MECH Magazine - VOL.66 NO.2

Page 15

: s e c i t c a r P t Safety Bes dividends

e g r a l g n i y a p s Small thing

shua Smith ·

· By MGySgt Jo

to the ares a strategy but one that sh s, ,I rd ce wo en w ed fe cr of it his is a quote ccess. Giving y measurable su at lead to a th an s of t ing th en m all ve achie e many sm this truism in th n world. have observed ts of the aviatio ce fa all in re ltu cu ul sf es cc su sible for ent team respon nter’s assessm Ce rps aviation ty Co fe ine Sa l ar va M of all Navy and As part of the Na s ok lo all in nature ric sm nt be ce safetyst practices to be e th comprehensive of y . This is an ve observed m y large dividends squadrons, I ha ly employed, pa thin a ive wi ct re fe ltu ef cu en ty wh fe but ing a healthy sa ild and resources, . bu nt to ine es m om when it co of the most pr especially true below are a few , es tic ac pr st tices unit. Of those be rused best prac , but often unde ive k ct un fe ed ef t ge e os th m st and spaces, namely One of the easie e unit will ost frequented th m in it’s ne un yo a er ev on that is capitalizing estate le expectation ch, use this real It is a reasonab given day. As su ct y and the heads. rfe an pe on e ar es es ac these sp high-traffic plac frequent one of ledge and culture. These ty ow fe kn sa ith W it’s . un ns ncer rd to advance your dress safety co is getting the wo literature to ad culture, the key ul a d sf for posters and ha es it cc un su a a if ing critical to mindset. Often, information be ere we fety-conscious wh sa e a ar in ns it tio un ca e th ese lo out and getting their spaces, th nal accidents, fectively using cle and recreatio cy or ot m mishap and is ef as onditions ch ishaps and prec dress topics su see the unit ad iation-related m av tionally, to di s Ad or r. ct cu fa oc causal ch mishaps to su slips and falls, ow all tions at ica th bl dron culture recurring pu within the squa , MEF/ gularly post their th re on its M un e th us of cio cs ns Wall Safety Topi we see safety-co azine, all ag St M h H ug ro EC M th safety fety Center’s Sa l va Na and promulgate e th s, rts. fety Spotlight ty Incident Repo Wing Monthly Sa d Sanitized Safe an d ne ar Le o s Lesson thin the unit wh gnize people wi co re to is um e dr tic e best prac n, we beat th Another effective fety. All too ofte ed ht thing about sa ts, I have observ rig en e m th ss ing se as do r e ar ou ur h yo ug , ro re Th ltu g. cu ne wron rt of your unit’s about things do d make it an essential pa an t ty fe en sa em e at ak st m n io cant if you want to it into the miss cognizing signifi s to incorporate examples of re the od command need of Go l y. na ph sio so es mand philo as Safety Prof ch su s of m ra an part of the com Pl og e pr safety include as callouts in th hing as simple contributions to et m so or k ee the W Month, Sailor of ing your the Week. ppreciate everyth r a few Walton said, “A fo m e Sa ut tit an bs sm su es sin else can quite d As American bu solutely free an siness. Nothing ab bu e ’re th r ey fo Th e. do s ais pr of s rd associate wo re ll-timed, since well-chosen, we .” ne rtu fo a worth d get others imum return an ple s give you max ing excellent exam th an tle d lit re e te th Sometimes indset. I encoun Marine m at it ed un sir a de of e t th en rd ssm gravitating towa g a recent asse g the unit, I essage out durin a. Upon enterin lin ro Ca of getting the m rth No , int e person Po th ry is er his Ch “T n with the words, Corps Air Statio ll wa e pressed with th im on or ely h mirr being immediat r be saw a full-lengt em m re I ” is, always has your safety. ember – safety responsible for message. Rem e th of r we po d the simplicity an ands effort. s will be an all-h been and alway

T S E B Y T E F A S : S E C I T C A R P


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’t happen For the great doesn e and is a through impulse alon things that succession of little .” are brought together – Vincent van Gogh


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