1 minute read
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
from MEA Brochure 2020
by Navingo BV
Ocean Thermal Energy Converters
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) technologies exploit the temperature difference between cold ocean water at a depth of 800 – 1000 metres (about 5 ⁰C) and warm surface water (about 25 ⁰C) to produce electricity. The warm surface water of 25 ⁰C is used to evaporise a working fluid with a low boiling point. The resulting vapour pressure drives a turbine-generator which produces electricity. After generation of energy in the turbine-generator, the working fluid is cooled using the cold ocean water of 5 ⁰C and the energy generation circle can start again. OTEC technologies are therefore generating energy in a closed loop, 24 hours a day, all year round.
OTEC technology requires a temperature difference of 20°C to achieve significant energy yields. This means that OTEC technologies can only be efficiently deployed in equatorial and tropical seas and oceans.
Source: www.dutchmarineenergy.com