs. Private consultation room. Garden includes labyrinth, medicine wheel, pavilion. Brochure rack rental, snack bar.
KANGEN IONIZED WATER Joseph Heustess, Distributor 864-364-4913 WatershedSC.com WatershedSC@gmail.com
Drinking the right type of water may be the single most important piece in achieving and maintaining optimal health. See machines at WatershedSC.com and demonstration at KangenDemo.com. 0% financing.
NANCY LEE’S HAIR ART Nancy L. Minix, MC, BS, RA – 20+yrs Exp. Operating in the Greer area 864-320-2359 • Greer
More than hair care. Natural/organic/ammonia-free color and products. Formaldehyde-free keratin treatments. Aromatherapy consultations and personalized products. ION footbath detox.
OXYGEN HAIR STUDIO Marla Rosenburg, Owner/Stylist 1018 S. Batesville Rd. 864-968-0200 • Greer oxygenhairstudio.com
A healthier way to beauty. Natural, non-toxic, organic products / services. Chicago and European trained; 30 years experience. Certified master colorist; hair design, care, consultation specialist.
THE QUIRKY LOTUS Tavin & Amanda 1061 Boiling Springs Rd. 864-699-9955 • Spartanburg lotusloveonline.com thequirkylotusshop@gmail.com
A quirky little gift shop with lots of unique gifts, 100% natural CBD and herbal blends. Classes, events and meditation space available. See ad, page 18.
ADVANCED CBD CLINIC & DISPENSARY LLC Conner Pirkle 1662 E. Greenville Street, Suite A 864-844-9898 • Anderson AdvancedCBDsc.com Admin@AdvancedCBDsc.com
Wondering about CBD oil and its many benefits? Advanced CBD is a familyowned and -operated CBD clinic here to help answers all your questions. See ad, page 19.
FIVE FORKS ELDERBERRY Kendall Faust, Certified Herbalist & Wellness Advocate 864-561-6230 Kendall@FiveForksElderberry.com www.FiveForksElderberry.com
Local source for wellness products in the Upstate. Each product is designed to support/prevent colds, flu, inflammation and/or chronic illness. Products sold in 10 locations in the Upstate.
HEALING LEAF HEALTH & WELLNESS LLC Dr. Jennifer Kovacs, PharmD., RPh 864-607-6689 • Greenville 543 Haywood Rd. (Rite Care Pharmacy) HealingLeafSC.com HealingLeafSC@gmail.com
Offering CBD products: tinctures, capsules, topicals, vapes. Customized to your needs. Dr. Kovacs is a board member of Compassionate SC, a nonprofit dedicated to fighting opiate epidemic. See ad, page 19.
BELUE FARMS NATURAL MARKET Harriett Belue, owner 3769 Parris Bridge Road 864-578-0446 • Boiling Springs BelueFarms.com Market@BelueFarms.com
Local and organic foods including fresh produce, grass-fed beef, pastured meats and eggs, wild-caught seafood, raw milk and cheese, gluten-free staples, wholesome snacks, Paleo/Whole 30 foods, wellness supplements, CBD hemp oil, custom baskets and gifts. See ad page 20.
WHOLE FOODS MARKET 1140 Woodruff Rd. 864-335-2300 • Greenville WholeFoodsMarket.com/Stores/Greenville
Imagine a farmer’s market, fresh produce, meats, a fish market, a gourmet shop, a European bakery, the corner grocery store and eatin café, all rolled into one. Monthly calendar of events. We want to be your neighborhood supermarket.
GRACE INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Melissa C. Overman, DO, MPH, CHES, FAOCOPM 101-P NE Main Street 864-546-5505 • Easley GraceMedStudio.com
Truly personalized care by a board-certified physician focusing on preventive and natural treatments for frustrating and chronic conditions. Your health goals are our goals. See ad, page 23.

ENLIGHTEN WELLNESS Jennifer Smith, CHHP 880 S. Pleasantburg Dr., Ste. 4D EnlightenUpstate.com • Greenville Individual consultations, comprehensive wellness programs and monthly workshops. Specializing in autoimmune and other chronic conditions by giving your body the tools it needs to heal itself naturally. Therapies include BrainTap entrainment, IonCleanse detoxification and Wellness Pro electrotherapy.
INSIDE/OUT FITNESS & WELLNESS Shay Hewitt, RPH, PD 996 Batesville Rd., Greer 224 Feaster Rd., Greenville 864-608-9984 InsideOut.fitness
Our Wellness Center restores health from the inside out. Therapies include AmpCoil-PEMF therapy, ZytoScan, biofeedback analysis & therapy, infrared sauna, LED light therapy, and treatments for hormone imbalance, and pain and inflammation. See ad, page 5.
SYNERGISTIC NUTRITION Stephen Heuer; B.S. Nutripath 160 Dewey Rd. 864-895-6250 • Greer SynergisticUniverse.com Stephen@SynergisticUniverse.com
With diet and professiona l supple- mentation, I’ve helped people to restore health in all manner of conditions. Now offering Plasma light therapy sessions. Your first session can restore your energy and mood, alleviate pain and improve detoxification. .

WELLNESS BY DESIGN Dr. Connie Casebolt Carver 850 S. Pleasantburg Drive, Ste. 103 864-558-0200 • Greenville WellnessByDesign.center MemberServices@WellnessByDesign.center Family-owned integrative medical clinic, focusing on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, stem cell therapy and more. See ad, page 3.
SALÚTEM ORGANIC MASSAGE Heather Coe Meuldijk, LMT, Esthetician 118 Victoria St., Greer (inside Salon Bellisimo) 864-630-6141 • Greer Salutem-om.MassageTherapy.com Salutem.Organic.Massage@gmail.com
Salutem Organic Massage strives to provide each client with the ethereal “dream” massage and skin services while also providing deep, therapeutic relief. See ad, page 16
JUNE ELLEN BRADLEY Whole Health Nation 828.899.2787 • Greenville WholeHealthNation.com
Restorative Nature Ramblings help you and family/friends discover deep mindful connections. Explore local plant powers and experience yourselves as an integral part of the magnificent dynamic living entity we call ‘nature’. Adventure and stillness combine to connect in a way that is fulfilling and rejuvenating. Book now.
WELLNESS BY DESIGN Dr. Connie Casebolt Carver 80 S. Pleasantburg Drive, Ste. 103 864-558-0200 • Greenville WellnessbyDesign.center MemberServices@WellnessbyDesign.center Stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine for men and women. Fast and painless stem cell injection for ankles, shoulders, knees, necks, lower backs and more. See ad, page 3.
LIVINGWELL INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE Cheryl Middleton, PA-C 838 Powdersville Rd., Ste. G 864-850-9988 • Easley LivingWellHealthcare.com
Does your TSH look good, but you still feel terrible? At LivingWell we go beyond TSH and look at things like free T3, free T4, reverse T3 and thyroid antibodies. We also understand and treat Hashimoto’s. See ad, page 11.
ALL ABOUT PETS Jeanne Fowler, DVM 409 Old Buncombe Rd. 864-834-7334 • Travelers Rest www.holisticvetsc.com
Over 41 years experience offering holistic and conventional veterinary medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, Chinese herbals, orthopedic manipulation, ozone therapy, prolo therapy, laser. Pet boarding.
BELUE FARMS NATURAL MARKET Harriett Belue, owner 3769 Parris Bridge Road 864-578-0446 • Boiling Springs BelueFarms.com Market@BelueFarms.com
Local and organic foods including fresh produce, grassfed beef, pastured meats and eggs, wild-caught seafood, raw milk and cheese, glutenfree staples, wholesome snacks, Paleo/Whole 30 foods, wellness supplements, CBD hemp oil, custom baskets and gifts. See ad page 20.
CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING GREENVILLE Rev. Marcia MacLean, Senior Minister (Inside) The Whole Health Collective 530 Howell Rd, Ste. 100 561-676-7997 • Greenville CSLGreenville.org GreenvilleCSL@gmail.com
Providing spiritual tools for personal and global transformation. Featuring Sunday Celebrations, Tuesday Spiritual Development courses, in-person and online workshops, and spiritual coaching for individuals and groups. See ad, page 5 and Calendar of Events.

GARNER’S NATURAL LIFE 27 S. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-242-4856 • Greenville 1601 Woodruff Rd., Ste. A/B 864-603-5550 • Greenville GarnersNaturalLife.com
We have all of the natural products that keep you and your family healthy all year long with a friendly, knowledgeable staff. Check out our immune boosting vitamins, pet products, our extensive line of natural cosmetics and much more. Open 7 days a week for your con- venience. See ads, page 18 and 36.

LIVINGWELL INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE Andrea Wininger, MD, FACOG 838 Powdersville Rd, Ste. G 864-850-9988 • Easley LivingWellHealthcare.com
Dr. Wininger is a Board-certi- fied, Ob/Gyn physician who is committed to an integrative healthcare approach to pa- tient care. Her focus at Livin- gWell is to partner with pa- tients in addressing their healthcare needs. She utilizes both her traditional medical background, as well as the best of alternative/holis- tic therapies to provide personalized patient care. See ad, page 11.

INTEGRATIVE YOGA THERAPY 101-P N.E. Main St. 864-444-5523 • Easley Info@IntegrativeYogaTherapySC.com www.iyt.yoga
Group classes, private sessions, aerial yoga. Classes for all ages, shapes, siz- es, fitness levels. Yoga therapy for chronic pain, in- jury, heath concerns. 200 & 300 hour yoga teacher training. Ayurveda, massage therapy, gong therapy, Reiki. See ad, page 11.